mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 03:37:49 +03:00
Fixed more even things
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
typedef struct {
s32 msgId;
u16* msgPtr;
const char* path;
} MsgLookup;
u16* Message_PtrFromId(u16 msgId);
@ -1131,11 +1131,11 @@ void func_80015FD4(SequencePlayer* seqPlayer) {
seqPlayer->tempoAcc += seqPlayer->tempo;
seqPlayer->tempoAcc = seqPlayer->tempoAcc + (s16) seqPlayer->tempoChange;
seqPlayer->tempoAcc += seqPlayer->tempoChange;
if (seqPlayer->tempoAcc < gMaxTempo) {
seqPlayer->tempoAcc = (seqPlayer->tempoAcc - gMaxTempo) & 0xFFFF; // fake?
seqPlayer->tempoAcc -= (u16) gMaxTempo;
if (seqPlayer->delay > 1) {
} else {
@ -1214,6 +1214,7 @@ void func_80015FD4(SequencePlayer* seqPlayer) {
seqPlayer->transposition += (s8) func_800146C0(temp_s0);
case 0xDD:
// LTODO: The original tempo is 0x30 but you can change it to 0x19
seqPlayer->tempo = func_800146C0(temp_s0) * 0x30;
if (seqPlayer->tempo > gMaxTempo) {
seqPlayer->tempo = gMaxTempo;
@ -811,79 +811,89 @@ Acmd* func_8000A25C(s16* aiBuf, s32 aiBufLen, Acmd* aList, s32 updateIndex) {
// https://decomp.me/scratch/RgX4r
Acmd* func_8000A700(s32 noteIndex, NoteSubEu* noteSub, NoteSynthesisState* synthState, s16* aiBuf, s32 aiBufLen,
Acmd* aList, s32 updateIndex) {
Acmd* func_8000A700(
s32 noteIndex,
NoteSubEu* noteSub,
NoteSynthesisState* synthState,
s16* aiBuf,
s32 aiBufLen,
Acmd* aList,
s32 updateIndex
) {
s32 pad11C;
s32 pad118;
s32 pad114;
Sample* bookSample; // sp110
AdpcmLoop* loopInfo; // sp10C
void* currentBook; // sp108
Sample* bookSample;
AdpcmLoop* loopInfo;
void* currentBook;
s32 pad104;
s32 pad100;
s32 noteFinished; // spFC
u32 restart; // spF8
s32 flags; // spF4
u16 resampleRateFixedPoint; // spF2
s32 nSamplesToLoad; // spEC
s32 sampleFinished;
u32 loopToPoint;
s32 flags;
u16 resampleRateFixedPoint;
s32 numSamplesToLoad;
s32 padE8;
s32 padE4;
s32 padE0;
s32 skipBytes; // spDC
s32 skipBytes;
s32 padD8;
s32 padD4;
s32 padD0;
uintptr_t sampleAddr; // spCC
uintptr_t sampleAddr;
s32 padC8;
s32 samplesLenAdjusted; // spC4
s32 nAdpcmSamplesProcessed; // spC0
uintptr_t endPos; // spBC
s32 nSamplesToProcess; // spB8
s32 numSamplesToLoadAdj;
s32 numSamplesProcessed;
u32 endPos;
s32 nSamplesToProcess;
s32 padB4;
s32 padB0;
s32 padAC;
s32 padA8;
s32 padA4;
s32 nTrailingSamplesToIgnore; // spA0
s32 padA8;
s32 numTrailingSamplesToIgnore;
s32 pad9C;
s32 pad98;
s32 pad94;
s32 frameSize; // sp90
s32 frameSize;
s32 pad8C;
s32 skipInitialSamples; // sp88
s32 sampleDmaStart; // sp84
s32 skipInitialSamples;
s32 sampleDmaStart;
s32 pad80;
s32 nParts; // sp7C
s32 curPart; // sp78
s32 nSamplesInThisIteration;
uintptr_t sampleDataStartPad;
s32 resampledTempLen; // sp6C
u16 noteSamplesDmemAddrBeforeResampling; // sp6A
s32 samplesRemaining;
s32 numParts;
s32 curPart;
s32 numSamplesInThisIteration;
uintptr_t sampleDataChunkAlignPad;
s32 resampledTempLen;
u16 noteSamplesDmemAddrBeforeResampling;
s32 pasdasd;
s32 frameIndex;
uintptr_t sampleDataOffset;
Note* note; // sp58
u16 sp56; // sp56
