#include "sf64math.h" #include "fox_hud.h" #include "prevent_bss_reordering.h" #include "port/interpolation/FrameInterpolation.h" Vec3f D_801616A0; Vec3f D_801616B0; f32 D_801616BC; f32 D_801616C0; f32 D_801616C4; f32 D_801616C8; s32 D_801616D0[13]; s32 D_hud_80161704; s32 D_hud_80161708; s32 D_hud_8016170C; s32 D_hud_80161710; s32 gTotalHits; s32 D_80161718; s32 D_8016171C; f32 D_hud_80161720[3]; s32 gDisplayedHitCount; s32 D_hud_80161730; s32 gShowBossHealth; s32 D_80161738[4]; s32 D_80161748[4]; s32 D_80161758; s32 D_80161760[4]; f32 D_80161770; f32 D_80161774; f32 D_80161778; f32 D_8016177C; f32 D_80161780; f32 D_80161784; s32 D_80161788; // Looks like a timer related to RadioDamage s32 D_8016178C; // Looks like a timer related to RadioDamage s32 D_80161790; s32 D_80161794; s32 D_80161798; f32 D_8016179C; f32 D_801617A0; f32 D_801617A4; f32 D_801617A8; f32 D_801617AC; s32 D_801617B0; s32 gMedalStatus; s32 gMedalFlashTimer; s32 D_801617C0[10]; s32 D_801617E8[10]; s32 sPauseScreenIwork[10]; s32 sPauseScreenTimer[10]; s32 sGoldRingsIwork[20]; f32 sGoldRingsFwork[20]; s32 D_80161900[20]; #include "global.h" #include "assets/ast_bg_space.h" #include "assets/ast_bg_planet.h" #include "assets/ast_arwing.h" #include "assets/ast_landmaster.h" #include "assets/ast_blue_marine.h" #include "assets/ast_versus.h" #include "assets/ast_text.h" #include "assets/ast_corneria.h" #include "assets/ast_training.h" #include "assets/ast_area_6.h" #include "assets/ast_aquas.h" #include "assets/ast_venom_1.h" #include "assets/ast_venom_2.h" #include "assets/ast_katina.h" #include "assets/ast_macbeth.h" #include "assets/ast_meteo.h" #include "assets/ast_zoness.h" #include "assets/ast_solar.h" #include "assets/ast_titania.h" #include "assets/ast_bolse.h" #include "assets/ast_fortuna.h" #include "assets/ast_sector_x.h" #include "assets/ast_sector_y.h" #include "assets/ast_sector_z.h" #include "assets/ast_andross.h" #include "assets/ast_allies.h" #include "assets/ast_star_wolf.h" void HUD_TeammateStatus_Draw(void); s16 D_hud_800D1970 = 0; UNK_TYPE D_800D1974[14] = { 0 }; // unused f32 D_800D19AC[] = { 255.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f }; f32 D_800D19C0[] = { 255.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f }; s32 D_800D19D0[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; f32 D_800D19E0[] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; f32 D_800D19F0 = 0.0f; s32 sHudBombCount = 0; BombCounterStates sBombCounterState = BOMB_COUNTER_INIT; s32 D_800D19FC = 0; Vtx D_800D1A00[] = { { 10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255 }, { -10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255 }, { -10, -10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255 }, { 10, -10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255 }, }; Gfx sRadioDamageDL[] = { gsSPVertex(D_800D1A00, 4, 0), gsSP1Quadrangle(1, 2, 3, 0, 0), gsSPEndDisplayList(), }; // Used in the status screen, and when losing a life void HUD_LivesCount1_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, s32 lifeCount) { u8* sLifeIconTex[] = { aArwingLifeIconTex, aBlueMarineLifeIconTex, aLandmasterLifeIconTex }; u16* sLifeIconTLUT[] = { aArwingLifeIconTLUT, aBlueMarineLifeIconTLUT, aLandmasterLifeIconTLUT }; Player* player; s32 lifeIconIdx; s32 maxLives; s32 digits; RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_78_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); player = &gPlayer[0]; lifeIconIdx = 0; // default switch (player->form) { case FORM_ARWING: lifeIconIdx = 0; break; case FORM_LANDMASTER: lifeIconIdx = 1; break; case FORM_BLUE_MARINE: lifeIconIdx = 2; break; } // Draw Icon Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, sLifeIconTex[lifeIconIdx], sLifeIconTLUT[lifeIconIdx], 16, 16, xPos, yPos - 2.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); // Draw X Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aXTex, aXTLUT, 16, 7, xPos + 16.0f, yPos + 7.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); if (lifeCount >= 0) { xPos += 11.0f; yPos -= 1.0f; RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); if (lifeCount < 0) { lifeCount = 0; } if (lifeCount > 99) { lifeCount = 99; } // Count digits for (maxLives = 10, digits = 1; lifeCount >= maxLives; digits++) { maxLives *= 10; } xPos += 16.0f + 8 * (2 - digits); HUD_Number_Draw(xPos, yPos, lifeCount, 1.0f, true, 99); } } // Wrench drawn on top of teammates when they're down void HUD_TeamDownWrench_Draw(s32 arg0) { s32 i; Vec3f sTeamDownWrenchPos[] = { { 191.0f, -129.0f, -600.0f }, { 0.0f, -129.0f, -600.0f }, { -191.0f, -129.0f, -600.0f }, }; RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_36); if (arg0 == 0) { for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (((gTeamShields[i] != 0) || (gPlayer[0].state_1C8 != PLAYERSTATE_1C8_LEVEL_COMPLETE)) && (gTeamShields[i] <= 0) && (gTeamShields[i] != -2)) { Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, sTeamDownWrenchPos[i - 1].x, sTeamDownWrenchPos[i - 1].y, sTeamDownWrenchPos[i - 1].z, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 0.68f, 0.68f, 1.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, M_PI / 4, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aDownWrenchDL); Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, 3 * M_PI / 2, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aDownWrenchDL); Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); } } } else { Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, -234.0f, -167.0f, -600.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, M_PI / 4, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 0.68f, 0.68f, 1.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aDownWrenchDL); Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, 3 * M_PI / 2, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aDownWrenchDL); Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); } } void TextureRect_CI8_2(Gfx** gfxP, u8* texture, u16* palette, u32 tWidth, u32 tHeight, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale, f32 xWidth, f32 yWidth) { gDPPipeSync((*gfxP)++); gDPLoadTLUT((*gfxP)++, 256, 256, palette); gDPLoadTextureBlock((*gfxP)++, texture, G_IM_FMT_CI, G_IM_SIZ_8b, tWidth, tHeight, 0, G_TX_NOMIRROR, G_TX_NOMIRROR, G_TX_NOMASK, G_TX_NOMASK, G_TX_NOLOD, G_TX_NOLOD); gSPWideTextureRectangle((*gfxP)++, (s32) (xPos * 4.0f), (s32) (yPos * 4.0f), (s32) ((xPos + (xWidth * xScale)) * 4.0f), (s32) ((yPos + (yWidth * yScale)) * 4.0f), G_TX_RENDERTILE, 0 * 32, 0 * 32, (s32) (1 / xScale * (32 * 32)), (s32) (1 / yScale * (32 * 32))); } void HUD_MsgWindowBg_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale) { Lib_TextureRect_CI8(&gMasterDisp, aMsgWindowBgTex, aMsgWindowBgTLUT, 24, 17, xPos, yPos, xScale, yScale); } void HUD_RadarWindowFrame_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale) { Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aRadarFrameTex, aRadarFrameTLUT, 48, 44, xPos, yPos, xScale, yScale); } void HUD_IncomingMsgButton_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos) { Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aIncomingMsgButtonTex, aIncomingMsgButtonTLUT, 16, 26, xPos, yPos, 1.0f, 1.0f); } void HUD_IncomingMsgSignal1_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos) { Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aIncomingMsgSignal1Tex, aIncomingMsgSignal1TLUT, 16, 26, xPos, yPos, 1.0f, 1.0f); } void HUD_IncomingMsgSignal2_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos) { Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aIncomingMsgSignal2Tex, aIncomingMsgSignal2TLUT, 16, 26, xPos, yPos, 1.0f, 1.0f); } void HUD_IncomingMsgSignal3_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos) { Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aIncomingMsgSignal3Tex, aIncomingMsgSignal3TLUT, 16, 26, xPos, yPos, 1.0f, 1.0f); } // Right part of the Player shield gauge frame void HUD_ShieldGaugeEdgeRight_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale) { Lib_TextureRect_IA8_MirX(&gMasterDisp, aShieldGaugeFrameEdgeTex, 8, 12, xPos, yPos, xScale, yScale); } // Left part of the Player shield gauge frame void HUD_ShieldGaugeEdgeLeft_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale) { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, aShieldGaugeFrameEdgeTex, 8, 12, xPos, yPos, xScale, yScale); } // Top and bottom parts of the Player shield gauge frame void HUD_ShieldGaugeFrame_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale) { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, aShieldGaugeFrameTex, 8, 12, xPos, yPos, xScale, yScale); } void HUD_ShieldGaugeBars_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale, f32 arg4) { #ifdef AVOID_UB TextureRect_CI8_2(&gMasterDisp, aShieldGaugeTex, aShieldGaugeTLUT, 48, 8, xPos, yPos, xScale, yScale, 48.0f * arg4, 8.0f); #else TextureRect_CI8_2(&gMasterDisp, aShieldGaugeTex, aShieldGaugeTLUT, 48, 12, xPos, yPos, xScale, yScale, 48.0f * arg4, 8.0f); #endif } void HUD_BoostGaugeFrame_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale) { if (gVersusMode) { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, aVsBoostGaugeFrameTex, 32, 5, xPos, yPos, xScale, yScale); } else { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, aBoostGaugeFrameTex, 48, 9, xPos, yPos, xScale, yScale); } } void HUD_BoostGaugeOverheat_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale) { if (gVersusMode) { Lib_TextureRect_CI8(&gMasterDisp, aVsBoostGaugeOverheatTex, aVsBoostGaugeOverheatTLUT, 24, 3, xPos, yPos, xScale, yScale); } else { Lib_TextureRect_CI8(&gMasterDisp, aBoostGaugeOverheatTex, aBoostGaugeOverheatTLUT, 40, 5, xPos, yPos, xScale, yScale); } } void HUD_BoostGaugeCool_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale) { if (gVersusMode) { Lib_TextureRect_CI8(&gMasterDisp, aVsBoostGaugeCoolTex, aVsBoostGaugeCoolTLUT, 24, 3, xPos, yPos, xScale, yScale); } else { Lib_TextureRect_CI8(&gMasterDisp, aBoostGaugeCoolTex, aBoostGaugeCoolTLUT, 40, 5, xPos, yPos, xScale, yScale); } } void HUD_MatrixTranslateCoordLeft(f32* transX, f32* transY) { *transX = OTRGetRectDimensionFromLeftEdge(*transX) - (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2.0f); *transY = (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2.0f) - *transY; } void HUD_GoldRings_Draw(void) { Gfx* sGoldRingDLs[] = { aGoldRingFrame1DL, aGoldRingFrame2DL, aGoldRingFrame3DL, aGoldRingFrame4DL, aGoldRingFrame5DL, aGoldRingFrame6DL, aGoldRingFrame7DL, aGoldRingFrame8DL, aGoldRingFrame9DL, aGoldRingFrame10DL, aGoldRingFrame11DL, aGoldRingFrame12DL, }; s32 i; s32 j; f32 D_800D1AC4[] = { 0.0f, 74.0f, 86.0f, 98.0f, 110.0f }; f32 D_800D1AD8[] = { 0.0f, 39.0f, 39.0f, 39.0f, 39.0f }; f32 ringScale = 2.9f; f32 scale; f32 x; f32 y; s32 goldRingFrameIdx; sGoldRingsFwork[6] += 0.7f; if (sGoldRingsFwork[6] >= 12.0f) { sGoldRingsFwork[6] = 0.0f; } if (D_80161900[4] != 0) { D_80161900[4]--; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (D_80161900[i]) { D_80161900[i]--; } } if ((D_80161900[4] == 0) && (gGoldRingCount[0] > gGoldRingCount[1])) { gGoldRingCount[1] += 1; // can't be ++ if ((i = gGoldRingCount[1] % 3) == 0) { i = 3; } i--; sGoldRingsIwork[1 + i] = 1; D_80161900[0 + i] = 14; sGoldRingsFwork[2 + i] = 0.0f; if (i == 2) { D_80161900[4] = 28; } if (gGoldRingCount[1] == 3) { D_80161900[4] += 28; } } Lib_InitOrtho(&gMasterDisp); // One for each gold ring slot for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { switch (sGoldRingsIwork[i + 1]) { case 0: RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_62); Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); x = D_800D1AC4[i + 1]; y = D_800D1AD8[i + 1]; scale = 0.28f; if (gFovYMode == 2) { x -= 7.00f; y += 7.00f; scale += 0.06f; } HUD_MatrixTranslateCoordLeft(&x, &y); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, x, y, -100.0f, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, scale, scale, scale, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, ringScale, ringScale, ringScale, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 180, 180, 0, 50); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aGoldRingEmptySlotDL); Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); break; case 1: case 2: if (D_80161900[i]) { if (D_80161900[i + 0] >= 7) { sGoldRingsFwork[i + 2] += 0.15f; } else { sGoldRingsFwork[i + 2] -= 0.15f; } RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_62); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); HUD_MatrixTranslateCoordLeft(&D_800D1AC4[i + 1], &D_800D1AD8[i + 1]); Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, D_800D1AC4[i + 1], D_800D1AD8[i + 1], -100.0f, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, M_DTOR * sGoldRingsFwork[0], MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, sGoldRingsFwork[i + 2], sGoldRingsFwork[i + 2], sGoldRingsFwork[i + 2], MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, ringScale, ringScale, ringScale, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aStarDL); Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); } if (D_80161900[i] < 7) { if (sGoldRingsIwork[i + 1] == 2) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_62); } else { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_36); } Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); x = D_800D1AC4[i + 1]; y = D_800D1AD8[i + 1]; scale = 0.28f; if (gFovYMode == 2) { x -= 7.00f; y += 7.00f; scale += 0.06f; } HUD_MatrixTranslateCoordLeft(&x, &y); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, x, y, -100.0f, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, scale, scale, scale, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, ringScale, ringScale, ringScale, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); if (sGoldRingsIwork[i + 1] == 2) { gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 180, 180, 0, 50); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aGoldRingEmptySlotDL); } else { goldRingFrameIdx = sGoldRingsFwork[6]; gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, sGoldRingDLs[goldRingFrameIdx]); } Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); } break; default: break; } } if ((gGoldRingCount[1] && ((gGoldRingCount[1] % 3) == 0)) && (D_80161900[4] == 1)) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (sGoldRingsIwork[j + 1] == 1) { sGoldRingsIwork[j + 1] = 2; D_80161900[j + 0] = 14; sGoldRingsFwork[j + 2] = 0.0f; D_80161900[4] = 28; } else { sGoldRingsIwork[j + 1] = 0; D_80161900[j + 0] = 14; sGoldRingsFwork[j + 2] = 0.0f; } } } sGoldRingsFwork[0] += 35.0f; sGoldRingsFwork[1] += 10.0f; Lib_InitPerspective(&gMasterDisp); } void HUD_TeamShields_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, s32 arg2) { f32 xScale = 0.82f; s32 pad; RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_75); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); if (arg2 != 0) { HUD_ShieldGaugeBars_Draw((7.0f * xScale) + xPos, yPos + 2.0f, xScale, 1.0f, arg2 / 255.0f); } if ((arg2 <= 0) && (arg2 != -2) && ((gPlayState == PLAY_PAUSE) || (gShowLevelClearStatusScreen == 1) || (gLevelStartStatusScreenTimer != 0))) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 255); if ((arg2 == 0) && (gPlayer[0].state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_LEVEL_COMPLETE)) { Graphics_DisplaySmallText(xPos + (8.0f * xScale) + 4.0f, yPos + 2.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, " OK "); } else { Graphics_DisplaySmallText(xPos + (8.0f * xScale) + 4.0f, yPos + 2.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, "DOWN"); } } RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); HUD_ShieldGaugeEdgeLeft_Draw(xPos, yPos, xScale, 1.0f); HUD_ShieldGaugeEdgeRight_Draw(xPos + (7.0f * xScale) + (xScale * 6.0f) * 8.0f, yPos, 1.0f, 1.0f); HUD_ShieldGaugeFrame_Draw(xPos + (7.0f * xScale), yPos, xScale * 6.0f, 1.0f); } s32 HUD_GetLevelIndex(void) { s32 ret = 0; switch (gCurrentLevel) { case LEVEL_TRAINING: ret++; case LEVEL_VENOM_ANDROSS: ret++; case LEVEL_VENOM_2: ret++; case LEVEL_VENOM_1: ret++; case LEVEL_AREA_6: ret++; case LEVEL_BOLSE: ret++; case LEVEL_SECTOR_Z: ret++; case LEVEL_MACBETH: ret++; case LEVEL_TITANIA: ret++; case LEVEL_ZONESS: ret++; case LEVEL_SOLAR: ret++; case LEVEL_SECTOR_X: ret++; case LEVEL_AQUAS: ret++; case LEVEL_KATINA: ret++; case LEVEL_FORTUNA: ret++; case LEVEL_SECTOR_Y: ret++; case LEVEL_METEO: ret++; case LEVEL_CORNERIA: break; } return ret; } LevelTitleCard sLevelTitleCard[] = { { aLargeText_1, 16, 15, aCoTitleCardTex, 128, 28 }, { aLargeText_2, 16, 15, aMeTitleCardTex, 96, 28 }, { aLargeText_2, 16, 15, aSyTitleCardTex, 176, 12 }, { aLargeText_3, 16, 15, aFoTitleCardTex, 168, 28 }, { aLargeText_3, 16, 15, aKaTitleCardTex, 168, 28 }, { aLargeText_3, 16, 15, aAqTitleCardTex, 96, 13 }, { aLargeText_4, 16, 15, aSxTitleCardTex, 176, 12 }, { aLargeText_4, 16, 15, aSoTitleCardTex, 112, 13 }, { aLargeText_4, 16, 15, aZoTitleCardTex, 112, 28 }, { aLargeText_5, 16, 15, aTiTitleCardTex, 96, 28 }, { aLargeText_5, 16, 15, aMaTitleCardTex, 160, 28 }, { aLargeText_5, 16, 15, aSzTitleCardTex, 176, 12 }, { aLargeText_6, 16, 15, aBoTitleCardTex, 168, 19 }, { aLargeText_6, 16, 15, aA6TitleCardTex, 104, 28 }, { aLargeText_7, 16, 15, aVe1TitleCardTex, 128, 28 }, { aLargeText_7, 16, 15, aVe2TitleCardTex, 128, 28 }, { aLargeText_7, 16, 15, aAndTitleCardTex, 128, 28 }, { aLargeText_0, 16, 15, aTrTitleCardTex, 80, 12 }, }; void HUD_VenomTitleCard_Draw(void) { s32 i = 9; s32 j; u8* sVenomTitleCardDLs[] = { D_VE1_6001B80, D_VE2_60020D0 }; s32 sVenomTitleCardWidths[] = { 128, 104 }; s32 D_800D1CAC[] = { 19, 19 }; // unused f32 sVenomTitleCardHeights[] = { 96.0f, 112.0f }; f32 sVenomTitleCardxPos[] = { 89.0f, 89.0f }; f32 D_800D1CC4[] = { 2.0f, 5.0f }; // unused f32 D_800D1CCC[] = { 1.6f, 1.6f }; // unused switch (gCurrentLevel) { case LEVEL_VENOM_2: i = 1; break; case LEVEL_VENOM_1: i = 0; break; default: break; } if (i != 9) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, sVenomTitleCardDLs[i], sVenomTitleCardWidths[i], 19, sVenomTitleCardWidths[i], sVenomTitleCardxPos[i] - 28.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } } void HUD_TitleCard_Draw(f32 x, f32 y) { s32 i; s32 levelIdx; f32 x0; f32 y0; f32 x1; f32 y1; f32 x2; f32 y2; levelIdx = HUD_GetLevelIndex(); x0 = x; y0 = y; x1 = x0 + 72.0f; y1 = y0; x2 = x0 - (sLevelTitleCard[levelIdx].titleCardWidth - 88.0f - sLevelTitleCard[levelIdx].width) / 2.0f; y2 = y0 + 19.0f + 8.0f; if (levelIdx == 7) { // LEVEL_SECTOR_Z x2 += 4.0f; } switch (gCurrentLevel) { case LEVEL_CORNERIA: case LEVEL_METEO: case LEVEL_AREA_6: case LEVEL_FORTUNA: case LEVEL_KATINA: case LEVEL_ZONESS: case LEVEL_MACBETH: case LEVEL_TITANIA: case LEVEL_TRAINING: case LEVEL_VENOM_1: case LEVEL_VENOM_2: case LEVEL_VENOM_ANDROSS: break; case LEVEL_AQUAS: case LEVEL_BOLSE: y2 += 8.0f; break; case LEVEL_SECTOR_X: case LEVEL_SECTOR_Y: case LEVEL_SECTOR_Z: x2 += 4.0f; y2 += 8.0f; break; case LEVEL_SOLAR: x2 += 8.0f; y2 += 8.0f; break; default: break; } RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); if ((levelIdx != 14) && (levelIdx != 15)) { // LEVEL_KATINA || LEVEL_FORTUNA Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, aTextMissionNo, 112, 19, x0 - 12.0f, y0 + 4.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, sLevelTitleCard[levelIdx].levelIdxTex, sLevelTitleCard[levelIdx].width, sLevelTitleCard[levelIdx].height, x1 + 28.0f, y1 + 4.