:config: segments: - [0x06, 0xC44550] header: code: - '#include "assets/ast_map.h"' header: - '#include "gfx.h"' - '#include "sf64object.h"' # Restart Game (Game Over) aMapRetryCourseGameOverTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6000000, width: 96, height: 22, ctype: u8, symbol: aMapRetryCourseGameOverTex } # Proceed to Next Course aMapProceedNextCourseTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6000840, width: 96, height: 22, ctype: u8, symbol: aMapProceedNextCourseTex } # Retry Course (Lose 1 Arwing) aMapRetryCourseLose1UPTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6001080, width: 96, height: 22, ctype: u8, symbol: aMapRetryCourseLose1UPTex } # Change Course aMapChangeCourseTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x60018C0, width: 96, height: 10, ctype: u8, symbol: aMapChangeCourseTex } # Aquas Ocean D_MAP_6001C80: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6001C80, width: 96, height: 13, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6001C80 } # Terror of the Deep D_MAP_6002160: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6002160, width: 208, height: 19, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6002160 } # Meteo # Asteroid Field D_MAP_60030D0: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x60030D0, width: 96, height: 28, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_60030D0 } # Into the Asteroid Field D_MAP_6003B50: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6003B50, width: 208, height: 19, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6003B50 } # Bolse Defense Outpost D_MAP_6004AC0: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6004AC0, width: 168, height: 19, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6004AC0 } # The Last Hurrah D_MAP_6005740: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6005740, width: 160, height: 19, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6005740 } # Area 6 # Defense Station D_MAP_6006320: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6006320, width: 104, height: 28, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6006320 } # Through the Middle D_MAP_6006E80: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6006E80, width: 176, height: 19, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6006E80 } # Corneria # Former Army Base D_MAP_6007B90: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6007B90, width: 128, height: 28, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6007B90 } # Enter Star Fox D_MAP_6008990: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6008990, width: 232, height: 19, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6008990 } # Fortuna # Former Defense Post D_MAP_6009AD0: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6009AD0, width: 168, height: 28, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6009AD0 } # Enter Star Wolf D_MAP_600AD30: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x600AD30, width: 168, height: 19, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_600AD30 } # Katina # Frontline Base D_MAP_600B9B0: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x600B9B0, width: 168, height: 28, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_600B9B0 } # Reunion D_MAP_600CC10: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x600CC10, width: 128, height: 19, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_600CC10 } # The Lylat System D_MAP_600D590: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x600D590, width: 168, height: 19, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_600D590 } # Macbeth # Venom Army Supply Base D_MAP_600E210: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x600E210, width: 160, height: 28, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_600E210 } # The Forever Train D_MAP_600F390: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x600F390, width: 168, height: 19, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_600F390 } # Solar D_MAP_6010010: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6010010, width: 112, height: 13, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6010010 } # Out of the Frying Pan. D_MAP_60105C0: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x60105C0, width: 224, height: 19, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_60105C0 } # Sector X Combat Zone D_MAP_6011660: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6011660, width: 176, height: 12, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6011660 } # Mystery of the Space Base D_MAP_6011EA0: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6011EA0, width: 256, height: 19, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6011EA0 } # Sector Y Combat Zone D_MAP_60131A0: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x60131A0, width: 176, height: 12, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_60131A0 } # Fierce Melee D_MAP_60139E0: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x60139E0, width: 128, height: 19, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_60139E0 } # Sector Z Combat Zone D_MAP_6014360: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6014360, width: 176, height: 12, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6014360 } # The Ambush of Great Fox D_MAP_6014BA0: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6014BA0, width: 232, height: 19, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6014BA0 } # Titania # Arid Desert D_MAP_6015CE0: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6015CE0, width: 96, height: 28, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6015CE0 } # The Search for Slippy D_MAP_6016760: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6016760, width: 200, height: 19, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6016760 } # Zones # Toxic Waste Area D_MAP_6017640: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6017640, width: 112, height: 28, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6017640 } # Invasion Aftermath D_MAP_6018280: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6018280, width: 184, height: 19, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6018280 } aMapPrologueTextFadeTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x6019030, width: 8, height: 16, ctype: u8, symbol: aMapPrologueTextFadeTex } # Clouds ? aMapVenomCloudTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x60190B0, width: 96, height: 96, ctype: u8, symbol: aMapVenomCloudTex } aMapOptionBgTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x601B4B0, width: 32, height: 32, ctype: u8, symbol: aMapOptionBgTex } # Some text in japanese D_MAP_601B8B0: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x601B8B0, width: 80, height: 26, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_1B8B0 } aMapSectorXDL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x601C0D0, symbol: aMapSectorXDL } D_MAP_601C160: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x0601C160, width: 32, height: 32, ctype: u16, symbol: D_MAP_601C160 } aMapSectorYDL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x601C960, symbol: aMapSectorYDL } D_MAP_601C9F0: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x0601C9F0, width: 32, height: 32, ctype: u16, symbol: D_MAP_601C9F0 } aMapMedalDL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x601D1F0, symbol: aMapMedalDL } aMapMedalTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI8, width: 32, height: 64, offset: 0x0601D2F0, symbol: aMapMedalTex, tlut: 0x0601DAF0 } D_MAP_601DAF0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 144, offset: 0x0601DAF0, symbol: D_MAP_601DAF0 } aMapArwingIconTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x0601DC10, symbol: aMapArwingIconTex, tlut: 0x0601DC90 } aMapArwingIconTLUT: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 8, offset: 0x0601DC90, symbol: aMapArwingIconTLUT } aMapXTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 16, height: 7, offset: 0x0601DCA0, symbol: aMapXTex, tlut: 0x0601DCD8 } aMapXTLUT: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 5, offset: 0x0601DCD8, symbol: aMapXTLUT } aMapCursorDL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x601DCF0, symbol: aMapCursorDL } D_MAP_601DDE8: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x0601DDE8, symbol: D_MAP_601DDE8, tlut: 0x0601DE68 } D_MAP_601DE68: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 12, offset: 0x0601DE68, symbol: D_MAP_601DE68 } aMapArea6DL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x601DE80, symbol: aMapArea6DL } D_MAP_601F2B0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 32, height: 32, offset: 0x0601F2B0, symbol: D_MAP_601F2B0, tlut: 0x0601F4B0 } D_MAP_601F4B0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x0601F4B0, symbol: D_MAP_601F4B0 } D_MAP_601E8F8: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x0601E8F8, symbol: D_MAP_601E8F8, tlut: 0x0601E978 } D_MAP_601E978: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x0601E978, symbol: D_MAP_601E978 } aMapArea6ShipDL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x601E9A0, symbol: aMapArea6ShipDL } D_MAP_601F4D0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x0601F4D0, symbol: D_MAP_601F4D0, tlut: 0x0601F550 } D_MAP_601F550: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x0601F550, symbol: D_MAP_601F550 } D_MAP_601F570: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x0601F570, symbol: D_MAP_601F570, tlut: 0x0601F5F0 } D_MAP_601F5F0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x0601F5F0, symbol: D_MAP_601F5F0 } D_MAP_601F610: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x0601F610, symbol: D_MAP_601F610, tlut: 0x0601F690 } D_MAP_601F690: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x0601F690, symbol: D_MAP_601F690 } aMapSectorZDL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x601F6B0, symbol: aMapSectorZDL } D_MAP_601F740: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x0601F740, width: 32, height: 32, ctype: u16, symbol: D_MAP_601F740 } # Looks like Aquas aMapAquasTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: CI8, offset: 0x601FF40, width: 96, height: 96, ctype: u8, symbol: aMapAquasTex, tlut: 0x06022340 } gMapAquasTLUT: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 80, offset: 0x06022340, symbol: gMapAquasTLUT } # Looks like Venom aMapVenomTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: CI8, offset: 0x60223E0, width: 96, height: 96, ctype: u8, symbol: aMapVenomTex, tlut: 0x060247E0 } gMapVenomTLUT: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 88, offset: 0x060247E0, symbol: gMapVenomTLUT } # Looks like Corneria aMapCorneriaTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: CI8, offset: 0x6024890, width: 96, height: 96, ctype: u8, symbol: aMapCorneriaTex, tlut: 0x06026C90 } gMapCorneriaTLUT: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 112, offset: 0x06026C90, symbol: gMapCorneriaTLUT } # Looks like Zones aMapFortunaTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: CI8, offset: 0x6026D70, width: 96, height: 96, ctype: u8, symbol: aMapFortunaTex, tlut: 0x06029170 } gMapFortunaTLUT: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 88, offset: 0x06029170, symbol: gMapFortunaTLUT } # Looks like Solar aMapKatinaTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: CI8, offset: 0x6029220, width: 96, height: 96, ctype: u8, symbol: aMapKatinaTex, tlut: 0x0602B620 } gMapKatinaTLUT: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 88, offset: 0x0602B620, symbol: gMapKatinaTLUT } # Looks like Macbeth aMapMacbethTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: CI8, offset: 0x602B6D0, width: 96, height: 96, ctype: u8, symbol: aMapMacbethTex, tlut: 0x0602DAD0 } gMapMacbethTLUT: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 72, offset: 0x0602DAD0, symbol: gMapMacbethTLUT } # Looks like Sector Z aMapTitaniaTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: CI8, offset: 0x602DB60, width: 96, height: 96, ctype: u8, symbol: aMapTitaniaTex, tlut: 0x0602FF60 } gMapTitaniaTLUT: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 56, offset: 0x0602FF60, symbol: gMapTitaniaTLUT } aMapZonessTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: CI8, offset: 0x602FFD0, width: 96, height: 96, ctype: u8, symbol: aMapZonessTex, tlut: 0x060323D0 } gMapZonessTLUT: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 56, offset: 0x060323D0, symbol: gMapZonessTLUT } # Portrait of Falco aMapRadioCharFalcoTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06032440, width: 28, height: 28, ctype: u16, symbol: aMapRadioCharFalcoTex } # Portrait of Peppy aMapRadioCharPeppyTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06032A60, width: 28, height: 28, ctype: u16, symbol: aMapRadioCharPeppyTex } # Picture of Peppy, James and Pigma used in the narrated intro. aMapPrologue3Tex: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06033080, width: 96, height: 52, ctype: u16, symbol: aMapPrologue3Tex } # Picture of Andross, General Pepper and Venom in the background, used in the narrated intro. aMapPrologue2Tex: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06035780, width: 96, height: 52, ctype: u16, symbol: aMapPrologue2Tex } # Picture of Andross, hands open, Corneria in the middle, used in the narrated intro. aMapPrologue6Tex: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06037E80, width: 96, height: 52, ctype: u16, symbol: aMapPrologue6Tex } # Picture of an Arwing dodging attacks from enemies, used in the narrated intro. aMapPrologue4Tex: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x0603A580, width: 96, height: 52, ctype: u16, symbol: aMapPrologue4Tex } # Picture of Slippy, Peppy, Fox and Falco, used in the narrated intro. aMapPrologue7Tex: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x0603CC80, width: 96, height: 52, ctype: u16, symbol: aMapPrologue7Tex } # Picture of Peppy returning from Vemon, used in the narrated intro. aMapPrologue5Tex: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x0603F380, width: 96, height: 52, ctype: u16, symbol: aMapPrologue5Tex } # Picture of Corneria, used in the narrated intro. aMapPrologue1Tex: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06041A80, width: 96, height: 52, ctype: u16, symbol: aMapPrologue1Tex } # Portrait of Slippy aMapRadioCharSlippyTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06044180, width: 28, height: 28, ctype: u16, symbol: aMapRadioCharSlippyTex } # White Square ? aMapWhiteSquareTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x060447A0, width: 8, height: 8, ctype: u16, symbol: aMapWhiteSquareTex } # Picture of Fox receiving orders from General Pepper, used in