mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 16:23:57 +03:00
Audio_effects, _playback, and most of _seqplayer (#153)
* heapsort * suff * load init * split * split data * begone asm * names * names and cleanup * let's try this * woo macros * general * bgm macro * names * audio_thread * Update Torch * I think it's time to move on * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into play * playback * bss --------- Co-authored-by: Alejandro Javier Asenjo Nitti <alejandro.asenjo88@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -80,6 +80,14 @@
"util": "c",
"variant": "c",
"chrono": "c",
"optional": "c",
"istream": "c",
"ostream": "c",
"ratio": "c",
"system_error": "c",
"functional": "c",
"tuple": "c",
"type_traits": "c",
"ast_allies.h": "c",
"ast_font.h": "c",
"fox_std_lib_assets.h": "c",
@ -347,23 +347,24 @@ typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 asByte;
} action;
/* 0x01 */ u8 state;
/* 0x02 */ u8 envIndex;
/* 0x02 */ s16 envIndex;
/* 0x04 */ s16 delay;
/* 0x08 */ f32 sustain;
/* 0x0C */ f32 velocity;
/* 0x10 */ f32 fadeOutVel;
/* 0x14 */ f32 current;
/* 0x18 */ f32 target;
/* 0x1C */ EnvelopePoint* envelope;
} AdsrState; // size = 0x20
/* 0x1C */ char pad[4];
/* 0x20 */ EnvelopePoint* envelope;
} AdsrState; // size = 0x24
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 stereoHeadsetEffects : 1;
/* 0x00 */ u8 usesHeadsetPanEffects : 1;
/* 0x00 */ u8 unused : 2;
/* 0x00 */ u8 bit2 : 2;
/* 0x00 */ u8 strongRight : 1;
/* 0x00 */ u8 strongLeft : 1;
/* 0x00 */ u8 stereoHeadsetEffects : 1;
/* 0x00 */ u8 usesHeadsetPanEffects : 1;
} StereoData; // size = 0x1
typedef union {
@ -524,9 +525,9 @@ typedef struct {
/* 0x10 */ f32 rate;
/* 0x14 */ u8 active;
/* 0x16 */ u16 rateChangeTimer;
// /* 0x18 */ u16 depthChangeTimer;
// /* 0x1A */ u16 delay;
} VibratoState; // size = 0x18
/* 0x18 */ u16 depthChangeTimer;
/* 0x1A */ u16 delay;
} VibratoState; // size = 0x1C
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u8 priority;
@ -544,9 +545,9 @@ typedef struct {
/* 0x18 */ struct SequenceLayer* wantedParentLayer;
/* 0x1C */ NoteAttributes attributes;
/* 0x28 */ AdsrState adsr;
/* 0x48 */ Portamento portamento;
/* 0x58 */ VibratoState vibratoState;
} NotePlaybackState; // size = 0x70
/* 0x4C */ Portamento portamento;
/* 0x5C */ VibratoState vibratoState;
} NotePlaybackState; // size = 0x78
typedef struct {
struct {
@ -580,7 +581,7 @@ typedef struct Note {
/* 0x00 */ AudioListItem listItem;
/* 0x10 */ NoteSynthesisState synthesisState;
/* 0x30 */ NotePlaybackState playbackState;
/* 0xA0 */ char padA0[0x10];
/* 0xA8 */ char padA0[0x8];
/* 0xB0 */ NoteSubEu noteSubEu;
} Note; // size = 0xC0
@ -1032,6 +1033,16 @@ Acmd* func_8000B480(Acmd* aList, NoteSynthesisState* synthState, s32 size, u16 p
Acmd* func_8000B51C(Acmd* aList, NoteSubEu* noteSub, NoteSynthesisState* synthState, s32 aiBufLen, u16 dmemSrc, s32 delaySide, s32 flags);
Acmd* func_8000B98C(Acmd* aList, NoteSubEu* noteSub, NoteSynthesisState* synthState, s32 size, s32 flags, s32 delaySide);
void func_80013400(SequenceChannel* channel, s32 updateVolume);
void func_800135A8(SequencePlayer* seqplayer);
f32 func_80013708(Portamento* portamento);
s16 func_800137DC(VibratoState* vibrato);
f32 func_80013820(VibratoState* vibrato);
void func_80013A18(Note* note);
void func_80013A84(Note* note);
void func_80013B6C(AdsrState* adsr, EnvelopePoint* envelope, s16* arg2);
f32 func_80013B90(AdsrState* adsr);
void AudioHeap_ResetLoadStatus(void);
void AudioHeap_DiscardFont(s32 fontId);
void AudioHeap_DiscardSequence(s32 seqId);
@ -1118,43 +1129,64 @@ s32 AudioLoad_AddToSampleSet(Sample* sample, s32 numSamples, Sample** sampleSet)
s32 AudioLoad_GetSamplesForFont(s32 fontId, Sample** sampleSet);
void func_80011890(Note*, NoteAttributes*);
void func_80011C58(Note*, f32);
void func_80011890(Note* note, NoteAttributes* noteAttr);
void func_80011C58(Note* note, f32);
TunedSample* func_80011D10(Instrument* instrument, s32 arg1);
Instrument* Audio_GetInstrument(s32, s32);
Drum* Audio_GetDrum(s32, s32);
void func_80011EB8(Note*);
void func_80011F4C(Note*);
void func_80012438(SequenceLayer*, s32);
void func_8001266C(SequenceLayer*);
void func_8001268C(SequenceLayer*);
s32 func_800126AC(Note*, SequenceLayer*, s32);
void func_800127B0(Note*, SequenceLayer*);
void func_80012854(AudioListItem*);
void func_80012864(NotePool*);
void func_80011EB8(Note* note);
void func_80011F4C(Note* note);
void func_80011FA8(void);
void func_80012438(SequenceLayer* layer, s32);
void func_8001266C(SequenceLayer* layer);
void func_8001268C(SequenceLayer* layer);
s32 func_800126AC(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer, s32);
void func_800127B0(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer);
void func_80012854(AudioListItem* item);
void func_80012864(NotePool* pool);
void func_800128B4(void);
void func_80012964(NotePool*);
void func_80012AC4(NotePool*, s32);
void func_80012C00(AudioListItem*, AudioListItem*);
void func_80012C40(Note*);
Note* func_80012C6C(AudioListItem*, s32);
void func_80012CEC(Note *, SequenceLayer *);
void func_80012E28(Note *, SequenceLayer *);
void func_80012E5C(Note* , SequenceLayer *);
Note *func_80012E88(NotePool* , SequenceLayer *);
Note *func_80012ED4(NotePool* , SequenceLayer *);
Note *func_80012F24(NotePool* , SequenceLayer *);
Note *func_8001301C(SequenceLayer *);
void func_80012964(NotePool* pool);
void func_80012AC4(NotePool* pool, s32);
void func_80012C00(AudioListItem* item1, AudioListItem* item2);
void func_80012C40(Note* note);
Note* func_80012C6C(AudioListItem* item, s32);
void func_80012CEC(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer);
void func_80012E28(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer);
void func_80012E5C(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer);
Note *func_80012E88(NotePool* pool, SequenceLayer* layer);
Note *func_80012ED4(NotePool* pool, SequenceLayer* layer);
Note *func_80012F24(NotePool* pool, SequenceLayer* layer);
Note *func_8001301C(SequenceLayer* layer);
void func_800132E8(void);
void func_800144E4(SequencePlayer*);
void func_800145BC(AudioListItem*, AudioListItem*);
void func_8001678C(s32);
void func_80016804(s32);
void func_80013EA0(SequenceChannel* channel);
s32 func_80013FC4(SequenceChannel* channel, s32 arg1);
void func_800140D0(SequenceLayer* layer);
void func_8001410C(SequenceChannel* channel, s32 arg1);
void func_8001415C(SequenceChannel* channel);
