* first few functions
* funcs so far - messy
* only large funcs left
* func_DF4260_8018F880 and func_DF4260_80191160
* func_DF4260_8018C19C
* func_DF4260_8018F880 player
* build post merge
* first cleanup pass
* add work buffers to Object_2F4
* halfway through data import
* finish data import
* cleanup and add non_matching
* bss complete
* actor rename
* post merge cleanup
* file rename
* arg rename
* other object variables rename
* hex cleanup for func_DF4260_80189058
* format
* revert note_data
* suggestions
* format suggestions
* Match 5 funcs
* Match func_8007E93C
* Match func_8007EBB8
* Match func_8007ED54
* Match func_8007EE68
* 0.017453292f to M_DTOR
* format
* 3 more matches
* Match 2 more
* 2 more matches
* Match func_8007F958
* Match func_8007FBE0
* Match func_8007FD84
* Match func_8007FE88
* 5 new matches
* Match func_80080D04
* Match func_800815DC and func_8008165C
* Match func_80081BEC
* MAtch func_80081B24
* Match 2 more
* 3 more matches
* Small tweaks
* Give names to function params
* Match func_80080ACC
* MAtch func_80083D2C
* Match func_800837EC
* WIP func_80081C5C
* Add view of rodata that needs to be migrated somewhere
* Match func_80081C5C!
* Fix bss reordering, and formatting.
* Add a submodule of m2c, and a new script for generating the context for a file, and a m2c output to an ignored folder.
* Migrate rodata
* Start importing data for sf_77E40.c
* Successful data migration for sf_77E40.c
* make format
* Reorganzie data for sf_77E40.c
* Try stubbing a PRINTF, to help with RODATA strings.
* Rename sf_77E40 to fox_effect
* Rename Object_8C to Effect
* make format...
* Rename gObjects8C to gEffects
* fox_versus functions
* more functions
* more input!
* functions so far
* fix bss reordering
* all functions matching
* fix caller addresses
* import data cleanup
* introduce first_diff to the project
* fix wrong type
* second version of bss reordering prevention header
* move versus symbols to variables.h
* BSS importing attempt (failed)
terrain is prepared for another contributor to try
* fix fox_option NON_MATCHING build
* format
* remove static keyword from fox_map data symbols
* rename fox_versus
* fix more addresses
* more address fixes for fox_map
* all fox_map addresses done
* fix bss build in fox_map, migration pending
* bss reorder failed attempt
* remove unused externs
* remove unnecessary config file
* remove unnecessary entries in settings.json
* comments
* move structs to fox_map header
* put static back in fox_option data
* PR review
* Match func_8007C9E0
* Match func_8007CAF0
* Match func_8007CC00
* Match func_8007CCBC
* Match func_8007CD7C
* Match func_8007CEBC
* Match func_8007CF30
* Match 4 more funcs
* Match 5 more funcs
* Match func_8007D2F4
* Match func_8007D55C
* func_8007D748
* Match several more
* Match func_8007DB70
* Match func_8007DED4
* Match func_8007E014
* Match another handful
* obj2F4->unk_0E8 -> obj2F4->vel
* Object_8C.unk_54 -> Object_8C.vel
* obj80->unk_64 -> obj80->vel
* obj408->unk_06C -> obj408->vel
* Name gravity
* obj8C names
* Run make format
* stuff
* three whole files
* format
* format and such
* a switch in time
* merge prep
* nintendo switch
* format
* the great switch statement of our time
* 43AC0 matched
* stuff
* Enums everywhere
* oh god the switch
* knakyo
* new headers
* format
* fox
* everyone hates recursion
* format
* one more thing
* one more one more thing
* renames
* matches
* matrix scale why
* names and such
* cleanup
* name back
* it just keeps going
* they don't give up
* splits
* merge going poorly
* I object
* more names
* one nonmatching
* merge time
* merge complete
* cleanup
* poor rambo
* level fix
* Match func_8007B9DC and func_8007BB14
* Remove macro and add debug notices
* Fix merge diff
* Match func_8007BC7C
* Match func_8007BCE8
* Match func_8007BDE0
* Match func_8007BE54 and an audio func func_8001A500
* Match func_8007BEE8
* Match func_8007BF64
* Match func_8007BFFC
* Match func_8007C088
* Match func_8007C120
* Match func_8007C1AC
* Match func_8007C250
* Fix merge from master
* Match func_8007C3B4
* Match func_8007C484 and func_8007C50C
* Match func_8007C608 and func_8007C688
* Match func_8007C6FC and func_8007C85C
* Match func_8007C8C4
* Add a progress script WIP
* stuff
