:config: segments: - [0x08, 0xCA53F0] header: code: - '#include "assets/ast_option.h"' header: - '#include "gfx.h"' - '#include "sf64object.h"' # Invoice D_OPT_8000000: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 128, height: 26, offset: 0x8000000, symbol: D_OPT_8000000, tlut: 0x8000680 } D_OPT_8000680: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x8000680, symbol: D_OPT_8000680 } # Cornerian army attn: D_OPT_80006A0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 256, height: 34, offset: 0x80006A0, symbol: D_OPT_80006A0, tlut: 0x80017A0 } D_OPT_80017A0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x80017A0, symbol: D_OPT_80017A0 } # Venomian units destroyed D_OPT_80017C0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 256, height: 66, offset: 0x80017C0, symbol: D_OPT_80017C0, tlut: 0x80038C0 } D_OPT_80038C0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x80038C0, symbol: D_OPT_80038C0 } # nd aNdTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 16, height: 10, offset: 0x80038E0, symbol: aNdTex, tlut: 0x8003930 } aNdTLUT: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x8003930, symbol: aNdTLUT } # rd aRdTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 16, height: 11, offset: 0x8003950, symbol: aRdTex, tlut: 0x80039A8 } aRdTLUT: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x80039A8, symbol: aRdTLUT } # aSpeakerCenterTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x80039D0 , symbol: aSpeakerCenterTex, tlut: 0x8003A50 } aSpeakerCenterTLUT: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x8003A50, symbol: aSpeakerCenterTLUT } # st aStTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 16, height: 9, offset: 0x8003A70, symbol: aStTex, tlut: 0x8003AB8 } aStTLUT: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x8003AB8, symbol: aStTLUT } # th aThTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 16, height: 9, offset: 0x8003AE0, symbol: aThTex, tlut: 0x8003B28 } aThTLUT: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x8003B28, symbol: aThTLUT } # Option Title Cards # Main Game aMainGameCardTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 72, height: 12, offset: 0x8003B50, symbol: aMainGameCardTex } # Training aTrainingCardTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 80, height: 12, offset: 0x8003EB0, symbol: aTrainingCardTex } # Vs. aVsCardTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 32, height: 10, offset: 0x8004270, symbol: aVsCardTex } # Ranking aRankingCardTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 64, height: 12, offset: 0x80043B0, symbol: aRankingCardTex } # Sound aSoundCardTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 64, height: 10, offset: 0x80046B0, symbol: aSoundCardTex } # Data aDataCardTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 80, height: 10, offset: 0x8004930, symbol: aDataCardTex } aExpertCardTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 80, height: 12, offset: 0x8004C50, symbol: aExpertCardTex } # Option VS Cards # Point Match aVsPointMatchCardTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 96, height: 13, offset: 0x8005010, symbol: aVsPointMatchCardTex } # Battle Royal aVsBattleRoyalCardTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 96, height: 11, offset: 0x80054F0, symbol: aVsBattleRoyalCardTex } # Time Trial aVsTimeTrialCardTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 96, height: 10, offset: 0x8005910, symbol: aVsTimeTrialCardTex } # Sound Options # Press R to test D_OPT_8005CD0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 112, height: 13, offset: 0x8005CD0, symbol: D_OPT_8005CD0 } # Mode D_OPT_8006280: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 48, height: 13, offset: 0x8006280, symbol: D_OPT_8006280 } # Music D_OPT_80064F0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 88, height: 14, offset: 0x80064F0, symbol: D_OPT_80064F0 } # Voice D_OPT_80069C0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 56, height: 15, offset: 0x80069C0, symbol: D_OPT_80069C0 } # SE D_OPT_8006D10: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 24, height: 13, offset: 0x8006D10, symbol: D_OPT_8006D10 } # B to cancel aBtoCancelTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 96, height: 10, offset: 