s32 nSamplesInFirstFrame;
Note* note;
u16 sp56;
s32 numSamplesInFirstFrame;
s32 delaySide;
s32 nSamplesToDecode;
s32 padasdsa;
s32 nFramesToDecode;
s32 nFirstFrameSamplesToIgnore;
s32 s5;
s32 dmemUncompressedAddrOffset1;
u32 sampleslenFixedPoint;
u8* sampleData;
u8* samplesToLoadAddr;
s32 temp;
s32 temp2;
unsigned int new_var2;
u32 nEntries;
s32 aligned;
s32 align2;
uintptr_t addr;
u8* new_var;
s32 samplesRemaining;
s32 numSamplesToDecode;
s32 sega;
currentBook = NULL;
note = &gNotes[noteIndex];
flags = 0;
if (noteSub->bitField0.needsInit == 1) {
if (new_var2 = noteSub->bitField0.needsInit == 1) {
flags = 1;
synthState->restart = 0;
synthState->samplePosInt = 0;
@ -896,88 +906,90 @@ Acmd* func_8000A700(s32 noteIndex, NoteSubEu* noteSub, NoteSynthesisState* synth
note->noteSubEu.bitField0.finished = 0;
resampleRateFixedPoint = noteSub->resampleRate;
nParts = noteSub->bitField1.hasTwoParts + 1;
sampleslenFixedPoint = (resampleRateFixedPoint * aiBufLen * 2) + synthState->samplePosFrac;
nSamplesToLoad = (sampleslenFixedPoint) >> 0x10;
numParts = noteSub->bitField1.hasTwoParts + 1;
sampleslenFixedPoint = ((resampleRateFixedPoint * aiBufLen) * 2) + synthState->samplePosFrac;
numSamplesToLoad = sampleslenFixedPoint >> 0x10;
synthState->samplePosFrac = sampleslenFixedPoint & 0xFFFF;
if ((synthState->numParts == 1) && (nParts == 2)) {
nSamplesToLoad += 2;
if ((synthState->numParts == 1) && (numParts == 2)) {
numSamplesToLoad += 2;
sp56 = 2;
} else if ((synthState->numParts == 2) && (nParts == 1)) {
nSamplesToLoad -= 4;
} else if ((synthState->numParts == 2) && (numParts == 1)) {
numSamplesToLoad -= 4;
sp56 = 4;
} else {
sp56 = 0;
synthState->numParts = nParts;
synthState->numParts = numParts;
if (noteSub->bitField1.isSyntheticWave) {
aList = func_8000B3F0(aList, noteSub, synthState, nSamplesToLoad);
noteSamplesDmemAddrBeforeResampling = (synthState->samplePosInt * 2) + 0x5F0;
synthState->samplePosInt += nSamplesToLoad;
aList = func_8000B3F0(aList, noteSub, synthState, numSamplesToLoad);
noteSamplesDmemAddrBeforeResampling = (synthState->samplePosInt * ((char)2)) + 0x5F0;
synthState->samplePosInt += numSamplesToLoad;
} else {
bookSample = *(Sample**) noteSub->waveSampleAddr;
bookSample = *((Sample**)noteSub->waveSampleAddr);
loopInfo = bookSample->loop;
endPos = loopInfo->end;
sampleAddr = bookSample->sampleAddr;
resampledTempLen = 0;
for (curPart = 0; curPart < nParts; curPart++) {
nAdpcmSamplesProcessed = 0;
s5 = 0;
if (nParts == 1) {
samplesLenAdjusted = nSamplesToLoad;
} else if (nSamplesToLoad & 1) {
samplesLenAdjusted = (nSamplesToLoad & ~1) + (curPart * 2);
for (curPart = 0; curPart < numParts; curPart++) {
numSamplesProcessed = 0;
dmemUncompressedAddrOffset1 = 0;
if (numParts == 1) {
numSamplesToLoadAdj = numSamplesToLoad;
} else if (numSamplesToLoad & 1) {
numSamplesToLoadAdj = (numSamplesToLoad & (~1)) + (curPart * 2);
} else {
samplesLenAdjusted = nSamplesToLoad;
numSamplesToLoadAdj = numSamplesToLoad;
if ((bookSample->codec == 0) && (currentBook != bookSample->book->book)) {