SequenceChannel* func_800141C8(void);
void func_80014244(SequencePlayer* seqPlayer, u16 arg1);
void func_80014370(SequencePlayer* seqPlayer, u16 arg1);
void func_80014440(SequencePlayer* seqPlayer, u8 arg1, u8* arg2);
void func_800144E4(SequencePlayer* seqPlayer);
void func_800145BC(AudioListItem* list, AudioListItem* item);
void* func_800145FC(AudioListItem* list);
void func_8001463C(void);
u8 func_800146C0(SeqScriptState* state);
s16 func_800146D4(SeqScriptState* state);
u16 func_80014704(SeqScriptState* state);
void func_80014748(SequenceLayer* layer);
u8 func_800152C0(SequenceChannel* channel, u8 arg1, Instrument** instrument, AdsrSettings* adsrSettings);
void func_80015330(SequenceChannel* channel, u8 arg1);
// void func_800153C4(SequenceChannel* channel, u8 arg1);
void func_800153E8(SequenceChannel* channel);
void func_80015FD4(SequencePlayer* seqPlayer);
void func_8001678C(s32 arg0);
void func_80016804(s32 arg0);
void func_800168BC(void);
SPTask* AudioThread_CreateTask(void);
void AudioThread_ScheduleProcessCmds(void);
u32 AudioThread_GetAsyncLoadStatus(u32 *);
@ -1405,6 +1437,30 @@ extern OSMesg sThreadCmdProcMsg[4];
extern OSMesg sAudioUnkMsg[1];
extern OSMesg sAudioResetMsg[1];
// wave_samples
extern s16 gSawtoothWaveSample[];
extern s16 gTriangleWaveSample[];
extern s16 gSineWaveSample[];
extern s16 gSquareWaveSample[];
extern s16 gWhiteNoiseSample[];
extern s16 gUnkSample[];
extern s16* gWaveSamples[];
// note_data
extern f32 gBendPitchOneOctaveFrequencies[];
extern f32 gBendPitchTwoSemitonesFrequencies[];
extern f32 gPitchFrequencies[];
extern u8 gDefaultShortNoteVelocityTable[];
extern u8 gDefaultShortNoteGateTimeTable[];
extern u16 gHaasEffectDelaySizes[64];
extern EnvelopePoint gDefaultEnvelope[];
extern NoteSubEu gZeroNoteSub;
extern NoteSubEu gDefaultNoteSub;
extern s16 D_800DD200[];
extern f32 gHeadsetPanVolume[];
extern f32 gStereoPanVolume[];
extern f32 gDefaultPanVolume[];
typedef enum {
@ -246,28 +246,6 @@ extern Gfx D_Gfx_800DBAA0[];
extern Gfx D_Gfx_800DAC20[];
extern Gfx D_Gfx_800D9688[];
// wave_samples
extern s16 gSawtoothWaveSample[];
extern s16 gTriangleWaveSample[];
extern s16 gSineWaveSample[];
extern s16 gSquareWaveSample[];
extern s16 gWhiteNoiseSample[];
extern s16 gUnkSample[];
extern s16* gWaveSamples[];
// note_data
extern f32 gBendPitchOneOctaveFrequencies[];
extern f32 gBendPitchTwoSemitonesFrequencies[];
extern f32 gPitchFrequencies[];
extern u8 gDefaultShortNoteVelocityTable[];
extern u8 gDefaultShortNoteGateTimeTable[];
extern u16 gHaasEffectDelaySizes[64];
// extern EnvelopePoint gDefaultEnvelope[];
// extern NoteUnkStruct gZeroNoteSub;
// extern NoteUnkStruct gDefaultNoteSub;
extern s16 D_800DD200[];
extern f32 gHeadsetPanVolume[];
extern f32 gStereoPanVolume[];
extern f32 gDefaultPanVolume[];
#endif // VARIABLES_H
@ -3,20 +3,276 @@
static char devstr[] = "Audio:Envp: overflow %f\n";
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_effects/func_80013400.s")
void func_80013400(SequenceChannel* channel, s32 updateVolume) {
s32 i;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_effects/func_800135A8.s")
if (channel->changes.s.volume || updateVolume) {
f32 channelVolume = channel->volume * channel->volumeMod * channel->seqPlayer->appliedFadeVolume;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_effects/func_80013708.s")
if (channel->seqPlayer->muted && (channel->muteBehavior & 0x20)) {
channelVolume = channel->seqPlayer->muteVolumeMod * channelVolume;
channel->appliedVolume = SQ(channelVolume);
if (channel->changes.s.pan) {
channel->pan = channel->newPan * channel->panChannelWeight;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
SequenceLayer* layer = channel->layers[i];
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_effects/func_800137DC.s")
if ((layer != NULL) && layer->enabled && (layer->note != NULL)) {
if (layer->ignoreDrumPan) {
layer->noteFreqMod = layer->freqMod * channel->freqMod;
layer->noteVelocity = layer->velocitySquare * channel->appliedVolume;
layer->notePan = (channel->pan + (layer->pan * (0x80 - channel->panChannelWeight))) >> 7;
layer->ignoreDrumPan = false;
} else {
if (channel->changes.s.freqMod) {
layer->noteFreqMod = layer->freqMod * channel->freqMod;
if (channel->changes.s.volume || updateVolume) {
layer->noteVelocity = layer->velocitySquare * channel->appliedVolume;
if (channel->changes.s.pan) {
layer->notePan = (channel->pan + (layer->pan * (0x80 - channel->panChannelWeight))) >> 7;
channel->changes.asByte = 0;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_effects/func_80013820.s")
void func_800135A8(SequencePlayer* seqplayer) {
s32 i;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_effects/func_80013A18.s")
if (seqplayer->fadeTimer != 0) {
seqplayer->fadeVolume += seqplayer->fadeVelocity;
seqplayer->recalculateVolume = true;
if (seqplayer->fadeVolume > 1.0f) {
seqplayer->fadeVolume = 1.0f;
if (seqplayer->fadeVolume < 0.0f) {
seqplayer->fadeVolume = 0.0f;
if ((seqplayer->fadeTimer == 0) && (seqplayer->state == 2)) {
if (seqplayer->recalculateVolume) {
seqplayer->appliedFadeVolume = seqplayer->fadeVolume * seqplayer->fadeVolumeMod;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if ((((u32) seqplayer->channels[i] != (u32) &gSeqChannelNone) == 1) && (seqplayer->channels[i]->enabled == 1)) {
func_80013400(seqplayer->channels[i], seqplayer->recalculateVolume);
seqplayer->recalculateVolume = false;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_effects/func_80013A84.s")
f32 func_80013708(Portamento* portamento) {
u32 temp;
f32 temp2;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_effects/func_80013B6C.s")
portamento->cur += portamento->speed;
temp = portamento->cur;
if (temp > 127) {
temp = 127;
temp2 = 1.0f + ((gBendPitchOneOctaveFrequencies[0x80 + temp] - 1.0f) * portamento->extent);
return temp2;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_effects/func_80013B90.s")
s16 func_800137DC(VibratoState* vibrato) {
s32 index;
vibrato->time += (s32) vibrato->rate;
index = (vibrato->time >> 0xA) & 0x3F;
return vibrato->curve[index] >> 8;
f32 func_80013820(VibratoState* vibrato) {
s32 ret;
f32 temp;
f32 temp2;
if (vibrato->delay != 0) {
return 1.0f;
if (vibrato->depthChangeTimer) {
if (vibrato->depthChangeTimer == 1) {
vibrato->depth = (s32) vibrato->channel->vibratoDepthTarget;
} else {
vibrato->depth +=
((s32) vibrato->channel->vibratoDepthTarget - vibrato->depth) / (s32) vibrato->depthChangeTimer;
