/** * This file is provisional, some of the structs need to be corrected, and others might be unused * This file is only meant to be used as reference to help audio decompilation */ #ifndef SF64_AUDIO_H #define SF64_AUDIO_H #include #include "sf64audio_external.h" typedef void (*AudioCustomUpdateFunction)(void); #define REFRESH_RATE_PAL 50 #define REFRESH_RATE_MPAL 60 #define REFRESH_RATE_NTSC 60 // Small deviation parameters used in estimating the max tempo // It is unclear why these vary by region, and aren't all just 1 #define REFRESH_RATE_DEVIATION_PAL 1.001521f #define REFRESH_RATE_DEVIATION_MPAL 0.99276f #define REFRESH_RATE_DEVIATION_NTSC 1.00278f #define AUDIO_MK_CMD(b0, b1, b2, b3) \ ((((b0) &0xFF) << 0x18) | (((b1) &0xFF) << 0x10) | (((b2) &0xFF) << 0x8) | (((b3) &0xFF) << 0)) #define NO_LAYER ((SequenceLayer*) (-1)) // Also known as "Pulses Per Quarter Note" or "Tatums Per Beat" #define SEQTICKS_PER_BEAT 48 #define IS_SEQUENCE_CHANNEL_VALID(ptr) ((uintptr_t) (ptr) != (uintptr_t) &gSeqChannelNone) #define SEQ_NUM_CHANNELS 16 #define SEQ_IO_VAL_NONE -1 #define MAX_CHANNELS_PER_BANK 3 #define MUTE_BEHAVIOR_3 (1 << 3) // prevent further noteSubEus from playing #define MUTE_BEHAVIOR_4 (1 << 4) // stop something in seqLayer scripts #define MUTE_BEHAVIOR_SOFTEN (1 << 5) // lower volume, by default to half #define MUTE_BEHAVIOR_STOP_NOTES (1 << 6) // prevent further notes from playing #define MUTE_BEHAVIOR_STOP_SCRIPT (1 << 7) // stop processing sequence/channel scripts #define ADSR_DISABLE 0 #define ADSR_HANG -1 #define ADSR_GOTO -2 #define ADSR_RESTART -3 // size of a single sample point #define SAMPLE_SIZE sizeof(s16) // Samples are processed in groups of 16 called a "frame" #define SAMPLES_PER_FRAME ADPCMFSIZE // The length of one left/right channel is 13 frames #define DMEM_1CH_SIZE (13 * SAMPLES_PER_FRAME * SAMPLE_SIZE) // Both left and right channels #define DMEM_2CH_SIZE (2 * DMEM_1CH_SIZE) #define AIBUF_LEN (170 * SAMPLES_PER_FRAME) // number of samples #define AIBUF_SIZE (AIBUF_LEN * SAMPLE_SIZE) // number of bytes // Filter sizes #define FILTER_SIZE (8 * SAMPLE_SIZE) #define FILTER_BUF_PART1 (8 * SAMPLE_SIZE) #define FILTER_BUF_PART2 (8 * SAMPLE_SIZE) // Must be the same amount of samples as copied by aDuplicate() (audio microcode) #define WAVE_SAMPLE_COUNT 64 #define AUDIO_RELOCATED_ADDRESS_START K0BASE #define AUDIOLOAD_SYNC 0 #define AUDIOLOAD_ASYNC 1 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef enum { /* 0 */ ADSR_STATE_DISABLED, /* 1 */ ADSR_STATE_INITIAL, /* 2 */ ADSR_STATE_START_LOOP, /* 3 */ ADSR_STATE_LOOP, /* 4 */ ADSR_STATE_FADE, /* 5 */ ADSR_STATE_HANG, /* 6 */ ADSR_STATE_DECAY, /* 7 */ ADSR_STATE_RELEASE, /* 8 */ ADSR_STATE_SUSTAIN } AdsrStatus; typedef enum { /* 0 */ MEDIUM_RAM, /* 1 */ MEDIUM_UNK, /* 2 */ MEDIUM_CART, /* 3 */ MEDIUM_DISK_DRIVE } SampleMedium; typedef enum { /* 0 */ CODEC_ADPCM, // 16 2-byte samples (32 bytes) compressed into 4-bit samples (8 bytes) + 1 header byte /* 1 */ CODEC_S8, // 16 2-byte samples (32 bytes) compressed into 8-bit samples (16 bytes) /* 2 */ CODEC_S16_INMEMORY, /* 3 */ CODEC_SMALL_ADPCM, // 16 2-byte samples (32 bytes) compressed into 2-bit samples (4 bytes) + 1 header byte /* 4 */ CODEC_REVERB, /* 5 */ CODEC_S16 } SampleCodec; typedef enum { /* 0 */ SAMPLES_SFX, /* 1 */ SAMPLES_MAP, /* 2 */ SAMPLES_VOICE, /* 3 */ SAMPLES_INST, /* 4 */ SAMPLES_MAX, /* -1 */ SAMPLES_NONE = 255, } SampleBank; #define SAMPLES_NONE_U 255U typedef enum { /* 0 */ SEQUENCE_TABLE, /* 1 */ FONT_TABLE, /* 2 */ SAMPLE_TABLE } AudioTableType; typedef enum { /* 0 */ CACHE_TEMPORARY, /* 1 */ CACHE_PERSISTENT, /* 2 */ CACHE_EITHER, /* 3 */ CACHE_PERMANENT } AudioCacheType; typedef enum { /* 0 */ CACHEPOLICY_0, /* 1 */ CACHEPOLICY_1, /* 2 */ CACHEPOLICY_2, /* 3 */ CACHEPOLICY_3, /* 4 */ CACHEPOLICY_4, } AudioCachePolicy; typedef enum { /* 0 */ LOAD_STATUS_NOT_LOADED, // the entry data is not loaded /* 1 */ LOAD_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, // the entry data is being loaded asynchronously /* 2 */ LOAD_STATUS_COMPLETE, // the entry data is loaded, it may be discarded if not stored persistently, and // either no longer in use, or the memory is needed for something else /* 3 */ LOAD_STATUS_DISCARDABLE, // the entry data is loaded, and can be discarded /* 4 */ LOAD_STATUS_MAYBE_DISCARDABLE, // only for font table entries, like COMPLETE but prefer discarding it over a // COMPLETE entry /* 5 */ LOAD_STATUS_PERMANENTLY_LOADED // the entry data is loaded in the permanent pool, it won't be discarded } AudioLoadStatus; typedef enum { /* 0 */ SLOW_LOAD_WAITING, /* 1 */ SLOW_LOAD_START, /* 2 */ SLOW_LOAD_LOADING, /* 3 */ SLOW_LOAD_DONE } SlowLoadState; typedef enum { /* 0 */ SLOW_LOAD_STATUS_0, /* 1 */ SLOW_LOAD_STATUS_1, /* 2 */ SLOW_LOAD_STATUS_2, /* 3 */ SLOW_LOAD_STATUS_3 } SlowLoadStatus; typedef enum AudioResetStatus { /* 0 */ AUDIORESET_READY, /* 1 */ AUDIORESET_WAIT, /* 2 */ AUDIORESET_BLOCK, } AudioResetStatus; typedef s32 (*DmaHandler)(OSPiHandle* handle, OSIoMesg* mb, s32 direction); struct Note; struct NotePool; struct SequenceChannel; struct SequenceLayer; typedef struct AudioListItem { // A node in a circularly linked list. Each node is either a head or an item: // - Items can be either detached (prev = NULL), or attached to a list. // 'value' points to something of interest. // - List heads are always attached; if a list is empty, its head points // to itself. 