switch (noteSub->bitField1.bookOffset) {
case 1:
currentBook = &gD_800DD200[1];
case 2:
currentBook = &gD_800DD200[2];
case 3:
currentBook = bookSample->book->book;
nEntries = 16 * bookSample->book->order * bookSample->book->numPredictors;
nEntries = (16 * bookSample->book->order) * bookSample->book->numPredictors;
aLoadADPCM(aList++, nEntries, OS_K0_TO_PHYSICAL(currentBook));
while (nAdpcmSamplesProcessed != samplesLenAdjusted) {
restart = 0;
noteFinished = 0;
while (numSamplesProcessed != numSamplesToLoadAdj) {
sampleFinished = 0;
loopToPoint = 0;
samplesRemaining = endPos - synthState->samplePosInt;
nSamplesToProcess = samplesLenAdjusted - nAdpcmSamplesProcessed;
nSamplesToProcess = numSamplesToLoadAdj - numSamplesProcessed;
nFirstFrameSamplesToIgnore = synthState->samplePosInt & 0xF;
if ((nFirstFrameSamplesToIgnore == 0) && !synthState->restart) {
if ((nFirstFrameSamplesToIgnore == 0) && (!synthState->restart)) {
nFirstFrameSamplesToIgnore = 0x10;
nSamplesInFirstFrame = 0x10 - nFirstFrameSamplesToIgnore;
numSamplesInFirstFrame = 0x10 - nFirstFrameSamplesToIgnore;
if (nSamplesToProcess < samplesRemaining) {
nFramesToDecode = (nSamplesToProcess - nSamplesInFirstFrame + 0xF) / 16;
nSamplesToDecode = nFramesToDecode * 0x10;
// if(1) {}
nTrailingSamplesToIgnore = (nSamplesInFirstFrame + nSamplesToDecode) - nSamplesToProcess;
nFramesToDecode = ((nSamplesToProcess - numSamplesInFirstFrame) + 0xF) / 16;
numSamplesToDecode = nFramesToDecode * 0x10;
numTrailingSamplesToIgnore = (numSamplesInFirstFrame + numSamplesToDecode) - nSamplesToProcess;
} else {
nSamplesToDecode = samplesRemaining - nSamplesInFirstFrame;
nTrailingSamplesToIgnore = 0;
if (nSamplesToDecode <= 0) {
nSamplesToDecode = 0;
nSamplesInFirstFrame = samplesRemaining;
numSamplesToDecode = samplesRemaining - numSamplesInFirstFrame;
numTrailingSamplesToIgnore = 0;
if (numSamplesToDecode <= 0) {
numSamplesToDecode = 0;
numSamplesInFirstFrame = samplesRemaining;
nFramesToDecode = (nSamplesToDecode + 0xF) / 16;
nFramesToDecode = (numSamplesToDecode + 0xF) / 16;
if (loopInfo->count != 0) {
restart = 1;
loopToPoint = 1;
} else {
noteFinished = 1;
sampleFinished = 1;
switch (bookSample->codec) {
@ -986,132 +998,163 @@ Acmd* func_8000A700(s32 noteIndex, NoteSubEu* noteSub, NoteSynthesisState* synth
skipInitialSamples = 0x10;
sampleDmaStart = 0;
case 1:
frameSize = 0x10;
skipInitialSamples = 0x10;
sampleDmaStart = 0;
case 2:
temp =
func_800097A8(bookSample, samplesLenAdjusted, flags, &synthState->synthesisBuffers->unk_40);
aLoadBuffer(aList++, OS_K0_TO_PHYSICAL(temp), 0x5F0, (samplesLenAdjusted + 0x10) * 2);
s5 = samplesLenAdjusted;
nAdpcmSamplesProcessed = samplesLenAdjusted;
temp = func_800097A8(
bookSample, numSamplesToLoadAdj, flags, &synthState->synthesisBuffers->unk_40
if (0) {
aLoadBuffer(aList++, OS_K0_TO_PHYSICAL(temp), 0x5F0, (numSamplesToLoadAdj + 0x10) * 2);
flags = 0;
skipBytes = 0;
numSamplesProcessed = numSamplesToLoadAdj;
dmemUncompressedAddrOffset1 = numSamplesToLoadAdj;
goto skip;