the map (briefing) D_MAP_6044820: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06044820, width: 92, height: 51, ctype: u16, symbol: D_MAP_6044820 } # Fox face talking during briefing. D_MAP_6046CD0: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06046CD0, width: 32, height: 34, ctype: u16, symbol: D_MAP_6046CD0 } # Black Square with borders. aMapPathBoxTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06047550, width: 24, height: 24, ctype: u16, symbol: aMapPathBoxTex } aMapPlanetExplosionDL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x60479D0, symbol: aMapPlanetExplosionDL } D_MAP_6047A68: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x06047A68, width: 32, height: 32, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6047A68 } aMapVenomCloudDL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x6047E70, symbol: aMapVenomCloudDL } aMapVenomCloudEffectTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x06047F80, width: 64, height: 64, ctype: u8, symbol: aMapVenomCloudEffectTex } D_MAP_6048F80: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x06048F80, width: 64, height: 64, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6048F80 } aMapExplosion4DL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x6049F80, symbol: aMapExplosion4DL } D_MAP_604A048: { type: TEXTURE, format: CI8, offset: 0x0604A048, width: 16, height: 16, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_604A048, tlut: 0x0602FF60 } D_MAP_604A148: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 32, offset: 0x0604A148, symbol: D_MAP_604A148 } aMapExplosion3DL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x604A190, symbol: aMapExplosion3DL } D_MAP_604A258: { type: TEXTURE, format: CI8, offset: 0x0604A258, width: 16, height: 16, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_604A258, tlut: 0x0604A358 } D_MAP_604A358: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 80, offset: 0x0604A358, symbol: D_MAP_604A358 } aMapExplosion2DL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x604A400, symbol: aMapExplosion2DL } D_MAP_604A4C8: { type: TEXTURE, format: CI8, offset: 0x0604A4C8, width: 16, height: 16, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_604A4C8, tlut: 0x0604A5C8 } D_MAP_604A5C8: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 160, offset: 0x0604A5C8, symbol: D_MAP_604A5C8 } aMapExplosion1DL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x604A710, symbol: aMapExplosion1DL } D_MAP_604A7D8: { type: TEXTURE, format: CI8, offset: 0x0604A7D8, width: 16, height: 16, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_604A7D8, tlut: 0x0604A8D8 } D_MAP_604A8D8: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 136, offset: 0x0604A8D8, symbol: D_MAP_604A8D8 } # Arwing Model, used in the map. aMapArwingDL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x604A9F0, symbol: aMapArwingDL } ast_map_seg6_vtx_4AD50: { type: VTX, offset: 0x604AD50, count: 124, symbol: ast_map_seg6_vtx_4AD50 } D_MAP_604B510: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x0604B510, symbol: D_MAP_604B510, tlut: 0x0604B590 } D_MAP_604B590: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x0604B590, symbol: D_MAP_604B590 } D_MAP_604B5B0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x0604B5B0, symbol: D_MAP_604B5B0, tlut: 0x0604B630 } D_MAP_604B630: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x0604B630, symbol: D_MAP_604B630 } D_MAP_604B650: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x0604B650, width: 8, height: 16, ctype: u16, symbol: D_MAP_604B650 } # Model of Bolse aMapBolseDL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x604B750, symbol: aMapBolseDL } D_MAP_604BC48: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 32, height: 32, offset: 0x0604BC48, symbol: D_MAP_604BC48, tlut: 0x0604BC48 } D_MAP_604BE48: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x0604BE48, symbol: D_MAP_604BE48 } D_MAP_604BE68: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 32, height: 32, offset: 0x0604BE68, symbol: D_MAP_604BE68, tlut: 0x0604C068 } D_MAP_604C068: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x0604C068, symbol: D_MAP_604C068 } D_MAP_604C088: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 32, height: 32, offset: 0x0604C088, symbol: D_MAP_604C088, tlut: 0x0604C288 } D_MAP_604C288: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x0604C288, symbol: D_MAP_604C288 } D_MAP_604C2A8: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x0604C2A8, symbol: D_MAP_604C2A8, tlut: 0x0604C328 } D_MAP_604C328: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x0604C328, symbol: D_MAP_604C328 } # Television outcoming light Model, used during briefing. aMapTvScreenGlowDL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x604C350, symbol: aMapTvScreenGlowDL } aMapTvScreenGlowTex: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x0604C4C0, width: 8, height: 