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else { HUD_VenomTitleCard_Draw(); } Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, sLevelTitleCard[levelIdx].titleCardTex, sLevelTitleCard[levelIdx].titleCardWidth, sLevelTitleCard[levelIdx].titleCardHeight, x2, y2, 1.0f, 1.0f); if ((gSavedObjectLoadIndex == 0) && (gAllRangeCheckpoint == 0) && (gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_VENOM_ANDROSS) && (gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_TRAINING)) { HUD_TeammateStatus_Draw(); HUD_TeamDownWrench_Draw(0); } if (gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_TRAINING) { HUD_LivesCount1_Draw(132.0f, 124.0f, gLifeCount[gPlayerNum]); } } void HUD_Number_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, s32 k, f32 scale, bool skipLeadingZeroes, s32 maxNumber) { bool shouldDraw; s32 i; s32 j; u8* sNumber[] = { aLargeText_0, aLargeText_1, aLargeText_2, aLargeText_3, aLargeText_4, aLargeText_5, aLargeText_6, aLargeText_7, aLargeText_8, aLargeText_9, }; if (skipLeadingZeroes) { shouldDraw = false; } else { shouldDraw = true; } i = maxNumber + 1; k %= i; for (i /= 10; i != 1; i /= 10) { j = k / i; if ((j != 0) || (shouldDraw == true)) { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, sNumber[j], 16, 15, xPos, yPos, scale, scale); xPos += 13.0f * scale; k %= i; shouldDraw = true; } } Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, sNumber[k], 16, 15, xPos, yPos, scale, scale); } void HUD_MsgWindowBg_Draw2(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_78_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 60, 60, 128, 96); gDPSetAlphaDither(gMasterDisp++, G_AD_DISABLE); Lib_TextureRect_CI8(&gMasterDisp, aMsgWindowBgTex, aMsgWindowBgTLUT, 24, 17, xPos, yPos, xScale, yScale); } void HUD_DrawLevelStartStatusScreen(void) { char pad; f32 sp18; f32 temp; if ((gPlayState != PLAY_PAUSE) && (gLevelStartStatusScreenTimer != 0)) { gLevelStartStatusScreenTimer--; } if (gLevelStartStatusScreenTimer == 1) { D_80161718 = 30; D_8016171C = 0; } temp = 108.0f; sp18 = 81.0f; if (gLevelStartStatusScreenTimer != 0) { HUD_MsgWindowBg_Draw2(temp - 4.5f - 32.0f, sp18 - 24.0f - 4.0f, 7.4f, 3.9f); if (gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_TRAINING) { HUD_MsgWindowBg_Draw2(122.0f, 122.0f, 2.9f, 1.2f); } HUD_TitleCard_Draw(temp, sp18 - 24.0f); } } f32 D_800D1CFC = 0.0f; void HUD_DrawLevelClearScreen(void) { s32 i; s32 levelIdx; LevelClearScreenState levelClearState; MissionStatus missionStatus; f32 x; f32 y; if ((gPlayState != PLAY_PAUSE) && (gLevelClearScreenTimer != 0)) { gLevelClearScreenTimer--; } missionStatus = gMissionStatus; if ((gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_TITANIA) || (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_BOLSE) || (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_VENOM_1) || (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_VENOM_2) || (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AREA_6) || (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AQUAS) || (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_SOLAR)) { missionStatus = MISSION_ACCOMPLISHED; } levelClearState = LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_0; if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AQUAS) { if (gLevelClearScreenTimer <= 100) { levelClearState = LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_5; } if (gLevelClearScreenTimer <= 96) { levelClearState = LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_5; } if (gLevelClearScreenTimer <= 92) { levelClearState = LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_4; } if (gLevelClearScreenTimer <= 87) { levelClearState = LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_3; } if (gLevelClearScreenTimer <= 82) { levelClearState = LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_2; } if (gLevelClearScreenTimer <= 77) { levelClearState = LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_1; } if (gLevelClearScreenTimer == 0) { levelClearState = LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_0; } if ((gLevelClearScreenTimer == 92) || (gLevelClearScreenTimer == 87) || (gLevelClearScreenTimer == 82) || (gLevelClearScreenTimer == 77)) { AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_MISSION_ACCOMPLISHED, gDefaultSfxSource, 4); } } else { if (gLevelClearScreenTimer <= 100) { levelClearState = LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_5; } if (gLevelClearScreenTimer <= 90) { levelClearState = LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_5; } if (gLevelClearScreenTimer <= 80) { levelClearState = LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_4; } if (gLevelClearScreenTimer <= 72) { levelClearState = LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_3; } if (gLevelClearScreenTimer <= 64) { levelClearState = LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_2; } if (gLevelClearScreenTimer <= 56) { levelClearState = LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_1; } if (gLevelClearScreenTimer == 0) { levelClearState = LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_0; } if ((gLevelClearScreenTimer == 80) || (gLevelClearScreenTimer == 72) || (gLevelClearScreenTimer == 64) || (gLevelClearScreenTimer == 56)) { if (missionStatus == MISSION_COMPLETE) { AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_MISSION_COMPLETE, gDefaultSfxSource, 4); } else { AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_MISSION_ACCOMPLISHED, gDefaultSfxSource, 4); } } } switch (levelClearState) { case 0: D_800D1CFC = 330.0f; break; case 5: if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AQUAS) { D_800D1CFC -= 110.0F; } else { D_800D1CFC -= 66.0F; } if (D_800D1CFC < 0.0f) { D_800D1CFC = 0.0f; } break; default: D_800D1CFC = 0.0f; break; } levelIdx = HUD_GetLevelIndex(); if (levelClearState != LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_0) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); x = 98.0f; y = 64.0f; } switch (levelClearState) { case LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_1: if (missionStatus != MISSION_COMPLETE) { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, aTextPLISHED, 136, 23, x + 50.0f, y + 50.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, aTextLETE, 80, 21, x + 66.0f, y + 50.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } case LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_2: if (missionStatus != MISSION_COMPLETE) { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, aTextACCOM, 120, 23, x - 62.0f, y + 50.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, aTextCOMP, 96, 23, x - 22.0f, y + 50.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } case LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_3: Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, aTextMISSION, 128, 23, x, y + 25.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); case LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_4: Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, aTextMissionNo, 112, 19, x, y, 1.0f, 1.0f); Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, sLevelTitleCard[levelIdx].levelIdxTex, sLevelTitleCard[levelIdx].width, sLevelTitleCard[levelIdx].height, x + 112.0f, y, 1.0f, 1.0f); case LEVEL_CLEAR_STATE_5: HUD_MsgWindowBg_Draw2(30.0f + D_800D1CFC, 60.0f, 10.97f, 4.78f); break; default: break; } } // Used in gameplay hud void HUD_LivesCount2_Draw(f32 x, f32 y, s32 number) { u8* sLivesCounterTexs[] = { aArwingLifeIconTex, aBlueMarineLifeIconTex, aLandmasterLifeIconTex }; u16* sLivesCounterTLUTs[] = { aArwingLifeIconTLUT, aBlueMarineLifeIconTLUT, aLandmasterLifeIconTLUT }; Player* player = &gPlayer[0]; f32 x0; f32 x1; f32 x2; f32 y0; f32 y1; f32 y2; s32 var_v1; s32 i; s32 form; RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_78_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); form = FORM_ARWING; switch (player->form) { case FORM_ARWING: form = FORM_ARWING; break; case FORM_LANDMASTER: form = FORM_LANDMASTER; break; case FORM_BLUE_MARINE: form = FORM_BLUE_MARINE; break; default: break; } x0 = x; y0 = y; x1 = x0 + 16.0f; y1 = y0 + 9.0f; x2 = x1 + 11.0f; y2 = y1 - 1.0f; if (number < 0) { number = 0; } if (number > 99) { number = 99; } var_v1 = 10; for (i = 1; var_v1 <= number; i++) { var_v1 *= 10; } x2 += (2 - i) * 4; if (gShowLevelClearStatusScreen == 0) { x0 = OTRGetDimensionFromRightEdge(x0); x1 = OTRGetDimensionFromRightEdge(x1); x2 = OTRGetDimensionFromRightEdge(x2); } Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, sLivesCounterTexs[form], sLivesCounterTLUTs[form], 16, 16, x0, y0, 1.0f, 1.0f); Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aXTex, aXTLUT, 16, 7, x1, y1, 1.0f, 1.0f); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 255); Graphics_DisplayHUDNumber(x2, y2, number); } void HUD_TeammateStatus_Draw(void) { u16* sPortraitTex[] = { aFoxPortraitTex, aPeppyPortraitTex, aSlippyPortraitTex, aFalcoPortraitTex }; u8* sText[] = { aTextPeppy, aTextSlippy, aTextFalco }; s32 shield; s32 sTextWidth[] = { 48, 56, 48 }; s32 sTextHeght[] = { 10, 10, 8 }; s32 i; s32 j; f32 x[3][3], y[3][3]; x[1][0] = 138.0f; y[1][0] = 156.0f + 4.0f; x[1][1] = 136.0f; y[1][1] = y[1][0] + 48.0f; x[1][2] = 134.0f; y[1][2] = 142.0f + 4.0f; x[0][0] = x[1][0] - 92.0f; y[0][0] = y[1][0]; x[0][1] = x[1][1] + 4.0f - 92.0f; y[0][1] = y[1][1]; x[0][2] = x[1][2] - 92.0f; y[0][2] = y[1][2]; x[2][0] = x[1][0] + 92.0f; y[2][0] = y[1][0]; x[2][1] = x[1][1] + 4.0f + 92.0f; y[2][1] = y[1][1] + 1.0f; x[2][2] = x[1][2] + 92.0f; y[2][2] = y[1][2]; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { HUD_MsgWindowBg_Draw2(x[j][0] - 6.0f, y[j][1] - 1.0f, 2.4f, 0.7f); RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, sText[j], sTextWidth[j], sTextHeght[j], x[j][1], y[j][1], 1.0f, 1.0f); RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); shield = gTeamShields[3 - j]; if (shield <= 0) { gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 48, 48, 48, 255); } else { gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); } Lib_TextureRect_RGBA16(&gMasterDisp, sPortraitTex[j + 1], 44, 44, x[j][0], y[j][0], 1.0f, 1.0f); HUD_TeamShields_Draw(x[j][2], y[j][2], shield); } } void HUD_LevelClearStatusScreen_Draw(void) { s32 i; s32 temp; f32 x0; f32 x1; f32 x2; f32 x3; f32 x4; f32 x5; f32 x6; f32 y0; f32 y1; f32 y2; f32 y3; f32 y4; f32 y5; f32 y6; if (gShowLevelClearStatusScreen == false) { Audio_KillSfxById(NA_SE_TEAM_SHIELD_UP); D_801617C0[0] = 0; } if ((gPlayState != PLAY_PAUSE) && (gShowLevelClearStatusScreen == true) && (D_801617E8[0] == 0)) { switch (D_801617C0[0]) { case 0: D_801617C0[5] = gHitCount; D_801617C0[1] = gHitCount; D_801617C0[2] = gTotalHits; gTotalHits += gHitCount; D_801617C0[3] = gLifeCount[gPlayerNum]; gLifeCount[gPlayerNum] += ((D_801617C0[2] % 100) + gHitCount) / 100; if (gLifeCount[gPlayerNum] > 99) { gLifeCount[gPlayerNum] = 99; } D_801617E8[0] = 10; D_801617C0[0] = 1; D_801617C0[4] = gHitCount / 2; D_801617C0[6] = 0; HUD_SetMissionTeamStatus(); break; case 1: if (((gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_FALCO] > 0) && (gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_FALCO] < 255)) && ((gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_SLIPPY] > 0) && (gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_SLIPPY] < 255)) && ((gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_PEPPY] > 0) && (gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_PEPPY] < 255))) { AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_TEAM_SHIELD_UP, gDefaultSfxSource, 4); } D_801617C0[0] = 2; case 2: if ((D_801617C0[5] == 0) && (D_801617C0[4] == 0)) { Audio_KillSfxById(NA_SE_TEAM_SHIELD_UP); D_801617C0[0] = 3; D_801617E8[0] = 30; break; } if (D_801617C0[5] > 0) { AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_COUNT_UP, gDefaultSfxSource, 4); if (D_801617C0[5] >= 100) { D_801617C0[5] -= 100; D_801617C0[2] += 100; } else { D_801617C0[5]--; D_801617C0[2]++; } } if (D_801617C0[4] > 0) { for (i = TEAM_ID_FALCO, temp = 0; i <= TEAM_ID_PEPPY; i++) { if (gTeamShields[i] > 0) { if (D_801617C0[4] >= 4) { gTeamShields[i] += 4; } else { gTeamShields[i]++; } if (gTeamShields[i] >= 255) { gTeamShields[i] = 255; } else { temp++; } } } if (D_801617C0[4] >= 4) { D_801617C0[4] -= 4; } else { D_801617C0[4]--; } if (D_801617C0[4] <= 0) { D_801617C0[i] = 0; } if ((D_801617C0[i] == 0) || (temp == 0)) { D_801617C0[4] = 0; Audio_KillSfxById(NA_SE_TEAM_SHIELD_UP); } } break; case 3: case 4: if (D_801617C0[3] < gLifeCount[gPlayerNum]) { D_801617C0[6] = 30; } D_801617C0[0] = 5; case 5: if (D_801617C0[3] >= gLifeCount[gPlayerNum]) { gLifeCount[gPlayerNum] = D_801617C0[3]; D_801617E8[0] = 10; D_801617C0[0]++; } else { if ((gGameFrameCount % 2) == 0) { AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_ONE_UP, gDefaultSfxSource, 4); D_801617C0[3]++; } } break; case 6: case 7: D_801617C0[0]++; D_801617C0[1] = gHitCount; break; default: break; } } if (D_801617C0[6] > 0) { D_801617C0[6]--; } if (gShowLevelClearStatusScreen == true) { x0 = 128.0f; y0 = 30.0f; x1 = x0 + 8.0f + 4.0f; y1 = y0 + 19.0f + 4.0f; x2 = x1 + 13.0f; y2 = y1 + 18.0f + 6.0f; x3 = x0 - 84.0f; y3 = y2 + 19.0f; x4 = x3 + 103.0f + 24.0f; y4 = y3 - 6.0f; x5 = x4 + 60.0f; y5 = y4 + 10.0f; x6 = x2 - 56.0f + 16.0f; y6 = y3 + 18.0f; HUD_MsgWindowBg_Draw2(x0 - 4.0f, y0 - 4.0f, 2.9f, 3.6f); HUD_MsgWindowBg_Draw2(x3 - 4.0f, y3 - 4.0f, 10.0f, 1.0f); HUD_MsgWindowBg_Draw2(x6 - 12.0f, y6 + 8.0f, 5.2f, 1.0f); if (D_801617C0[1] < 0) { D_801617C0[1] = 0; } if (D_801617C0[1] > 999) { D_801617C0[1] = 999; } if (D_801617C0[2] < 0) { D_801617C0[2] = 0; } if (D_801617C0[2] > 9999) { D_801617C0[2] = 9999; } temp = 10; for (i = 1; temp <= D_801617C0[1]; i++) { temp *= 10; } x1 += (3 - i) * 8; temp = 10; for (i = 1; temp <= D_801617C0[2]; i++) { temp *= 10; } x4 += (4 - i) * 8; RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 90, 160, 200, 255); HUD_Number_Draw(OTRGetDimensionFromLeftEdge(24.0f), 30.0f + 3.0f, D_801617C0[5], 1.0f, false, 999); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, aTextEnemiesDown, 64, 25, x0, y0 + 4.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); HUD_Number_Draw(x1, y1 + 12.0f, D_801617C0[1], 1.0f, true, 999); Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, aTextAccumTotal, 128, 10, x3, y3, 1.0f, 1.0f); HUD_Number_Draw(x4 + 4.0f, y4 + 3.0f, D_801617C0[2], 1.00f, true, 9999); if ((D_801617C0[6] % 2) == 0) { HUD_LivesCount2_Draw(232.0f, 90.0f, D_801617C0[3]); } RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, aTextStatusOfTeam, 120, 12, x6 - 8.0f, y6 + 10.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); HUD_TeammateStatus_Draw(); HUD_TeamDownWrench_Draw(0); HUD_PlayerShieldGauge_Draw(20.0f, 18.0f); } } void HUD_SetMissionTeamStatus(void) { s32 mask; s32 i; gMissionHitCount[gMissionNumber] = gHitCount; mask = 0x00FF0000; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (gTeamShields[3 - i] <= 0) { gMissionTeamStatus[gMissionNumber] ^= mask; } else { gMissionTeamStatus[gMissionNumber] |= mask; } mask >>= 8; } } void HUD_Bolse_Area6_SaveData(void) { PlanetId planetId; if ((gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_BOLSE) || (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AREA_6)) { planetId = PLANET_BOLSE; if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AREA_6) { planetId = PLANET_AREA_6; } gSaveFile.save.data.planet[planetId].played = 1; if (gExpertMode) { gSaveFile.save.data.planet[planetId].expertClear = 1; } else { gSaveFile.save.data.planet[planetId].normalClear = 1; } if (gLeveLClearStatus[gCurrentLevel] == 2) { gMissionMedal[gMissionNumber] = 1; if (gExpertMode) { gSaveFile.save.data.planet[planetId].expertMedal = 1; } else { gSaveFile.save.data.planet[planetId].normalMedal = 1; } } gMissionNumber++; gHitCount = 0; Save_Write(); } } void HUD_DrawStatusScreens(void) { s32 i; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (D_801617E8[i] != 0) { D_801617E8[i]--; } } HUD_DrawLevelStartStatusScreen(); HUD_DrawLevelClearScreen(); HUD_LevelClearStatusScreen_Draw(); } s32 HUD_PauseScreenInput(void) { s32 var_v1 = 0; f32 y = gInputPress->stick_y; if ((y != 0.0f) && (sPauseScreenIwork[4] != 0)) { return 0; } sPauseScreenIwork[4] = 0; if (fabsf(y) < 30.0f) { y = 0.0f; } if (y != 0.0f) { if (sPauseScreenIwork[2] == 0) { if (y > 0) { var_v1 = 1; } else { var_v1 = -1; } sPauseScreenIwork[2] = 1; } else { sPauseScreenIwork[2] = 0; } } else { if ((gControllerPress[0].button & D_JPAD) || (gControllerPress[0].button & U_JPAD)) { if (sPauseScreenIwork[2] == 0) { if (gControllerPress[0].button & U_JPAD) { var_v1 = 1; } else { var_v1 = -1; } sPauseScreenIwork[2] = 1; } } else { sPauseScreenIwork[2] = 0; } } return var_v1; } void HUD_LoseLifeExplosion_Draw(s32 animFrames) { Gfx* sLoseLifePlanetAnimDLs[] = { D_BG_PLANET_200B630, D_BG_PLANET_200A5A0, D_BG_PLANET_2009510, D_BG_PLANET_2008480, D_BG_PLANET_20073F0, D_BG_PLANET_2006360, D_BG_PLANET_200C6C0, D_BG_PLANET_20052D0, D_BG_PLANET_2004240, D_BG_PLANET_20031B0, D_BG_PLANET_2002120, D_BG_PLANET_2001090, D_BG_SPACE_2000000, D_BG_PLANET_2010A30, D_BG_PLANET_20101A0, D_BG_PLANET_200F910, D_BG_PLANET_200F080, D_BG_PLANET_200E7F0, }; Gfx* sLoseLifeSpaceAnimDLs[] = { D_BG_SPACE_20066C0, D_BG_SPACE_2005E30, D_BG_SPACE_20055A0, D_BG_SPACE_2004D10, D_BG_SPACE_2004480, D_BG_SPACE_2003BF0, D_BG_SPACE_2003360, D_BG_SPACE_2002AD0, D_BG_SPACE_2002240, D_BG_SPACE_20019B0, D_BG_SPACE_2001120, D_BG_SPACE_2000890, D_BG_SPACE_2000000, }; s32 sLoseLifePrimColors[] = { 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 200, 150, 100, 50, }; if (animFrames != 0) { animFrames--; RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_36); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, sLoseLifePrimColors[animFrames]); Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, 3.9f, -3.3f, -100.0f, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 0.37f, 0.37f, 0.37f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); if (gLevelType == LEVELTYPE_PLANET) { gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, sLoseLifePlanetAnimDLs[animFrames]); } else { gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, sLoseLifeSpaceAnimDLs[animFrames]); } Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); } } void HUD_PauseScreen_Update(void) { s32 i = 0; s32 j = 0; Player* player; f32 x0; f32 y0; f32 x1; f32 y1; f32 x2; f32 y2; s32 pad[2]; s32 temp; s32 ret; sPauseScreenTimer[0]++; if (gPlayState != PLAY_PAUSE) { sPauseScreenTimer[0] = 0; sPauseScreenTimer[1] = 0; // clang-format off for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { \ sPauseScreenIwork[i] = 0; } // clang-format on sPauseScreenIwork[4] = 1; } if (sPauseScreenIwork[0] >= 2) { gPauseEnabled = false; } player = &gPlayer[gPlayerNum]; if ((gPlayState == PLAY_PAUSE) && (gLevelStartStatusScreenTimer == 0) && !gVersusMode) { switch (sPauseScreenIwork[0]) { case 0: sPauseScreenTimer[0] = 0; sPauseScreenIwork[1] = 0; sPauseScreenIwork[0] = 1; break; case 1: ret = HUD_PauseScreenInput(); if (ret != 0) { sPauseScreenTimer[0] = 0; if (((ret > 0) && (sPauseScreenIwork[1] == 1)) || ((ret < 0) && (sPauseScreenIwork[1] == 0))) { sPauseScreenIwork[1] ^= 1; AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_CURSOR, gDefaultSfxSource, 4); } } if (gInputPress->button & B_BUTTON) { sPauseScreenIwork[0] = 10; } if (gInputPress->button & A_BUTTON) { if (sPauseScreenIwork[1] == 0) { sPauseScreenIwork[0] = 10; } else { sPauseScreenIwork[0] = 2; } } break; case 2: gPlayer[0].state_1C8 = PLAYERSTATE_1C8_STANDBY; gFillScreenRed = gFillScreenGreen = gFillScreenBlue = 0; gFillScreenAlphaTarget = 255; gFillScreenAlphaStep = 32; gFillScreenAlpha += 32; if (gFillScreenAlpha < 255) { break; } Audio_StopPlayerNoise(gPlayer[0].num); Audio_ClearVoice(); gRadioState = 0; Play_ClearObjectData(); gShowBossHealth = false; gFillScreenAlpha = 255; if (gLifeCount[gPlayerNum] == 0) { sPauseScreenIwork[0] = 3; } else { sPauseScreenIwork[0] = 3; } sPauseScreenTimer[1] = 0; sPauseScreenTimer[0] = 0; case 3: Graphics_FillRectangle(&gMasterDisp, OTRGetRectDimensionFromLeftEdge(0), 0, OTRGetRectDimensionFromRightEdge(SCREEN_WIDTH), SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 255); gFillScreenAlphaTarget = 0; if ((gFillScreenAlpha -= 32) <= 0) { gFillScreenAlpha = 0; } if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_TRAINING) { gGameState = GSTATE_MENU; gNextGameStateTimer = 2; gOptionMenuStatus = OPTION_WAIT; gDrawMode = DRAW_NONE; gLastGameState = GSTATE_PLAY; gStarCount = 0; break; } else { if (gFillScreenAlpha == 0) { if (gLevelType == LEVELTYPE_PLANET) { if (sPauseScreenTimer[1] == 0) { Audio_PlayDeathSequence(); } if (sPauseScreenTimer[1] == 10) { gLifeCount[gPlayerNum]--; } sPauseScreenTimer[1]++; if (sPauseScreenTimer[1] > 