* three whole files
* format
* format and such
* a switch in time
* merge prep
* nintendo switch
* format
* the great switch statement of our time
* 43AC0 matched
* stuff
* Enums everywhere
* oh god the switch
* knakyo
* new headers
* format
* fox
* everyone hates recursion
* format
* one more thing
* one more one more thing
* renames
* matches
* matrix scale why
* names and such
* cleanup
* name back
* it just keeps going
* they don't give up
* splits
* merge going poorly
* I object
* more names
* stuff
* three whole files
* format
* format and such
* a switch in time
* merge prep
* nintendo switch
* format
* the great switch statement of our time
* 43AC0 matched
* stuff
* Enums everywhere
* oh god the switch
* knakyo
* new headers
* format
* fox
* everyone hates recursion
* format
* one more thing
* one more one more thing
* renames
* matches
* matrix scale why
* names and such
* cleanup
* name back
* it just keeps going
* they don't give up
* splits
* merge going poorly
* I object
* stuff
* three whole files
* format
* format and such
* a switch in time
* merge prep
* nintendo switch
* format
* the great switch statement of our time
* 43AC0 matched
* stuff
* Enums everywhere
* oh god the switch
* knakyo
* new headers
* format
* fox
* everyone hates recursion
* format
* one more thing
* one more one more thing
* renames
* matches
* matrix scale why
* names and such
* cleanup
* name back
* stuff
* three whole files
* format
* format and such
* a switch in time
* merge prep
* nintendo switch
* format
* the great switch statement of our time
* 43AC0 matched
* stuff
* Enums everywhere
* oh god the switch
* knakyo
* new headers
* format
* fox
* everyone hates recursion
* format
* one more thing
* one more one more thing
* renames
* matches
* stuff
* three whole files
* format
* format and such
* a switch in time
* merge prep
* nintendo switch
* format
* the great switch statement of our time
* 43AC0 matched
* stuff
* Enums everywhere
* oh god the switch
* knakyo
* new headers
* format
* fox
* everyone hates recursion
* format
* one more thing
* one more one more thing
* renames
* Match func_8007A5F8
* Match func_8007A774
* Match func_8007A818
* Match func_8007A900
* Match func_8007A994
* Match func_8007AA60
* Match func_8007AB50
* Match func_8007AC0C
* Few more func matches
* remove strings
* Match func_8007AF30 and func_8007AFD0
* Match func_8007B040
* Match func_8007B0F4
* MAtch func_8007B228
* Match func_8007B3B8
* Fix todo
* 7 new matches
* Match 3 more funcs.
* fox_option and fox_title warnings
* Couple small warnings
* Fix all remaining warnings
* Run make format
* make tools on its own
* Fix warnings introduced in last master version
* Better use of the drawGfx union
* objects?
* objects2?
* more stuff
* format
* even more cleanup
* RCP function names
* format
* NO U
* makerom too
* stuff
* last function
* symbols...why
* data
* cleaning
* expert mode
* foxname
* one more name
* forgot something
* one more variable cleanup
* I swear I can stop
* Match func_80077240
* Apply changes from style guide
* Match func_8007729C and style guide changes
* Further style guide changes
* Several matches courtesy of petrie911
* Match func_80077B84
* Run make format
* Match func_80078038
* Match func_800780F8
* Match func_800783C0
* Match func_80078438 and func_800784B4
* Match func_80078550
* Match func_80078604
* Match func_8007868C
* WIP func_80084194
* Rename funcs as required from merge with master.
* Match func_8007879C
* Match func_800788B0 and func_80084194
* Match func_80078A64
* Match 3 more funcs
* Match func_80078C84
* Match func_80078D60 and func_80078CE8
* Match func_80078E50
* Match func_80078EBC
* Match func_80078F78
* Add function prototypes to functions.h
* (M_PI / 180.0f) to M_DTOR
* Match func_8007905C
* Match func_800794CC
* Match func_8007953C
* Match func_80079618
* Fix changes from master
* Match func_8007968C
* Match func_800798C4
* Match func_800798F0
* return -> break
* Match func_8007A28C
* Match func_8007A3C0
* Match func_8007A4B8
* Match func_8007A568
* Match two more funcs
* get this started
* linker scripts fixed
* oh god what now
* names
* the blue pill
* names, perhaps
* save
* clean out structs
* save for later again
* more names
* save, again