} else if (vibrato->channel->vibratoDepthTarget != (s32) vibrato->depth) {
if ((vibrato->depthChangeTimer = vibrato->channel->vibratoDepthChangeDelay) == 0) {
vibrato->depth = (s32) vibrato->channel->vibratoDepthTarget;
if (vibrato->rateChangeTimer) {
if (vibrato->rateChangeTimer == 1) {
vibrato->rate = (s32) vibrato->channel->vibratoRateTarget;
} else {
vibrato->rate +=
((s32) vibrato->channel->vibratoRateTarget - vibrato->rate) / (s32) vibrato->rateChangeTimer;
} else if (vibrato->channel->vibratoRateTarget != (s32) vibrato->rate) {
if ((vibrato->rateChangeTimer = vibrato->channel->vibratoRateChangeDelay) == 0) {
vibrato->rate = (s32) vibrato->channel->vibratoRateTarget;
if (vibrato->depth == 0.0f) {
return 1.0f;
ret = func_800137DC(vibrato);
temp = vibrato->depth / 4096.0f;
temp2 = 1.0f + temp * (gBendPitchOneOctaveFrequencies[0x80 + ret] - 1.0f);
return temp2;
void func_80013A18(Note* note) {
if (note->playbackState.portamento.mode != 0) {
note->playbackState.portamentoFreqMod = func_80013708(¬e->playbackState.portamento);
if ((note->playbackState.vibratoState.active != 0) && (note->playbackState.parentLayer != NO_LAYER)) {
note->playbackState.vibratoFreqMod = func_80013820(¬e->playbackState.vibratoState);
void func_80013A84(Note* note) {
NotePlaybackState* temp_v0_3 = ¬e->playbackState;
VibratoState* temp_v1 = &temp_v0_3->vibratoState;
temp_v1->active = 1;
temp_v1->time = 0;
temp_v0_3->vibratoFreqMod = 1.0f;
temp_v0_3->portamentoFreqMod = 1.0f;
temp_v1->curve = gWaveSamples[2];
temp_v1->channel = temp_v0_3->parentLayer->channel;
if ((temp_v1->depthChangeTimer = temp_v1->channel->vibratoDepthChangeDelay) == 0) {
temp_v1->depth = (s32) temp_v1->channel->vibratoDepthTarget;
} else {
temp_v1->depth = (s32) temp_v1->channel->vibratoDepthStart;
if ((temp_v1->rateChangeTimer = temp_v1->channel->vibratoRateChangeDelay) == 0) {
temp_v1->rate = (s32) temp_v1->channel->vibratoRateTarget;
} else {
temp_v1->rate = (s32) temp_v1->channel->vibratoRateStart;
temp_v1->delay = temp_v1->channel->vibratoDelay;
temp_v0_3->portamento = temp_v0_3->parentLayer->portamento;
void func_80013B6C(AdsrState* adsr, EnvelopePoint* envelope, s16* arg2) {
adsr->action.asByte = 0;
adsr->state = 0;
adsr->delay = 0;
adsr->envelope = envelope;
adsr->sustain = 0.0f;
adsr->current = 0.0f;
f32 func_80013B90(AdsrState* adsr) {
u8 action = adsr->action.asByte;
u8 state = adsr->state;
switch (state) {
case 0:
return 0.0f;
case 1:
if (action & 0x40) {
adsr->state = 5;
case 2:
adsr->envIndex = 0;
adsr->state = 3;
case 3:
adsr->delay = adsr->envelope[adsr->envIndex].delay;
switch (adsr->delay) {
case 0:
adsr->state = 0;
case -1:
adsr->state = 5;
case -2:
adsr->envIndex = adsr->envelope[adsr->envIndex].arg;
goto case_3;
case -3:
adsr->state = 1;
if (adsr->delay >= 4) {
adsr->delay =
(adsr->delay * gAudioBufferParams.ticksPerUpdate / gAudioBufferParams.specUnk4) / 4;
if (adsr->delay == 0) {
adsr->delay = 1;
adsr->target = adsr->envelope[adsr->envIndex].arg / 32767.0f;
adsr->target = SQ(adsr->target);
adsr->velocity = (adsr->target - adsr->current) / adsr->delay;
adsr->state = 4;
if (adsr->state != 4) {
case 4:
adsr->delay -= 1;
adsr->current += adsr->velocity;
if (adsr->delay <= 0) {
adsr->state = 3;
case 6:
case 7:
adsr->current -= adsr->fadeOutVel;
if ((adsr->sustain != 0.0f) && (state == 6)) {
if (adsr->current < adsr->sustain) {
adsr->current = adsr->sustain;
adsr->delay = 0x80;
adsr->state = 8;
} else if (adsr->current < 0.00001f) {
adsr->current = 0.0f;
adsr->state = 0;
case 8:
if (adsr->delay == 0) {
adsr->state = 7;
if (action & 0x20) {
adsr->state = 6;
adsr->action.asByte = action & ~0x20;
if (action & 0x10) {
adsr->state = 7;
adsr->action.asByte = action & ~0x10;
if (adsr->current < 0.0f) {
return 0.0f;
if (adsr->current > 1.0f) {
return 1.0f;
return adsr->current;
@ -32,62 +32,767 @@ static char devstr24[] = "Audio: C-Alloc : lowerPrio is NULL\n";
static char devstr25[] = "Intterupt UseStop %d (Kill %d)\n";
static char devstr26[] = "Intterupt RelWait %d (Kill %d)\n";
static char devstr27[] = "Drop Voice (Prio %x)\n";
// static char devstr28[] = "";
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80011890.s")
void func_80011890(Note* note, NoteAttributes* noteAttr) {
NoteSubEu* temp_v0;
f32 var_fa0;
f32 var_fa1;
f32 var_fv1;
s32 temp_t0;
s32 var_a0;
s32 var_a0_2;
s32 var_a1;
u8 sp27;
u8 sp26;
Stereo sp24;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80011C58.s")
func_80011C58(note, noteAttr->freqMod);
temp_v0 = ¬e->noteSubEu;
var_fv1 = noteAttr->velocity;
sp27 = noteAttr->pan;
sp26 = noteAttr->reverb;
sp24 = noteAttr->stereo;
sp27 &= 0x7F;
if ((temp_v0->bitField0.stereoHeadsetEffects) && (gAudioSoundMode == 1)) {
var_a0 = sp27 >> 1;
if (var_a0 >= 0x40) {
var_a0 = 0x3F;
temp_v0->unk_04 = gHaasEffectDelaySizes[var_a0];
temp_v0->unk_03 = gHaasEffectDelaySizes[63 - var_a0];
temp_v0->bitField0.stereoStrongRight = 0;
temp_v0->bitField0.stereoStrongLeft = 0;
temp_v0->bitField0.usesHeadsetPanEffects = 1;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80011D10.s")
var_fa0 = gHeadsetPanVolume[sp27];
var_fa1 = gHeadsetPanVolume[127 - sp27];
} else if (temp_v0->bitField0.stereoHeadsetEffects && (gAudioSoundMode == 0)) {
temp_v0->unk_03 = 0;
temp_v0->unk_04 = 0;
temp_v0->bitField0.usesHeadsetPanEffects = 0;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/Audio_GetInstrument.s")
var_fa0 = gStereoPanVolume[sp27];
var_fa1 = gStereoPanVolume[127 - sp27];
var_a0_2 = 0;
var_a1 = 0;
if (sp27 < 0x20) {
var_a1 = 1;
} else if (sp27 > 0x60) {
var_a0_2 = 1;
temp_v0->bitField0.stereoStrongRight = var_a0_2;
temp_v0->bitField0.stereoStrongLeft = var_a1;
switch (sp24.s.bit2) {
case 0:
temp_v0->bitField0.stereoStrongRight = sp24.s.strongRight;
temp_v0->bitField0.stereoStrongLeft = sp24.s.strongLeft;
case 1:
case 2:
temp_v0->bitField0.stereoStrongRight = sp24.s.strongRight | var_a0_2;
temp_v0->bitField0.stereoStrongLeft = sp24.s.strongLeft | var_a1;
case 3:
temp_v0->bitField0.stereoStrongRight = sp24.s.strongRight ^ var_a0_2;
temp_v0->bitField0.stereoStrongLeft = sp24.s.strongLeft ^ var_a1;
} else if (gAudioSoundMode == 3) {
var_fa0 = 0.707f;
var_fa1 = 0.707f;
} else {
var_fa0 = gDefaultPanVolume[sp27];
var_fa1 = gDefaultPanVolume[127 - sp27];
if (var_fv1 < 0.0f) {
var_fv1 = 0.0f;
if (var_fv1 > 1.0f) {
var_fv1 = 1.0f;
temp_v0->unk_06 = (s32) (var_fv1 * var_fa0 * 4095.999f);
