Changelog ========= ## Next * Prevent now playing from closing upon resuming * Only show save and delete playlist functions in menu * Stop hiding playlist on resume ## Version 0.3.1 _2018-06-03_ * Fix crash on now playing & playlist while in landscape ## Version 0.3.0 _2018-05-12_ * Center cover art on now playing screen * Use blurred cover art to fill empty space on now playing screen * Fix extra whitespace on now playing while offline ## Version 0.2.5 _2018-03-24_ * Fix pausing playback on disconnect on API 26+ * Allow testing connection in settings while offline ## Version 0.2.4 _2018-03-24_ * Fix launch crash on Lollipop and earlier (added READ_PHONE_STATE for API <= 22) [#23]( ## Version 0.2.3 _2018-02-27_ * Fix notifications on API 26+ * Target SDK 27 * Dependency updates ## Version 0.2.2 _2017-06-11_ * Use black background when loading application (previously white) * Begin transition to Kotlin * Target SDK 26 * Dependency updates * Cleanup ## Version 0.2.1 _2017-04-13_ * Form correct REST path. Fixes #7 ## Version 0.2.0 _2017-03-14_ * Use OkHttp for all HTTP calls * Dependency upgrade and cleanup * Bug fixes * Cleanup ## Version 0.1.2 _2017-03-04_ * Forgot to bump the app version in tag 0.1.1, so now it's 0.1.2. * By default, hide music from other apps. * Change account type to be specific to Audinaut. ## Version 0.1.1 _2017-02-27_ * Merge ServerProxy into Audinaut * Update Kryo to 4.0.0 ## Version 0.1.0 _2017-12-18_ * Initial release.