aligned = ALIGN16(nFramesToDecode * frameSize + 0x10);
aligned = ALIGN16((nFramesToDecode * frameSize) + 0x10);
addr = 0x990 - aligned;
if (nFramesToDecode != 0) {
// LTODO: Validate this
// bookSample->medium = 0;
if (1) {
frameIndex = (synthState->samplePosInt + skipInitialSamples - nFirstFrameSamplesToIgnore) / 16;
sampleDataOffset = frameIndex * frameSize;
if (bookSample->medium == 0) {
sampleData = sampleDmaStart + sampleDataOffset + sampleAddr;
samplesToLoadAddr = (u8*)(sampleDmaStart + sampleDataOffset + sampleAddr);
} else {
sampleData = sampleDmaStart + sampleDataOffset + sampleAddr;
samplesToLoadAddr = (u8*)(sampleDmaStart + sampleDataOffset + sampleAddr);
// if (1){}
sampleDataStartPad = (uintptr_t) sampleData & 0xF;
aLoadBuffer(aList++, OS_K0_TO_PHYSICAL(sampleData - sampleDataStartPad), addr, aligned);
sampleDataChunkAlignPad = ((uintptr_t)samplesToLoadAddr) % 16;
aLoadBuffer(aList++, OS_K0_TO_PHYSICAL(samplesToLoadAddr - sampleDataChunkAlignPad), addr, aligned);
} else {
nSamplesToDecode = 0;
sampleDataStartPad = 0;
numSamplesToDecode = 0;
sampleDataChunkAlignPad = 0;
if (synthState->restart) {
aSetLoop(aList++, OS_K0_TO_PHYSICAL(bookSample->loop->predictorState));
flags = 2;
synthState->restart = 0;
nSamplesInThisIteration = nSamplesToDecode + nSamplesInFirstFrame - nTrailingSamplesToIgnore;
if (nAdpcmSamplesProcessed == 0) {
numSamplesInThisIteration = (numSamplesToDecode + numSamplesInFirstFrame) - numTrailingSamplesToIgnore;
if (numSamplesProcessed == 0) {
switch (bookSample->codec) {
case 0:
aSetBuffer(aList++, 0, addr + sampleDataStartPad, 0x5F0, nSamplesToDecode * 2);
aSetBuffer(aList++, 0, addr + sampleDataChunkAlignPad, 0x5F0, numSamplesToDecode * 2);
aADPCMdec(aList++, flags, OS_K0_TO_PHYSICAL(synthState->synthesisBuffers));
case 1:
aSetBuffer(aList++, 0, addr + sampleDataStartPad, 0x5F0, nSamplesToDecode * 2);
aSetBuffer(aList++, 0, addr + sampleDataChunkAlignPad, 0x5F0, numSamplesToDecode * 2);
aS8Dec(aList++, flags, OS_K0_TO_PHYSICAL(synthState->synthesisBuffers));
skipBytes = nFirstFrameSamplesToIgnore * 2;
} else {
// if (1) {}
align2 = ALIGN16(s5 + 0x10);
align2 = ALIGN16(dmemUncompressedAddrOffset1 + 0x10);
switch (bookSample->codec) {
case 0:
aSetBuffer(aList++, 0, addr + sampleDataStartPad, align2 + 0x5F0, nSamplesToDecode * 2);
aList++, 0, addr + sampleDataChunkAlignPad, align2 + 0x5F0, numSamplesToDecode * 2
aADPCMdec(aList++, flags, OS_K0_TO_PHYSICAL(synthState->synthesisBuffers));
case 1:
aSetBuffer(aList++, 0, addr + sampleDataStartPad, align2 + 0x5F0, nSamplesToDecode * 2);
aList++, 0, addr + sampleDataChunkAlignPad, align2 + 0x5F0, numSamplesToDecode * 2
aS8Dec(aList++, flags, OS_K0_TO_PHYSICAL(synthState->synthesisBuffers));
aDMEMMove(aList++, (align2 + (nFirstFrameSamplesToIgnore * 2) + 0x5F0), s5 + 0x5F0,
nSamplesInThisIteration * 2);
aList++, 0x5F0 + align2 + (nFirstFrameSamplesToIgnore * 2), 0x5F0 + dmemUncompressedAddrOffset1,
numSamplesInThisIteration * 2
nAdpcmSamplesProcessed += nSamplesInThisIteration;