temp_v0->unk_08 = (s32) (var_fv1 * var_fa1 * 4095.999f);
temp_v0->unk_02 = noteAttr->gain;
if (temp_v0->unk_05 != sp26) {
temp_v0->unk_05 = sp26;
temp_v0->bitField0.unused = 1;
} else if (temp_v0->bitField0.needsInit) {
temp_v0->bitField0.unused = 1;
} else {
temp_v0->bitField0.unused = 0;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/Audio_GetDrum.s")
void func_80011C58(Note* note, f32 arg1) {
NoteSubEu* noteSub = ¬e->noteSubEu;
f32 var_fv0;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80011EB8.s")
if (arg1 < 2.0f) {
noteSub->bitField1.hasTwoParts = 0;
if (arg1 > 1.99998f) {
var_fv0 = 1.99998f;
} else {
var_fv0 = arg1;
} else {
noteSub->bitField1.hasTwoParts = 1;
if (arg1 > 3.99996f) {
var_fv0 = 1.99998f;
} else {
var_fv0 = arg1 * 0.5f;
note->noteSubEu.unk_0A = (s32) (var_fv0 * 32768.0f);
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80011F4C.s")
TunedSample* func_80011D10(Instrument* instrument, s32 arg1) {
TunedSample* sample;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80011FA8.s")
if (arg1 < instrument->normalRangeLo) {
sample = &instrument->lowPitchTunedSample;
} else if (arg1 <= instrument->normalRangeHi) {
sample = &instrument->normalPitchTunedSample;
} else {
sample = &instrument->highPitchTunedSample;
return sample;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80012438.s")
Instrument* Audio_GetInstrument(s32 arg0, s32 arg1) {
Instrument* temp_v1;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_8001266C.s")
if ((gFontLoadStatus[arg0] < 2) != 0) {
D_80155D88 = arg0 + 0x10000000;
return NULL;
if (arg1 >= gSoundFontList[arg0].numInstruments) {
D_80155D88 = (arg0 << 8) + arg1 + 0x03000000;
return NULL;
temp_v1 = gSoundFontList[arg0].instruments[arg1];
if (temp_v1 == NULL) {
D_80155D88 = (arg0 << 8) + arg1 + 0x01000000;
return temp_v1;
return temp_v1;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_8001268C.s")
Drum* Audio_GetDrum(s32 arg0, s32 arg1) {
Drum* temp;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_800126AC.s")
if ((gFontLoadStatus[arg0] < 2) != 0) {
D_80155D88 = arg0 + 0x10000000;
return NULL;
if (arg1 >= gSoundFontList[arg0].numDrums) {
D_80155D88 = (arg0 << 8) + arg1 + 0x04000000;
return NULL;
if ((u32) gSoundFontList[arg0].drums < 0x80000000U) {
return NULL;
temp = gSoundFontList[arg0].drums[arg1];
if (gSoundFontList[arg0].drums[arg1] == NULL) {
D_80155D88 = (arg0 << 8) + arg1 + 0x05000000;
return temp;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_800127B0.s")
void func_80011EB8(Note* note) {
if (note->playbackState.parentLayer->adsr.decayIndex == 0) {
func_80013B6C(¬e->playbackState.adsr, note->playbackState.parentLayer->channel->adsr.envelope,
} else {
func_80013B6C(¬e->playbackState.adsr, note->playbackState.parentLayer->adsr.envelope,
note->playbackState.adsr.state = 1;
note->noteSubEu = gDefaultNoteSub;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80012854.s")
void func_80011F4C(Note* note) {
if (note->noteSubEu.bitField0.needsInit == 1) {
note->noteSubEu.bitField0.needsInit = 0;
note->playbackState.priority = 0;
note->playbackState.unk_04 = 0;
note->noteSubEu.bitField0.enabled = 0;
note->playbackState.parentLayer = NO_LAYER;
note->playbackState.prevParentLayer = NO_LAYER;
note->noteSubEu.bitField0.finished = 0;
note->playbackState.adsr.state = 0;
note->playbackState.adsr.current = 0.0f;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80012864.s")
void func_80011FA8(void) {
s32 pad2;
s32 pad;
Note* temp_s1;
NotePlaybackState* var_s0;
NoteSubEu* noteSub;
NoteAttributes* attr;
s32 i;
NoteAttributes sp70;
u8 sp6F;
f32 temp_fs0;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_800128B4.s")
for (i = 0; i < gNumNotes; i++) {
temp_s1 = &gNotes[i];
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80012964.s")
var_s0 = &temp_s1->playbackState;
if ((var_s0->parentLayer != NO_LAYER)) {
if ((u32) var_s0->parentLayer < 0x7FFFFFFF) {
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80012AC4.s")
if ((temp_s1 != var_s0->parentLayer->note) && (var_s0->unk_04 == 0)) {
var_s0->adsr.action.asByte |= 0x10;
var_s0->adsr.fadeOutVel = gAudioBufferParams.ticksPerUpdateInv;
var_s0->priority = 1;
var_s0->unk_04 = 2;
goto block_21;
} else {
if ((var_s0->parentLayer->enabled) || (var_s0->unk_04 != 0) || (var_s0->priority <= 0)) {
if (var_s0->parentLayer->channel->seqPlayer == NULL) {
var_s0->priority = 1;
var_s0->unk_04 = 1;
if (!(var_s0->parentLayer->channel->seqPlayer->muted &&
(var_s0->parentLayer->channel->muteBehavior & 0x40))) {
goto block_21;
func_80012C00(&temp_s1->listItem.pool->decaying, &temp_s1->listItem);
var_s0->priority = 1;
var_s0->unk_04 = 2;
} else if ((var_s0->unk_04 == 0) && (var_s0->priority > 0)) {
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80012C00.s")
if (var_s0->priority != 0) {
if (1) {}
noteSub = &temp_s1->noteSubEu;
if ((var_s0->unk_04 > 0) || noteSub->bitField0.finished) {
if ((var_s0->adsr.state == 0) || noteSub->bitField0.finished) {
if (var_s0->wantedParentLayer != NO_LAYER) {
if (var_s0->wantedParentLayer->channel != NULL) {
func_80012CEC(temp_s1, var_s0->wantedParentLayer);
func_800145BC(&temp_s1->listItem.pool->active, &temp_s1->listItem);
var_s0->wantedParentLayer = NO_LAYER;
} else {
func_800145BC(&temp_s1->listItem.pool->disabled, &temp_s1->listItem);
var_s0->wantedParentLayer = NO_LAYER;
goto next;
} else {
func_800145BC(&temp_s1->listItem.pool->disabled, &temp_s1->listItem);
goto next;
} else if (var_s0->adsr.state == 0) {
func_800145BC(&temp_s1->listItem.pool->disabled, &temp_s1->listItem);
goto next;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80012C40.s")
temp_fs0 = func_80013B90(&var_s0->adsr);
attr = &var_s0->attributes;
if ((var_s0->unk_04 == 1) || (var_s0->unk_04 == 2)) {
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80012C6C.s")
sp70.freqMod = attr->freqMod;
sp70.velocity = attr->velocity;
sp70.pan = attr->pan;
sp70.reverb = attr->reverb;
sp70.stereo = attr->stereo;
sp70.gain = attr->gain;
sp6F = noteSub->bitField1.bookOffset;
} else {
sp70.freqMod = var_s0->parentLayer->noteFreqMod;
sp70.velocity = var_s0->parentLayer->noteVelocity;
sp70.pan = var_s0->parentLayer->notePan;
sp70.stereo = var_s0->parentLayer->stereo;
sp70.reverb = var_s0->parentLayer->channel->targetReverbVol;
sp70.gain = var_s0->parentLayer->channel->reverbIndex;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80012CEC.s")
sp6F = var_s0->parentLayer->channel->bookOffset & 7;