16, ctype: u8, symbol: aMapTvScreenGlowTex } aMapTitaniaRings1DL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x604C540, symbol: aMapTitaniaRings1DL } D_MAP_604C5D8: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x0604C5D8, width: 32, height: 64, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_604C5D8 } aMapTitaniaRings2DL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x604CDE0, symbol: aMapTitaniaRings2DL } D_MAP_604CE78: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x0604CE78, width: 32, height: 64, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_604CE78 } D_MAP_604D680: { type: GFX, offset: 0x604D680, symbol: D_MAP_604D680 } D_MAP_604D708: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x0604D708, width: 32, height: 32, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_604D708 } # Solar Rays aMapSolarDL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x604DB10, symbol: aMapSolarDL } D_MAP_604DD20: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x0604DD20, width: 128, height: 32, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_604DD20 } D_MAP_604ED20: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x0604ED20, width: 128, height: 32, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_604ED20 } D_MAP_604FD20: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x0604FD20, width: 128, height: 32, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_604FD20 } D_MAP_6050D20: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x06050D20, width: 128, height: 32, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_6050D20 } aMapGralPepperFace2DL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x6051D20, symbol: aMapGralPepperFace2DL } D_MAP_6051F20: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06051F20, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u16, symbol: D_MAP_6051F20 } D_MAP_6052F20: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06052F20, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u16, symbol: D_MAP_6052F20 } D_MAP_6053F20: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06053F20, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u16, symbol: D_MAP_6053F20 } D_MAP_6054F20: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06054F20, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u16, symbol: D_MAP_6054F20 } aMapGralPepperFace1DL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x6055F20, symbol: aMapGralPepperFace1DL } D_MAP_6056120: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06056120, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u16, symbol: D_MAP_6056120 } D_MAP_6057120: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06057120, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u16, symbol: D_MAP_6057120 } D_MAP_6058120: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06058120, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u16, symbol: D_MAP_6058120 } D_MAP_6059120: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06059120, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u16, symbol: D_MAP_6059120 } D_MAP_605A120: { type: GFX, offset: 0x605A120, symbol: D_MAP_605A120 } D_MAP_605A230: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x0605A230, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u16, symbol: D_MAP_605A230 } D_MAP_605B230: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x0605B230, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u16, symbol: D_MAP_605B230 } D_MAP_605C230: { type: GFX, offset: 0x605C230, symbol: D_MAP_605C230 } D_MAP_605C610: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x0605C610, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_605C610 } D_MAP_605CE10: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x0605CE10, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_605CE10 } D_MAP_605D610: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x0605D610, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_605D610 } D_MAP_605DE10: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x0605DE10, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_605DE10 } D_MAP_605E610: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x0605E610, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_605E610 } D_MAP_605EE10: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x0605EE10, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_605EE10 } D_MAP_605F610: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x0605F610, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_605F610 } D_MAP_605FE10: { type: TEXTURE, format: IA8, offset: 0x0605FE10, width: 64, height: 32, ctype: u8, symbol: D_MAP_605FE10 } aMapMeteorDL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x6060610, symbol: aMapMeteorDL } D_MAP_6060698: { type: TEXTURE, format: RGBA16, offset: 0x06060698, width: 32, height: 32, ctype: u16, symbol: D_MAP_6060698 } # size = 0x60EA0