18) { sPauseScreenIwork[0] = 4; sPauseScreenTimer[1] = 0; } } else { if (sPauseScreenTimer[1] == 0) { Audio_PlayDeathSequence(); } if (sPauseScreenTimer[1] == 6) { gLifeCount[gPlayerNum]--; } sPauseScreenTimer[1]++; if (sPauseScreenTimer[1] > 13) { sPauseScreenIwork[0] = 4; sPauseScreenTimer[1] = 0; } } } } break; case 4: Graphics_FillRectangle(&gMasterDisp, OTRGetRectDimensionFromLeftEdge(0), 0, OTRGetRectDimensionFromRightEdge(SCREEN_WIDTH), SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 255); if (sPauseScreenTimer[0] < 140) { break; } gFillScreenRed = gFillScreenGreen = gFillScreenBlue = 0; gFillScreenAlphaTarget = 255; gFillScreenAlphaStep = 32; gFillScreenAlpha += 32; if (gFillScreenAlpha > 255) { gFillScreenAlpha = 255; } if (sPauseScreenTimer[0] < 160) { break; } case 5: Graphics_FillRectangle(&gMasterDisp, OTRGetRectDimensionFromLeftEdge(0), 0, OTRGetRectDimensionFromRightEdge(SCREEN_WIDTH), SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 255); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (gPrevPlanetTeamShields[i] == -1) { gSavedTeamShields[i] = 0; } else { gSavedTeamShields[i] = gPrevPlanetTeamShields[i]; } gStarWolfTeamAlive[i] = gSavedStarWolfTeamAlive[i]; } if ((gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_VENOM_ANDROSS) && (gAllRangeCheckpoint != 0)) { D_ctx_80177CA4 = D_play_80161A5C; } gSavedPathProgress = 0.0f; gAllRangeCheckpoint = 0; gSavedZoSearchlightStatus = false; gSavedHitCount = gSavedObjectLoadIndex = 0; Audio_StopPlayerNoise(0); gPlayer[0].state_1C8 = PLAYERSTATE_1C8_NEXT; gScreenFlashTimer = 0; gPlayer[0].csTimer = 0; gFillScreenAlpha = gFillScreenAlphaTarget = 255; gFadeoutType = 7; gDrawMode = DRAW_PLAY; gPlayState = PLAY_UPDATE; break; case 10: Audio_PlayPauseSfx(0); gDrawMode = DRAW_PLAY; gPlayState = PLAY_UPDATE; break; } } if ((sPauseScreenIwork[3] == 0) && (gPlayState == PLAY_PAUSE) && !gVersusMode && (gLevelStartStatusScreenTimer == 0)) { switch (sPauseScreenIwork[0]) { case 0: case 1: j = HUD_GetLevelIndex(); x0 = 140.0f; y0 = 92.0f + 4.0f; x1 = x0 - 28.0f; y1 = y0 + 18.0f; x2 = 160.0f - (sLevelTitleCard[j].titleCardWidth / 2.0f); y2 = y0 - 40.0f; HUD_MsgWindowBg_Draw2(69.0f, y2 - 4.0f, 7.6f, 2.1f); switch (gCurrentLevel) { case LEVEL_CORNERIA: case LEVEL_METEO: case LEVEL_AREA_6: case LEVEL_FORTUNA: case LEVEL_KATINA: case LEVEL_VENOM_1: case LEVEL_ZONESS: case LEVEL_MACBETH: case LEVEL_TITANIA: case LEVEL_VENOM_2: case LEVEL_VENOM_ANDROSS: break; case LEVEL_AQUAS: case LEVEL_BOLSE: case LEVEL_TRAINING: y2 += 8.0f; break; case LEVEL_SECTOR_X: case LEVEL_SECTOR_Y: case LEVEL_SECTOR_Z: x2 += 4.0f; y2 += 8.0f; break; case LEVEL_SOLAR: x2 += 8.0f; y2 += 8.0f; break; default: break; } RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, sLevelTitleCard[j].titleCardTex, sLevelTitleCard[j].titleCardWidth, sLevelTitleCard[j].titleCardHeight, x2, y2 + i, 1.0f, 1.0f); HUD_MsgWindowBg_Draw2(x1 - 10.0f, y0 - 4.0f, 4.7f, 2.8f); RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); if (sPauseScreenIwork[1] == 0) { temp = (sPauseScreenTimer[0] % 20); if (temp >= 10) { temp = 20 - temp; } if ((temp = (temp * 16) - 1) < 0) { temp = 0; } gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 160, temp, temp, 255); } else { gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 64, 64, 64, 255); } Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, D_1000000, 64, 10, x0 - 12.0f, y0, 1.0f, 1.0f); if (sPauseScreenIwork[1] == 1) { temp = (sPauseScreenTimer[0] % 20); if (temp >= 10) { temp = 20 - temp; } if ((temp = (temp * 16) - 1) < 0) { temp = 0; } gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 160, temp, temp, 255); } else { gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 64, 64, 64, 255); } if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_TRAINING) { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, D_TR_6000000, 96, 12, x1, y1, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else { if (gLifeCount[gPlayerNum]) { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, D_1000280, 96, 10, x1, y1, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, D_1000640, 96, 22, x1, y1, 1.0f, 1.0f); } } if ((gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_VENOM_ANDROSS) && (gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_TRAINING)) { HUD_TeammateStatus_Draw(); HUD_TeamDownWrench_Draw(0); } break; case 3: case 4: if (gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_TRAINING) { HUD_LivesCount1_Draw(132.0f, 124.0f, gLifeCount[gPlayerNum]); HUD_LoseLifeExplosion_Draw(sPauseScreenTimer[1]); } break; default: break; } } } void HUD_RadarMark_Item_Draw(void) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_62); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 18.64f, 21.04f, 1.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aOrbDL); } void HUD_RadarMark_Enemy_Draw(void) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_62); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 11.0f, 11.0f, 1.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aOrbDL); } void HUD_RadarMark_Boss_Draw(void) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_62); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 130.0f, 130.0f, 1.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aRadarMarkBossDL); } void HUD_RadarMark_KaSaucerer_Draw(void) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_62); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 125.0f, 125.0f, 1.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aRadarMarkKaSaucererDL); } void HUD_RadarMark_Missile_Draw(void) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_1); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 208, 80, 255); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 30.0f, 30.0f, 1.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aSzMissileRadarMarkDL); } f32 D_800D1E10 = 0.0f; void HUD_RadarMark_Arwing_Draw(s32 colorIdx) { s32 arwingMarkColor[][4] = { { 177, 242, 12, 255 }, { 89, 121, 6, 128 }, { 90, 90, 255, 255 }, { 45, 45, 128, 128 }, { 0, 179, 67, 255 }, { 0, 90, 34, 128 }, { 255, 30, 0, 255 }, { 128, 15, 0, 128 }, }; f32 var_fv1; f32 var_fv2; if (gCamCount != 1) { var_fv1 = 38.0f; var_fv2 = 38.0f; } else { var_fv1 = 54.0f; var_fv2 = 54.0f; } RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_62); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, arwingMarkColor[colorIdx][0], arwingMarkColor[colorIdx][1], arwingMarkColor[colorIdx][2], arwingMarkColor[colorIdx][3]); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, var_fv1, var_fv2, 1.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aRadarMarkArwingDL); } void HUD_RadarMark_StarWolf_Draw(void) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_62); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 54.0f, 54.0f, 1.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aStarWolfRadarMarkDL); } void HUD_RadarMark_Katt_Draw(void) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_62); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 92, 92, 255); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 54.0f, 54.0f, 1.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aKattRadarMarkDL); } void HUD_RadarMark_Supplies_Draw(void) { s32 alpha; RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_12); alpha = gGameFrameCount % 21; if (alpha > 10) { alpha = 20 - alpha; } alpha *= 255.0f / 10.0f; gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, alpha); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 15.0f, 15.0f, 1.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_1024230); } void HUD_RadarMissileAlarm_Draw(void) { s32 colorGB; RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_1); colorGB = gGameFrameCount % 21; if (colorGB > 10) { colorGB = 20 - colorGB; } colorGB *= 25.5f; // clang-format off if ((colorGB == 10) || (colorGB == 0)) { \ AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_MISSILE_ALARM, gDefaultSfxSource, 4); } // clang-format on gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, colorGB, colorGB, 255); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, 0.0f, -185.92001f, 0, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 3.55f, 0.13f, 1.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_1024230); } void HUD_RadarMark_Draw(s32 type) { s32 arwingMarkColor; s32 playernum; switch (type) { case RADARMARK_FOX: case RADARMARK_FALCO: case RADARMARK_SLIPPY: case RADARMARK_PEPPY: playernum = arwingMarkColor = type; if (gCamCount != 1) { // Multiplayer if (type == RADARMARK_FALCO) { arwingMarkColor = 3; } if (type == RADARMARK_PEPPY) { arwingMarkColor = 1; } if (gPlayer[type].state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_VS_STANDBY) { break; } } if ((playernum == gPlayerNum) && (gGameFrameCount & 2)) { arwingMarkColor = (arwingMarkColor * 2) + 1; } else { arwingMarkColor = arwingMarkColor * 2; } HUD_RadarMark_Arwing_Draw(arwingMarkColor); break; case RADARMARK_WOLF: case RADARMARK_LEON: case RADARMARK_PIGMA: case RADARMARK_ANDREW: HUD_RadarMark_StarWolf_Draw(); break; case RADARMARK_KATT: HUD_RadarMark_Katt_Draw(); break; case RADARMARK_MISSILE: HUD_RadarMark_Missile_Draw(); break; case RADARMARK_KA_SAUCERER: HUD_RadarMark_KaSaucerer_Draw(); break; case RADARMARK_BOSS: HUD_RadarMark_Boss_Draw(); break; case RADARMARK_SUPPIES: if (gVersusMode == true) { HUD_RadarMark_Item_Draw(); } else { HUD_RadarMark_Supplies_Draw(); } break; case RADARMARK_ITEM_1: case RADARMARK_ITEM_2: HUD_RadarMark_Item_Draw(); break; case RADARMARK_NOTHING: break; default: HUD_RadarMark_Enemy_Draw(); break; } } void HUD_RadarWindow_Draw(f32 x, f32 y) { f32 sVsRadarWindowXpos[] = { 20.0f, 180.0f, 20.0f, 180.0f }; f32 sVsRadarWindowYpos[] = { 72.0f, 72.0f, 192.0f, 192.0f }; f32 xPos; f32 yPos; f32 xScale; f32 yScale; f32 xScale1; f32 yScale1; if (gCamCount != 1) { // Versus mode xPos = sVsRadarWindowXpos[gPlayerNum]; yPos = sVsRadarWindowYpos[gPlayerNum]; xScale = 1.21f; yScale = 1.69f; xScale1 = 0.70f; yScale1 = 0.70f; } else { // Simple player mode xPos = x - 32.0f; yPos = y - 14.0f; xScale = 2.98f; yScale = 4.24f; xScale1 = 1.70f; yScale1 = 1.70f; } RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_78); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 60, 60, 255, 170); HUD_MsgWindowBg_Draw(xPos + 1.0f, yPos + 1.0f, xScale, yScale); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); HUD_RadarWindowFrame_Draw(xPos, yPos, xScale1, yScale1); } void HUD_RadarMarks_Setup(void) { s32 i; Item* item; for (i = 0; i < gCamCount; i++) { if (gPlayer[i].state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_NEXT) { continue; } gRadarMarks[i].enabled = true; gRadarMarks[i].type = i; gRadarMarks[i].yRot = gPlayer[i].yRot_114 + gPlayer[i].rot.y; gRadarMarks[i].pos.z = gPlayer[i].trueZpos; gRadarMarks[i].pos.x = gPlayer[i].pos.x; if (gPlayerNum == i) { continue; } if (gVersusMode && (gVersusStage == VS_STAGE_SECTOR_Z)) { continue; } if (gPlayer[i].state_1C8 != PLAYERSTATE_1C8_ACTIVE) { continue; } if (gPlayer[i].pos.y >= 150.0f) { continue; } if ((gGameFrameCount % 64) != 0) { gRadarMarks[i].type = 999; } } if (gVersusMode == true) { for (i = 0, item = &gItems[0]; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gItems); i++, item++) { if (item->obj.status >= OBJ_ACTIVE) { gRadarMarks[item->index + 50].enabled = true; gRadarMarks[item->index + 50].type = 103; gRadarMarks[item->index + 50].pos.x = item->obj.pos.x; gRadarMarks[item->index + 50].pos.y = item->obj.pos.y; gRadarMarks[item->index + 50].pos.z = item->obj.pos.z; gRadarMarks[item->index + 50].yRot = 0.0f; } } } } static f32 gHudOffsetRect = 0.0f; static f32 gHudOffsetPers = 0.0f; s32 HUD_RadarMarks_Update(void) { s32 i; f32 scale; f32 x1; f32 y1; f32 z1; f32 x = 0; f32 y = 0; f32 temp; f32 temp2; f32 temp3; switch (gCurrentLevel) { case LEVEL_CORNERIA: gHudOffsetRect = OTRGetDimensionFromRightEdge(0.0f); gHudOffsetPers = gHudOffsetRect * 2.15f; break; case LEVEL_SECTOR_Z: gHudOffsetRect = OTRGetDimensionFromRightEdge(0.0f); gHudOffsetPers = gHudOffsetRect * 5.50f; break; case LEVEL_BOLSE: gHudOffsetRect = OTRGetDimensionFromRightEdge(0.0f); gHudOffsetPers = gHudOffsetRect * 2.70f; break; default: gHudOffsetRect = OTRGetDimensionFromRightEdge(0.0f); gHudOffsetPers = gHudOffsetRect * 3.35f; break; } if (!gVersusMode) { if (gLevelMode != LEVELMODE_ALL_RANGE) { return 0; } if (gDrawBackdrop >= 5) { return 0; } if (gLevelStartStatusScreenTimer != 0) { D_800D1E10 = 60.0f; } else { Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_800D1E10, 0.0f, 0.3f, 10.0f, 0.1f); } if (D_800D1E10 == 60.0f) { return 0; } switch (gCurrentLevel) { case LEVEL_SECTOR_Z: temp2 = 20000.0f; y1 = -360.0f; x1 = 542.0f; z1 = -1584.0f; temp3 = 7.5f; scale = 0.02f; break; case LEVEL_CORNERIA: temp2 = 8000.0f; y1 = -142.0f; x1 = 214.0f; z1 = -626.0f; temp3 = 3.0f; scale = 0.008f; break; case LEVEL_BOLSE: temp2 = 10000.0f; y1 = -178.0f; x1 = 268.0f; z1 = -784.0f; temp3 = 3.7f; scale = 0.01f; break; default: temp2 = 12500.0f; y1 = -220.0f; x1 = 330.0f; z1 = -970.0f; temp3 = 4.7f; scale = 0.013f; break; } x = 254.000f + D_800D1E10; y = 162.000f; x1 += D_800D1E10 * temp3; } else { if (!gVsMatchStart || gVsMatchOver) { return 0; } temp2 = 13000.00f; scale = 0.03f; z1 = -885.00f; x1 = -274.00f; y1 = -166.00f; } HUD_RadarMarks_Setup(); HUD_RadarWindow_Draw(x + gHudOffsetRect, y); if (!gVersusMode && ((gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_SECTOR_Z) || (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_FORTUNA) || (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_VENOM_2) || (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_BOLSE) || (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_SECTOR_Y) || (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_KATINA))) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 128, 128, 128, 255); switch (gCurrentLevel) { case LEVEL_SECTOR_Z: Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, D_SZ_60012D0, 16, 9, gHudOffsetRect + 251.0f + D_800D1E10, 181.0f, 1.00f, 1.00f); break; case LEVEL_FORTUNA: Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, D_FO_6001260, 16, 16, gHudOffsetRect + 251.0f + D_800D1E10, 178.0f, 1.00f, 1.00f); break; case LEVEL_BOLSE: Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, D_BO_6000C80, 16, 16, gHudOffsetRect + (251.0f + D_800D1E10), 178.0f, 1.00f, 1.00f); break; case LEVEL_SECTOR_Y: if ((fabsf(gScenery360[0].obj.pos.x) < temp2 + 1000.0f) && (fabsf(gScenery360[0].obj.pos.z) < temp2 + 1000.0f)) { temp = 150.0f + ((12500.0f + gScenery360[0].obj.pos.z) / 446.42f); if ((y < 150.0f) || (y > 206.0f)) { break; } Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, D_SY_6000840, 64, 64, gHudOffsetRect + 250.0f + D_800D1E10, temp, 0.25f, 0.25f); } break; case LEVEL_KATINA: Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, D_KA_6001260, 8, 8, 254.0f + D_800D1E10 + gHudOffsetRect, 182.0f, 1.00f, 1.00f); break; case LEVEL_VENOM_2: Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, D_VE2_6002890, 16, 16, gHudOffsetRect + 251.0f + D_800D1E10, 178.0f, 1.00f, 1.00f); break; } } Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, x1 + gHudOffsetPers, y1, z1, MTXF_APPLY); if ((gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_SECTOR_Z) && (D_hud_80161710 != 0)) { Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); HUD_RadarMissileAlarm_Draw(); Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); D_hud_80161710--; } for (i = ARRAY_COUNT(gRadarMarks) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((gRadarMarks[i].enabled == 0) || (fabsf(gRadarMarks[i].pos.x) >= (temp2 + 1000.0f)) || (fabsf(gRadarMarks[i].pos.z) >= (temp2 + 1000.0f))) { continue; } Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, gRadarMarks[i].pos.x * 0.008f, -gRadarMarks[i].pos.z * 0.008f, 0.0f, MTXF_APPLY); if (gRadarMarks[i].type == 103) { gRadarMarks[i].yRot = 45.0f; } Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, M_DTOR * gRadarMarks[i].yRot, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, scale, scale, 1.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); HUD_RadarMark_Draw(gRadarMarks[i].type); Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); gRadarMarks[i].enabled = false; } Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); return 0; } s32 ActorMissileSeek_ModeCheck(ActorMissileSeekMode mode) { Actor* actor; s32 i; s32 ret = 0; for (i = 0, actor = &gActors[0]; i < 60; i++, actor++) { switch (mode) { case MISSILE_SEEK_TEAMMATES: if ((actor->obj.status == OBJ_ACTIVE) && (actor->obj.id == OBJ_MISSILE_SEEK_TEAM)) { ret++; } break; case MISSILE_SEEK_PLAYER: if ((actor->obj.status == OBJ_ACTIVE) && (actor->obj.id == OBJ_MISSILE_SEEK_PLAYER)) { ret++; } break; case MISSILE_SEEK_EITHER: if (((actor->obj.id == OBJ_MISSILE_SEEK_TEAM) || (actor->obj.id == OBJ_MISSILE_SEEK_PLAYER)) && (actor->obj.status == OBJ_ACTIVE)) { ret++; } break; } } return ret; } void HUD_RadioCharacterName_Draw(void) { if (gGameState == GSTATE_PLAY) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 255); switch ((s32) gRadioMsgRadioId) { case RCID_FOX: Graphics_DisplaySmallText(73, 173, 1.0f, 1.0f, "FOX"); break; case RCID_FALCO: Graphics_DisplaySmallText(73, 173, 1.0f, 1.0f, "FALCO"); break; case RCID_SLIPPY: Graphics_DisplaySmallText(73, 173, 1.0f, 1.0f, "SLIPPY"); break; case RCID_PEPPY: Graphics_DisplaySmallText(73, 173, 1.0f, 1.0f, "PEPPY"); break; case RCID_WOLF: case RCID_WOLF_2: Graphics_DisplaySmallText(73, 173, 1.0f, 1.0f, "WOLF"); break; case RCID_LEON: case RCID_LEON_2: Graphics_DisplaySmallText(73, 173, 1.0f, 1.0f, "LEON"); break; case RCID_PIGMA: case RCID_PIGMA_2: Graphics_DisplaySmallText(73, 173, 1.0f, 1.0f, "PIGMA"); break; case RCID_ANDREW: case RCID_ANDREW_2: Graphics_DisplaySmallText(73, 173, 1.0f, 1.0f, "ANDREW"); break; case RCID_BILL: Graphics_DisplaySmallText(73, 173, 1.0f, 1.0f, "BILL"); break; case RCID_KATT: Graphics_DisplaySmallText(73, 173, 1.0f, 1.0f, "KATT"); break; } } } void HUD_IncomingMsg_Update(void) { switch (D_80161798) { case 0: if (gCallTimer == 0) { return; } AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_COMMU_REQUEST, gDefaultSfxSource, 4); if (gCallVoiceParam != 0) { Audio_SetUnkVoiceParam(1); } D_80161794 = 0; D_80161798 = 1; case 1: if (gCallTimer != 0) { D_80161790++; if (D_80161790 >= 7) { if ((D_80161794 % 2) != 0) { AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_COMMU_REQUEST, gDefaultSfxSource, 4); } D_80161790 = 0; D_80161794++; } gCallTimer--; } else { gCallVoiceParam = 0; D_80161790 = 0; D_80161798 = 0; Audio_KillSfxById(NA_SE_COMMU_REQUEST); } break; } } void HUD_IncomingMsg_Draw(void) { f32 xPos = 142.0f; f32 yPos = 18.0f; RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_78_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); switch (D_80161790 / 2) { case 3: HUD_IncomingMsgSignal3_Draw(xPos + 31.0f, yPos); case 2: HUD_IncomingMsgSignal2_Draw(xPos + 24.0f, yPos); case 1: HUD_IncomingMsgSignal1_Draw(xPos + 18.0f, yPos); case 0: HUD_IncomingMsgButton_Draw(xPos, yPos); break; default: break; } } void HUD_IncomingMsg(void) { if (gPlayState != PLAY_PAUSE) { HUD_IncomingMsg_Update(); } if (gCallTimer != 0) { HUD_IncomingMsg_Draw(); } } s32 D_800D1EB4 = 255; s32 D_800D1EB8 = 255; s32 D_800D1EBC = 255; void HUD_PlayerShieldGauge_Update(void) { f32 shields; switch (D_hud_80161730) { case 0: D_801617B0 = 0; D_8016179C = 20.0f; D_801617A0 = 18.0f; if (gGoldRingCount[0] >= 3) { D_801617A4 = D_801617A8 = 1.5f; } else { D_801617A4 = D_801617A8 = 1.0f; } shields = gPlayer[0].shields; D_801617AC = shields / ((256.0f * D_801617A8) - 1.0f); if (gGoldRingCount[0] >= 3) { D_hud_80161730 = 2; } else { D_hud_80161730 = 1; } break; case 1: if (gGoldRingCount[0] >= 3) { D_801617B0 = 55; D_hud_80161730 = 2; } case 2: D_800D1EB4 = D_800D1EB8 = D_800D1EBC = 255; if (D_801617B0 > 0) { if (--D_801617B0 == 0) { gPlayer[0].heal += 128; } } if (((D_801617B0 != 0) || ((D_801617A4 - D_801617A8) > 0.1f)) && ((gGameFrameCount & 2) != 0)) { D_800D1EB4 = 0; D_800D1EB8 = 255; D_800D1EBC = 0; } if ((D_801617B0 == 0) && (gGoldRingCount[0] >= 3)) { D_801617A4 = 1.5f; } else { D_801617A4 = 1.0f; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_801617A8, D_801617A4, 0.02f, 1000.0f, 0.001f); shields = gPlayer[0].shields; if (shields > (256.0f * D_801617A8) - 1.0f) { shields = (256.0f * D_801617A8) - 1.0f; } D_801617AC = shields / ((256.0f * D_801617A8) - 1.0f); break; } } void HUD_PlayerShieldGauge_Draw(f32 x, f32 y) { x = OTRGetDimensionFromLeftEdge(x); RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_75); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); HUD_ShieldGaugeBars_Draw(x + 7.0f, y + 2.0f, D_801617A8, 1.0f, D_801617AC); RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, D_800D1EB4, D_800D1EB8, D_800D1EBC, 255); HUD_ShieldGaugeEdgeLeft_Draw(x, y, 1.0f, 1.0f); HUD_ShieldGaugeEdgeRight_Draw(x + 7.0f + (D_801617A8 * 6.0f * 8.0f), y, 1.0f, 1.0f); HUD_ShieldGaugeFrame_Draw(x + 7.0f, y, D_801617A8 * 6.0f, 1.0f); } void HUD_PlayerShield_GoldRings(void) { HUD_PlayerShieldGauge_Update(); HUD_PlayerShieldGauge_Draw(20.0f, 18.0f); HUD_GoldRings_Draw(); } s32 HUD_RadioDamage_Type(void) { s32 i; s32 ret = 0; s32 temp; switch (gCurrentRadioPortrait) { case RCID_FOX: case RCID_FOX + 1: i = 0; break; case RCID_FALCO: case RCID_FALCO + 1: temp = 1; i = 1; break; case RCID_SLIPPY: case RCID_SLIPPY + 1: temp = 2; i = 2; break; case RCID_PEPPY: case RCID_PEPPY + 1: temp = 3; i = 3; break; case RCID_WOLF: case RCID_WOLF + 1: case RCID_WOLF_2: case RCID_WOLF_2 + 1: i = 4; break; case RCID_LEON: case RCID_LEON + 1: case RCID_LEON_2: case RCID_LEON_2 + 1: i = 5; break; case RCID_PIGMA: case RCID_PIGMA + 1: case RCID_PIGMA_2: case RCID_PIGMA_2 + 1: i = 6; break; case RCID_ANDREW: case RCID_ANDREW + 1: case RCID_ANDREW_2: case RCID_ANDREW_2 + 1: i = 7; break; default: i = 8; break; } if ((i >= 1) && (i <= 3) && ((gLevelMode != LEVELMODE_ALL_RANGE) || (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_CORNERIA) || (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_SECTOR_Y))) { for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gActors); i++) { if ((gActors[i].obj.status == OBJ_ACTIVE) && (gActors[i].iwork[12] == temp)) { if ((gActors[i].eventType == EVID_ME_SLIPPY) || (gActors[i].eventType == EVID_TEAMMATE) || ((gActors[i].obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_TEAM_BOSS) && ((gActors[i].aiType == AI360_FALCO) || (gActors[i].aiType == AI360_SLIPPY) || (gActors[i].aiType == AI360_PEPPY)))) { if (gActors[i].timer_0C6 != 0) { ret = 1; } else { ret = 0; } break; } } } i = 9; } switch (i) { // Fox case 0: if (gPlayer[0].radioDamageTimer != 0) { ret = 1; } break; // Star Wolf case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: if (gLevelMode == LEVELMODE_ALL_RANGE) { if (gActors[i].timer_0C6 != 0) { ret = 1; } if ((ret == 1) && (gActors[i].health <= 0)) { ret = 2; } } break; case 8: case 9: break; // Teammates default: if (gActors[i].timer_0C6 != 0) { ret = 1; } break; } return ret; } void HUD_RadioDamage_Update(void) { s32 radioDamageType; // clang-format off if ((D_8016178C != 0) && (D_8016178C != 1)) { D_8016178C--; } // clang-format on if (D_80161788 != 0) { D_80161788--; } if ((D_80161788 == 0) && (D_8016178C == 0)) { if ((gRadioState >= 4) && (gCurrentRadioPortrait != RCID_STATIC) && (gCurrentRadioPortrait != RCID_STATIC + 1)) { radioDamageType = HUD_RadioDamage_Type(); if (radioDamageType == RCID_FOX + 1) { D_80161788 = 20; } if (radioDamageType == RCID_STATIC) { D_8016178C = 60; } } else { D_80161788 = 0; } } if ((gCurrentRadioPortrait == RCID_STATIC) || (gCurrentRadioPortrait == RCID_STATIC + 1)) { D_80161788 = 0; D_8016178C = 0; } } void HUD_RadioDamage_Draw(void) { s32 r; s32 g; s32 b; s32 alpha; if (D_8016178C != 0) { alpha = 192 / D_8016178C; r = g = b = 255; } if (D_80161788 != 0) { r = alpha = D_80161788 * 12; g = b = 0; } if ((D_80161788 != 0) || (D_8016178C != 0)) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_12); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, r, g, b, alpha); Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, -53.9f, -38.5f, -139.4f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, sRadioDamageDL); Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); } } void HUD_RadioDamage(void) { if (gPlayState != PLAY_PAUSE) { HUD_RadioDamage_Update(); HUD_RadioDamage_Draw(); } } s32 HUD_CountDigits(s32 number) { s32 threshold = 10; s32 digitCount; if (number < 0) { number *= -1; // Convert to absolute value if negative } for (digitCount = 1; threshold <= number; digitCount++) { threshold *= 10; } return digitCount; } void HUD_Texture_Scroll(u8* texturePtr, s32 xPos, s32 yPos, u8 type) { u8* texture = SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(texturePtr); u8 pixel; s32 x; s32 y; switch (type) { case 0: // Upwards vertical scroll for (x = 0; x < xPos; x++) { pixel = texture[x]; for (y = 1; y < yPos; y++) { texture[(y - 1) * xPos + x] = texture[y * xPos + x]; } texture[(yPos - 1) * xPos + x] = pixel; } break; case 1: // Downwards vertical scroll for (x = 0; x < xPos; x++) { pixel = texture[(yPos - 1) * xPos + x]; for (y = yPos - 2; y >= 0; y--) { texture[(y + 1) * xPos + x] = texture[y * xPos + x]; } texture[x] = pixel; } break; case 2: // Right horizontal scroll for (y = 0; y < yPos; y++) { pixel = texture[y * xPos + xPos - 1]; for (x = xPos - 2; x >= 0; x--) { texture[y * xPos + x + 1] = texture[y * xPos + x]; } texture[y * xPos] = pixel; } break; case 3: // Left horizontal scroll for (y = 0; y < yPos; y++) { pixel = texture[y * xPos]; // clang-format off for (x = 1; x < xPos; x++) { \ texture[y * xPos + x - 1] = texture[y * xPos + x]; } texture[(y * xPos) + xPos - 1] = pixel; // clang-format on } break; default: break; } } void HUD_Texture_Wave(u16* srcTexture, u16* dstTexture) { u16 *src, *dst; u16 buffer[2048]; f32 rowPhase; f32 angle; s32 j; s32 i; s32 width = 32; s32 height = 32; s32 halfHeight; s32 offset; src = SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(srcTexture); dst = SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(dstTexture); Lib_Texture_Scroll(srcTexture, width, height, 1); halfHeight = height / 2; rowPhase = 0.0f; for (i = halfHeight - 1; true; i--) { rowPhase += 90.0f / halfHeight; if (rowPhase > 90.0f) { break; } angle = (height / 2) * COS_DEG(rowPhase); offset = angle; if (offset >= height) { offset = 0; } for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { buffer[(i * width) + j] = src[(offset * width) + j]; } for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { buffer[(((halfHeight - i) + (halfHeight - 1)) * width) + j] = src[(((halfHeight - offset) + (halfHeight - 1)) * width) + j]; } } Lib_Texture_Mottle(dst, buffer, 2); } void HUD_DisplaySmallNumber(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 scale, s32 number) { void* sSmallNumberTex[] = { aSmallText_0, aSmallText_1, aSmallText_2, aSmallText_3, aSmallText_4, aSmallText_5, aSmallText_6, aSmallText_7, aSmallText_8, aSmallText_9, }; s32 i; for (i = 10; i != 1; i /= 10) { if ((xPos > 0.0f) && (yPos > 0.0f)) { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, sSmallNumberTex[number / i], 16, 8, xPos, yPos, scale, scale); } xPos += 9.0f * scale; number %= i; } if ((xPos > 0.0f) && (yPos > 0.0f)) { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, sSmallNumberTex[number / i], 16, 8, xPos, yPos, scale, scale); } } void HUD_VsModePortraitTex_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 scale, s32 idx) { u16* sVsModeFaceDL[] = { aFoxPortraitTex, aPeppyPortraitTex, aSlippyPortraitTex, aFalcoPortraitTex, }; s32 i; Lib_TextureRect_RGBA16(&gMasterDisp, sVsModeFaceDL[idx], 44, 44, xPos, yPos, scale, scale); } // LTODO: Align these void HUD_EdgeArrows_Draw(s32 idx, bool arg1) { f32 D_800D1EF8[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, -9.0f, 9.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -8.0f, 8.0f }; f32 D_800D1F28[] = { -7.0f, 7.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 8.0f, -8.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; f32 D_800D1F58[] = { -22.0f, -22.0f, -22.0f, -22.0f, -28.0f, -28.0f, -28.0f, -28.0f, -28.0f, -28.0f, -28.0f, -28.0f }; f32 D_800D1F88[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 495.0f, 405.0f, 585.0f, 675.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; f32 D_800D1FB8[] = { 180.0f, 0.0f, 270.0f, 90.0f, 270.0f, 270.0f, 270.0f, 270.0f, 0.0f, 180.0f, 90.0f, 270.0f }; f32 D_800D1FE8[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f, -2.0f, -2.0f, -2.0f, -2.0f, -2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f, -2.0f }; f32 D_800D2018[] = { 2.0f, -2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); if (gPlayer[0].alternateView) { Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, M_DTOR * gPlayer[0].camRoll, MTXF_APPLY); } if (D_800D1F88[idx]) { Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, M_DTOR * D_800D1F88[idx], MTXF_APPLY); } if (arg1) { Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, D_800D1EF8[idx] + D_800D1FE8[idx], D_800D1F28[idx] + D_800D2018[idx], D_800D1F58[idx], MTXF_APPLY); } else { Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, D_800D1EF8[idx], D_800D1F28[idx], D_800D1F58[idx], MTXF_APPLY); } Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, M_DTOR * D_800D1FB8[idx], MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 0.026f, 0.026f, 0.026f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_62); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 150); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aArrowDL); Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); } void HUD_EdgeArrows_Update(void) { s32 D_800D2048[] = { 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 8 | 2, 8 | 1, 4 | 2, 4 | 1, 8, 4, 2, 1, }; s32 i; s32 j; if ((gPlayer[gPlayerNum].flags_228 != 0) && (gPlayer[gPlayerNum].pathChangeTimer == 0) && (gPlayState != PLAY_PAUSE)) { j = gPlayer[gPlayerNum].flags_228; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if ((j & D_800D2048[i]) != D_800D2048[i]) { continue; } j = (D_800D2048[i] ^ 0xFF) & j; if (gGameFrameCount & 4) { HUD_EdgeArrows_Draw(i, false); } if ((gGameFrameCount - 2) & 4) { HUD_EdgeArrows_Draw(i, true); } } HUD_Texture_Scroll(D_1024A58, 8, 8, 2); } } // Unused s32 HUD_8008CB8C(void) { return 0; } void HUD_StarTex_Draw(f32 arg0, f32 arg1, f32 arg2) { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, aVsStarTex, 8, 8, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg2); } void HUD_KillCountStars_Update(void) { f32 xPos[] = { 62.0f, 222.0f, 62.0f, 222.0f }; f32 yPos[] = { 86.0f, 86.0f, 206.0f, 206.0f }; s32 r[] = { 177, 255, 0, 30 }; s32 g[] = { 242, 30, 179, 30 }; s32 b[] = { 12, 0, 67, 255 }; s32 i; s32 j; if (gVsMatchType != VS_MATCH_POINTS) { return; } switch (D_80161758) { case 0: for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { D_80161738[i] = 0; D_80161748[i] = 0; D_80161760[i] = 0; } D_80161758 = 1; break; case 1: if (!gVsMatchStart) { D_80161758 = 0; break; } if (D_80161760[gPlayerNum] != 0) { D_80161760[gPlayerNum]--; if ((D_80161760[gPlayerNum] & 4) != 0) { break; } } for (i = 0; i < gVsPoints[gPlayerNum]; i++) { if (D_80161748[gPlayerNum] < (i + 1)) { if (((i + 1) != 1) && ((i + 1) == (gVsPointsToWin - 1))) { D_80161760[gPlayerNum] = 50; D_80161738[gPlayerNum] = 0; } else { D_80161738[gPlayerNum] = 50; } D_80161748[gPlayerNum] = i + 1; } if ((D_80161748[gPlayerNum] == (i + 1)) && (D_80161738[gPlayerNum] != 0)) { D_80161738[gPlayerNum]--; if ((D_80161738[gPlayerNum] & 4) != 0) { continue; } } j = gVsKills[gPlayerNum][i]; RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_77_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, r[j], g[j], b[j], 0); HUD_StarTex_Draw(xPos[gPlayerNum] + (i * 9.0f), yPos[gPlayerNum], 1.0f); } break; } } void HUD_VS_ShieldGaugeFrame_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale) { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, aVsShieldGaugeFrameTex, 80, 26, xPos, yPos, xScale, yScale); } void HUD_VS_ShieldGaugeTex_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale, f32 width) { u32 xWidth = 48.0f * width; TextureRect_CI8_2(&gMasterDisp, aVsShieldGaugeTex, aVsShieldGaugeTLUT, 48, 4, xPos, yPos, xScale, yScale, xWidth, 4); } void HUD_VS_BombIcon_Draw(f32 arg0, f32 arg1, f32 arg2, f32 arg3) { Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aVsBombIconTex, aVsBombIconTLUT, 16, 16, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } void HUD_VsModePortrait_Draw(void) { f32 faceXpos[] = { 113.0f, 273.0f, 113.0f, 273.0f }; f32 faceYpos[] = { 79.0f, 79.0f, 199.0f, 199.0f }; RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); HUD_VsModePortraitTex_Draw(faceXpos[gPlayerNum], faceYpos[gPlayerNum], 0.54f, gPlayerNum); } void HUD_VS_ShieldGauge_Draw(void) { f32 D_800D20E8[] = { 60.0f, 220.0f, 60.0f, 220.0f }; f32 D_800D20F8[] = { 78.0f, 78.0f, 198.0f, 198.0f }; Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_800D19E0[gPlayerNum], gPlayer[gPlayerNum].shields * (1.0f / 255.0f), 0.3f, 10.0f, 0.01f); RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_78_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); HUD_VS_ShieldGaugeTex_Draw(D_800D20E8[gPlayerNum] + 3.0f, D_800D20F8[gPlayerNum] + 18.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, D_800D19E0[gPlayerNum]); RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); HUD_VS_ShieldGaugeFrame_Draw(D_800D20E8[gPlayerNum], D_800D20F8[gPlayerNum], 1.0f, 1.0f); } void HUD_BoostGauge_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos) { f32 boostGaugeXpos[] = { 110.0f, 270.0f, 110.0f, 270.0f, 0.0f, }; f32 boostGaugeYpos[] = { 16.0f, 16.0f, 136.0f, 136.0f, 0.0f, }; f32 temp_fv0; f32 temp2; f32 temp_fs0; f32 sp68; f32 temp; f32 sp60; s32 temp_t9; s32 playerNum; if (gVersusMode) { temp = 2.0f; sp60 = 1.0f; playerNum = gPlayerNum; sp68 = 24.0f; switch (gPlayerNum) { case 1: xPos = OTRGetDimensionFromLeftEdge(xPos); break; case 2: xPos = OTRGetDimensionFromLeftEdge(xPos); break; case 3: xPos = OTRGetDimensionFromRightEdge(xPos); break; case 4: xPos = OTRGetDimensionFromRightEdge(xPos); break; } } else { temp = 2.0f; sp60 = 2.0f; sp68 = 40.0f; playerNum = 4; // index for Single Player xPos = OTRGetDimensionFromRightEdge(xPos); boostGaugeXpos[playerNum] = xPos; boostGaugeYpos[playerNum] = yPos; } temp_fs0 = gPlayer[gPlayerNum].boostMeter * (1.0f / 90.0f); temp_fv0 = 1.0f - temp_fs0; temp2 = sp68 * temp_fs0; if (!gPlayer[gPlayerNum].boostCooldown) { Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_800D19AC[playerNum], 255.0f, 0.4f, 100.0f, 0.01f); } else { Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_800D19AC[playerNum], 100.0f, 0.4f, 100.0f, 0.01f); } temp_t9 = D_800D19AC[playerNum]; RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_78_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, temp_t9, temp_t9, temp_t9, 255); if (temp_fv0 > 0.01f) { HUD_BoostGaugeCool_Draw(boostGaugeXpos[playerNum] + temp + temp2, boostGaugeYpos[playerNum] + sp60, temp_fv0, 1.0f); } if (temp_fs0 > 0.01f) { HUD_BoostGaugeOverheat_Draw(boostGaugeXpos[playerNum] + temp + 1.0f, boostGaugeYpos[playerNum] + sp60, temp_fs0, 1.0f); } RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); HUD_BoostGaugeFrame_Draw(boostGaugeXpos[playerNum], boostGaugeYpos[playerNum], 1.0f, 1.0f); } void HUD_VS_PlayerNumber_Draw(void) { s32 playerNumberXpos[] = { 146, 165, 146, 165 }; s32 playerNumberYpos[] = { 106, 106, 125, 125 }; s32 playerNumberR[] = { 177, 255, 0, 30 }; s32 playerNumberG[] = { 242, 30, 179, 30 }; s32 playerNumberB[] = { 12, 0, 67, 255 }; RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_78_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, playerNumberR[gPlayerNum], playerNumberG[gPlayerNum], playerNumberB[gPlayerNum], 255); Graphics_DisplayHUDNumber(playerNumberXpos[gPlayerNum], playerNumberYpos[gPlayerNum], gPlayerNum + 1); } s32 sVsSavedBombCount[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // Set but not used s32 sVsBombCountFlashTimer[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; f32 D_800D21A0 = 255.0f; f32 D_800D21A4 = 0.0f; void HUD_VS_BombCount_Draw(void) { s32 bombIconXpos[] = { 146, 165, 146, 165 }; s32 bombIconYpos[] = { 94, 94, 137, 137 }; if (gBombCount[gPlayerNum] != sVsSavedBombCount[gPlayerNum]) { sVsSavedBombCount[gPlayerNum] = gBombCount[gPlayerNum]; if (gBombCount[gPlayerNum] == 0) { sVsBombCountFlashTimer[gPlayerNum] = 0; } else { sVsBombCountFlashTimer[gPlayerNum] = 30; } } if (sVsBombCountFlashTimer[gPlayerNum] != 0) { sVsBombCountFlashTimer[gPlayerNum]--; } if (((sVsBombCountFlashTimer[gPlayerNum] & 2) != 0) || ((sVsBombCountFlashTimer[gPlayerNum] == 0) && (gBombCount[gPlayerNum] != 0))) { gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, gRcpSetupDLs[SETUPDL_78_POINT]); if (gBombCount[gPlayerNum] >= 2) { if (Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_800D21A4, D_800D21A0, 0.4f, 100.0f, 0.1f) == 0.0f) { if (D_800D21A0 == 255.0f) { D_800D21A0 = 96.0f; } else { D_800D21A0 = 255.0f; } } } else { D_800D21A4 = 255.0f; } gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, D_800D21A4); HUD_VS_BombIcon_Draw(bombIconXpos[gPlayerNum], bombIconYpos[gPlayerNum], 1.0f, 1.0f); } } void HUD_VS_DrawHUD(void) { if (gVsMatchStart && !gVsMatchOver) { HUD_VsModePortrait_Draw(); HUD_VS_PlayerNumber_Draw(); HUD_BoostGauge_Draw(0, 0); HUD_VS_ShieldGauge_Draw(); HUD_VS_BombCount_Draw(); } if (!gVsMatchOver) { HUD_KillCountStars_Update(); } } void HUD_VS_X_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, s32 r, s32 g, s32 b) { gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, gRcpSetupDLs[SETUPDL_78_POINT]); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, r, g, b, D_hud_80161708); Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aXTex, aXTLUT, 16, 7, xPos, yPos, 1.0f, 1.0f); } void HUD_VS_LivesCount_Draw(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, s32 number, s32 r, s32 g, s32 b) { gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, gRcpSetupDLs[SETUPDL_78_POINT]); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, r, g, b, D_hud_80161708); if (number >= 10) { Graphics_DisplayHUDNumber((s32) xPos - (HUD_CountDigits(number) * 8) + 11, yPos, number); } else { Graphics_DisplayHUDNumber(xPos, yPos, number); } } void HUD_DrawBossHealth(void) { f32 sp3C; f32 temp1; f32 temp2; f32 temp3; f32 temp4; f32 temp5; f32 temp6; f32 temp7; f32 var_fv0; if ((gShowBossHealth == 1) && (gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_SLIPPY] > 0)) { if ((gBossHealthBar >= 0) && (D_801616BC == -1.0f)) { AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_BOSS_GAUGE_OPEN, gDefaultSfxSource, 4); D_801616BC = 255.0f; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_801616C0, 25.0f, 0.3f, 4.0f, 4.0f); sp3C = D_801616C0; temp1 = 52.0f; temp2 = sp3C + 5.0f; temp3 = temp1 + 3.0f; temp4 = sp3C + 6.0f; temp5 = temp1 + 10.0f; temp2 = OTRGetDimensionFromLeftEdge(temp2); temp4 = OTRGetDimensionFromLeftEdge(temp4); RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_78_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, D_1011A40, D_1011AB0, 32, 7, temp2, temp3, 1.0f, 1.0f); f32 border = sp3C; border = OTRGetDimensionFromLeftEdge(border); RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, D_1002040, 40, 12, border, temp1, 1.0f, 1.0f); if (sp3C >= 25.0f) { Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_801616C4, 0.88f, 0.3f, 0.2f, 0.1f); } if ((D_801616C4 >= 0.1f) && (sp3C >= 25.0f)) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_78_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); Lib_TextureRect_CI8(&gMasterDisp, D_10129C0, D_1013090, 16, 109, temp4, temp5, 1.0f, D_801616C4); } RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255); if (D_801616BC > 0.0f) { var_fv0 = (D_801616BC - gBossHealthBar) * (2.76f / D_801616BC); if (var_fv0 > 2.76f) { var_fv0 = 2.76f; } if (var_fv0 < 0.00f) { var_fv0 = 0.00f; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_801616C8, var_fv0, 0.2f, 1000.0f, 0.01f); } else { D_801616C8 = 2.76f; } if (D_801616C4 >= 0.88f) { temp6 = sp3C + 8.0f; temp7 = 101.0f - ((2200.0f / 69.0f) * D_801616C8) + temp1; temp6 = OTRGetDimensionFromLeftEdge(temp6); if (D_801616C8 > 0.0f) { // LTODO: FIX BOSS BAR Lib_TextureRect_RGBA16(&gMasterDisp, D_Tex_800D99F8, 32, 32, temp6 + 0.5f, temp7, 0.2f, D_801616C8); } } } else { D_801616C0 = 0.0f; D_801616C4 = 0.0f; D_801616C8 = 0.0f; D_801616BC = -1.0f; } } void HUD_DisplayCountdown(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, s32* countdown, f32 scale) { f32 var_fs0 = 0.0f; s32 var_s2 = 0; s32 i; xPos -= (scale - 1.0f) * 34.0f; yPos -= (scale - 1.0f) * 4.0f; for (i = 0; i != 5; i++) { if ((i == 0) || (i == 2)) { var_s2 = countdown[i / 2] % 60; } if (i == 4) { var_s2 = countdown[i / 2] % 100; } if ((i % 2) != 0) { gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, gRcpSetupDLs[SETUPDL_78_POINT]); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, D_1011E80, D_1011EC0, 16, 8, (var_fs0 * scale) + xPos, yPos, scale, scale); } else { gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, gRcpSetupDLs[SETUPDL_76_POINT]); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 255); HUD_DisplaySmallNumber((var_fs0 * scale) + xPos, yPos, scale, var_s2); var_fs0 += 9.0f; } var_fs0 += 9.0f; } } void HUD_DrawCountdown(s32* countdown, f32 scale) { //! FAKE: Weird control flow if (1) {} if (gPlayState != PLAY_PAUSE) { countdown[2] -= 3; if (countdown[2] >= 3) { } else { countdown[2] = 99; countdown[1]--; if (countdown[1] >= 0) { } else { countdown[1] = 59; countdown[0]--; if (countdown[0] >= 0) { } else { countdown[0] = 0; countdown[1] = 0; countdown[2] = 0; } } } } if (gPlayState != PLAY_PAUSE) { HUD_DisplayCountdown(176.0f, 22.0f, countdown, scale); } } // LTODO: Align these void HUD_Radar(void) { if (gVersusMode) { HUD_VS_DrawHUD(); } HUD_RadarMarks_Update(); } void HUD_Hitpoints_Update(f32 xPos, f32 yPos) { f32 r; f32 g; f32 b; bool medalStatus; switch (gCurrentLevel) { case LEVEL_CORNERIA: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(150); break; case LEVEL_METEO: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(200); break; case LEVEL_FORTUNA: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(50); break; case LEVEL_SECTOR_X: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(150); break; case LEVEL_TITANIA: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(150); break; case LEVEL_BOLSE: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(150); break; case LEVEL_SECTOR_Y: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(150); break; case LEVEL_KATINA: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(150); break; case LEVEL_SOLAR: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(100); break; case LEVEL_MACBETH: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(150); break; case LEVEL_AQUAS: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(150); break; case LEVEL_ZONESS: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(250); break; case LEVEL_SECTOR_Z: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(100); break; case LEVEL_AREA_6: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(300); break; case LEVEL_VENOM_ANDROSS: case LEVEL_VENOM_2: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(200); break; default: medalStatus = false; break; } if (gMedalFlashTimer != 0) { gMedalFlashTimer--; } if (medalStatus != gMedalStatus) { gMedalFlashTimer = 30; gMedalStatus = medalStatus; } if ((gMedalFlashTimer % 2) != 0) { r = 255; g = 255; b = 255; } else { if (medalStatus) { r = 200; g = 100; b = 50; } else { r = 90; g = 160; b = 200; } } RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_76_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, r, g, b, 255); HUD_Hitpoints_Draw(xPos, yPos); } void HUD_Shield_GoldRings_HitPoints(f32 xPos, f32 yPos) { HUD_Hitpoints_Update(xPos, yPos); HUD_PlayerShield_GoldRings(); } void HUD_BombCounter_Draw(f32 x, f32 y) { s32 i; s32 sp68; f32 temp_fv0; f32 temp; x = OTRGetDimensionFromRightEdge(x); // Max bombs if (gBombCount[gPlayerNum] > 9) { gBombCount[gPlayerNum] = 9; } switch (sBombCounterState) { case BOMB_COUNTER_INIT: sHudBombCount = gBombCount[gPlayerNum]; sp68 = 0; sBombCounterState = BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_1; D_80161770 = D_80161774 = D_80161778 = 255.0f; D_8016177C = D_80161780 = D_80161784 = 255.0f; break; case BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_1: temp_fv0 = gBombCount[gPlayerNum] - sHudBombCount; if (temp_fv0 > 0.0f) { sHudBombCount++; if (sHudBombCount > 5) { sp68 = 0; break; } if (sHudBombCount == 5) { D_800D19F0 = 0.0f; sp68 = 4; sBombCounterState = BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_6; break; } else { D_800D19F0 = 0.0f; sp68 = 3; sBombCounterState = BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_5; } break; } if (temp_fv0 < 0.0f) { sBombCounterState = BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_2; } sp68 = 0; break; case BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_2: sHudBombCount--; sp68 = 0; sBombCounterState = BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_1; if (sHudBombCount <= 3) { D_800D19F0 = 0.0f; sp68 = 2; sBombCounterState = BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_4; break; } if (sHudBombCount == 4) { D_800D19F0 = 0.0f; sp68 = 1; sBombCounterState = BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_3; break; } break; case BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_3: sp68 = 1; if (Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_800D19F0, 10.0f, 0.3f, 10.0f, 0.1f) == 0.0f) { sBombCounterState = BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_1; D_800D19F0 = 10.0f; sp68 = 1; } break; case BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_4: sp68 = 2; if (Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_800D19F0, 10.0f, 0.3f, 10.0f, 0.1f) == 0.0f) { sBombCounterState = BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_1; D_800D19F0 = 10.0f; sp68 = 2; } break; case BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_5: sp68 = 3; if (Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_800D19F0, 20.0f + ((sHudBombCount - 1) * 10), 0.3f, 10.0f, 0.001f) == 0.0f) { sBombCounterState = BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_1; D_800D19F0 = 20.0f + ((sHudBombCount - 1) * 10); sp68 = 3; } break; case BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_6: sp68 = 4; if (Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_800D19F0, 10.0f, 0.3f, 10.0f, 0.1f) == 0.0f) { sBombCounterState = BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_7; D_800D19F0 = 0.0f; sp68 = 5; } break; case BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_7: sp68 = 5; if (0.0f == Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_800D19F0, 12.0f, 0.3f, 10.0f, 5.0f)) { sBombCounterState = BOMB_COUNTER_STATE_1; D_800D19F0 = 0.0f; sp68 = 0; } break; default: break; } if (gPlayerShots[15].obj.status == SHOT_FREE) { D_80161770 = D_80161774 = D_80161778 = 255.0f; D_8016177C = D_80161780 = 255.0f; D_80161784 = 0.0f; } else { D_80161770 = 100.0f; D_80161774 = D_80161778 = 0.0f; D_8016177C = D_80161780 = 40.0f; D_80161784 = 0.0f; } gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, gRcpSetupDLs[SETUPDL_78_POINT]); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, (s32) D_80161770, (s32) D_80161774, (s32) D_80161778, D_hud_80161708); if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AQUAS) { sp68 = 6; } switch (sp68) { case 0: if (sHudBombCount >= 5) { Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aVsBombIconTex, aVsBombIconTLUT, 16, 16, x, y, 1.0f, 1.0f); HUD_VS_X_Draw(x + 14.0f, y + 2.0f, D_8016177C, D_80161780, D_80161784); HUD_VS_LivesCount_Draw(x + 29.0f, y + 1.0f, sHudBombCount, D_8016177C, D_80161780, D_80161784); } else { for (i = (sHudBombCount - 1); i >= 0; i--) { Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aVsBombIconTex, aVsBombIconTLUT, 16, 16, x + (30.0f - (i * 10)), y, 1.0f, 1.0f); } } break; case 1: Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aVsBombIconTex, aVsBombIconTLUT, 16, 16, x + (D_800D19F0 * 3.0f), y, 1.0f, 1.0f); Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aVsBombIconTex, aVsBombIconTLUT, 16, 16, x + (D_800D19F0 * 2.0f), y, 1.0f, 1.0f); Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aVsBombIconTex, aVsBombIconTLUT, 16, 16, x + (D_800D19F0 * 1.0f), y, 1.0f, 1.0f); Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aVsBombIconTex, aVsBombIconTLUT, 16, 16, x + (D_800D19F0 * 0.0f), y, 1.0f, 1.0f); break; case 2: for (i = sHudBombCount; i >= 0; i--) { if (i == 0) { temp = D_800D19F0 * 4.0f; } else { temp = D_800D19F0; } Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aVsBombIconTex, aVsBombIconTLUT, 16, 16, x + (30.0f - (i * 10)) + temp, y, 1.0f, 1.0f); } break; case 3: for (i = (sHudBombCount - 2); i >= 0; i--) { Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aVsBombIconTex, aVsBombIconTLUT, 16, 16, x + (30.0f - (i * 10)), y, 1.0f, 1.0f); } Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aVsBombIconTex, aVsBombIconTLUT, 16, 16, x + 50.0f - D_800D19F0, y, 1.0f, 1.0f); break; case 4: Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aVsBombIconTex, aVsBombIconTLUT, 16, 16, x + 30.0f - (D_800D19F0 * 3.0f), y, 1.0f, 1.0f); Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aVsBombIconTex, aVsBombIconTLUT, 16, 16, x + 20.0f - (D_800D19F0 * 2.0f), y, 1.0f, 1.0f); Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aVsBombIconTex, aVsBombIconTLUT, 16, 16, x + 10.0f - (D_800D19F0 * 1.0f), y, 1.0f, 1.0f); Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aVsBombIconTex, aVsBombIconTLUT, 16, 16, x, y, 1.0f, 1.0f); break; case 5: HUD_VS_X_Draw(x + D_800D19F0, y + 2.0f, D_8016177C, D_80161780, D_80161784); HUD_VS_LivesCount_Draw(x + 15.0f + D_800D19F0, y + 1.0f, sHudBombCount, D_8016177C, D_80161780, D_80161784); Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, aVsBombIconTex, aVsBombIconTLUT, 16, 16, x, y, 1.0f, 1.0f); break; case 6: RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_78_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255); Lib_TextureRect_CI4(&gMasterDisp, D_blue_marine_3000090, D_blue_marine_3000120, 32, 9, x + 1.0f, y, 1.0f, 1.0f); break; } } void HUD_VS_Radar(void) { HUD_Radar(); } void HUD_SinglePlayer(void) { if (gPlayState != PLAY_PAUSE) { HUD_Radar(); } RCP_SetupDL_36(); if ((gLevelMode != LEVELMODE_TURRET) && (D_hud_80161708 != 0)) { HUD_BoostGauge_Draw(246.0f, 28.0f); HUD_BombCounter_Draw(250.0f, 38.0f); } HUD_IncomingMsg(); if (D_hud_80161708 != 0) { HUD_Shield_GoldRings_HitPoints(24.0f, 30.0f); if (gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_TRAINING) { HUD_LivesCount2_Draw(248.0f, 11.0f, gLifeCount[gPlayerNum]); } } if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_TRAINING) { Training_RingPassCount_Draw(); } } void HUD_Draw(void) { s32 i; s32 goldRings; bool medalStatus; gDPSetTextureFilter(gMasterDisp++, G_TF_POINT); if (D_hud_80161730 == 0) { for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { D_801617E8[i] = 0; D_801617C0[i] = 0; sPauseScreenTimer[i] = 0; sPauseScreenIwork[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { D_80161900[i] = 0; sGoldRingsIwork[i] = 0; sGoldRingsFwork[i] = 0.0f; } if (gGoldRingCount[0] != 0) { goldRings = gGoldRingCount[0]; if (!(goldRings = gGoldRingCount[0] % 3)) { goldRings = 3; } for (i = 0; i < goldRings; i++) { if (goldRings != 3) { sGoldRingsIwork[i + 1] = 1; } } gGoldRingCount[1] = gGoldRingCount[0]; } else { gGoldRingCount[1] = 0; } sBombCounterState = BOMB_COUNTER_INIT; D_80161788 = 0; D_8016178C = 0; gMedalStatus = 0; gMedalFlashTimer = 0; switch (gCurrentLevel) { case LEVEL_CORNERIA: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(150); break; case LEVEL_METEO: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(200); break; case LEVEL_FORTUNA: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(50); break; case LEVEL_SECTOR_X: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(150); break; case LEVEL_TITANIA: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(150); break; case LEVEL_BOLSE: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(150); break; case LEVEL_SECTOR_Y: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(150); break; case LEVEL_KATINA: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(150); break; case LEVEL_SOLAR: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(100); break; case LEVEL_MACBETH: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(200); break; case LEVEL_AQUAS: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(100); break; case LEVEL_ZONESS: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(250); break; case LEVEL_SECTOR_Z: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(100); break; case LEVEL_AREA_6: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(300); break; case LEVEL_VENOM_2: case LEVEL_VENOM_ANDROSS: medalStatus = Play_CheckMedalStatus(200); break; default: medalStatus = false; break; } if (medalStatus != gMedalStatus) { gMedalStatus = medalStatus; } } if ((D_hud_80161704 != 0) && (gPlayState != PLAY_PAUSE)) { D_hud_80161708 += 16; if (D_hud_80161708 >= D_hud_80161704) { D_hud_80161708 = D_hud_80161704; } } if (gCamCount != 1) { HUD_VS_Radar(); } else { HUD_SinglePlayer(); } HUD_RadioDamage(); HUD_PauseScreen_Update(); gDPSetTextureFilter(gMasterDisp++, G_TF_BILERP); } void FoBase_Draw(Boss* boss) { RCP_SetupDL_29(gFogRed, gFogGreen, gFogBlue, gFogAlpha, gFogNear, gFogFar); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aFoBaseDL2); RCP_SetupDL_34(gFogRed, gFogGreen, gFogBlue, gFogAlpha, gFogNear, gFogFar); gSPSetGeometryMode(gMasterDisp++, G_CULL_BACK); gDPSetTextureFilter(gMasterDisp++, G_TF_POINT); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 0, (s32) boss->fwork[1], (s32) boss->fwork[2], 255); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, aFoBaseDL1); gDPSetTextureFilter(gMasterDisp++, G_TF_BILERP); } void FoBase_BurnEffects(FoBase* this, s32 timer) { Vec3s D_800D21C8[] = { { -385, 54, 233 }, { -324, 148, 193 }, { -267, 186, 136 }, { -128, 430, 180 }, { -231, 584, 140 }, { -431, 551, -120 }, { -285, 516, -32 }, { -285, 601, 18 }, { 300, 596, 18 }, { 300, 529, -65 }, { 491, 529, -178 }, { 94, 457, 219 }, { 247, 457, 36 }, { 220, 611, 129 }, { 220, 427, 129 }, { 150, 451, 213 }, { 72, 379, 156 }, { 98, 255, 156 }, { 263, 188, 156 }, { 96, 289, 55 }, { 375, 43, 215 }, { 2, 43, -431 }, { 50, 154, -354 }, { -59, 231, -211 }, { 40, 272, -133 }, { -48, 370, -147 }, { -116, 410, -153 }, { -116, 600, -230 }, { -231, 580, -285 }, { -231, 498, -218 }, { -413, 450, -269 }, { -203, 450, -152 }, { 149, 450, -152 }, { 308, 450, -213 }, { 308, 552, -326 }, { 376, 494, -304 }, { 376, 494, -304 }, }; s32 i; f32 temp; s32 temp2; if (timer >= 7000) { temp2 = timer - 7000; if (temp2 > 1596) { temp2 = 1596; } temp = temp2 / 1596.0f; if (this->swork[0] != 1) { temp /= 2.0f; } i = RAND_INT(36.0f); if ((gGameFrameCount & 2) == 0) { Effect_Effect390_Spawn(this->obj.pos.x + D_800D21C8[i].x, this->obj.pos.y + D_800D21C8[i].y, this->obj.pos.z + D_800D21C8[i].z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f * temp, 20); } if ((gGameFrameCount % 8) == 0) { Effect386_Spawn1(this->obj.pos.x + D_800D21C8[i].x, this->obj.pos.y + D_800D21C8[i].y, this->obj.pos.z + D_800D21C8[i].z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 7.0f * temp, 10); } } } s32 FoBase_ExplodeCs(FoBase* this) { Vec3f dest; Vec3f src; Player* player; s32 csState = 0; if (this->swork[0] == 1) { FoBase_BurnEffects(this, 8596); player = &gPlayer[0]; csState = 1; switch (this->swork[1]) { case 0: AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_EARTHQUAKE, this->sfxSource, 0); AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_EXPLOSION_DEMO, this->sfxSource, 0); SEQCMD_STOP_SEQUENCE(SEQ_PLAYER_BGM, 50); SEQCMD_STOP_SEQUENCE(SEQ_PLAYER_FANFARE, 50); player->cam.eye.x = this->fwork[4] = this->obj.pos.x; player->cam.eye.y = this->fwork[5] = this->obj.pos.y + 500.0f; player->cam.eye.z = this->fwork[6] = this->obj.pos.z + 4000.0f; player->cam.at.x = this->obj.pos.x; player->cam.at.y = this->obj.pos.y; player->cam.at.z = this->obj.pos.z; this->fwork[7] = 0.0f; this->fwork[8] = 0.0f; this->fwork[9] = 10.0f; this->timer_050 = 1000; this->swork[1] = 1; break; case 1: if (this->timer_050 == 930) { this->swork[1] = 2; } this->fwork[7] += 0.5f; if (this->fwork[7] >= 360.0f) { this->fwork[7] = 0.0f; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[9], 80.0f, 0.01f, 10000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[4], this->obj.pos.x + 0.0f, 0.02f, 10000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[5], this->obj.pos.y + 500.0f, 0.02f, 10000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[6], this->obj.pos.z + 1500.0f, 0.02f, 10000.0f, 0.0f); break; case 2: if (this->timer_050 == 870) { this->swork[1] = 3; } this->fwork[7] += 3.0f; if (this->fwork[7] >= 360.0f) { this->fwork[7] = 0.0f; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[4], this->obj.pos.x + 0.0f, 0.02f, 10000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[5], this->obj.pos.y + 1500.0f, 0.02f, 10000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[6], this->obj.pos.z + 1500.0f, 0.02f, 10000.0f, 0.0f); break; case 3: if (this->timer_050 == 770) { this->swork[1] = 4; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[9], 10.0f, 0.01f, 10000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[4], this->obj.pos.x + 4000.0f, 0.02f, 10000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[5], this->obj.pos.y + 2000.0f, 0.02f, 10000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[6], this->obj.pos.z + 1500.0f, 0.02f, 10000.0f, 0.0f); break; case 4: csState = 2; break; } if (this->swork[1] < 4) { src.x = this->fwork[4] - this->obj.pos.x; src.y = this->fwork[5] - this->obj.pos.y; src.z = this->fwork[6] - this->obj.pos.z; Matrix_Translate(gCalcMatrix, this->obj.pos.x, this->obj.pos.y, this->obj.pos.z, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, M_DTOR * this->fwork[7], MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, M_DTOR * this->fwork[8], MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_MultVec3f(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); player->cam.eye.x = dest.x; player->cam.eye.y = dest.y; player->cam.eye.z = dest.z; player->cam.at.x = this->obj.pos.x; player->cam.at.y = this->obj.pos.x; player->cam.at.z = this->obj.pos.x; player->cam.at.x += COS_DEG(this->timer_050 * 60.0f) * this->fwork[9]; player->cam.at.y += SIN_DEG(this->timer_050 * 179.0f) * this->fwork[9]; } } return csState; } void FoBase_Update(FoBase* this) { switch (this->state) { case 0: if ((this->fwork[1] == 255.0f) && (this->fwork[2] == 212.0f)) { this->state = 1; } else { Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[1], 255.0f, 0.3f, 6.0f, 6.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[2], 212.0f, 0.3f, 4.98f, 4.98f); } break; case 1: if ((this->fwork[1] == 28.0f) && (this->fwork[2] == 23.0f)) { this->state = 0; } else { Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[1], 28.0f, 0.3f, 6.0f, 6.