if ((var_s0->parentLayer->channel->seqPlayer->muted) &&
(var_s0->parentLayer->channel->muteBehavior & 8)) {
sp70.freqMod = 0.0f;
sp70.velocity = 0.0f;
sp70.freqMod *= (var_s0->vibratoFreqMod * var_s0->portamentoFreqMod);
sp70.freqMod *= gAudioBufferParams.resampleRate;
sp70.velocity *= temp_fs0;
func_80011890(temp_s1, &sp70);
noteSub->bitField1.bookOffset = sp6F;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80012E28.s")
void func_80012438(SequenceLayer* layer, s32 arg1) {
Note* temp_v0;
NoteAttributes* temp_v0_3;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80012E5C.s")
if (layer == NO_LAYER) {
layer->unk_3 = 0;
if (layer->note == NULL) {
temp_v0 = layer->note;
if (layer == temp_v0->playbackState.wantedParentLayer) {
temp_v0->playbackState.wantedParentLayer = NO_LAYER;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80012E88.s")
if (layer != temp_v0->playbackState.parentLayer) {
if ((temp_v0->playbackState.parentLayer == NO_LAYER) &&
(temp_v0->playbackState.wantedParentLayer == NO_LAYER) &&
(layer == temp_v0->playbackState.prevParentLayer) && (arg1 != 6)) {
temp_v0->playbackState.adsr.fadeOutVel = gAudioBufferParams.ticksPerUpdateInv;
temp_v0->playbackState.adsr.action.asByte |= 0x10;
temp_v0_3 = &temp_v0->playbackState.attributes;
if (temp_v0->playbackState.adsr.state != 6) {
temp_v0_3->freqMod = layer->noteFreqMod;
temp_v0_3->velocity = layer->noteVelocity;
temp_v0_3->pan = layer->notePan;
temp_v0_3->stereo = layer->stereo;
if (layer->channel != NULL) {
temp_v0_3->reverb = layer->channel->targetReverbVol;
temp_v0_3->gain = layer->channel->reverbIndex;
if (layer->channel->seqPlayer->muted && (layer->channel->muteBehavior & 8)) {
temp_v0->noteSubEu.bitField0.finished = 1;
temp_v0->playbackState.priority = 1;
temp_v0->playbackState.prevParentLayer = temp_v0->playbackState.parentLayer;
temp_v0->playbackState.parentLayer = NO_LAYER;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80012ED4.s")
if (arg1 == 7) {
temp_v0->playbackState.adsr.fadeOutVel = gAudioBufferParams.ticksPerUpdateInv;
temp_v0->playbackState.adsr.action.asByte |= 0x10;
temp_v0->playbackState.unk_04 = 2;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_80012F24.s")
} else {
temp_v0->playbackState.unk_04 = 1;
temp_v0->playbackState.adsr.action.asByte |= 0x20;
if (layer->adsr.decayIndex == 0) {
temp_v0->playbackState.adsr.fadeOutVel =
layer->channel->adsr.decayIndex * gAudioBufferParams.ticksPerUpdateInvScaled;
} else {
temp_v0->playbackState.adsr.fadeOutVel =
layer->adsr.decayIndex * gAudioBufferParams.ticksPerUpdateInvScaled;
temp_v0->playbackState.adsr.sustain =
(s32) layer->channel->adsr.sustain * temp_v0->playbackState.adsr.current * 0.00390625f;
if (arg1 == 6) {
func_80012C00(&temp_v0->listItem.pool->decaying, &temp_v0->listItem);
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_8001301C.s")
void func_8001266C(SequenceLayer* layer) {
func_80012438(layer, 6);
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_playback/func_800132E8.s")
void func_8001268C(SequenceLayer* layer) {
func_80012438(layer, 7);
s32 func_800126AC(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer, s32 arg2) {
f32 var_fv0;
u8 var_v1 = 0;
if (arg2 < 128) {
arg2 = 128;
var_fv0 = layer->freqMod;
if ((layer->portamento.mode != 0) && (layer->portamento.extent > 0.0f)) {
var_fv0 *= layer->portamento.extent + 1.0f;
if (var_fv0 < 1.0f) {
var_fv0 = 1.0465f;
} else if (var_fv0 < 2.0f) {
var_v1 = 1;
var_fv0 = 0.52325f;
} else if (var_fv0 < 4.0f) {
var_v1 = 2;
var_fv0 = 0.26263f;
} else {
var_v1 = 3;
var_fv0 = 0.13081f;
layer->freqMod *= var_fv0;
note->playbackState.waveId = arg2;
note->playbackState.harmonicIndex = var_v1;
note->noteSubEu.waveSampleAddr = &gWaveSamples[arg2 - 128][var_v1 * 64];
return var_v1;
void func_800127B0(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer) {
s32 sp1C;
s32 var_a2;
var_a2 = layer->instOrWave;
if (var_a2 == 0xFF) {
var_a2 = layer->channel->instOrWave;
sp1C = note->playbackState.harmonicIndex;
note->synthesisState.samplePosInt =
(note->synthesisState.samplePosInt * gSamplesPerWavePeriod[func_800126AC(note, layer, var_a2)]) /
void func_80012854(AudioListItem* item) {
item->prev = item;
item->next = item;
item->u.value = NULL;
void func_80012864(NotePool* pool) {
pool->disabled.pool = pool;
pool->decaying.pool = pool;
pool->releasing.pool = pool;
pool->active.pool = pool;
void func_800128B4(void) {
s32 var_s1;
for (var_s1 = 0; var_s1 < gNumNotes; var_s1++) {
gNotes[var_s1].listItem.u.value = &gNotes[var_s1];
gNotes[var_s1].listItem.prev = NULL;
func_800145BC(&gNoteFreeLists.disabled, &gNotes[var_s1]);
void func_80012964(NotePool* pool) {
s32 var_s3;
AudioListItem* sp48;
AudioListItem* var_s0;
AudioListItem* sp40;
for (var_s3 = 0; var_s3 < 4; var_s3++) {
switch (var_s3) { /* irregular */
case 0:
sp48 = &pool->disabled;
sp40 = &gNoteFreeLists.disabled;
case 1:
sp48 = &pool->decaying;
sp40 = &gNoteFreeLists.decaying;
case 2:
sp48 = &pool->releasing;
sp40 = &gNoteFreeLists.releasing;
case 3:
sp48 = &pool->active;
sp40 = &gNoteFreeLists.active;
while (true) {
var_s0 = sp48->next;
if ((var_s0 == sp48) || (var_s0 == NULL)) {
func_80012C40((Note*) var_s0);
func_800145BC(sp40, var_s0);
void func_80012AC4(NotePool* pool, s32 arg1) {
s32 var_s0;
s32 var_s4;
AudioListItem* temp_v0;
AudioListItem* sp48;
AudioListItem* sp44;
var_s4 = 0;
var_s0 = 0;
while (var_s0 < arg1) {
if (var_s4 == 4) {
switch (var_s4) {
case 0:
sp48 = &gNoteFreeLists.disabled;
sp44 = &pool->disabled;
case 1:
sp48 = &gNoteFreeLists.decaying;
sp44 = &pool->decaying;
case 2:
sp48 = &gNoteFreeLists.releasing;
sp44 = &pool->releasing;
case 3:
sp48 = &gNoteFreeLists.active;
sp44 = &pool->active;
while (var_s0 < arg1) {
temp_v0 = func_800145FC(sp48);
if (temp_v0 == NULL) {
func_800145BC(sp44, temp_v0);
void func_80012C00(AudioListItem* item1, AudioListItem* item2) {
if (item2->prev == NULL) {
item2->prev = item1;
item2->next = item1->next;
item1->next->prev = item2;
item1->next = item2;
item1->u.count += 1;
item2->pool = item1->pool;
void func_80012C40(Note* note) {
if (note->listItem.prev != NULL) {
note->listItem.prev->next = note->listItem.next;
note->listItem.next->prev = note->listItem.prev;
note->listItem.prev = NULL;
Note* func_80012C6C(AudioListItem* item, s32 arg1) {
AudioListItem* var_v0;
AudioListItem* var_v1;
void* temp_a0;
var_v0 = item->next;
if (var_v0 == item) {
return NULL;
for (var_v1 = var_v0; var_v0 != item; var_v0 = var_v0->next) {
