Alejandro Asenjo Nitti
fox_map functions ( #56 )
* func_EBFBE0_80187520
* func_EBFBE0_8019E85C
* func_EBFBE0_8019E8D0
* funcs
* func_EBFBE0_801A6A24
* func_EBFBE0_801A4D0C
* func_EBFBE0_801A62FC
* names
* func_EBFBE0_801A5770
* dec
* boolean
* func_EBFBE0_801A4A38
* func_EBFBE0_8019F83C
* func_EBFBE0_8019F910
* func_EBFBE0_8019F97C
* func_EBFBE0_8019FA1C
* comment
* func_EBFBE0_8019FC04
* func_EBFBE0_8019FD1C
* func_EBFBE0_8019FF48
* func_EBFBE0_801A01A8
* func_EBFBE0_801A05B4
* func_EBFBE0_801A07E8
* func_EBFBE0_801A655C
* func_EBFBE0_801AB284
* func_EBFBE0_801AB17C
* func_EBFBE0_801AD048
* func_EBFBE0_801A914C
* func_EBFBE0_801A9EE4
* func_EBFBE0_801A9DE8
* func_EBFBE0_801A9814
* func_EBFBE0_801A25C8
* func_EBFBE0_801A6DAC
* func_EBFBE0_801A6DAC
* func_EBFBE0_801A3440
* func_EBFBE0_801A7684
* primColor
* planetId
* func_EBFBE0_801A77B0
* func_EBFBE0_801A791C
* func_EBFBE0_801A7A84
* func_EBFBE0_801A7BEC
* func_EBFBE0_801A7BEC
* func_EBFBE0_801A7D3C
* progress script permissions
* func_EBFBE0_801A7F1C
* func_EBFBE0_801A74F4
* format
* func_EBFBE0_801A7230
* func_EBFBE0_801A6EC0
* func_EBFBE0_801AD718
* func_EBFBE0_801AD7EC
* func_EBFBE0_801AC80C
* func_EBFBE0_801ABF1C
* func_EBFBE0_801ABCDC
* scopes
* func_EBFBE0_801A68E4
* func_EBFBE0_801A6694
* func_EBFBE0_801A6480
* func_EBFBE0_801A6368
* func_EBFBE0_801A61B4
* LevelId
* LevelId
* func_EBFBE0_801A62FC
* level enum
* levelIDs
* enum
2023-12-24 10:12:09 -06:00
Making the name changes discussed ( #54 )
* stuff
* three whole files
* format
* format and such
* a switch in time
* merge prep
* nintendo switch
* format
* the great switch statement of our time
* 43AC0 matched
* stuff
* Enums everywhere
* oh god the switch
* knakyo
* new headers
* format
* fox
* everyone hates recursion
* format
* one more thing
* one more one more thing
* renames
* matches
* matrix scale why
* names and such
* cleanup
* name back
* it just keeps going
* they don't give up
* splits
* merge going poorly
* I object
* more names
2023-12-20 16:32:50 -03:00
fox_6B3B0 and a bunch of names for things ( #50 )
* stuff
* three whole files
* format
* format and such
* a switch in time
* merge prep
* nintendo switch
* format
* the great switch statement of our time
* 43AC0 matched
* stuff
* Enums everywhere
* oh god the switch
* knakyo
* new headers
* format
* fox
* everyone hates recursion
* format
* one more thing
* one more one more thing
* renames
2023-12-14 11:41:43 -03:00
Ryan Myers
Warnings Fixes ( #45 )
* fox_option and fox_title warnings
* Couple small warnings
* Fix all remaining warnings
* Run make format
* make tools on its own
* Fix warnings introduced in last master version
* Better use of the drawGfx union
2023-12-08 15:58:37 -06:00
wip on sf_A4B50 (probably fox_play), also names and cleanup ( #43 )
* objects?
* objects2?
* more stuff
* format
* even more cleanup
* RCP function names
* format
* NO U
* makerom too
2023-12-04 15:50:52 -03:00
Alejandro Asenjo Nitti
fox_option functions ( #39 )
* func_EBFBE0_80195B74
* func_EBFBE0_80196894
* func_EBFBE0_8019896C
* fix
* func_EBFBE0_80194CE4
* func_EBFBE0_801952B4
* RCP_SetupDL
* format
* move data around
* space
2023-11-30 16:35:40 -06:00
Names and such ( #38 )
* names and such 1
* more names
* format
2023-11-29 23:44:42 -03:00
Alejandro Asenjo Nitti
fox_title data imported ( #36 )
* begin importing data
* data imported
* remove padding
2023-11-28 20:32:45 -06:00
Sf_bb360, also major data import ( #35 )
* all sorts of imports and such
* oops
* names and such
2023-11-28 17:03:47 -03:00
Alejandro Asenjo Nitti
fox_title decompiled ( #33 )
* func_EBFBE0_8018C1C0
* func_EBFBE0_8018C644
* func_EBFBE0_8018CB90
* func_EBFBE0_8018CC30
* func_EBFBE0_8018CD9C
* func_EBFBE0_8018D2B8
* func_EBFBE0_8018D510
* func_EBFBE0_8018DDB8
* func_EBFBE0_8018FD08
* func_EBFBE0_8018FD08
* func_EBFBE0_801903B8
* func_EBFBE0_8018E200
* func_EBFBE0_8018E67C
* func_EBFBE0_8018EDC8
* func_EBFBE0_80192D58
* func_EBFBE0_80193C4C
2023-11-28 10:38:25 -06:00
Alejandro Asenjo Nitti
fox_title functions ( #32 )
* add recipe for context
* echo
* func_EBFBE0_801881FC
* func_EBFBE0_801881FC
* format
* format
* func_EBFBE0_8018994C
* func_EBFBE0_8018A644
* func_EBFBE0_8018A990
* no casting for you
* func_EBFBE0_8018ABC0
* func_EBFBE0_8018ACEC
* func_EBFBE0_8018B038
* func_EBFBE0_8018B058
* func_EBFBE0_8018B5C4
* func_EBFBE0_8018C114
* unify phony
2023-11-27 06:39:12 -06:00
Alejandro Asenjo Nitti
fox_title ( #30 )
* func_EBFBE0_801919C4
* fox_title functions
* func_EBFBE0_8019C66C
* broken branch
* fix branch
* more functions
* remove unnecessary file
* sizes
* func_EBFBE0_80188010
* func_EBFBE0_801894E8
* func_EBFBE0_8018A2F8
* func_EBFBE0_8018A338
2023-11-25 14:08:39 -06:00