numSamplesProcessed += numSamplesInThisIteration;
switch (flags) {
case 1:
skipBytes = 0x20;
s5 = (nSamplesToDecode + 0x10) * 2;
dmemUncompressedAddrOffset1 = (numSamplesToDecode + 0x10) * 2;
case 2:
// if(1) {}
s5 = nSamplesInThisIteration * 2 + s5;
dmemUncompressedAddrOffset1 = (numSamplesInThisIteration * 2) + dmemUncompressedAddrOffset1;
if (s5 != 0) {
s5 = nSamplesInThisIteration * 2 + s5;
if (dmemUncompressedAddrOffset1 != 0) {
dmemUncompressedAddrOffset1 = (numSamplesInThisIteration * 2) + dmemUncompressedAddrOffset1;
} else {
// if (1) { }
s5 = (nFirstFrameSamplesToIgnore + nSamplesInThisIteration) * 2;
dmemUncompressedAddrOffset1 = (nFirstFrameSamplesToIgnore + numSamplesInThisIteration) * 2;
flags = 0;
// goto dummy_label_147574; dummy_label_147574: ;
if (noteFinished) {
aClearBuffer(aList++, s5 + 0x5F0, (samplesLenAdjusted - nAdpcmSamplesProcessed) * 2);
if (sampleFinished) {
aList++, dmemUncompressedAddrOffset1 + 0x5F0, (numSamplesToLoadAdj - numSamplesProcessed) * 2
noteSub->bitField0.finished = 1;
note->noteSubEu.bitField0.finished = 1;
func_80009A2C(updateIndex, noteIndex);
if (restart) {
if (loopToPoint != 0) {
synthState->restart = 1;
synthState->samplePosInt = loopInfo->start;
} else {
synthState->samplePosInt += nSamplesToProcess;
switch (nParts) {
switch (numParts) {
case 1:
noteSamplesDmemAddrBeforeResampling = skipBytes + 0x5F0;
case 2:
switch (curPart) {
case 0:
aInterl(aList++, skipBytes + 0x5F0, 0x470, ALIGN8(samplesLenAdjusted / 2));
resampledTempLen = samplesLenAdjusted;
aInterl(aList++, skipBytes + 0x5F0, 0x470, ALIGN8(numSamplesToLoadAdj / 2));
resampledTempLen = numSamplesToLoadAdj;
noteSamplesDmemAddrBeforeResampling = 0x470;
if (noteSub->bitField0.finished) {
aClearBuffer(aList++, resampledTempLen + noteSamplesDmemAddrBeforeResampling,
samplesLenAdjusted + 0x10);
aList++, resampledTempLen + noteSamplesDmemAddrBeforeResampling,
numSamplesToLoadAdj + 0x10
case 1:
aInterl(aList++, skipBytes + 0x5F0, resampledTempLen + 0x470,
ALIGN8(samplesLenAdjusted / 2));
aList++, skipBytes + 0x5F0, resampledTempLen + 0x470, ALIGN8(numSamplesToLoadAdj / 2)
@ -1120,22 +1163,21 @@ Acmd* func_8000A700(s32 noteIndex, NoteSubEu* noteSub, NoteSynthesisState* synth
flags = 0;
if (noteSub->bitField0.needsInit == 1) {
flags = 1;
noteSub->bitField0.needsInit = 0;
flags = sp56 | flags;
aList = func_8000B480(aList, synthState, aiBufLen * 2, resampleRateFixedPoint, noteSamplesDmemAddrBeforeResampling,
aList = func_8000B480(
aList, synthState, aiBufLen * 2, resampleRateFixedPoint, noteSamplesDmemAddrBeforeResampling, flags
if (flags & 1) {
flags = 1;
if (noteSub->bitField1.bookOffset == 3) {
aUnkCmd19(aList++, 0, aiBufLen * 2, 0x450, 0x450);
temp2 = noteSub->gain;
if (temp2 != 0) {
if (temp2 < 0x10) {
@ -1150,16 +1192,13 @@ Acmd* func_8000A700(s32 noteIndex, NoteSubEu* noteSub, NoteSynthesisState* synth
} else {
delaySide = 0;
aList = func_8000B51C(aList, noteSub, synthState, aiBufLen, 0x450, delaySide, flags);
// if(restart) {}
if (noteSub->bitField0.usesHeadsetPanEffects) {