if (((Note*) var_v1->u.value)->playbackState.priority >= ((Note*) var_v0->u.value)->playbackState.priority) {
var_v1 = var_v0;
// var_v0 = var_v0->next;
if (var_v1 == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (((Note*) var_v1->u.value)->playbackState.priority >= arg1) {
return NULL;
return (Note*) var_v1->u.value;
void func_80012CEC(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer) {
s32 pad[4];
s32 var_a2;
NoteSubEu* temp_v0;
note->playbackState.prevParentLayer = NO_LAYER;
note->playbackState.parentLayer = layer;
note->playbackState.priority = layer->channel->notePriority;
layer->ignoreDrumPan = 1;
layer->unk_3 = 3;
layer->note = note;
layer->channel->noteUnused = note;
layer->channel->layerUnused = layer;
layer->noteVelocity = 0.0f;
var_a2 = layer->instOrWave;
temp_v0 = ¬e->noteSubEu;
if (var_a2 == 0xFF) {
var_a2 = layer->channel->instOrWave;
temp_v0->waveSampleAddr = (s16*) layer->tunedSample;
if (var_a2 >= 0x80) {
temp_v0->bitField1.isSyntheticWave = 1;
} else {
temp_v0->bitField1.isSyntheticWave = 0;
if (temp_v0->bitField1.isSyntheticWave) {
func_800126AC(note, layer, var_a2);
note->playbackState.fontId = layer->channel->fontId;
temp_v0->bitField0.stereoHeadsetEffects = layer->channel->stereoHeadsetEffects;
temp_v0->bitField1.reverbIndex = layer->channel->someOtherPriority & 3;
void func_80012E28(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer) {
note->playbackState.wantedParentLayer = layer;
void func_80012E5C(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer) {
note->playbackState.wantedParentLayer = layer;
note->playbackState.priority = layer->channel->notePriority;
note->playbackState.adsr.fadeOutVel = gAudioBufferParams.ticksPerUpdateInv;
note->playbackState.adsr.action.asByte |= 0x10;
Note* func_80012E88(NotePool* pool, SequenceLayer* layer) {
Note* temp_v0 = func_800145FC(&pool->disabled);
if (temp_v0 != NULL) {
func_80012CEC(temp_v0, layer);
func_80012C00(&pool->active, &temp_v0->listItem);
return temp_v0;
Note* func_80012ED4(NotePool* pool, SequenceLayer* layer) {
Note* sp1C = func_800145FC(&pool->decaying);
if (sp1C != NULL) {
func_80012E5C(sp1C, layer);
func_800145BC(&pool->releasing, &sp1C->listItem);
return sp1C;
Note* func_80012F24(NotePool* pool, SequenceLayer* layer) {
Note* sp34;
Note* sp30;
s32 sp2C;
s32 sp28;
sp2C = sp28 = 0x10;
sp34 = func_80012C6C(&pool->releasing, layer->channel->notePriority);
if (sp34 != NULL) {
sp2C = sp34->playbackState.priority;
sp30 = func_80012C6C(&pool->active, layer->channel->notePriority);
if (sp30 != NULL) {
sp28 = sp30->playbackState.priority;
if ((sp34 == NULL) && (sp30 == NULL)) {
return NULL;
if (sp28 < sp2C) {
func_80012E28(sp30, layer);
func_800145BC(&pool->releasing, &sp30->listItem);
sp30->playbackState.priority = layer->channel->notePriority;
return sp30;
} else {
sp34->playbackState.wantedParentLayer = layer;
sp34->playbackState.priority = layer->channel->notePriority;
return sp34;
Note* func_8001301C(SequenceLayer* layer) {
Note* sp24;
if (layer->channel->noteAllocPolicy & 1) {
sp24 = layer->note;
if ((sp24 != NULL) && (layer == sp24->playbackState.prevParentLayer) &&
(sp24->playbackState.wantedParentLayer == NO_LAYER)) {
func_80012E5C(sp24, layer);
func_800145BC(&sp24->listItem.pool->releasing, &sp24->listItem);
return sp24;
if (layer->channel->noteAllocPolicy & 2) {
if (((sp24 = func_80012E88(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) != NULL) ||
((sp24 = func_80012ED4(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) != NULL) ||
((sp24 = func_80012F24(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) != NULL)) {
return sp24;
} else if (layer->channel->noteAllocPolicy & 4) {
if (((sp24 = func_80012E88(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) != NULL) ||
((sp24 = func_80012E88(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer)) != NULL) ||
((sp24 = func_80012ED4(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) != NULL) ||
((sp24 = func_80012ED4(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer)) != NULL) ||
((sp24 = func_80012F24(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) != NULL) ||
((sp24 = func_80012F24(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer)) != NULL)) {
return sp24;
} else if (layer->channel->noteAllocPolicy & 8) {
if (((sp24 = func_80012E88(&gNoteFreeLists, layer)) != NULL) ||
((sp24 = func_80012ED4(&gNoteFreeLists, layer)) != NULL) ||
((sp24 = func_80012F24(&gNoteFreeLists, layer)) != NULL)) {
return sp24;
} else {
if (((sp24 = func_80012E88(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) != NULL) ||
((sp24 = func_80012E88(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer)) != NULL) ||
((sp24 = func_80012E88(&gNoteFreeLists, layer)) != NULL) ||
((sp24 = func_80012ED4(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) != NULL) ||
((sp24 = func_80012ED4(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer)) != NULL) ||
((sp24 = func_80012ED4(&gNoteFreeLists, layer)) != NULL) ||
((sp24 = func_80012F24(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) != NULL) ||
((sp24 = func_80012F24(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer)) != NULL) ||
((sp24 = func_80012F24(&gNoteFreeLists, layer)) != NULL)) {
return sp24;
layer->unk_3 = 0;
return NULL;
void func_800132E8(void) {
s32 i;
Note* note;
for (i = 0; i < gNumNotes; i++) {
note = &gNotes[i];
note->noteSubEu = gZeroNoteSub;
note->playbackState.priority = 0;
note->playbackState.unk_04 = 0;
note->playbackState.parentLayer = NO_LAYER;
note->playbackState.wantedParentLayer = NO_LAYER;
note->playbackState.prevParentLayer = NO_LAYER;
note->playbackState.waveId = 0;
note->playbackState.attributes.velocity = 0.0f;
note->playbackState.adsrVolModUnused = 0;
note->playbackState.adsr.state = 0;
note->playbackState.adsr.action.asByte = 0;
note->playbackState.vibratoState.active = 0;
note->playbackState.portamento.cur = 0.0f;
note->playbackState.portamento.speed = 0.0f;
note->synthesisState.synthesisBuffers = AudioHeap_Alloc(&gMiscPool, sizeof(Note));
@ -33,52 +33,350 @@ static char devstr28[] = "Macro Level Over Error!\n";
static char devstr29[] = "Group:Undefine upper C0h command (%x)\n";
static char devstr30[] = "Group:Undefined Command\n";
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_80013EA0.s")
void func_80013EA0(SequenceChannel* channel) {
s32 i;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_80013FC4.s")