0x8006E50, symbol: aBtoCancelTex } # Headphone D_OPT_8007210: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 88, height: 14, offset: 0x8007210, symbol: D_OPT_8007210 } # Mono D_OPT_80076E0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 56, height: 14, offset: 0x80076E0, symbol: D_OPT_80076E0 } # Soundtrack D_OPT_80079F0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 128, height: 14, offset: 0x80079F0, symbol: D_OPT_80079F0 } # A to confirm aAtoConfirmTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 96, height: 10, offset: 0x80080F0, symbol: aAtoConfirmTex } # Clear Saved Data D_OPT_80084B0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 176, height: 13, offset: 0x80084B0, symbol: D_OPT_80084B0 } # Are you sure? D_OPT_8008DA0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 160, height: 19, offset: 0x8008DA0, symbol: D_OPT_8008DA0 } # Yes D_OPT_8009980: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 32, height: 12, offset: 0x8009980, symbol: D_OPT_8009980 } # No D_OPT_8009B00: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 40, height: 12, offset: 0x8009B00, symbol: D_OPT_8009B00 } # Are you REALLY sure? D_OPT_8009CE0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 160, height: 41, offset: 0x8009CE0, symbol: D_OPT_8009CE0 } # Data erased D_OPT_800B680: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 144, height: 41, offset: 0x800B680, symbol: D_OPT_800B680 } # Stereo D_OPT_800CD90: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 56, height: 13, offset: 0x800CD90, symbol: D_OPT_800CD90 } # UNK: Triangle shape, it's mirrored to form a diamond shape D_OPT_800D070: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x800D070, symbol: D_OPT_800D070 } # UNK: D_OPT_800D170: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 8, height: 16, offset: 0x800D170, symbol: D_OPT_800D170 } # Seal D_OPT_800D1F0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 80, height: 48, offset: 0x800D1F0, symbol: D_OPT_800D1F0 } # UNK: D_OPT_800E0F0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 8, height: 8, offset: 0x800E0F0, symbol: D_OPT_800E0F0 } aArrowTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 8, height: 8, offset: 0x800E130, symbol: aArrowTex } # Mercenary Unit STARFOX Fox Mccloud D_OPT_800E170: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: RGBA16, width: 188, height: 60, offset: 0x800E170, symbol: D_OPT_800E170 } # ScrollBar aSliderFrameTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: RGBA16, width: 104, height: 10, offset: 0x8013990, symbol: aSliderFrameTex } # ScrollBar Indicator aSliderTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: RGBA16, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x80141B0, symbol: aSliderTex } # Speaker aSpeakerTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI8, width: 32, height: 32, offset: 0x80143B0, symbol: aSpeakerTex, tlut: 0x80147B0 } aSpeakerTLUT: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 32, offset: 0x80147B0, symbol: aSpeakerTLUT } D_OPT_80147F0: { type: GFX, offset: 0x80147F0, symbol: D_OPT_80147F0 } ast_option_seg8_vtx_00014B50: { type: VTX, count: 124, offset: 0x8014B50, symbol: ast_option_seg8_vtx_00014B50 } D_OPT_8015310: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x8015310, symbol: D_OPT_8015310, tlut: 0x08015390 } D_OPT_8015390: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x8015390, symbol: D_OPT_8015390 } D_OPT_80153B0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI4, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x80153B0, symbol: D_OPT_80153B0, tlut: 0x08015430 } D_OPT_8015430: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x8015430, symbol: D_OPT_8015430 } D_OPT_8015450: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: RGBA16, width: 8, height: 16, offset: 0x08015450, symbol: D_OPT_8015450 } D_OPT_8015550: { type: GFX, offset: 0x8015550, symbol: D_OPT_8015550 } D_OPT_80155E8: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: RGBA16, width: 32, height: 32, offset: 0x080155E8, symbol: D_OPT_80155E8 } aLightningDL: { type: GFX, offset: 0x8015DF0, symbol: aLightningDL } aLightningTex: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: RGBA16, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x08015E88, symbol: aLightningTex }