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[2], 23.0f, 0.3f, 4.98f, 4.98f); } break; } FoBase_BurnEffects(this, gAllRangeEventTimer); } bool ActorTeamBoss_SetTarget(ActorTeamBoss* this) { bool ret = false; Boss* boss; s32 i; if (this->aiIndex != 0) { return true; } boss = &gBosses[1]; for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gBosses); i++, boss++) { if (boss->obj.status == OBJ_ACTIVE) { ret = true; if (this->aiIndex == 0) { this->aiIndex = i; } else if (Rand_ZeroOne() > 0.4f) { this->aiIndex = i; } this->state = 0; } } return ret; } bool ActorTeamBoss_SlippyEscapeFromTiBoss(ActorTeamBoss* this) { switch (this->iwork[5]) { case 0: this->fwork[8] = 0.0f; this->fwork[7] = 360.0f; this->timer_0BC = 8; this->rot_0F4.y = 100.0f; this->rot_0F4.x = 300.0f; this->iwork[4] = 1; this->iwork[5] = 1; case 1: if (this->timer_0BC == 0.0f) { this->fwork[1] = 20.0f; this->fwork[3] = 3.6f; this->iwork[2] = 0; this->iwork[3] = 36; this->iwork[5] = 2; } else { this->obj.pos.y -= 8.0f; break; } case 2: this->fwork[4] = gBosses[0].obj.pos.x + 1000.0f; this->fwork[5] = 300.0f; this->fwork[6] = this->obj.pos.z - 10000.0f; this->iwork[2]++; if (this->iwork[2] == this->iwork[3]) { this->iwork[5] = 3; this->iwork[3] = 40; this->iwork[2] = 0; } else if (this->iwork[2] == 6) { this->iwork[1] = 1; } break; case 3: this->fwork[4] = gBosses[0].obj.pos.x - 1000.0f; this->fwork[5] = 400.0f; this->fwork[6] = gBosses[0].obj.pos.z; this->iwork[2]++; if (this->iwork[2] == this->iwork[3]) { this->iwork[5] = 4; } else if (this->iwork[2] == 20) { this->fwork[1] = 30.0f; } break; case 4: this->fwork[6] = gPlayer[0].trueZpos; this->fwork[5] = 100.0f; this->fwork[4] = gPlayer[0].pos.x; if ((fabsf(this->obj.pos.x - gPlayer[0].pos.x) < 300.0f) && (fabsf(this->obj.pos.z - gPlayer[0].trueZpos) < 300.0f)) { this->iwork[5] = 5; this->iwork[3] = 20; this->iwork[2] = 0; } break; case 5: this->fwork[6] = gPlayer[0].trueZpos + 1000.0f; this->fwork[5] = 1000.0f; this->fwork[4] = gPlayer[0].pos.x - 1000.0f; this->iwork[2]++; if (this->iwork[2] == this->iwork[3]) { Object_Kill(&this->obj, this->sfxSource); } break; } return false; } bool ActorTeamBoss_Attack(ActorTeamBoss* this) { bool ret = false; if (ActorTeamBoss_SetTarget(this)) { this->fwork[6] = gBosses[this->aiIndex].obj.pos.z; this->fwork[5] = gBosses[this->aiIndex].obj.pos.y; this->fwork[4] = gBosses[this->aiIndex].obj.pos.x; } else { this->fwork[6] = gBosses[0].obj.pos.z; this->fwork[5] = gBosses[0].obj.pos.y; this->fwork[4] = gBosses[0].obj.pos.x; } if ((fabsf(this->obj.pos.x - this->fwork[4]) < 2000.0f) && (fabsf(this->obj.pos.z - this->fwork[6]) < 2000.0f)) { this->iwork[6]++; if (this->iwork[6] >= 9) { this->iwork[0] = 1; this->iwork[6] = 0; } } if ((fabsf(this->obj.pos.x - this->fwork[4]) < 700.0f) && (fabsf(this->obj.pos.x - this->fwork[4]) < 700.0f)) { this->state = 1; this->iwork[6] = 0; ret = true; } if (this->timer_0BE == 0) { this->timer_0BE = RAND_INT(200.0f) + 200; this->fwork[10] = 30.0f; } if (gBosses[this->aiIndex].obj.status == OBJ_FREE) { this->state = 1; this->aiIndex = 0; this->iwork[6] = 0; ret = true; } return ret; } s32 ActorTeamBoss_FlyAroundAllRange(ActorTeamBoss* this) { f32 x; f32 y; f32 z; f32 range; if (this->timer_0BC == 0) { if (gLevelType == LEVELTYPE_SPACE) { x = RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(20000.0f); y = RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(5000.0f); z = RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(20000.0f); } else { x = RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(10000.0f); y = RAND_FLOAT(1000.0f); z = RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(10000.0f); } if ((fabsf(this->obj.pos.x - x) > 2000.0f) && (fabsf(this->obj.pos.z - z) > 2000.0f)) { this->fwork[4] = x; this->fwork[5] = y; this->fwork[6] = z; this->timer_0BC = RAND_INT(20.0f) + 10; } } if (this->aiType == AI360_FALCO) { range = 3000.0f; } else { range = 5000.0f; } if ((range < fabsf(this->obj.pos.x - gBosses[0].obj.pos.x)) && (range < fabsf(this->obj.pos.z - gBosses[0].obj.pos.z))) { this->state = 0; } if (this->timer_0BE == 0) { this->timer_0BE = RAND_INT(200.0f) + 200; this->fwork[10] = 30.0f; } return false; } bool ActorTeamBoss_FlyAroundOnRails(ActorTeamBoss* this) { f32 var_fv1; if (this->timer_0BC == 0) { this->vwork[28].x = RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(2000.0f); this->vwork[28].y = RAND_FLOAT(1000.0f) + 200.0f; this->vwork[28].z = RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(2000.0f); this->timer_0BC = RAND_INT(20.0f) + 10; } this->fwork[4] = gBosses[0].obj.pos.x + this->vwork[28].x; this->fwork[5] = this->vwork[28].y; this->fwork[6] = gBosses[0].obj.pos.z + this->vwork[28].z; if (this->aiType == AI360_FALCO) { var_fv1 = 1500.0f; } else { var_fv1 = 3000.0f; } if ((var_fv1 < fabsf(this->obj.pos.x - this->fwork[4])) && (var_fv1 < fabsf(this->obj.pos.z - this->fwork[6]))) { this->state = 0; } if (this->timer_0BE == 0) { this->timer_0BE = RAND_INT(200.0f) + 200; this->fwork[10] = 30.0f; } return false; } void ActorTeamBoss_FlyAround(ActorTeamBoss* this) { if (gLevelMode == LEVELMODE_ALL_RANGE) { ActorTeamBoss_FlyAroundAllRange(this); } else { ActorTeamBoss_FlyAroundOnRails(this); } } bool ActorTeamBoss_FlyAlongPlayer(ActorTeamBoss* this) { this->fwork[1] = gPlayer[0].baseSpeed + 10.0f; this->fwork[3] = 3.6f; this->fwork[4] = gPlayer[0].pos.x + ((f32) (this->aiType - 2) * 700.0f); this->fwork[5] = gPlayer[0].pos.y; this->fwork[6] = gPlayer[0].trueZpos; if ((fabsf(this->obj.pos.x - this->fwork[4]) < 700.0f) || (fabsf(this->obj.pos.z - this->fwork[6]) < 700.0f)) { this->fwork[1] = gPlayer[0].baseSpeed - 10.0f; this->fwork[3] = 1.2f; } return false; } bool ActorTeamBoss_Retreat(ActorTeamBoss* this) { switch (this->iwork[5]) { case 0: this->fwork[5] = 20000.0f; this->iwork[1] = 1; this->iwork[5] = 1; gTeamShields[this->aiType] = 1; switch (this->aiType) { case AI360_FALCO: Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_20220, RCID_FALCO); break; case AI360_PEPPY: Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_20221, RCID_PEPPY); break; case AI360_SLIPPY: Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_20222, RCID_SLIPPY); break; } gTeamShields[this->aiType] = -1; break; case 1: if (this->fwork[29] < 2.0f) { this->fwork[29] = 2.0f; } if (this->timer_0BC == 0) { this->timer_0BC = RAND_INT(20.0f) + 30; this->fwork[7] = 360.0f; this->fwork[8] = 0.0f; } if (this->obj.pos.y > 3000.0f) { Object_Kill(&this->obj, this->sfxSource); } break; } return false; } void ActorTeamBoss_SetAction(ActorTeamBoss* this) { switch (this->state) { case 0: if (!ActorTeamBoss_Attack(this)) { break; } case 1: ActorTeamBoss_FlyAround(this); break; case 2: ActorTeamBoss_FlyAlongPlayer(this); break; case 3: ActorTeamBoss_Retreat(this); break; case 7: ActorTeamBoss_SlippyEscapeFromTiBoss(this); break; } if ((gTeamShields[this->aiType] <= 0) && (this->state != 3)) { this->iwork[5] = 0; this->state = 3; } if (gPlayer[0].state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_LEVEL_COMPLETE) { if ((this->state != 2) && (this->state != 3)) { this->iwork[4] = 1; this->state = 2; } } } bool ActorTeamBoss_ObstacleCheck(ActorTeamBoss* this) { s32 i; f32 y; Vec3f vec; Boss* boss; Scenery360* scenery360; bool ret = false; Math_Vec3fFromAngles(&vec, 0.0f, this->rot_0F4.y, 650.0f + this->fwork[9] * 10.0f); if (gLevelMode == LEVELMODE_ALL_RANGE) { for (i = 0, scenery360 = &gScenery360[0]; i < 200; i++, scenery360++) { if (scenery360->obj.status != OBJ_ACTIVE) { continue; } if (fabsf(scenery360->obj.pos.x - (this->obj.pos.x + vec.x)) > 1200.0f) { continue; } if (fabsf(scenery360->obj.pos.z - (this->obj.pos.z + vec.z)) > 1200.0f) { continue; } if (this->obj.pos.y + vec.y < 650.0f) { ret = true; } } } if (ret) { return true; } boss = &gBosses[0]; y = 650.0f; if (this->aiType < AI360_KATT) { y = 720.0f; } if (boss->obj.id == OBJ_BOSS_CO_CARRIER) { y = 280.0f; } if (!(fabsf(boss->obj.pos.x - (this->obj.pos.x + vec.x)) > 1000.0f) && !(fabsf(boss->obj.pos.z - (this->obj.pos.z + vec.z)) > 1000.0f) && !(fabsf(boss->obj.pos.y - (this->obj.pos.y)) > y)) { ret = true; } return ret; } bool ActorTeamBoss_SetFlyingAngle(ActorTeamBoss* this) { f32 sp44; f32 sp40; f32 sp3C; f32 x; f32 y; f32 z; f32 sp2C; f32 sp28; x = this->fwork[4] - this->obj.pos.x; y = this->fwork[5] - this->obj.pos.y; z = this->fwork[6] - this->obj.pos.z; sp40 = Math_RadToDeg(Math_Atan2F(x, z)); sp44 = Math_RadToDeg(Math_Atan2F(y, sqrtf(SQ(x) + SQ(z)))); if (ActorTeamBoss_ObstacleCheck(this) && (this->iwork[4] == 0)) { sp44 += 40.0f; if (sp44 >= 360.0f) { sp44 -= 360.0f; } else if ((this->obj.pos.y < (gGroundHeight + 50.0f)) && (gLevelType == LEVELTYPE_PLANET) && (sp44 > 180.0f)) { sp44 = 0.0f; } this->iwork[0] = 0; } sp3C = Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&this->rot_0F4.y, sp40, 0.5f, this->fwork[2], 0.001f) * 30.0f; Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&this->rot_0F4.x, sp44, 0.5f, this->fwork[2], 0.0001f); sp2C = sp28 = 0.0f; if (sp3C < 0.0f) { sp2C = -sp3C; } else { sp28 = sp3C; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[15], sp2C, 0.2f, 30.0f, 0.00f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[26], -sp2C, 0.2f, 30.0f, 0.00f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[16], sp28, 0.2f, 30.0f, 0.00f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[27], -sp28, 0.2f, 30.0f, 0.00f); if (sp3C < 0.0f) { sp3C *= -1.0f; } else { sp3C = 360.0f - sp3C; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[7], this->fwork[8], 0.2f, 30.0f, 0.0001f); if ((this->fwork[7] > 0.01f) && (this->fwork[7] < 359.9f)) { Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&this->obj.rot.z, this->fwork[7], 0.2f, 100.0f, 0.01f); } else { Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&this->obj.rot.z, sp3C, 0.1f, 3.0f, 0.01f); } return false; } bool ActorTeamBoss_SetFlyingSpeed(ActorTeamBoss* this) { Vec3f vec; this->obj.rot.x = -this->rot_0F4.x; this->obj.rot.y = this->rot_0F4.y; Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[0], this->fwork[1], 0.2f, 1.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[2], this->fwork[3], 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); Math_Vec3fFromAngles(&vec, this->obj.rot.x, this->obj.rot.y, this->fwork[0] + this->fwork[9]); this->vel.y = this->fwork[14] + vec.y; this->vel.x = this->fwork[13] + vec.x; this->vel.z = this->fwork[12] + vec.z; this->fwork[13] -= this->fwork[13] * 0.1f; this->fwork[14] -= this->fwork[14] * 0.1f; this->fwork[12] -= this->fwork[12] * 0.1f; if ((this->obj.pos.y < gGroundHeight + 40.0f) && (this->vel.y < 0.0f) && (gLevelType == LEVELTYPE_PLANET)) { this->obj.pos.y = gGroundHeight + 40.0f; this->vel.y = 0.0f; } this->vel.z -= gPathVelZ; return false; } bool ActorTeamBoss_SetBoost(ActorTeamBoss* this) { if (this->iwork[1] != 0) { if (this->fwork[10] < 0.1f) { this->fwork[10] = 20.0f; AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_ARWING_BOOST, this->sfxSource, 0); this->fwork[29] = 5.0f; } this->iwork[1] = 0; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[10], 0.0f, 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[9], this->fwork[10], 0.1f, 2.0f, 0.0f); if (this->fwork[10] < 0.1f) { this->iwork[11] = 1; } return false; } bool ActorTeamBoss_Shoot(ActorTeamBoss* this) { Vec3f src; Vec3f dest; if ((this->iwork[0] != 0) && (gBossHealthBar > 70)) { this->iwork[0] = 0; src.x = 0.0f; src.y = 0.0f; src.z = 100.0f; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); Actor_SpawnPlayerLaser(this->aiType, this->obj.pos.x + (dest.x * 1.5), this->obj.pos.y + (dest.y * 1.5), this->obj.pos.z + (dest.z * 1.5), dest.x, dest.y, dest.z, this->obj.rot.x, this->obj.rot.y, this->obj.rot.z); } return false; } bool ActorTeamBoss_HandleDamage(ActorTeamBoss* this) { u8 prevDmgType = this->dmgType; Vec3f src; Vec3f dest; this->dmgType = DMG_NONE; if ((this->state == 3) || (prevDmgType == DMG_EXPLOSION)) { return false; } this->health -= this->damage; if (this->health <= 0) { this->health = -1; } this->timer_0C6 = 20; AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_EN_DAMAGE_S, this->sfxSource, 4); func_effect_8007D10C(this->obj.pos.x, this->obj.pos.y, this->obj.pos.z, 1.5f); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, this->rot_0F4.y * M_DTOR, MTXF_NEW); if (Rand_ZeroOne() < 0.5f) { src.x = -20.0f; } else { src.x = 20.0f; } src.y = RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(20.0f); src.z = 0.0f; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); this->fwork[13] = dest.x; this->fwork[14] = dest.y; this->fwork[12] = dest.z; gTeamShields[this->aiType] = this->health; if (gRadioState != 0) { return false; } if ((this->dmgType == DMG_COLLISION) && (this->dmgSource == AI360_FOX + 1)) { switch (this->aiType) { case AI360_FALCO: Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_20210, RCID_FALCO); break; case AI360_PEPPY: Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_20200, RCID_PEPPY); break; case AI360_SLIPPY: Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_20190, RCID_SLIPPY); break; } } if ((this->dmgType != DMG_COLLISION) && (this->dmgSource == AI360_FOX + 1)) { switch (this->aiType) { case AI360_FALCO: Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_20060, RCID_FALCO); break; case AI360_PEPPY: Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_20070, RCID_PEPPY); break; case AI360_SLIPPY: Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_20080, RCID_SLIPPY); break; } } if ((this->dmgSource == DMG_SRC_2) || (this->dmgSource == DMG_SRC_100)) { switch (this->aiType) { case AI360_FALCO: Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_20030, RCID_FALCO); break; case AI360_PEPPY: Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_20040, RCID_PEPPY); break; case AI360_SLIPPY: Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_20050, RCID_SLIPPY); break; } } this->iwork[8] = 20; return false; } void ActorTeamBoss_Radarmarks_Init(ActorTeamBoss* this) { gRadarMarks[this->index].enabled = true; gRadarMarks[this->index].type = this->aiType; gRadarMarks[this->index].pos.x = this->obj.pos.x; gRadarMarks[this->index].pos.y = this->obj.pos.y; gRadarMarks[this->index].pos.z = this->obj.pos.z; gRadarMarks[this->index].yRot = this->rot_0F4.y + 180.0f; } void ActorTeamBoss_DmgEffect(ActorTeamBoss* this) { s32 mask; if ((gTeamShields[this->aiType] < 64) && (gPlayer[0].state_1C8 != PLAYERSTATE_1C8_LEVEL_COMPLETE)) { mask = 8 - 1; if (gTeamShields[this->aiType] > 16) { mask = 16 - 1; } if (gTeamShields[this->aiType] > 32) { mask = 32 - 1; } if (gTeamShields[this->aiType] > 48) { mask = 64 - 1; } if ((gGameFrameCount & mask) == 0) { func_effect_8007D10C(this->obj.pos.x + RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(10.0f), this->obj.pos.y + RAND_FLOAT(10.0f), this->obj.pos.z + RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(10.0f), 2.2f); } if (!(gGameFrameCount & (mask >> 2)) && (Rand_ZeroOne() < 0.5f)) { Effect_Effect390_Spawn(this->obj.pos.x + RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(30.0f), this->obj.pos.y + RAND_FLOAT(10.0f), this->obj.pos.z + RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(30.0f), this->vel.x, this->vel.y, this->vel.z, this->scale * 0.07f, 3); } } } bool ActorTeamBoss_SomerSault(ActorTeamBoss* this) { Vec3f src; Vec3f dest; f32 var_fv0; bool ret = false; if (this->iwork[7] == 0) { this->vwork[29].x = this->obj.rot.x; this->iwork[7] = 1; this->iwork[1] = 1; } if (this->fwork[29] < 2.0f) { this->fwork[29] = 2.0f; } var_fv0 = 60.0f; if (this->fwork[19] > 240.0f) { var_fv0 = -50.0f; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[15], var_fv0, 0.3f, 100.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[26], var_fv0, 0.3f, 100.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[16], var_fv0, 0.3f, 100.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[27], var_fv0, 0.3f, 100.0f, 0.0f); if (this->fwork[19] < 180.0f) { this->obj.pos.y += 2.0f; } if (Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[19], 360.0f, 0.1f, 5.0f, 0.01f) == 0.0f) { this->obj.rot.x = this->vwork[29].x; this->fwork[19] = this->vwork[29].x = 0.0f; ret = true; this->iwork[7] = 0; this->fwork[29] = 1.0f; } if (this->iwork[7] != 0) { Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&this->vwork[29].x, 0.0f, 0.1f, 5.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&this->obj.rot.z, 0.0f, 0.1f, 5.0f, 0.0f); this->obj.rot.x = this->vwork[29].x + (360.0f - this->fwork[19]); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, this->rot_0F4.y * M_DTOR, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, -(M_DTOR * ((this->rot_0F4.x + this->vwork[29].x) + this->fwork[19])), MTXF_APPLY); src.z = this->fwork[1]; src.y = 0.0f; src.x = 0.0f; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); this->vel.x = dest.x; this->vel.y = dest.y; this->vel.z = dest.z; if (this->obj.pos.y < gGroundHeight + 50.0f) { this->obj.pos.y = gGroundHeight + 50.0f; this->vel.y = 0.0f; } } return ret; } bool ActorTeamBoss_UTurn(ActorTeamBoss* this) { Vec3f src; Vec3f dest; f32 sp54; f32 sp50; bool ret = false; if (this->iwork[11] == 0) { this->work_046 = 0; this->iwork[11] = 1; this->iwork[1] = 1; this->vwork[29].x = this->obj.rot.x; this->vwork[29].y = this->obj.rot.y; this->vwork[29].z = this->obj.rot.z; } else { Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&this->vwork[29].z, 0.0f, 0.1f, 5.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&this->vwork[29].y, 0.0f, 0.1f, 5.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&this->vwork[29].x, 0.0f, 0.1f, 5.0f, 0.0f); sp50 = Math_RadToDeg(Math_Atan2F(0.0f - this->obj.pos.x, 0.0f - this->obj.pos.z)); switch (this->work_046) { case 0: if (this->work_04A != 0) { this->timer_0BC = 30; } else { this->timer_0BC = 10; } this->work_046 = 1; if (this->fwork[19] > 180.0f) { this->fwork[19] = this->fwork[19] - 360.0f; } case 1: if (this->timer_0BC == 0) { this->work_046 = 2; if (this->work_04A != 0) { this->timer_0BC = 80; } else { this->timer_0BC = 60; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[20], 0.0f, 0.1f, 15.0f, 0.0f); } break; case 2: if (this->fwork[19] > 140.0f) { sp54 = 0.0f; } else { sp54 = 60.0f; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[15], sp54, 0.3f, 100.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[26], sp54, 0.3f, 100.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[16], sp54, 0.3f, 100.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[27], sp54, 0.3f, 100.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[19], 190.0f, 0.1f, 6.0f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[20], 0.0f, 0.1f, 15.0f, 0.0f); if (this->fwork[19] > 180.0f) { this->rot_0F4.y += 180.0f; if (this->rot_0F4.y >= 360.0f) { this->rot_0F4.y = this->rot_0F4.y - 360.0f; } this->fwork[19] -= 180.0f; if ((sp50 - this->rot_0F4.y) < 180.0f) { this->fwork[20] = 180.0f; } else { this->fwork[20] = -180.0f; } this->iwork[1] = 1; this->work_046 = 3; } this->fwork[28] -= 0.2f; break; case 3: if (this->fwork[29] < 2.0f) { this->fwork[29] = 2.0f; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[20], 0.0f, 0.1f, 15.0f, 0.0f); sp54 = this->fwork[20] * 0.3f; Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[15], sp54, 0.3f, 100.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[26], sp54, 0.3f, 100.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[16], -sp54, 0.3f, 100.