channel->enabled = 0;
channel->finished = 0;
channel->stopScript = 0;
channel->muted = 0;
channel->hasInstrument = 0;
channel->stereoHeadsetEffects = 0;
channel->transposition = 0;
channel->largeNotes = 0;
channel->bookOffset = 0;
channel->changes.asByte = 0xFF;
channel->scriptState.depth = 0;
channel->newPan = 0x40;
channel->panChannelWeight = 0x80;
channel->noteUnused = NULL;
channel->someOtherPriority = 0;
channel->targetReverbVol = 0;
channel->reverbIndex = 0;
channel->notePriority = 3;
channel->delay = 0;
channel->adsr.envelope = gDefaultEnvelope;
channel->adsr.decayIndex = 0x20;
channel->vibratoRateTarget = 0x800;
channel->vibratoRateStart = 0x800;
channel->adsr.sustain = 0;
channel->vibratoDepthTarget = 0;
channel->vibratoDepthStart = 0;
channel->vibratoRateChangeDelay = 0;
channel->vibratoDepthChangeDelay = 0;
channel->vibratoDelay = 0;
channel->volume = 1.0f;
channel->volumeMod = 1.0f;
channel->freqMod = 1.0f;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
channel->seqScriptIO[i] = -1;
channel->unused = 0;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_800140D0.s")
s32 func_80013FC4(SequenceChannel* channel, s32 arg1) {
SequenceLayer* temp_v0;
SequenceLayer* temp;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_8001410C.s")
if (channel->layers[arg1] == NULL) {
temp_v0 = func_800145FC(&gLayerFreeList);
channel->layers[arg1] = temp_v0;
if (temp_v0 == NULL) {
channel->layers[arg1] = NULL;
return -1;
} else {
temp = channel->layers[arg1];
temp->channel = channel;
temp->adsr = channel->adsr;
temp->enabled = 1;
temp->muted = 0;
temp->continuousNotes = 0;
temp->finished = 0;
temp->adsr.decayIndex = 0;
temp->bit1 = 0;
temp->stereo.asByte = 0x40;
temp->portamento.mode = 0;
temp->state.depth = 0;
temp->unk_3 = 0;
temp->gateTime = 0x80;
temp->pan = 0x40;
temp->transposition = 0;
temp->delay = 0;
temp->gateDelay = 0;
temp->delay2 = 0;
temp->note = NULL;
temp->instrument = NULL;
temp->instOrWave = 0xFF;
temp->freqMod = 1.0f;
temp->velocitySquare = 0.0f;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_8001415C.s")
return 0;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_800141C8.s")
void func_800140D0(SequenceLayer* layer) {
if (layer != NULL) {
layer->enabled = 0;
layer->finished = 1;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_80014244.s")
void func_8001410C(SequenceChannel* channel, s32 arg1) {
SequenceLayer* temp_a2 = channel->layers[arg1];
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_80014370.s")
if (temp_a2 != NULL) {
func_800145BC(&gLayerFreeList, &temp_a2->listItem);
channel->layers[arg1] = NULL;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_80014440.s")
void func_8001415C(SequenceChannel* channel) {
s32 var_s0;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_800144E4.s")
for (var_s0 = 0; var_s0 < 4; var_s0++) {
func_8001410C(channel, var_s0);
channel->enabled = 0;
channel->finished = 1;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_800145BC.s")
SequenceChannel* func_800141C8(void) {
s32 i;
SequenceChannel* var_v1;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_800145FC.s")
for (i = 0; i < 48; i++) {
if (gSeqChannels[i].seqPlayer == NULL) {
return &gSeqChannels[i];
return &gSeqChannelNone;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_8001463C.s")
void func_80014244(SequencePlayer* seqPlayer, u16 arg1) {
SequenceChannel* temp_s0;
SequenceChannel* temp_v0;
s32 i;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_800146C0.s")
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (arg1 & 1) {
temp_s0 = seqPlayer->channels[i];
if ((((u32) temp_s0 != (u32) &gSeqChannelNone) == 1) && (seqPlayer == temp_s0->seqPlayer)) {
temp_s0->seqPlayer = NULL;
temp_v0 = func_800141C8();
if (((u32) temp_v0 == (u32) &gSeqChannelNone) != 0) {
D_80155D88 = i + 0x10000;
seqPlayer->channels[i] = temp_v0;
} else {
seqPlayer->channels[i] = temp_v0;
temp_v0->seqPlayer = seqPlayer;
temp_v0->fontId = seqPlayer->defaultFont;
temp_v0->muteBehavior = seqPlayer->muteBehavior;
temp_v0->noteAllocPolicy = seqPlayer->noteAllocPolicy;
arg1 = arg1 >> 1;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_800146D4.s")
void func_80014370(SequencePlayer* seqPlayer, u16 arg1) {
s32 i;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_80014704.s")
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (arg1 & 1) {
SequenceChannel* temp_s0 = seqPlayer->channels[i];
if (((u32) temp_s0 != (u32) &gSeqChannelNone) == 1) {
if (seqPlayer == temp_s0->seqPlayer) {
if (0) {}
temp_s0->seqPlayer = NULL;
seqPlayer->channels[i] = &gSeqChannelNone;
arg1 = arg1 >> 1;
void func_80014440(SequencePlayer* seqPlayer, u8 arg1, u8* arg2) {
SequenceChannel* temp_s2 = seqPlayer->channels[arg1];
s32 i;
if (((u32) temp_s2 != (u32) &gSeqChannelNone) != 0) {
temp_s2->scriptState.depth = 0;
temp_s2->scriptState.pc = arg2;
temp_s2->enabled = 1;
temp_s2->finished = 0;
temp_s2->delay = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (temp_s2->layers[i] != NULL) {
func_8001410C(temp_s2, i);
void func_800144E4(SequencePlayer* seqPlayer) {
func_80014370(seqPlayer, 0xFFFF);
seqPlayer->finished = 1;
seqPlayer->enabled = 0;
if ((gSeqLoadStatus[seqPlayer->seqId] >= 2) && (gSeqLoadStatus[seqPlayer->seqId] != 5)) {
gSeqLoadStatus[seqPlayer->seqId] = 3;
if ((gFontLoadStatus[seqPlayer->defaultFont] >= 2) && (gFontLoadStatus[seqPlayer->defaultFont] != 5)) {
gFontLoadStatus[seqPlayer->defaultFont] = 4;
if (seqPlayer->defaultFont == gFontCache.temporary.entries[0].id) {
gFontCache.temporary.nextSide = 1;
} else if (seqPlayer->defaultFont == gFontCache.temporary.entries[1].id) {
gFontCache.temporary.nextSide = 0;
void func_800145BC(AudioListItem* list, AudioListItem* item) {
if (item->prev == NULL) {
list->prev->next = item;
item->prev = list->prev;
item->next = list;
list->prev = item;
item->pool = list->pool;
void* func_800145FC(AudioListItem* list) {
AudioListItem* item = list->prev;
if (item == list) {
return NULL;
item->prev->next = list;
list->prev = item->prev;
item->prev = NULL;
return item->u.count;
void func_8001463C(void) {
s32 i;
gLayerFreeList.prev = &gLayerFreeList;
gLayerFreeList.next = &gLayerFreeList;
gLayerFreeList.u.value = NULL;
gLayerFreeList.pool = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
gSeqLayers[i].listItem.u.value = &gSeqLayers[i];
gSeqLayers[i].listItem.prev = NULL;
func_800145BC(&gLayerFreeList, &gSeqLayers[i].listItem);
u8 func_800146C0(SeqScriptState* state) {