'count' contains the size of the list. // If the list holds notes, 'pool' points back to the pool where it lives. // Otherwise, that member is NULL. /* 0x00 */ struct AudioListItem* prev; /* 0x04 */ struct AudioListItem* next; /* 0x08 */ union { void* value; // either Note* or SequenceLayer* s32 count; } u; /* 0x0C */ struct NotePool* pool; } AudioListItem; // size = 0x10 typedef struct NotePool { /* 0x00 */ AudioListItem disabled; /* 0x10 */ AudioListItem decaying; /* 0x20 */ AudioListItem releasing; /* 0x30 */ AudioListItem active; } NotePool; // size = 0x40 // Pitch sliding by up to one octave in the positive direction. Negative // direction is "supported" by setting extent to be negative. The code // exterpolates exponentially in the wrong direction in that case, but that // doesn't prevent seqplayer from doing it, AFAICT. typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 mode; // bit 0x80 denotes something; the rest are an index 0-5 /* 0x04 */ f32 cur; /* 0x08 */ f32 speed; /* 0x0C */ f32 extent; } Portamento; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ s16 delay; /* 0x2 */ s16 arg; } EnvelopePoint; // size = 0x4 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 start; /* 0x04 */ u32 end; /* 0x08 */ u32 count; /* 0x10 */ s16 predictorState[16]; // only exists if count != 0. 8-byte aligned } AdpcmLoop; // size = 0x30 or 0x10, 0x8 aligned typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s32 order; /* 0x04 */ s32 numPredictors; /* 0x08 */ s16* book; // size 8 * order * numPredictors. } AdpcmBook; // size >= 8, 0x8 aligned typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 codec : 4; // The state of compression or decompression /* 0x00 */ u32 medium : 2; // Medium where sample is currently stored /* 0x00 */ u32 unk_bit26 : 1; /* 0x00 */ u32 isRelocated : 1; // Has the sample header been relocated (offsets to pointers) /* 0x01 */ u32 size : 24; // Size of the sample /* 0x04 */ u8* sampleAddr; // Raw sample data. Offset from the start of the sample bank or absolute address to // either rom or ram /* 0x08 */ AdpcmLoop* loop; // Adpcm loop parameters used by the sample. Offset from the start of the sound font / pointer to ram /* 0x0C */ AdpcmBook* book; // Adpcm book parameters used by the sample. Offset from the start of the sound font / pointer to ram } Sample; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Sample* sample; /* 0x04 */ f32 tuning; // frequency modulation factor } TunedSample;// size = 0x8 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 isRelocated; // have the envelope and all samples been relocated (offsets to pointers) /* 0x01 */ u8 normalRangeLo; /* 0x02 */ u8 normalRangeHi; /* 0x03 */ u8 adsrDecayIndex; // index used to obtain adsr decay rate from adsrDecayTable /* 0x04 */ EnvelopePoint* envelope; /* 0x08 */ TunedSample lowPitchTunedSample; /* 0x10 */ TunedSample normalPitchTunedSample; /* 0x18 */ TunedSample highPitchTunedSample; } Instrument; // size = 0x20 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 adsrDecayIndex; // index used to obtain adsr decay rate from adsrDecayTable /* 0x01 */ u8 pan; /* 0x02 */ u8 isRelocated; // have tunedSample.sample and envelope been relocated (offsets to pointers) /* 0x04 */ TunedSample tunedSample; /* 0x0C */ EnvelopePoint* envelope; } Drum; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ TunedSample tunedSample; } SoundEffect; // size = 0x08 /** * Stores parsed information from soundfont data */ typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 numInstruments; /* 0x01 */ u8 numDrums; /* 0x02 */ u8 sampleBankId1; /* 0x03 */ u8 sampleBankId2; /* 0x04 */ Instrument** instruments; /* 0x08 */ Drum** drums; } SoundFont; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 numSamplesAfterDownsampling; // never read /* 0x02 */ s16 chunkLen; // never read /* 0x04 */ s16* toDownsampleLeft; /* 0x08 */ s16* toDownsampleRight; // data pointed to by left and right are adjacent in memory /* 0x0C */ s32 startPos; // start pos in ring buffer /* 0x10 */ s16 lengthA; // first length in ring buffer (from startPos, at most until end) /* 0x12 */ s16 lengthB; // second length in ring buffer (from pos 0) } ReverbRingBufferItem; // size = 0x14 typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ u8 resampleFlags; /* 0x001 */ u8 useReverb; /* 0x002 */ u8 framesToIgnore; /* 0x003 */ u8 curFrame; /* 0x004 */ u8 downsampleRate; /* 0x005 */ s8 unk_05; /* 0x006 */ u16 windowSize; /* 0x008 */ u16 decayRatio; // determines how much reverb persists /* 0x00A */ u16 unk_0A; /* 0x00C */ u16 leakRtL; /* 0x00E */ u16 leakLtR; /* 0x010 */ s32 nextRingBufPos; /* 0x014 */ s32 unk_20; /* 0x018 */ s32 bufSizePerChan; /* 0x01C */ s16* leftRingBuf; /* 0x020 */ s16* rightRingBuf; /* 0x024 */ void* unk_30; /* 0x028 */ void* unk_34; /* 0x02C */ void* unk_38; /* 0x030 */ void* unk_3C; /* 0x034 */ ReverbRingBufferItem items[2][10]; char pad[0x10]; } SynthesisReverb; // size = 0x1D4 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8* pc; // program counter /* 0x04 */ u8* stack[4]; /* 0x14 */ u8 remLoopIters[4]; // remaining loop iterations /* 0x18 */ u8 depth; /* 0x19 */ s8 value; } SeqScriptState; // size = 0x1C // Also known as a Group, according to debug strings. typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ u8 enabled : 1; /* 0x000 */ u8 finished : 1; /* 0x000 */ u8 muted : 1; /* 0x000 */ u8 seqDmaInProgress : 1; /* 0x000 */ u8 fontDmaInProgress : 1; /* 0x000 */ u8 recalculateVolume : 1; /* 0x000 */ u8 stopScript : 1; /* 0x000 */ u8 applyBend : 1; /* 0x001 */ u8 state; /* 0x002 */ u8 noteAllocPolicy; /* 0x003 */ u8 muteBehavior; /* 0x004 */ u8 seqId; /* 0x005 */ u8 defaultFont; /* 0x006 */ u8 unk_06[1]; /* 0x007 */ s8 unk_07[1]; // indexed like an array, but that can't be /* 0x008 */ u16 tempo; // seqTicks per minute /* 0x00A */ u16 tempoAcc; // tempo accumulation, used in a discretized algorithm to apply tempo. /* 0x00C */ u16 tempoChange; // Used to adjust the tempo without altering the base tempo. /* 0x00E */ s16 transposition; /* 0x010 */ u16 delay; /* 0x012 */ u16 fadeTimer; // in ticks /* 0x014 */ u16 fadeTimerUnkEu; /* 0x018 */ u8* seqData; /* 0x01C */ f32 fadeVolume; /* 0x020 */ f32 fadeVelocity; /* 0x024 */ f32 volume; /* 0x028 */ f32 muteVolumeMod; /* 0x02C */ f32 fadeVolumeMod; /* 0x030 */ f32 appliedFadeVolume; // /* 0x034 */ f32 bend; /* 0x034 */ struct SequenceChannel* channels[SEQ_NUM_CHANNELS]; /* 0x074 */ SeqScriptState scriptState; /* 0x090 */ u8* shortNoteVelocityTable; /* 0x094 */ u8* shortNoteGateTimeTable; /* 0x098 */ NotePool notePool; /* 0x0D8 */ s32 skipTicks; /* 0x0DC */ u32 scriptCounter; /* 0x0E0 */ char padE4[0x6C]; // unused struct members for sequence/sound font dma management, according to sm64 decomp } SequencePlayer; // size = 0x14C typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ u8 decayIndex; // index used to obtain adsr decay rate from adsrDecayTable /* 0x1 */ u8 sustain; /* 0x4 */ EnvelopePoint* envelope; } AdsrSettings; // size = 0x8 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ union { struct A { /* 0x00 */ u8 unused : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 hang : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 decay : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 release : 1; /* 0x00 */ } s; /* 0x00 */ u8 asByte; } action; /* 0x01 */ u8 state; /* 0x02 */ s16 envIndex; /* 0x04 */ s16 delay; /* 0x08 */ f32 sustain; /* 0x0C */ f32 velocity; /* 0x10 */ f32 fadeOutVel; /* 0x14 */ f32 current; /* 0x18 */ f32 target; /* 0x1C */ char pad[4]; /* 0x20 */ EnvelopePoint* envelope; } AdsrState; // size = 0x24 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 stereoHeadsetEffects : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 usesHeadsetPanEffects : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 unused : 2; /* 0x00 */ u8 bit2 : 2; /* 0x00 */ u8 strongRight : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 strongLeft : 1; } StereoData; // size = 0x1 typedef union { /* 0x00 */ StereoData s; /* 0x00 */ u8 asByte; } Stereo; // size = 0x1 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 reverb; /* 0x01 */ u8 gain; // Increases volume by a multiplicative scaling factor. Represented as a UQ4.4 number /* 0x02 */ u8 pan; /* 0x03 */ Stereo stereo; /* 0x04 */ f32 freqMod; /* 0x08 */ f32 velocity; } NoteAttributes; // size = 0xC // Also known as a SubTrack, according to sm64 debug strings. typedef struct SequenceChannel { /* 0x00 */ u8 enabled : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 finished : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 stopScript : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 muted : 1; // sets SequenceLayer.muted /* 0x00 */ u8 hasInstrument : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 stereoHeadsetEffects : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 largeNotes : 1; // notes specify duration and velocity /* 0x00 */ u8 unused : 1; union { struct { /* 0x01 */ u8 freqMod : 1; /* 0x01 */ u8 volume : 1; /* 0x01 */ u8 pan : 1; } s; /* 0x01 */ u8 