if (!(flags & 1)) {
flags = 0;
aList = func_8000B98C(aList, noteSub, synthState, aiBufLen * 2, flags, delaySide);
return aList;
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ void AudioThread_ProcessCmds(u32 msg) {
player->transposition = cmd->asSbyte;
player->unk_07[cmd->arg2] = cmd->asSbyte;
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ u16* Message_PtrFromId(u16 msgId) {
while (lookup->msgId != -1) {
if (lookup->msgId == msgId) {
return lookup->msgPtr;
return lookup->path;
@ -19,9 +19,15 @@ u16 Message_IdFromPtr(u16* msgPtr) {
MsgLookup* lookup = (MsgLookup*) LOAD_ASSET(gMsgLookup);
while (lookup->msgPtr != NULL) {
if(strcmp(((char*) msgPtr) + 7, lookup->path) == 0){
return lookup->msgId;
} else {
if (lookup->msgPtr == msgPtr) {
return lookup->msgId;
return -1;
@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ void Radio_PlayMessage(u16* msg, RadioCharacterId character) {
TeamId teamId;
s32 pad;
s32 priority;
msg = LOAD_ASSET(msg);
u16* lmsg = LOAD_ASSET(msg);
switch (msg[0]) {
switch (lmsg[0]) {
priority = 0;
@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ std::shared_ptr<Ship::IResource> ResourceFactoryBinaryMessageLookupV0::ReadResou
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) {
SPDLOG_INFO("Reading message lookup table entry {}", i);
auto id = reader->ReadInt32();
auto crc = reader->ReadUInt64();
uint16_t* ptr = LoadChild<uint16_t*>(reader->ReadUInt64());
table->mLookupTable.push_back({ id, ptr });
uint16_t* ptr = LoadChild<uint16_t*>(crc);
const char* name = ResourceGetNameByCrc(crc);
table->mLookupTable.push_back({ id, ptr, strdup(name) });
return table;
@ -10,6 +10,14 @@
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, void*> gAudioCache;
void* StoreOnCache(uint32_t addr){
return gAudioCache[addr];
Ship::BinaryReader Audio_MakeReader(const char* resource, u32 offset){
auto data = (char*)ResourceGetDataByName(resource);
auto size = ResourceGetSizeByName(resource);
@ -51,6 +59,10 @@ EnvelopePoint* Audio_LoadEnvelope(uint32_t addr) {
extern "C" SoundFont* Audio_LoadFont(AudioTableEntry entry) {
auto reader = Audio_MakeReader(gAudioBank, entry.romAddr);
return (SoundFont*) gAudioCache[entry.romAddr];
SoundFont* font = memalloc(SoundFont);
font->numInstruments = (entry.shortData2 >> 8) & 0xFFu;
@ -80,6 +92,7 @@ extern "C" SoundFont* Audio_LoadFont(AudioTableEntry entry) {
gSampleFontLoadStatus[font->sampleBankId1] = 2;
gAudioCache[entry.romAddr] = font;
return font;
@ -181,6 +194,10 @@ extern "C" Instrument* Audio_LoadInstrument(uint32_t addr, AudioTableEntry entry
extern "C" Drum* Audio_LoadDrum(uint32_t addr, AudioTableEntry entry, uint32_t sampleBankID) {
if(addr == 0){
return nullptr;
auto reader = Audio_MakeReader(gAudioBank, entry.romAddr + addr);
Drum* drum = memalloc(Drum);
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ namespace SF64 {
typedef struct {
s32 msgId;
u16* msgPtr;
const char* path;
} MsgLookup;
class Message : public Ship::Resource<void> {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user