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&this->fwork[27], -sp54, 0.3f, 100.0f, 0.0f); if (this->work_04A != 0) { Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&this->rot_0F4.y, sp50, 0.1f, 2.0f, 0.0f); } if (this->obj.pos.y < gPlayer[0].pathHeight) { if (this->fwork[28] < 0.0f) { this->fwork[28] = this->fwork[28] + 0.2f; } } else { this->fwork[28] -= 0.2f; } if (this->timer_0BC == 0) { ret = true; this->iwork[11] = 0; this->work_046 = 0; this->fwork[28] = 0.0f; this->fwork[20] = 0.0f; this->fwork[29] = 1.0f; } break; } this->obj.rot.x = this->vwork[29].x - this->fwork[19]; this->obj.rot.y = this->rot_0F4.y; this->obj.rot.z = this->vwork[29].z + this->fwork[20]; this->obj.pos.y += this->fwork[28]; Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, this->rot_0F4.y * M_DTOR, 0U); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, -(M_DTOR * (this->rot_0F4.x + this->vwork[29].x + this->fwork[19])), MTXF_APPLY); src.z = this->fwork[1]; src.y = 0.0f; src.x = 0.0f; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); this->vel.x = dest.x; this->vel.y = dest.y; this->vel.z = dest.z; } return ret; } void ActorTeamBoss_Init(ActorTeamBoss* this) { s32 D_800D22A8[] = { TEAM_ID_FALCO, TEAM_ID_SLIPPY, TEAM_ID_PEPPY }; if (gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_TITANIA) { this->fwork[1] = 40.0f; this->fwork[3] = 1.2f; this->aiType = (D_hud_800D1970 % 4U) + 1; D_hud_800D1970++; } else { this->state = 7; this->aiType = AI360_SLIPPY; this->iwork[5] = 0; gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_SLIPPY] = 255; } this->iwork[12] = D_800D22A8[this->aiType - 1]; this->iwork[11] = 1; if (gLevelType == LEVELTYPE_PLANET) { this->drawShadow = true; } AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_ARWING_ENGINE_FG, this->sfxSource, 4); if (((s32) (D_hud_800D1970 % 4U) == AI360_SLIPPY) && (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_SECTOR_X)) { Object_Kill(&this->obj, this->sfxSource); } if (gTeamShields[this->aiType] <= 0) { Object_Kill(&this->obj, this->sfxSource); } } void ActorTeamBoss_Update(ActorTeamBoss* this) { f32 range; this->health = gTeamShields[this->aiType]; switch (this->work_048) { case 0: ActorTeamBoss_SetAction(this); ActorTeamBoss_SetFlyingAngle(this); ActorTeamBoss_SetFlyingSpeed(this); ActorTeamBoss_Shoot(this); if (this->dmgType != DMG_NONE) { ActorTeamBoss_HandleDamage(this); } if (this->state == 3) { break; } switch (gCurrentLevel) { case LEVEL_SECTOR_Z: range = 20000.0f; break; case LEVEL_CORNERIA: range = 8000.0f; break; case LEVEL_BOLSE: range = 10000.0f; break; default: range = 12500.0f; break; } if ((this->iwork[10] != 0) && (gLevelMode == LEVELMODE_ALL_RANGE) && (this->iwork[9] == 0) && (gPlayer[0].state_1C8 != PLAYERSTATE_1C8_LEVEL_COMPLETE)) { this->work_048 = 2; this->work_04A = 0; } if ((gLevelMode == LEVELMODE_ALL_RANGE) && (fabsf(this->obj.pos.x > range) || fabsf(this->obj.pos.z > range)) && (gPlayer[0].state_1C8 != PLAYERSTATE_1C8_LEVEL_COMPLETE)) { this->work_048 = 2; this->work_04A = 1; } break; case 1: if (ActorTeamBoss_SomerSault(this) != 0) { this->work_048 = 0; this->iwork[9] = RAND_INT(30.0f) + 90; } break; case 2: if (ActorTeamBoss_UTurn(this) != 0) { this->work_04A = 0; this->work_048 = this->work_04A; this->iwork[9] = RAND_INT(30.0f) + 90; } break; } ActorTeamBoss_SetBoost(this); ActorTeamBoss_DmgEffect(this); ActorTeamBoss_Radarmarks_Init(this); if (this->iwork[9] != 0) { this->iwork[9]--; } this->iwork[10] = 0; } void Aquas_CsIntroActors_Update(ActorCutscene* this) { Vec3f src; Vec3f dest; Player* player = &gPlayer[0]; if (this->state == 0) { switch (this->animFrame) { case 1: if ((player->state_1C8 != PLAYERSTATE_1C8_LEVEL_INTRO) || (this->animFrame != 1)) { if (gCsFrameCount > 1588) { this->fwork[0] = 5.0f; } else { this->fwork[0] = 15.0f; } this->fwork[0] = 12.0f; } break; case 41: Aquas_CsAqFishGroup_Update(this); break; case 44: this->iwork[0]++; if (this->iwork[0] > 118) { this->iwork[0] = 0; } break; } } Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, (this->rot_0F4.y + 180.0f) * M_DTOR, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, -(this->rot_0F4.x * M_DTOR), MTXF_APPLY); src.x = 0.0f; src.y = 0.0f; src.z = this->fwork[0]; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); this->vel.x = dest.x; this->vel.y = dest.y; this->vel.z = dest.z; this->obj.rot.x = -this->rot_0F4.x; this->obj.rot.y = this->rot_0F4.y + 180.0f; this->obj.rot.z = -this->rot_0F4.z; } void Aquas_CsIntroGreatFox_Init(void) { ActorCutscene* actor = &gActors[0]; Actor_Initialize(actor); actor->obj.status = OBJ_INIT; actor->obj.pos.x = 0.0f; actor->obj.pos.y += 1700.0f; actor->obj.pos.z -= 5000.0f; actor->animFrame = ACTOR_CS_GREAT_FOX; actor->obj.id = OBJ_ACTOR_CUTSCENE; Object_SetInfo(&actor->info, actor->obj.id); AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_GREATFOX_ENGINE, actor->sfxSource, 0); } void Aquas_Effect363_Spawn(f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, f32 arg3) { s32 i; Effect* effect = &gEffects[ARRAY_COUNT(gEffects) - 1]; Player* player = gPlayer; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gEffects); i++) { if (effect->obj.status == OBJ_FREE) { Effect_Initialize(effect); effect->obj.status = OBJ_INIT; effect->obj.id = OBJ_EFFECT_363; effect->obj.pos.x = x; effect->obj.pos.y = y; effect->obj.pos.z = z; if ((player->state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_LEVEL_INTRO) && (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AQUAS) && (player->csState < 2)) { effect->scale1 = 0.4f; effect->unk_44 = 0; effect->unk_46 = 24; effect->unk_48 = RAND_INT(4.0f); if (Rand_ZeroOne() < 0.5f) { effect->unk_48 = -effect->unk_48; } } else { effect->vel.x = RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(5.0f); effect->vel.y = RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(3.0f); effect->unk_48 = 0; if (Rand_ZeroOne() < 0.5f) { effect->unk_48 = -effect->unk_48; } if (player->csState >= 5) { effect->unk_4A = 96; effect->unk_46 = 4; } else { effect->unk_4A = 128; effect->unk_46 = 2; } } effect->scale2 = arg3 * 0.2f; effect->obj.rot.z = RAND_FLOAT(360.0f); Object_SetInfo(&effect->info, effect->obj.id); break; } effect--; } } f32 D_800D22B4 = -100.0f; f32 D_800D22B8 = 0.01f; f32 D_800D22BC = 0.04f; f32 D_800D22C0 = 0.05f; f32 D_800D22C4 = 260.0f; f32 D_800D22C8 = 260.0f; f32 D_800D22CC = 260.0f; s32 D_800D22D0 = 50; s32 D_800D22D4 = 2; void Aquas_CsLevelStart(Player* player) { Vec3f D_800D22D8[] = { { -1730.0f, 1600.0f, -6690.0f }, { -830.0f, 1600.0f, -7380.0f }, { 0.0f, 1600.0f, -7380.0f } }; Vec3f D_800D22FC[] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 190.0f, 2570.0f, -4740.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } }; Vec3f D_800D2320[] = { { 50.0f, -165.0f, -900.0f }, { -100.0f, -165.0f, -900.0f }, { -100.0f, -165.0f, -850.0f }, { -200.0f, -165.0f, -800.0f }, { -200.0f, -165.0f, -750.0f }, { -240.0f, -165.0f, -700.0f }, { -240.0f, -165.0f, -650.0f }, { -280.0f, -165.0f, -600.0f }, { -280.0f, -165.0f, -550.0f }, { -320.0f, -165.0f, -500.0f }, { -320.0f, -165.0f, -450.0f }, { -360.0f, -165.0f, -400.0f }, { -360.0f, -165.0f, -350.0f }, { -400.0f, -165.0f, -300.0f }, { -400.0f, -165.0f, -250.0f }, { -440.0f, -165.0f, -200.0f }, { -440.0f, -165.0f, -150.0f }, { -480.0f, -165.0f, -100.0f }, { -480.0f, -165.0f, -50.0f }, { -520.0f, -165.0f, 0.0f }, { -520.0f, -165.0f, 50.0f }, { -560.0f, -165.0f, 100.0f }, { -560.0f, -165.0f, 150.0f }, { -600.0f, -165.0f, 200.0f }, { -600.0f, -165.0f, 250.0f }, { -640.0f, -165.0f, 300.0f }, { -640.0f, -165.0f, 350.0f }, { -680.0f, -165.0f, 400.0f }, { -680.0f, -165.0f, 450.0f }, { -720.0f, -165.0f, 500.0f }, { -720.0f, -165.0f, 550.0f }, { -50.0f, -165.0f, -900.0f } }; Vec3f src, dest; f32 x; f32 y; f32 z; f32 stepSize; f32 temp2; f32 temp; s32 i; s32 j; Actor* actor; actor = &gActors[0]; switch (player->csState) { case 0: Aquas_CsIntroGreatFox_Init(); gCsFrameCount = 0; gDrawBackdrop = 1; gAqDrawMode = 1; player->draw = false; player->csState = 1; player->unk_208 = 0; player->baseSpeed = 0.0f; gFillScreenAlpha = 255; gFillScreenRed = gFillScreenGreen = gFillScreenBlue = 0; gFillScreenAlphaTarget = 0; player->cam.eye.x = gCsCamEyeX = -3061.2f; player->cam.eye.y = gCsCamEyeY = 1745.9f; player->cam.eye.z = gCsCamEyeZ = -5786.0f; player->cam.at.x = gCsCamAtX = 300.0f; player->cam.at.y = gCsCamAtY = 2200.0f; player->cam.at.z = gCsCamAtZ = -5700.0f; D_801616A0.x = 5.18f; D_801616A0.y = 124.17f; D_801616A0.z = 0.00f; actor->rot_0F4.y = 30.0f; D_ctx_80177A48[5] = 14.0f; D_ctx_80177A48[0] = 0.2f; D_ctx_80177A10[6] = 0; D_ctx_80177A10[7] = 0; D_801616B0.x = D_801616B0.y = D_801616B0.z = 0.0f; D_ctx_80177A48[7] = 0.0f; case 1: if ((player->unk_208 == 0) && (gCsFrameCount < 250)) { i = RAND_INT(64.0f); if (i < 32) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { src.x = D_800D2320[i].x; src.y = D_800D2320[i].y + RAND_FLOAT(12.0f); src.z = D_800D2320[i].z; Matrix_Translate(gCalcMatrix, actor->obj.pos.x, actor->obj.pos.y, actor->obj.pos.z, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, M_DTOR * 30.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_MultVec3f(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); x = dest.x; y = dest.y; z = dest.z; Aquas_Effect363_Spawn(x, y, z, 20.0f); i = (i + 1) % 32; } } else { i -= 32; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { src.x = -D_800D2320[i].x; src.y = D_800D2320[i].y + RAND_FLOAT(12.0f); src.z = D_800D2320[i].z; Matrix_Translate(gCalcMatrix, actor->obj.pos.x, actor->obj.pos.y, actor->obj.pos.z, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, M_DTOR * 30.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_MultVec3f(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); x = dest.x; y = dest.y; z = dest.z; Aquas_Effect363_Spawn(x, y, z, 20.0f); i = (i + 1) % 32; } } player->unk_208 = RAND_INT(3.0f) + 1; } else { player->unk_208--; } if (D_ctx_80177A10[6] < 3) { i = D_ctx_80177A10[6]; stepSize = D_ctx_80177A48[5]; src.x = gCsCamEyeX; src.y = gCsCamEyeY; src.z = gCsCamEyeZ; dest.x = D_800D22D8[i].x; dest.y = D_800D22D8[i].y; dest.z = D_800D22D8[i].z; if (Math_PursueVec3f(&src, &dest, &D_801616A0, stepSize, 0.4f, 4.8f, stepSize)) { if (D_ctx_80177A10[6] == 0) { D_ctx_80177A10[7]++; } D_ctx_80177A10[6]++; } gCsCamEyeX = src.x; gCsCamEyeY = src.y; gCsCamEyeZ = src.z; } if (D_ctx_80177A10[7] == 1) { i = D_ctx_80177A10[7]; stepSize = D_ctx_80177A48[5]; src.x = gCsCamAtX; src.y = gCsCamAtY; src.z = gCsCamAtZ; dest.x = D_800D22FC[i].x; dest.y = D_800D22FC[i].y; dest.z = D_800D22FC[i].z; if (D_ctx_80177A10[6] <= D_ctx_80177A10[7]) { if (Math_PursueVec3f(&src, &dest, &D_801616B0, stepSize, 0.4f, 4.8f, stepSize)) { D_ctx_80177A10[7]++; } } gCsCamAtX = src.x; gCsCamAtY = src.y; gCsCamAtZ = src.z; } if (gCsFrameCount >= 50) { // clang-format off if (gFillScreenAlpha == 255) { player->csState = 2; } // clang-format on gFillScreenRed = gFillScreenGreen = gFillScreenBlue = 255; gFillScreenAlphaTarget = 255; Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_ctx_80177A48[7], 16.0f, 0.04f, 0.05f, 0.0f); gFillScreenAlphaStep = D_ctx_80177A48[7]; } break; case 2: gPlayerGlareAlphas[0] = 0; D_ctx_80177A10[0] = gLight1R; D_ctx_80177A10[1] = gLight1G; D_ctx_80177A10[2] = gLight1B; D_ctx_80177A10[3] = gAmbientR; D_ctx_80177A10[4] = gAmbientG; D_ctx_80177A10[5] = gAmbientB; gLight1R = 40; gLight1G = 100; gLight1B = 120; gAmbientR = 20; gAmbientG = 30; gAmbientB = 50; D_ctx_80177A48[2] = 0.0f; D_ctx_80177A48[3] = -1600.0f; D_ctx_80177A48[4] = 520.0f; player->csState = 3; gDrawBackdrop = 0; player->camRoll = 60.0f; player->csTimer = 1000; player->rot.y = 30.0f; player->pos.z = -5100.0f; player->pos.x = -50.0f; player->pos.y = 1200.0f; gFillScreenAlphaTarget = 0; Aquas_801BDF14(); AUDIO_PLAY_BGM(NA_BGM_START_DEMO_M); case 3: gFillScreenAlphaStep = 16; if (player->csTimer > 774) { if (D_ctx_80177A48[4] >= 200.0f) { Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_ctx_80177A48[4], -200.0f, 1.00f, 4.0f, 4.0f); } else { Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_ctx_80177A48[4], -200.0f, 0.06f, 4.0f, 0.0f); } src.x = D_ctx_80177A48[2]; src.y = D_ctx_80177A48[3]; src.z = D_ctx_80177A48[4]; Matrix_Translate(gCalcMatrix, actor->obj.pos.x, actor->obj.pos.y, actor->obj.pos.z, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, M_DTOR * 30.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_MultVec3f(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); gCsCamEyeX = dest.x; gCsCamEyeY = dest.y; gCsCamEyeZ = dest.z; player->cam.at.x = gCsCamAtX = gCsCamEyeX; player->cam.at.y = gCsCamAtY = gCsCamEyeY + 100.0f; player->cam.at.z = gCsCamAtZ = gCsCamEyeZ + 10.0f; player->cam.eye.x = gCsCamEyeX; player->cam.eye.y = gCsCamEyeY; player->cam.eye.z = gCsCamEyeZ; } if (player->csTimer == 774) { AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_MAR_LAUNCH, player->sfxSource, 0); D_ctx_80177A10[9] = 40; } if (player->csTimer <= 774) { D_ctx_80177A48[0] = 0.0f; temp2 = 0.0f; if (D_ctx_80177A10[9] != 0) { D_ctx_80177A10[9]--; temp = D_ctx_80177A10[9]; if (temp > 20.0f) { temp = 20.0f; } temp2 = SIN_DEG(gGameFrameCount * 70.0f) * temp; } player->cam.eye.y = gCsCamEyeY + temp2; player->cam.at.y = gCsCamEyeY + 100.0f; Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->unk_018, -1200.0f, 0.02f, 60.0f, 0.0f); src.x = 0.0f; src.y = 0.0f; src.z = player->unk_018; Matrix_Translate(gCalcMatrix, player->pos.x, player->pos.y, player->pos.z, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, M_DTOR * 30.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_MultVec3f(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); player->pos.x = dest.x; player->pos.y = dest.y; player->pos.z = dest.z; if (((player->csTimer % 8) == 0) && (player->csTimer > 740)) { Effect_Effect367_Spawn(player->cam.eye.x, 1600.0f, player->cam.eye.z, 10.0f, 100.0f, 0); } if ((player->unk_018 > -200.0f) && (D_ctx_80177A10[8] < 6)) { if (D_ctx_80177A10[8] < 2) { Aquas_Effect363_Spawn(player->pos.x, player->pos.y - 400.0f, player->pos.z, 20.0f); } if (D_ctx_80177A10[8] >= 2) { Aquas_Effect363_Spawn(player->pos.x, player->pos.y, player->pos.z, 10.0f); } D_ctx_80177A10[8]++; } if (((gGameFrameCount % 3) == 0) && (player->csTimer <= 740)) { for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Aquas_Effect366_Spawn(player->cam.eye.x + RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(D_800D22C4), player->cam.eye.y + 260.0f + RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(D_800D22C8), player->cam.eye.z + RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(D_800D22CC), 1.0f, 0); } } } if (player->csTimer < 736) { player->csState = 4; gAqDrawMode = 1; gFillScreenRed = gFillScreenGreen = gFillScreenBlue = 255; gFillScreenAlphaTarget = 255; } break; case 4: if (gFillScreenAlpha == 255) { player->csState = 5; } break; case 5: player->pos.x = 0.0f; player->pos.y = 350.0f; player->pos.z = 0.0f; player->cam.eye.x = player->pos.x * (600.0f / player->pathWidth); player->cam.eye.y = player->pos.y * (1040.0f / player->pathHeight); player->cam.eye.y -= 50.0f; player->cam.at.x = player->pos.x * (600.0f / player->pathWidth); player->cam.at.y = player->pos.y * (1050.0f / player->pathHeight); player->cam.at.y += player->xRock * 10.0f; player->pos.z += 1000.0f; player->camRoll = 0.0f; D_ctx_80177A48[0] = 0.1f; player->rot.y = 0.0f; player->baseSpeed = 20.0f; player->draw = true; player->csState = 6; player->csTimer = 1000; gAqDrawMode = 0; gFillScreenAlphaTarget = 0; Object_Kill(&actor->obj, actor->sfxSource); player->cam.eye.z = gCsCamEyeZ = 800.0f; player->cam.at.z = gCsCamAtZ = 0.0f; case 6: player->xRock = SIN_DEG(player->rockPhase * 0.7f) * 0.5f; player->bobPhase += 10.0f; player->rockPhase += 8.0f; player->yBob = -SIN_DEG(player->bobPhase) * 0.5f; player->rockAngle = SIN_DEG(player->rockPhase) * 1.5f; gCsCamEyeX = player->pos.x * (600.0f / player->pathWidth); gCsCamEyeY = player->pos.y * (740.0f / player->pathHeight); gCsCamEyeY -= -50.0f; gCsCamAtX = player->pos.x * (600.0f / player->pathWidth); gCsCamAtY = player->pos.y * (750.0f / player->pathHeight); gCsCamAtY += player->xRock * 10.0f; Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->pos.z, 0.0f, 0.1f, 40.0f, 0.1f); D_ctx_80177A48[0] = 0.03f; gCsCamEyeZ = 240.0f; gCsCamAtZ = player->pos.z + (gPathProgress - 1.0f); if (((player->csTimer % 2) == 0) && (player->csTimer > 962)) { Aquas_Effect363_Spawn(player->pos.x, player->pos.y, player->pos.z + 50.0f, 20.0f); } if (player->csTimer <= 900) { gLevelStartStatusScreenTimer = 50; player->state_1C8 = PLAYERSTATE_1C8_ACTIVE; player->csState = 0; player->csTimer = 0; gLoadLevelObjects = 1; SEQCMD_STOP_SEQUENCE(SEQ_PLAYER_BGM, 50); SEQCMD_STOP_SEQUENCE(SEQ_PLAYER_FANFARE, 50); AUDIO_PLAY_BGM(NA_BGM_STAGE_AQ); } Aquas_Effect366_Spawn(player->pos.x + RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(10.0f), player->pos.y + RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(10.0f), player->pos.z - 65.0f + RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(10.0f), 0.4f, 1); break; default: break; } Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, M_DTOR * (player->rot.y + player->yRot_114 + 180.0f), MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, -(M_DTOR * player->rot.x), MTXF_APPLY); src.x = 0.0f; src.y = 0.0f; src.z = player->baseSpeed; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); player->vel.x = dest.x; player->vel.y = dest.y; player->vel.z = dest.z; player->pos.x += player->vel.x; player->pos.y += player->vel.y; gPathTexScroll -= player->vel.z; player->bankAngle = player->rot.z + player->zRotBank + player->zRotBarrelRoll; Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.eye.x, gCsCamEyeX, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.eye.y, gCsCamEyeY, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.eye.z, gCsCamEyeZ, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.at.x, gCsCamAtX, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.at.y, gCsCamAtY, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.at.z, gCsCamAtZ, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.0f); } // unused data s32 D_800D24A0[] = { 60, 200 }; f32 D_800D24A8[] = { 0.0f, 10.0f, 20.0f, 5.0f, 7.0f, 13.0f }; f32 D_800D24C0[] = { 128.0f, 128.0f, 255.0f, 128.0f }; s32 D_800D24C8[] = { 0, 900 }; f32 D_800D24CC = 0.02f; void Aquas_Effect363_Update(Effect363* this) { Player* player = &gPlayer[0]; if ((player->state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_LEVEL_INTRO) && (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AQUAS) && (player->csState < 2)) { switch (this->state) { case 0: this->unk_44 += this->unk_46; this->unk_4A = this->unk_44; this->scale2 += 0.01f; if (this->unk_4A >= 200) { this->state = 1; this->unk_4A = 200; } break; case 1: this->unk_4A -= this->unk_46; this->scale2 -= 0.1f; break; } if ((this->state == 1) && (this->unk_4A <= 0)) { Object_Kill(&this->obj, this->sfxSource); } this->vel.y += this->scale1; this->scale1 -= 0.05f; if (this->scale1 < -1.0f) { this->scale1 = -1.0f; } this->obj.rot.z += this->unk_48; } else { if (player->state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_LEVEL_COMPLETE) { this->obj.rot.x = RAD_TO_DEG(player->camPitch); this->obj.rot.y = RAD_TO_DEG(-player->camYaw); } if (player->state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_NEXT) { this->unk_46 = 2; if (player->csState >= 4) { this->vel.y -= 0.13f; } } this->scale2 += 0.8f; this->unk_4A -= this->unk_46; if ((this->unk_4A < 0) || ((player->state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_LEVEL_INTRO) && (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AQUAS) && (player->csState == 5))) { Object_Kill(&this->obj, this->sfxSource); } this->obj.rot.z += this->unk_48; } } void Aquas_Effect363_Draw(Effect363* this) { if ((gPlayer[0].state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_LEVEL_INTRO) && (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AQUAS) && (gPlayer[0].csState < 2)) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, SETUPDL_68); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 0, 21, 34, this->unk_4A); gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 255, 255, 251, 0); Graphics_SetScaleMtx(this->scale2); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_1023750); } else { Graphics_SetScaleMtx(this->scale2); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, this->unk_4A); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_1023750); } } void stub_80094D10(void) { } void stub_80094D18(void) { } void HUD_Hitpoints_Draw(f32 x, f32 y) { u8* D_800D24DC[] = { aLargeText_0, aLargeText_1, aLargeText_2, aLargeText_3, aLargeText_4, aLargeText_5, aLargeText_6, aLargeText_7, aLargeText_8, aLargeText_9 }; s32 D_800D2504[] = { 100, 10, 1 }; bool boolTemp; s32 i; s32 j; s32 temp; s32 temp2; s32 temp3; s32 temp4; f32 x1; f32 y1; f32 xScale; x = OTRGetDimensionFromLeftEdge(x); if (gHitCount > gDisplayedHitCount) { temp3 = gDisplayedHitCount + 1; temp4 = gDisplayedHitCount; } else { temp3 = gHitCount; temp4 = gDisplayedHitCount; } boolTemp = false; i = 1000; temp3 %= i; temp4 %= i; for (i /= 10, j = 0; i != 1; i /= 10, j++) { xScale = 1.0f; x1 = x; y1 = y + 3.0f; temp = temp3 / i; temp2 = temp4 / i; if ((temp != 0) || (boolTemp == true)) { if (temp != temp2) { D_hud_80161720[j] += 0.4f; if (D_hud_80161720[j] <= 0.9f) { xScale = D_hud_80161720[j]; x1 += 8.0f * xScale; xScale = 1.0f - xScale; } if ((D_hud_80161720[j] > 0.9f) && (D_hud_80161720[j] < 1.1f)) { xScale = 0.0f; } if (D_hud_80161720[j] >= 2.0f) { temp2++; if (temp2 >= 10) { temp2 = 0; } D_hud_80161720[j] = 0.0f; } if ((D_hud_80161720[j] < 2.0f) && (D_hud_80161720[j] >= 1.1f)) { temp2++; if (temp2 >= 10) { temp2 = 0; } xScale = 2.0f - D_hud_80161720[j]; x1 += 8.0f * xScale; xScale = 1.0f - xScale; } temp = temp2; } if (xScale != 0.0f) { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, D_800D24DC[temp], 16, 15, x1, y1, xScale, 1.0f); } boolTemp = true; } if (!boolTemp && (xScale != 0.0f)) { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, D_800D24DC[0], 16, 15, x1, y1, xScale, 1.0f); } x += 13.0f; temp3 %= i; temp4 %= i; } xScale = 1.0f; x1 = x; y1 = y + 3.0f; if (temp3 != temp4) { D_hud_80161720[j] += 0.4f; if (D_hud_80161720[j] <= 0.9f) { xScale = D_hud_80161720[j]; x1 += 8.0f * xScale; xScale = 1.0f - xScale; } if ((D_hud_80161720[j] > 0.9f) && (D_hud_80161720[j] < 1.1f)) { xScale = 0.0f; } if (D_hud_80161720[j] >= 2.0f) { temp4++; if (temp4 >= 10) { temp4 = 0; } D_hud_80161720[j] = 0.0f; } if ((D_hud_80161720[j] < 2.0f) && (D_hud_80161720[j] >= 1.1f)) { temp4++; if (temp4 >= 10) { temp4 = 0; } xScale = 2.0f - D_hud_80161720[j]; x1 += 8.0f * xScale; xScale = 1.0f - xScale; } temp3 = temp4; } if (xScale != 0.0f) { Lib_TextureRect_IA8(&gMasterDisp, D_800D24DC[temp3], 16, 15, x1, y1, xScale, 1.0f); } if ((gHitCount != gDisplayedHitCount) && (D_hud_80161720[0] == 0.0f) && (D_hud_80161720[1] == 0.0f) && (D_hud_80161720[2] == 0.0f)) { gDisplayedHitCount++; if ((gDisplayedHitCount == 4) || (gDisplayedHitCount == 9) || (gDisplayedHitCount == 14) || (gDisplayedHitCount == 19) || (gDisplayedHitCount == 24) || (gDisplayedHitCount == 29)) { gDropHitCountItem = gDisplayedHitCount; } } } void Aquas_Camera_Setup(ActorCutscene* this) { Actor_Initialize(this); this->obj.status = OBJ_ACTIVE; this->obj.id = OBJ_ACTOR_CUTSCENE; this->animFrame = 9999; // Invalid model type Object_SetInfo(&this->info, this->obj.id); } void Aquas_AqBump2_Setup(ActorCutscene* this, s32 posIdx) { Vec3f sAqBump2Pos[] = { { 1800.0f, 0.0f, -4000.0f }, { -1000.0f, 0.0f, -4800.0f }, { 800.0f, 0.0f, -5600.0f }, { -200.0f, 0.0f, -7000.0f }, }; Actor_Initialize(this); this->obj.status = OBJ_ACTIVE; this->obj.id = OBJ_ACTOR_CUTSCENE; this->obj.pos = sAqBump2Pos[posIdx]; this->obj.pos.z -= gPathProgress; this->animFrame = 45; Object_SetInfo(&this->info, this->obj.id); } void Aquas_AqCoralReef2_Setup(ActorCutscene* this, s32 posIdx) { Vec3f sAqCoralReef2Pos[] = { { 1300.0f, 0.0f, -2000.0f }, { -1000.0f, 0.0f, -3000.0f }, { 800.