return *(state->pc++);
s16 func_800146D4(SeqScriptState* state) {
s16 ret = *(state->pc++) << 8;
ret = *(state->pc++) | ret;
return ret;
u16 func_80014704(SeqScriptState* state) {
u16 ret = *(state->pc++);
if (ret & 0x80) {
ret = (ret << 8) & 0x7F00;
ret = *(state->pc++) | ret;
return ret;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_80014748.s")
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_800152C0.s")
u8 func_800152C0(SequenceChannel* channel, u8 arg1, Instrument** instrument, AdsrSettings* adsrSettings) {
Instrument* temp_v0;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_80015330.s")
temp_v0 = Audio_GetInstrument(channel->fontId, arg1);
if (temp_v0 == NULL) {
*instrument = NULL;
return 0;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_800153C4.s")
adsrSettings->envelope = temp_v0->envelope;
adsrSettings->decayIndex = temp_v0->adsrDecayIndex;
*instrument = temp_v0;
return arg1;
void func_80015330(SequenceChannel* channel, u8 arg1) {
if (arg1 >= 0x80) {
channel->instOrWave = arg1;
channel->instrument = NULL;
} else if (arg1 == 0x7F) {
channel->instOrWave = 0;
channel->instrument = (Instrument*) 1;
} else {
if ((channel->instOrWave = func_800152C0(channel, arg1, &channel->instrument, &channel->adsr)) == 0) {
channel->hasInstrument = 0;
channel->hasInstrument = 1;
void func_800153C4(SequenceChannel* channel, u8 arg1) {
channel->volume = (s32) arg1 / 127.0f;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_800153E8.s")
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_80015FD4.s")
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_8001678C.s")
void func_8001678C(s32 arg0) {
s32 i;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_80016804.s")
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (gSeqPlayers[i].enabled == 1) {
void func_80016804(s32 arg0) {
SequencePlayer* seqPlayer = &gSeqPlayers[arg0];
seqPlayer->delay = 0;
seqPlayer->state = 1;
seqPlayer->fadeTimer = 0;
seqPlayer->fadeTimerUnkEu = 0;
seqPlayer->tempoAcc = 0;
seqPlayer->tempo = 0x1680;
seqPlayer->tempoChange = 0;
seqPlayer->transposition = 0;
seqPlayer->noteAllocPolicy = 0;
seqPlayer->shortNoteVelocityTable = gDefaultShortNoteVelocityTable;
seqPlayer->shortNoteGateTimeTable = gDefaultShortNoteGateTimeTable;
seqPlayer->fadeVolume = 1.0f;
seqPlayer->fadeVolumeMod = 1.0f;
seqPlayer->fadeVelocity = 0.0f;
seqPlayer->volume = 0.0f;
seqPlayer->muteVolumeMod = 0.5f;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/us/nonmatchings/main/audio_seqplayer/func_800168BC.s")
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
#include "sys.h"
#include "sf64audio_provisional.h"
extern s16 D_800DD200[];
s32 D_80145D40;
f32 D_80145D48[256];
f32 D_80146148[256];
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// #include "prevent_bss_reordering.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "prevent_bss_reordering.h"
Vec3f D_801615D0;
Vec3f D_801615E0;
s32 D_801615EC;
@ -1,90 +1,5 @@
#include "global.h"
#define MK_CMD(b0, b1, b2, b3) \
((((b0) &0xFF) << 0x18) | (((b1) &0xFF) << 0x10) | (((b2) &0xFF) << 0x8) | (((b3) &0xFF) << 0))
#define NO_LAYER ((SequenceLayer*) (-1))
#define TATUMS_PER_BEAT 48
#define IS_SEQUENCE_CHANNEL_VALID(ptr) ((u32) (ptr) != (u32) &gAudioCtx.sequenceChannelNone)
#define SEQ_IO_VAL_NONE -1
#define MUTE_BEHAVIOR_3 (1 << 3) // prevent further NoteUnkStructs from playing
#define MUTE_BEHAVIOR_4 (1 << 4) // stop something in seqLayer scripts
#define MUTE_BEHAVIOR_SOFTEN (1 << 5) // lower volume, by default to half
#define MUTE_BEHAVIOR_STOP_NOTES (1 << 6) // prevent further notes from playing
#define MUTE_BEHAVIOR_STOP_SCRIPT (1 << 7) // stop processing sequence/channel scripts
#define ADSR_DISABLE 0
#define ADSR_HANG -1
#define ADSR_GOTO -2
#define ADSR_RESTART -3
// size of a single sample point
#define SAMPLE_SIZE sizeof(s16)
// Samples are processed in groups of 16 called a "frame"
// The length of one left/right channel is 13 frames
// Both left and right channels
#define DMEM_2CH_SIZE (2 * DMEM_1CH_SIZE)
#define AIBUF_LEN (88 * SAMPLES_PER_FRAME) // number of samples
#define AIBUF_SIZE (AIBUF_LEN * SAMPLE_SIZE) // number of bytes
// Filter sizes
// Must be the same amount of samples as copied by aDuplicate() (audio microcode)
typedef struct {
/* 0x0 */ s16 delay;
/* 0x2 */ s16 arg;
} EnvelopePoint; // size = 0x4
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u32 start;
/* 0x04 */ u32 end;
/* 0x08 */ u32 count;
/* 0x0C */ char unk_0C[0x4];
/* 0x10 */ s16 predictorState[16]; // only exists if count != 0. 8-byte aligned
} AdpcmLoop; // size = 0x30 (or 0x10)
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s32 order;
/* 0x04 */ s32 numPredictors;
/* 0x08 */ s16 book[1]; // size 8 * order * numPredictors. 8-byte aligned
} AdpcmBook; // size >= 0x8
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u32 codec : 4; // The state of compression or decompression
/* 0x00 */ u32 medium : 2; // Medium where sample is currently stored
/* 0x00 */ u32 unk_bit26 : 1;
/* 0x00 */ u32 isRelocated : 1; // Has the sample header been relocated (offsets to pointers)
/* 0x01 */ u32 size : 24; // Size of the sample
/* 0x04 */ u8* sampleAddr; // Raw sample data. Offset from the start of the sample bank or absolute address to
// either rom or ram
/* 0x08 */ AdpcmLoop*
loop; // Adpcm loop parameters used by the sample. Offset from the start of the sound font / pointer to ram
/* 0x0C */ AdpcmBook*
book; // Adpcm book parameters used by the sample. Offset from the start of the sound font / pointer to ram
} Sample; // size = 0x10
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ Sample* sample;
/* 0x04 */ f32 tuning; // frequency scale factor
} TunedSample; // size = 0x8
#include "sys.h"
#include "sf64audio_provisional.h"
typedef struct {
struct {
@ -310,12 +225,12 @@ EnvelopePoint gDefaultEnvelope[] = {
NoteUnkStruct gZeroNoteSub = { 0 };
NoteSubEu gZeroNoteSub = { 0 };
NoteUnkStruct gDefaultNoteSub = {
NoteSubEu gDefaultNoteSub = {
{ 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0 },
{ 0 },
u16 gHaasEffectDelaySizes[64] = {
@ -5,12 +5,11 @@
#include "mods.h"
#include "prevent_bss_reordering.h"
// #include "prevent_bss_reordering2.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "fox_map.h"
#include "fox_option.h"
#include "prevent_bss_reordering.h"
#include "prevent_bss_reordering2.h"
u8 D_menu_801B9410[96 * 96];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user