asByte; } changes; /* 0x02 */ u8 noteAllocPolicy; /* 0x03 */ u8 muteBehavior; /* 0x04 */ u8 targetReverbVol; /* 0x05 */ u8 notePriority; // 0-3 /* 0x06 */ u8 fontId; /* 0x07 */ u8 someOtherPriority; /* 0x08 */ u8 bookOffset; /* 0x09 */ u8 newPan; /* 0x0A */ u8 panChannelWeight; // proportion of pan that comes from the channel (0..128) /* 0x0B */ u8 reverbIndex; /* 0x0C */ u16 vibratoRateStart; /* 0x0E */ u16 vibratoDepthStart; /* 0x10 */ u16 vibratoRateTarget; /* 0x12 */ u16 vibratoDepthTarget; /* 0x14 */ u16 vibratoRateChangeDelay; /* 0x16 */ u16 vibratoDepthChangeDelay; /* 0x18 */ u16 vibratoDelay; /* 0x1A */ u16 delay; /* 0x1C */ s16 instOrWave; // either 0 (none), instrument index + 1, or // 0x80..0x83 for sawtooth/triangle/sine/square waves. /* 0x1E */ s16 transposition; /* 0x20 */ f32 volumeMod; /* 0x24 */ f32 volume; /* 0x28 */ s32 pan; /* 0x2C */ f32 appliedVolume; /* 0x30 */ f32 freqMod; /* 0x34 */ u8 (*dynTable)[2]; /* 0x38 */ struct Note* noteUnused; /* 0x3C */ struct SequenceLayer* layerUnused; /* 0x40 */ Instrument* instrument; /* 0x44 */ SequencePlayer* seqPlayer; /* 0x48 */ struct SequenceLayer* layers[4]; /* 0x58 */ SeqScriptState scriptState; /* 0x74 */ AdsrSettings adsr; /* 0x7C */ NotePool notePool; /* 0xBC */ s8 seqScriptIO[8]; // bridge between .seq script and audio lib, "io ports" /* 0xC4 */ u16 unkC4; } SequenceChannel; // size = 0xC8 // Might also be known as a Track, according to sm64 debug strings (?). typedef struct SequenceLayer { /* 0x00 */ u8 enabled : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 finished : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 muted : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 continuousNotes : 1; // keep the same note for consecutive notes with the same sound /* 0x00 */ u8 bit3 : 1; // "loaded"? /* 0x00 */ u8 ignoreDrumPan : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 bit1 : 1; // "has initialized continuous notes"? /* 0x00 */ u8 notePropertiesNeedInit : 1; /* 0x01 */ Stereo stereo; /* 0x02 */ u8 instOrWave; /* 0x03 */ s8 unk_3; /* 0x04 */ u8 gateTime; /* 0x05 */ u8 portamentoTargetNote; /* 0x06 */ u8 pan; /* 0x07 */ u8 notePan; /* 0x08 */ Portamento portamento; /* 0x18 */ AdsrSettings adsr; /* 0x20 */ u16 portamentoTime; /* 0x22 */ s16 transposition; /* 0x24 */ f32 freqMod; /* 0x28 */ f32 velocitySquare; /* 0x2C */ f32 noteVelocity; /* 0x30 */ f32 noteFreqMod; /* 0x34 */ u16 shortNoteDefaultDelay; /* 0x36 */ u16 lastDelay; /* 0x38 */ s16 delay; /* 0x3A */ s16 gateDelay; /* 0x3C */ s16 delay2; /* 0x40 */ struct Note* note; /* 0x44 */ Instrument* instrument; /* 0x48 */ TunedSample* tunedSample; /* 0x4C */ SequenceChannel* channel; /* 0x50 */ SeqScriptState state; /* 0x6C */ AudioListItem listItem; /* 0x7C */ char pad7C[4]; } SequenceLayer; // size = 0x80 typedef struct UnkStruct_800097A8 { /* 0x00 */ s16* unk_0; /* 0x04 */ s32 unk_4; /* 0x08 */ s32 unk_8; /* 0x0C */ s16* unk_C; /* 0x10 */ char pad10[4]; /* 0x14 */ struct SampleDma* unk_14; /* 0x18 */ s16 unk18; /* 0x1A */ char pad1A[6]; } UnkStruct_800097A8; /* size = 0x20 */ typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ s16 adpcmdecState[16]; /* 0x020 */ s16 finalResampleState[16]; /* 0x040 */ UnkStruct_800097A8 unk_40; /* 0x060 */ char pad[0x20]; /* 0x080 */ s16 panSamplesBuffer[0x20]; // /* 0x040 */ s16 mixEnvelopeState[32]; // /* 0x080 */ s16 unusedState[16]; // /* 0x0A0 */ s16 haasEffectDelayState[32]; // /* 0x0E0 */ s16 combFilterState[128]; } NoteSynthesisBuffers; // size = 0xC0 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 restart; /* 0x01 */ u8 sampleDmaIndex; /* 0x02 */ u8 prevHaasEffectLeftDelaySize; /* 0x03 */ u8 prevHaasEffectRightDelaySize; /* 0x04 */ u8 reverbVol; /* 0x05 */ u8 numParts; /* 0x06 */ u16 samplePosFrac; /* 0x08 */ s32 samplePosInt; /* 0x0C */ NoteSynthesisBuffers* synthesisBuffers; /* 0x10 */ s16 curVolLeft; /* 0x12 */ s16 curVolRight; /* 0x14 */ char unk_14[0xC]; } NoteSynthesisState; // size = 0x20 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ struct SequenceChannel* channel; /* 0x04 */ u32 time; /* 0x08 */ s16* curve; // sineWave /* 0x0C */ f32 depth; /* 0x10 */ f32 rate; /* 0x14 */ u8 active; /* 0x16 */ u16 rateChangeTimer; /* 0x18 */ u16 depthChangeTimer; /* 0x1A */ u16 delay; } VibratoState; // size = 0x1C typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 priority; /* 0x01 */ u8 waveId; /* 0x02 */ u8 harmonicIndex; // the harmonic index for the synthetic wave contained in gWaveSamples (also matches // the base 2 logarithm of the harmonic order) /* 0x03 */ u8 fontId; /* 0x04 */ u8 unk_04; /* 0x05 */ u8 stereoHeadsetEffects; /* 0x06 */ s16 adsrVolModUnused; /* 0x08 */ f32 portamentoFreqMod; /* 0x0C */ f32 vibratoFreqMod; /* 0x10 */ struct SequenceLayer* prevParentLayer; /* 0x14 */ struct SequenceLayer* parentLayer; /* 0x18 */ struct