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { -1200.0f, 0.0f, -1000.0f }, { -1400.0f, 0.0f, 700.0f }, }; Actor_Initialize(this); this->obj.status = OBJ_ACTIVE; this->obj.id = OBJ_ACTOR_CUTSCENE; this->obj.pos = sAqCoralReef2Pos[posIdx]; this->obj.pos.z -= gPathProgress; this->animFrame = 46; Object_SetInfo(&this->info, this->obj.id); } void Aquas_AqRock_Setup(ActorCutscene* this, s32 posIdx) { Vec3f sAqRockPos[] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, -200.0f }, { -300.0f, 0.0f, -700.0f }, { 400.0f, 0.0f, -900.0f }, { 300.0f, 0.0f, -1700.0f }, { -260.0f, 0.0f, -2000.0f }, { -200.0f, 0.0f, -2600.0f }, }; Actor_Initialize(this); this->obj.status = OBJ_ACTIVE; this->obj.id = OBJ_ACTOR_CUTSCENE; this->obj.pos = sAqRockPos[posIdx]; this->obj.pos.z -= gPathProgress; this->animFrame = 47; Object_SetInfo(&this->info, this->obj.id); } void Aquas_CsLevelComplete(Player* player) { s32 i; s32 j; ActorCutscene* camera; f32 x; f32 y; f32 z; f32 x1; f32 y1; f32 z1; s32 pad; Vec3f src; Vec3f dest; s32 shield; camera = &gActors[0]; switch (player->csState) { case 0: gCsFrameCount = 0; player->barrelRollAlpha = 0; player->csState = 1; D_ctx_80177A48[1] = gBosses[0].obj.pos.x; D_ctx_80177A48[2] = gBosses[0].obj.pos.y; D_ctx_80177A48[3] = gBosses[0].obj.pos.z; D_ctx_80177A48[4] = 0.0f; D_ctx_80177A48[5] = 0.0f; D_ctx_80177A48[6] = 0.05f; D_ctx_80177A48[7] = 0.0f; D_ctx_80177A48[8] = 0.0f; D_ctx_80177A48[9] = 0.0f; D_ctx_80177A48[0] = 0.0f; case 1: if (gCsFrameCount > 240) { gFillScreenRed = gFillScreenGreen = gFillScreenBlue = 255; gFillScreenAlphaTarget = 255; gFillScreenAlphaStep = 16; if (gCsFrameCount == 280) { player->csState = 10; } } if ((gCsFrameCount >= 30) && (gCsFrameCount < 90)) { D_ctx_80177A48[5] -= 0.6f; if (D_ctx_80177A48[5] < 0.0f) { D_ctx_80177A48[5] += 360.0f; } if (D_ctx_80177A48[5] > 360.0f) { D_ctx_80177A48[5] -= 360.0f; } src.x = 1000.0f; src.y = 300.0f; src.z = 1000.0f; Matrix_Translate(gCalcMatrix, D_ctx_80177A48[1], D_ctx_80177A48[2], D_ctx_80177A48[3], MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, -(M_DTOR * D_ctx_80177A48[5]), MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_MultVec3f(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); } if (gCsFrameCount < 30) { dest.x = gBosses[0].obj.pos.x; dest.y = player->pos.y; dest.z = gBosses[0].obj.pos.z + 1000.0f; } if (gCsFrameCount >= 90) { dest.x = player->cam.eye.x; dest.y = player->cam.eye.y; dest.z = player->cam.eye.z + 200.0f - gPathProgress; } Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&player->zRotBarrelRoll, 0.0f, 0.05f, 1.2f, 0.0001f); Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&player->zRotBank, 0.0f, 0.05f, 1.2f, 0.0001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->camRoll, 0.0f, 0.1f, 3.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&player->aerobaticPitch, 0.0f, 0.1f, 20.0f, 0.0f); x = player->pos.x - dest.x; y = player->pos.y - dest.y; z = player->pos.z - dest.z; y1 = Math_RadToDeg(Math_Atan2F(x, z)); z = sqrtf(SQ(x) + SQ(z)); x1 = Math_RadToDeg(-Math_Atan2F(y, z)); if ((x1 + 40.0f) >= 360.0f) { x1 -= 360.0f; } if (x1 > 180.0f) { x1 = 0.0f; } z1 = Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&player->rot.y, y1, 0.5f, 2.0f, 0.0001f) * 30.0f; Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&player->rot.x, x1, 0.5f, 2.0f, 0.0001f); Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&player->rot.z, z1, 0.1f, 5.0f, 0.0001f); Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&D_ctx_80177A48[4], 30.0f, 0.05f, 1.0f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_ctx_80177A48[8], 600.0f, 0.05f, 1000.0f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_ctx_80177A48[9], 2400.0f, 0.05f, 1000.0f, 0.001f); src.x = 0.0f; src.y = D_ctx_80177A48[8]; src.z = D_ctx_80177A48[9]; Matrix_Translate(gCalcMatrix, gBosses[0].obj.pos.x, gBosses[0].obj.pos.y, gBosses[0].obj.pos.z + gPathProgress, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, -(M_DTOR * D_ctx_80177A48[4]), MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_MultVec3f(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); Math_SmoothStepToF(&gCsCamEyeX, dest.x, 0.02f, player->baseSpeed, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&gCsCamEyeY, dest.y, 0.02f, player->baseSpeed, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&gCsCamEyeZ, dest.z, 0.02f, player->baseSpeed, 0.001f); player->cam.eye.x = gCsCamEyeX; player->cam.eye.y = gCsCamEyeY; player->cam.eye.z = gCsCamEyeZ; if (gCsFrameCount < 200) { Math_SmoothStepToF(&gCsCamAtX, gBosses[0].obj.pos.x, 0.03f, 100.0f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&gCsCamAtY, gBosses[0].obj.pos.y, 0.03f, 100.0f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&gCsCamAtZ, gBosses[0].obj.pos.z + 600.0f + gPathProgress, 0.03f, 100.0f, 0.001f); } else { Math_SmoothStepToF(&gCsCamAtX, player->pos.x, D_ctx_80177A48[6], 1000.0f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&gCsCamAtY, player->pos.y, D_ctx_80177A48[6], 1000.0f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&gCsCamAtZ, player->pos.z + gPathProgress, D_ctx_80177A48[6], 1000.0f, 0.001f); if (gCsFrameCount > 180) { D_ctx_80177A48[6] += 0.005f; } else { D_ctx_80177A48[6] += 0.005f; } } player->cam.at.x = gCsCamAtX; player->cam.at.y = gCsCamAtY; player->cam.at.z = gCsCamAtZ; D_ctx_80177A48[0] = 0.0f; break; case 10: player->draw = true; gAqDrawMode = 2; player->csState = 11; player->bankAngle = player->rot.z = player->zRotBank = player->zRotBarrelRoll = 0.0f; player->vel.x = player->vel.y = player->vel.z = 0.0f; player->rot.x = player->rot.y = player->rot.z = 0.0f; player->boostSpeed = player->yRot_114 = 0.0f; player->baseSpeed = 3.6f; player->trueZpos = player->pos.z = 0.0f; player->pos.y = 100.0f; player->pos.x = -100.0f; player->barrelRollAlpha = 0; player->unk_17C = player->unk_180 = 0.0f; D_bg_8015F974 = D_bg_8015F978 = D_bg_8015F97C = 255; D_bg_8015F980 = 0; gLight1R = 40; gLight1G = 100; gLight1B = 120; gAmbientR = 20; gAmbientG = 30; gAmbientB = 50; Play_ClearObjectData(); player->zPath = gPathProgress = 0; j = 0; Aquas_Camera_Setup(camera); j++; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++, j++) { Aquas_AqRock_Setup(&gActors[j], i); } for (i = 0; i < 5; i++, j++) { Aquas_AqCoralReef2_Setup(&gActors[j], i); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, j++) { Aquas_AqBump2_Setup(&gActors[j], i); } player->pos.z -= gPathProgress; player->trueZpos = player->pos.z; camera->fwork[1] = 0.0f; camera->fwork[2] = 600.0f; camera->fwork[3] = 2600.0f; camera->fwork[7] = 0.5f; camera->rot_0F4.y = 130.0f; src.x = camera->fwork[1]; src.y = camera->fwork[2]; src.z = camera->fwork[3]; Matrix_Translate(gCalcMatrix, player->pos.x, player->pos.y, player->trueZpos + gPathProgress, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, -(M_DTOR * camera->rot_0F4.y), MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_MultVec3f(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); player->cam.at.x = gCsCamAtX = player->pos.x; player->cam.at.y = gCsCamAtY = player->pos.y; player->cam.at.z = gCsCamAtZ = player->pos.z - 50.0f + gPathProgress; player->cam.eye.x = gCsCamEyeX = dest.x; player->cam.eye.y = gCsCamEyeY = dest.y; player->cam.eye.z = gCsCamEyeZ = dest.z; D_ctx_80177A48[0] = 1.0f; case 11: gFillScreenRed = gFillScreenGreen = gFillScreenBlue = 255; gFillScreenAlphaTarget = 0; gFillScreenAlphaStep = 8; if (gFillScreenAlpha == 0) { player->csState = 12; } case 12: if ((gCsFrameCount >= 380) && (gCsFrameCount < 640 + 280)) { Math_SmoothStepToF(&camera->fwork[2], 0.0f, 0.02f, 1000.0f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&camera->fwork[3], 300.0f, 0.02f, 1000.0f, 0.001f); } if (gCsFrameCount >= 920) { Math_SmoothStepToF(&camera->fwork[3], 200.0f, 0.02f, 1000.0f, 0.001f); } if (gCsFrameCount >= 1120) { Math_SmoothStepToF(&camera->fwork[7], 0.1f, 0.05f, 1000.0f, 0.001f); } if (gCsFrameCount >= 1200) { Math_SmoothStepToF(&camera->fwork[3], 800.0f, 0.02f, 1000.0f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->baseSpeed, 5.0f, 0.1f, 1000.0f, 0.001f); } else { camera->fwork[4] = player->pos.x; camera->fwork[5] = player->pos.y; camera->fwork[6] = player->trueZpos + gPathProgress; } if (gCsFrameCount < 1200) { gCsCamAtX = player->pos.x; gCsCamAtY = player->pos.y; gCsCamAtZ = player->pos.z - 50.0f + gPathProgress; } else { gCsCamAtX = player->pos.x; gCsCamAtY = player->pos.y + 10.0f; gCsCamAtZ = player->pos.z - 50.0f + gPathProgress; } D_ctx_80177A48[0] = 0.05f; camera->rot_0F4.y += camera->fwork[7]; if ((camera->rot_0F4.y) < 0.0f) { camera->rot_0F4.y += 360.0f; } if ((camera->rot_0F4.y) > 360.0f) { camera->rot_0F4.y -= 360.0f; } src.x = camera->fwork[1]; src.y = camera->fwork[2]; src.z = camera->fwork[3]; Matrix_Translate(gCalcMatrix, camera->fwork[4], camera->fwork[5], camera->fwork[6], MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, -(M_DTOR * camera->rot_0F4.y), MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_MultVec3f(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); gCsCamEyeX = dest.x; gCsCamEyeY = dest.y; gCsCamEyeZ = dest.z; if (gCsFrameCount >= 1360) { gFillScreenRed = gFillScreenGreen = gFillScreenBlue = 0; gFillScreenAlphaTarget = 255; gFillScreenAlphaStep = 16; if (gFillScreenAlpha == 255) { gLeveLClearStatus[LEVEL_AQUAS] = Play_CheckMedalStatus(150) + 1; player->state_1C8 = PLAYERSTATE_1C8_NEXT; player->csTimer = 0; Audio_FadeOutAll(10); gFadeoutType = 4; } } if (gCsFrameCount == 1310) { SEQCMD_STOP_SEQUENCE(SEQ_PLAYER_BGM, 80); SEQCMD_STOP_SEQUENCE(SEQ_PLAYER_FANFARE, 80); } break; default: break; } switch (gCsFrameCount) { case 300: Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_15200, RCID_FOX); break; case 400: AUDIO_PLAY_BGM(NA_BGM_COURSE_CLEAR); break; case 440: gLevelClearScreenTimer = 100; break; case 520: Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_15253, RCID_FOX); break; case 600: shield = gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_PEPPY]; gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_PEPPY] = 1; Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_15210, RCID_PEPPY); gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_PEPPY] = shield; break; case 680: shield = gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_SLIPPY]; gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_SLIPPY] = 1; Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_15220, RCID_SLIPPY); gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_SLIPPY] = shield; break; case 760: shield = gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_FALCO]; gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_FALCO] = 1; Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_15230, RCID_FALCO); gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_FALCO] = shield; break; case 840: shield = gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_SLIPPY]; gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_SLIPPY] = 1; Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_15240, RCID_SLIPPY); gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_SLIPPY] = shield; break; case 1000: gShowLevelClearStatusScreen = true; break; case 1200: gShowLevelClearStatusScreen = false; break; } Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, M_DTOR * (player->rot.y + player->yRot_114 + 180.0f), MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, -(M_DTOR * player->rot.x), MTXF_APPLY); src.x = 0.0f; src.y = 0.0f; src.z = player->baseSpeed; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); player->vel.x = dest.x; player->vel.y = dest.y; player->vel.z = dest.z; player->pos.x += player->vel.x; player->pos.y += player->vel.y; player->pos.z += player->vel.z; player->trueZpos = player->pos.z; player->bankAngle = player->rot.z + player->zRotBank + player->zRotBarrelRoll; player->xRock = SIN_DEG(player->rockPhase * 0.7f) * 0.5f; player->bobPhase += 10.0f; player->rockPhase += 8.0f; player->yBob = -SIN_DEG(player->bobPhase) * 0.5f; player->rockAngle = SIN_DEG(player->rockPhase) * 1.5f; if (player->draw) { src.x = 0.0f; src.y = 0.0f; src.z = -70.0f; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); Aquas_Effect366_Spawn(player->pos.x + dest.x + RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(10.0f), player->pos.y + dest.y + RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(10.0f), player->pos.z + dest.z + RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(10.0f), 0.4f, 1); } player->unk_178 += 20.0f; Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.eye.x, gCsCamEyeX, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.eye.y, gCsCamEyeY, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.eye.z, gCsCamEyeZ, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.at.x, gCsCamAtX, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.at.y, gCsCamAtY, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.at.z, gCsCamAtZ, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.001f); } void Venom1_LevelStart2(Player* player) { Vec3f src, dest; s32 button; switch (player->csState) { case 0: player->pos.y += 3400.0f; player->rot.x = 270.0f; gPlayer[0].baseSpeed = 0.0f; D_ctx_80177A48[1] = 100.0f; D_ctx_80177A48[2] = 0.0f; D_ctx_80177A48[0] = 0.2f; gCsFrameCount = 0; player->csState = 1; gFillScreenAlpha = gFillScreenAlphaTarget = 255; player->cam.eye.x = gCsCamEyeX = 0.0f; player->cam.eye.y = gCsCamEyeY = player->pos.y + D_ctx_80177A48[1]; player->cam.eye.z = gCsCamEyeZ = 0.0f; player->cam.at.x = gCsCamAtX = 0.0f; player->cam.at.y = gCsCamAtY = 0.0f; player->cam.at.z = gCsCamAtZ = 0.0f; D_ctx_80177A48[0] = 1.0f; D_ctx_80177A48[2] = 0.0f; D_ctx_80177A48[4] = 0.0f; case 1: if (gCsFrameCount < 30) { break; } if ((gCsFrameCount >= 40) && (gFillScreenAlpha != 0)) { gFillScreenAlphaTarget = 0; gFillScreenAlphaStep = 8; } if (gCsFrameCount < 140) { Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_ctx_80177A48[1], 800.0f, 0.2f, 10.0f, 0.0f); if (gCsFrameCount > 60) { Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_ctx_80177A48[4], 3.0f, 0.05f, 1000.0f, 0.001f); } player->camRoll += D_ctx_80177A48[4]; if (player->camRoll >= 360.0f) { player->camRoll -= 360.0f; } if (player->camRoll < 0.0f) { player->camRoll += 360.0f; } } if (gCsFrameCount >= 140) { Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&player->camRoll, 0.0f, 0.05f, 3.0f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_ctx_80177A48[1], 200.0f, 0.2f, 6.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_ctx_80177A48[2], 200.0f, 0.2f, 6.0f, 0.0f); D_ctx_80177A48[0] = 0.2f; } gCsCamEyeX = player->pos.x; gCsCamEyeY = player->pos.y + D_ctx_80177A48[1]; gCsCamEyeZ = player->pos.z + D_ctx_80177A48[2]; gCsCamAtX = player->pos.x; gCsCamAtY = player->pos.y; gCsCamAtZ = player->pos.z; if (gCsFrameCount == 270) { player->unk_190 = player->unk_194 = 10.0f; player->csState = 2; D_ctx_80177A48[1] = 400.0f; AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(NA_SE_ARWING_DASH, player->sfxSource, 0); } break; case 2: D_ctx_80177A48[0] = 0.12f; Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&player->camRoll, 0.0f, 0.05f, 3.0f, 0.001f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_ctx_80177A48[1], (player->pos.y * player->unk_148 + 50.0f), 0.2f, 10.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_ctx_80177A48[2], 400.0f, 0.2f, 6.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->pos.y, 350.0f, 0.1f, 40.0f, 0.0f); button = gControllerHold[player->num].button; gControllerHold[player->num].button = gBoostButton[player->num]; player->boostMeter = 1; player->csTimer = 60; Player_ArwingBoost(player); gControllerRumbleFlags[0] = 0; gControllerHold[player->num].button = button; gCsCamEyeX = player->pos.x; gCsCamEyeY = (player->pos.y * player->unk_148 + 50.0f); gCsCamEyeZ = D_ctx_80177A48[2]; gCsCamAtX = player->pos.x; gCsCamAtY = (player->pos.y * player->unk_148 + 20.0f); gCsCamAtZ = player->pos.z; if (gCsFrameCount == 300) { gPathTexScroll = 0; gLevelStartStatusScreenTimer = 50; player->state_1C8 = PLAYERSTATE_1C8_ACTIVE; player->baseSpeed = gArwingSpeed; player->csState = 0; player->csTimer = 0; player->unk_014 = 0.0f; player->unk_018 = 0.0f; player->camRoll = 0.0f; gLoadLevelObjects = 1; } break; } if (gCsFrameCount >= 30) { Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->baseSpeed, 30.0f, 0.05f, 1000.0f, 0.001f); if (gCsFrameCount < 110) { player->rot.z += (D_ctx_80177A48[4] * 2.0f); if (player->rot.z >= 360.0f) { player->rot.z -= 360.0f; } if (player->rot.z < 0.0f) { player->rot.z += 360.0f; } } else { Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&player->rot.z, 0.0f, 0.4f, (D_ctx_80177A48[4] * 2.0f), 1.0f); if (player->rot.z == 0.0f) { if (player->rot.x != 0.0f) { Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&player->rot.x, 0.0f, 0.1f, 2.4f, 0.001f); } else { player->bobPhase += 10.0f; player->yBob = -SIN_DEG(player->bobPhase) * 0.5f; player->rockPhase += 3.0f; player->rockAngle = SIN_DEG(player->rockPhase) * 1.5f; } } } Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, M_DTOR * (player->rot.y + player->yRot_114 + 180.0f), MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, -(M_DTOR * (player->rot.x)), MTXF_APPLY); src.x = 0.0f; src.y = 0.0f; src.z = player->baseSpeed; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &src, &dest); player->vel.x = dest.x; player->vel.z = dest.z; player->vel.y = dest.y; player->pos.x += player->vel.x; player->pos.y += player->vel.y; gPathTexScroll += player->vel.z; player->bankAngle = player->rot.z + player->zRotBank + player->zRotBarrelRoll; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.eye.x, gCsCamEyeX, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.eye.y, gCsCamEyeY, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.eye.z, gCsCamEyeZ, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.at.x, gCsCamAtX, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.at.y, gCsCamAtY, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToF(&player->cam.at.z, gCsCamAtZ, D_ctx_80177A48[0], 50000.0f, 0.0f); }