SequenceLayer* wantedParentLayer; /* 0x1C */ NoteAttributes attributes; /* 0x28 */ AdsrState adsr; /* 0x4C */ Portamento portamento; /* 0x5C */ VibratoState vibratoState; } NotePlaybackState; // size = 0x78 typedef struct { struct { /* 0x00 */ volatile u8 enabled : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 needsInit : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 finished : 1; // ? /* 0x00 */ u8 unused : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 stereoStrongRight : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 stereoStrongLeft : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 stereoHeadsetEffects : 1; /* 0x00 */ u8 usesHeadsetPanEffects : 1; // ? } bitField0; struct { /* 0x01 */ u8 reverbIndex : 3; /* 0x01 */ u8 bookOffset : 3; /* 0x01 */ u8 isSyntheticWave : 1; /* 0x01 */ u8 hasTwoParts : 1; } bitField1; /* 0x02 */ u8 gain; /* 0x03 */ u8 leftDelaySize; /* 0x04 */ u8 rightDelaySize; /* 0x05 */ u8 reverb; /* 0x06 */ u16 panVolLeft; /* 0x08 */ u16 panVolRight; /* 0x0A */ u16 resampleRate; /* 0x0C */ s16* waveSampleAddr; } NoteSubEu; // size = 0x10 typedef struct Note { /* 0x00 */ AudioListItem listItem; /* 0x10 */ NoteSynthesisState synthesisState; /* 0x30 */ NotePlaybackState playbackState; /* 0xA8 */ char padA0[0x8]; /* 0xB0 */ NoteSubEu noteSubEu; } Note; // size = 0xC0 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 downsampleRate; /* 0x02 */ u8 windowSize; /* 0x02 */ u16 decayRatio; // determines how much reverb persists /* 0x04 */ u16 leakRtL; /* 0x06 */ u16 leakLtR; } ReverbSettings; // size = 0x8 /** * The high-level audio specifications requested when initializing or resetting the audio heap. * The audio heap can be reset on various occasions, including on most scene transitions. */ typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 samplingFrequency; // Target sampling rate in Hz /* 0x04 */ u8 numBuffers; /* 0x05 */ u8 numNotes; /* 0x06 */ u8 numReverbs; /* 0x08 */ ReverbSettings* reverbSettings; /* 0x0C */ u16 unk_14; /* 0x10 */ u32 persistentSeqCacheSize; // size of cache on audio pool to store sequences persistently /* 0x14 */ u32 persistentFontCacheSize; // size of cache on audio pool to store soundFonts persistently /* 0x18 */ u32 persistentSampleBankCacheSize; // size of cache on audio pool to store entire sample banks persistently /* 0x1C */ u32 temporarySeqCacheSize; // size of cache on audio pool to store sequences temporarily /* 0x20 */ u32 temporaryFontCacheSize; // size of cache on audio pool to store soundFonts temporarily /* 0x24 */ u32 temporarySampleBankCacheSize; // size of cache on audio pool to store entire sample banks temporarily /* 0x28 */ s32 persistentSampleCacheSize; // size of cache in the audio misc pool to store individual samples persistently /* 0x2C */ s32 temporarySampleCacheSize; // size of cache in the audio misc pool to store individual samples temporarily } AudioSpec; // size = 0x30 /** * The audio buffer stores the fully processed digital audio before it is sent to the audio interface (AI), then to the * digital-analog converter (DAC), then to play on the speakers. The audio buffer is written to by the rsp after * processing audio commands. This struct parameterizes that buffer. */ typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 count; /* 0x02 */ u16 samplingFrequency; // Target sampling rate in Hz /* 0x04 */ u16 aiSamplingFrequency; // True sampling rate of the audio interface (AI), see `osAiSetFrequency` /* 0x06 */ s16 samplesPerFrameTarget; /* 0x08 */ s16 maxAiBufferLength; /* 0x0A */ s16 minAiBufferLength; /* 0x0C */ s16 ticksPerUpdate; // for each audio thread update, number of ticks to process audio /* 0x0E */ s16 samplesPerTick; /* 0x10 */ s16 samplesPerTickMax; /* 0x12 */ s16 samplesPerTickMin; /* 0x14 */ f32 resampleRate; /* 0x18 */ f32 ticksPerUpdateInv; // inverse (reciprocal) of ticksPerUpdate /* 0x1C */ f32 ticksPerUpdateInvScaled; // ticksPerUpdateInv scaled down by a factor of 256 } AudioBufferParameters; // size = 0x20 /** * Meta-data associated with a pool (contained within the Audio Heap) */ typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ u8* startRamAddr; // start addr of the pool /* 0x4 */ u8* curRamAddr; // address of the next available memory for allocation /* 0x8 */ s32 size; // size of the pool /* 0xC */ s32 numEntries; // number of entries allocated to the pool } AudioAllocPool; // size = 0x10 /** * Audio cache entry data to store a single entry containing either a sequence, soundfont, or entire sample banks */ typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ u8* ramAddr; /* 0x4 */ u32 size; /* 0x8 */ s16 tableType; /* 0xA */ s16 id; } AudioCacheEntry; // size = 0xC /** * Audio cache entry data to store a single entry containing an individual sample */ typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s8 inUse; /* 0x01 */ s8 origMedium; /* 0x02 */ s8 sampleBankId; /* 0x03 */ char unk_03[0x5]; /* 0x08 */ u8* allocatedAddr; /* 0x0C */ void* sampleAddr; /* 0x10 */ u32 size; } SampleCacheEntry; // size = 0x14 /** * Audio cache entry data to store individual samples */ typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ AudioAllocPool pool; /* 0x010 */ SampleCacheEntry entries[64]; /* 0x290 */ s32 numEntries; } AudioSampleCache; // size = 0x294 typedef struct { /* 0x00*/ u32 numEntries; /* 0x04*/ AudioAllocPool pool; /* 0x14*/ AudioCacheEntry entries[32]; } AudioPersistentCache; // size = 0x194 typedef struct { /* 0x00*/ u32 nextSide; /* 0x04*/ AudioAllocPool pool; /* 0x14*/ AudioCacheEntry entries[2]; } AudioTemporaryCache; // size = 0x2C typedef struct { /* 0x000*/ AudioPersistentCache persistent; /* 0x194*/ AudioTemporaryCache temporary; /* 0x1C0*/ char pad[0x10]; } AudioCache; // size = 0x1D0 typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ u32 persistentCommonPoolSize; /* 0x4 */ u32 temporaryCommonPoolSize; } AudioCachePoolSplit; // size = 0x8 typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ u32 seqCacheSize; /* 0x4 */ u32 fontCacheSize; /* 0x8 */ u32 sampleBankCacheSize; } AudioCommonPoolSplit; // size = 0xC typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ u32 miscPoolSize; /* 0x4 */ u32 unkSizes[2]; /* 0xC */ u32 cachePoolSize; } AudioSessionPoolSplit; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 endAndMediumKey; /* 0x04 */ Sample* sample; /* 0x08 */ u8* ramAddr; /* 0x0C */ u32 encodedInfo; /* 0x10 */ s32 isFree; } AudioPreloadReq; // size = 0x14 /** * Audio commands used to transfer audio requests from the graph thread to the audio thread */ typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ union { u32 opArgs; struct { u8 arg2; u8 arg1; u8 arg0; u8 op; }; }; union { void* data; f32 asFloat; s32 asInt; struct { u8 pad2[2]; u16 asUShort; }; struct { u8 pad1[3]; s8 asSbyte; }; struct { u8 pad0[3]; u8 asUbyte; }; u32 asUInt; }; } AudioCmd; // size = 0x8 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s8 status; /* 0x01 */ s8 delay; /* 0x02 */ s8 medium; /* 0x04 */ u8* ramAddr; /* 0x08 */ uintptr_t curDevAddr; /* 0x0C */ u8* curRamAddr; /* 0x10 */ u32 bytesRemaining; /* 0x14 */ u32 chunkSize; /* 0x18 */ OSMesg retMsg; /* 0x1C */ OSMesgQueue* retQueue; /* 0x20 */ OSMesgQueue mesgQueue; /* 0x38 */ OSMesg msg; /* 0x3C */ OSIoMesg ioMesg; } AudioAsyncLoad; // size = 0x54 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 medium; /* 0x01 */ u8 seqOrFontId; /* 0x02 */ u8 instId; /* 0x04 */ uintptr_t curDevAddr; /* 0x08 */ u8* curRamAddr; /* 0x0C */ u8* ramAddr; /* 0x10 */ s32 state; /* 0x14 */ s32 bytesRemaining; /* 0x18 */ s8* status; // write-only /* 0x1C */ Sample sample; /* 0x2C */ OSMesgQueue mesgQueue; /* 0x44 */ OSMesg msg; /* 0x48 */ OSIoMesg ioMesg; } AudioSlowLoad; // size = 0x60 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s32 unk_00; /* 0x04 */ AudioSlowLoad slowLoad[2]; } AudioSlowLoadBuffer; // size = 0xC4 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 numEntries; /* 0x02 */ s16 unkMediumParam; /* 0x04 */ uintptr_t romAddr; /* 0x08 */ char pad[8]; } AudioTableBase; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ uintptr_t romAddr; /* 0x04 */ u32 size; /* 0x08 */ s8 medium; /* 0x09 */ s8 cachePolicy; /* 0x0A */ s16 shortData1; /* 0x0C */ s16 shortData2; /* 0x0E */ s16 shortData3; } AudioTableEntry; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ AudioTableBase base; /* 0x10 */ AudioTableEntry entries[]; // (dynamic size) } AudioTable; // size >= 0x20 typedef struct SampleDma { /* 0x00 */ u8* ramAddr; /* 0x04 */ uintptr_t devAddr; /* 0x08 */ u16 sizeUnused; /* 0x0A */ u16 size; /* 0x0C */ u8 unused; /* 0x0D */ u8 reuseIndex; // position in sSampleDmaReuseQueue1/2, if ttl == 0 /* 0x0E */ u8 ttl; // duration after which the DMA can be discarded } SampleDma; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 reverbVol; /* 0x01 */ u8 gain; // Increases volume by a multiplicative scaling factor. Represented as a UQ4.4 number /* 0x02 */ u8 pan; /* 0x03 */ Stereo stereo; /* 0x04 */ f32 frequency; /* 0x08 */ f32 velocity; /* 0x0C */ char unk_0C[0x4]; /* 0x10 */ s16* filter; /* 0x14 */ u8 combFilterSize; /* 0x16 */ u16 combFilterGain; } NoteSubAttributes; // size = 0x18 typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ s16 unk_00; // set to 0x1C00, unused /* 0x2 */ s16 seqTicksPerBeat; } TempoData; // size = 0x4 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 heapSize; // total number of bytes allocated to the audio heap. Must be <= the size of `gAudioHeap` // (ideally about the same size) /* 0x04 */ u32 initPoolSize; // The entire audio heap is split into two pools. /* 0x08 */ u32 permanentPoolSize; } AudioHeapInitSizes; // size = 0xC typedef struct { AudioAllocPool pool; AudioCacheEntry entry[32]; } PermanentCache; // size = 0x190 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s32 sampleBankId1; /* 0x04 */ s32 sampleBankId2; /* 0x08 */ uintptr_t baseAddr1; /* 0x0C */ uintptr_t baseAddr2; /* 0x10 */ u32 medium1; /* 0x14 */ u32 medium2; } SampleBankRelocInfo; // size = 0x18 typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ u8 opCode; /* 0x1 */ u8 seqPlayId; /* 0x2 */ u16 seqId; /* 0x5 */ u16 fadeoutTime; /* 0x6 */ u8 bgmParam; /* 0x8 */ u16 timer; } PlaylistCmd; // size:0xA typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ u16 seqId; /* 0x2 */ u16 audioSpec; /* 0x4 */ u8 bgmParam; } SoundTestTrack; // size: 0x6 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ f32* xPos; /* 0x04 */ f32* yPos; /* 0x08 */ f32* zPos; /* 0x0C */ u8 token; /* 0x10 */ f32* freqMod; /* 0x14 */ f32* volMod; /* 0x18 */ s8* reverbAdd; /* 0x1C */ f32 distance; /* 0x20 */ u32 priority; /* 0x24 */ u32 sfxId; /* 0x28 */ u8 state; /* 0x29 */ u8 freshness; /* 0x2A */ u8 prev; /* 0x2B */ u8 next; /* 0x2C */ u8 channelIndex; } SfxBankEntry; // size = 0x30 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 sfxId; /* 0x04 */ f32* source; /* 0x08 */ u8 token; /* 0x0C */ f32* freqMod; /* 0x10 */ f32* volMod; /* 0x14 */ s8* reverbAdd; } SfxRequest; // size = 0x18 typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ u32 priority; // lower is more prioritized /* 0x4 */ u8 entryIndex; } ActiveSfx; // size 0x8 typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ u8 seqId; /* 0x1 */ u8 priority; // higher values have higher priority } SeqRequest; // size = 0x2 typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ f32 value; /* 0x4 */ f32 target; /* 0x8 */ f32 step; /* 0xC */ u16 timer; } Modulation; // size 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ f32 mod; /* 0x004 */ f32 target; /* 0x008 */ f32 step; /* 0x00C */ u16 timer; /* 0x00E */ u8 fadeMod[3]; /* 0x011 */ u8 fadeTimer; /* 0x012 */ u8 fadeActive; } FadeModulation; // size 0x14 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Modulation volume; /* 0x10 */ Modulation freq; } ChannelModulation; // size = 0x20 typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ FadeModulation mainVolume; /* 0x014 */ u32 tempoCmd; /* 0x018 */ u16 tempoOriginal; // stores the original tempo before modifying it (to reset back to) /* 0x01C */ Modulation tempo; /* 0x02C */ u32 setupCmd[5]; // a queue of cmds to execute once the player is disabled /* 0x040 */ u8 setupCmdTimer; // only execute setup commands when the timer is at 0. /* 0x041 */ u8 setupCmdNum; // number of setup commands requested once the player is disabled /* 0x042 */ u8 setupFadeTimer; /* 0x044 */ ChannelModulation channelMod[16]; /* 0x244 */ u16 freqModChannelFlags; /* 0x246 */ u16 volChannelFlags; /* 0x248 */ u16 seqId; // active seqId currently playing. Resets when sequence stops /* 0x24A */ u16 prevSeqId; // last seqId played on a player. Does not reset when sequence stops /* 0x24C */ u16 channelPortMask; /* 0x250 */ u32 startSeqCmd; // This name comes from MM /* 0x254 */ u8 isWaitingForFonts; // This name comes from MM } ActiveSequence; // size 0x258 typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ f32 volMod; /* 0x4 */ f32 freqMod; /* 0x8 */ s8 reverb; /* 0x9 */ s8 pan; } SfxChannelState; // size 0xC typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ u32 seqData; /* 0x4 */ u16 timer; } DelayedSeqCmd; // size 0x08 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ f32 value; /* 0x04 */ f32 target; /* 0x08 */ u32 timer; /* 0x0C */ f32 step; /* 0x10 */ u8 boost; /* 0x11 */ u8 brake; } FrequencyLerp; // size 0x14 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ FrequencyLerp freqMod[5]; /* 0x64 */ f32 dopplerShift; /* 0x68 */ f32 totalMod; /* 0x6C */ u8 form; /* 0x6D */ s8 reverbAdd; } PlayerNoiseModulation; // size 0x70 #define SEQ_HEX0(seqId) ((seqId) >> 28 & 0xFF) #define SEQ_HEX1(seqId) (((seqId) & (0xF << 24)) >> 24 & 0xFF) #define SEQ_BYTE4(seqId) ((seqId) &0xFF) #define SEQ_BYTE3(seqId) (((seqId) & (0xFF << 8)) >> 8 & 0xFF) #define SEQ_BYTE2(seqId) (((seqId) & (0xFF << 16)) >> 13 & 0xFFFF) // audio_synthesis void func_80008780(f32*, s32, f32*); Acmd* func_80009B64(Acmd* aList, s32* cmdCount, s16* aiBufStart, s32 aiBufLen); // audio_effects void Audio_SequencePlayerProcessSound(SequencePlayer* seqplayer); void func_80013A18(Note* note); void Audio_NoteVibratoInit(Note* note); void func_80013B6C(AdsrState* adsr, EnvelopePoint* envelope, s16* arg2); f32 func_80013B90(AdsrState* adsr); // audio_heap void AudioHeap_DiscardFont(s32 fontId); void* AudioHeap_Alloc(AudioAllocPool* pool, u32 size); void AudioHeap_InitPool(AudioAllocPool* pool, void* ramAddr, u32 size); void AudioHeap_InitMainPools(s32 initPoolSize); void* AudioHeap_AllocCached(s32 tableType, s32 size, s32 cache, s32 id); uintptr_t AudioHeap_SearchCaches(s32 tableType, s32 cache, s32 id); s32 AudioHeap_ResetStep(void); void* AudioHeap_SearchPermanentCache(s32 tableType, s32 id); u8* AudioHeap_AllocPermanent(s32 tableType, s32 id, u32 size); void* AudioHeap_AllocTemporarySampleCache(s32 size, s32 fontId, uintptr_t sampleAddr, s8 medium); void* AudioHeap_AllocPersistentSampleCache(s32 size, s32 fontId, uintptr_t sampleAddr, s8 medium); // audio_load void AudioLoad_DecreaseSampleDmaTtls(void); void AudioLoad_ProcessLoads(s32 resetStatus); void AudioLoad_SyncInitSeqPlayer(s32 playerIdx, s32 seqId, s32 arg2); void* AudioLoad_DmaSampleData(uintptr_t devAddr, u32 size, u32 arg2, u8* dmaIndexRef, s32 medium); void AudioLoad_InitSampleDmaBuffers(s32 numNotes); void AudioLoad_SyncLoadSeqParts(s32 seqId, s32 flags); s32 AudioLoad_SyncLoadInstrument(s32 fontId, s32 instId, s32 drumId); void AudioLoad_AsyncLoadSampleBank(s32 sampleBankId, s32 nChunks, s32 retData, OSMesgQueue* retQueue); void AudioLoad_AsyncLoadSeq(s32 seqId, s32 nChunks, s32 retData, OSMesgQueue* retQueue); u8* AudioLoad_GetFontsForSequence(s32 seqId, u32* outNumFonts); void AudioLoad_DiscardSeqFonts(s32 seqId); s32 AudioLoad_SlowLoadSample(s32 fontId, u8 instId, s8* status); // audio_playback TunedSample* Audio_GetInstrumentTunedSample(Instrument* instrument, s32 arg1); Instrument* Audio_GetInstrument(s32, s32); Drum* Audio_GetDrum(s32, s32); void func_80011F4C(Note* note); void Audio_ProcessNotes(void); void Audio_SeqLayerNoteDecay(SequenceLayer* layer); void Audio_InitSyntheticWave(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer); void Audio_InitNoteLists(NotePool* pool); void func_800128B4(void); void Audio_NotePoolClear(NotePool* pool); void Audio_NotePoolFill(NotePool* pool, s32); void func_80012C40(Note* note); Note* Audio_AllocNote(SequenceLayer* layer); void func_800132E8(void); // audio_seqplayer void AudioSeq_SequenceChannelDisable(SequenceChannel* channel); void AudioSeq_SequencePlayerDisable(SequencePlayer* seqPlayer); void AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(AudioListItem* list, AudioListItem* item); void* AudioSeq_AudioListPopBack(AudioListItem* list); void AudioSeq_ProcessSequences(s32 arg0); void AudioSeq_ResetSequencePlayer(s32 arg0); void AudioSeq_InitSequencePlayers(void); // audio_thread void AudioThread_ScheduleProcessCmds(void); u32 AudioThread_GetAsyncLoadStatus(u32*); u8* AudioThread_GetFontsForSequence(s32 seqId, u32* outNumFonts); bool AudioThread_ResetComplete(void); void AudioThread_ResetAudioHeap(s32); void AudioThread_Init(void); extern AudioTable gSampleBankTableInit; extern AudioTable gSeqTableInit; extern AudioTable gSoundFontTableInit; extern u8 gSeqFontTableInit[]; extern AudioSpec gAudioSpecs[]; extern s16 gSeqTicksPerBeat; extern s32 gAudioHeapSize; extern s32 gInitPoolSize; extern u32 gPermanentPoolSize; extern u16 gSequenceMedium; extern u16 gSoundFontMedium; extern u16 gSampleBankMedium; extern u64 gAudioContextStart[]; extern SynthesisReverb gSynthReverbs[4]; extern u8 sAudioContextPad10[0x10]; // 0x10 extern u16 D_8014C1B0; extern s8 D_8014C1B2; extern s8 gNumSynthReverbs; extern s16 D_8014C1B4; extern NoteSubEu* gNoteSubsEu; // 0x4 extern AudioAllocPool gSessionPool; extern AudioAllocPool gInitPool; extern AudioAllocPool gMiscPool; extern u8 gAudioContextPad20[0x20]; // 0x20 extern AudioAllocPool gCachePool; extern AudioAllocPool gPersistentCommonPool; extern AudioAllocPool gTemporaryCommonPool; extern AudioCache gSeqCache; extern AudioCache gFontCache; extern AudioCache gSampleBankCache; extern PermanentCache gPermanentPool; extern AudioSampleCache gPersistentSampleCache; // 0x4 extern AudioSampleCache gTemporarySampleCache; // 0x4 extern AudioSessionPoolSplit gSessionPoolSplit; extern AudioCachePoolSplit gCachePoolSplit; extern AudioCommonPoolSplit gPersistentCommonPoolSplit; // 0x4 extern AudioCommonPoolSplit gTemporaryCommonPoolSplit; // 0x4 extern u8 gSampleFontLoadStatus[2048]; extern u8 gFontLoadStatus[2048]; extern u8 gSeqLoadStatus[2048]; extern volatile u8 gAudioResetStep; extern u8 gAudioSpecId; extern s32 gResetFadeoutFramesLeft; extern u8 sAudioContextPad1000[0x1000]; // 0x1000 gap extern Note* gNotes; // 0x4 extern SequencePlayer gSeqPlayers[4]; extern SequenceChannel gSeqChannels[48]; extern SequenceLayer gSeqLayers[64]; extern SequenceChannel gSeqChannelNone; extern AudioListItem gLayerFreeList; extern NotePool gNoteFreeLists; extern Sample* gUsedSamples[2048]; extern AudioPreloadReq gPreloadSampleStack[128]; extern s32 gNumUsedSamples; extern s32 gPreloadSampleStackTop; extern AudioAsyncLoad gAsyncLoads[16]; extern OSMesgQueue gExternalLoadQueue; extern OSMesg gExternalLoadMsg[16]; extern OSMesgQueue gPreloadSampleQueue; extern OSMesg gPreloadSampleMsg[16]; extern OSMesgQueue gCurAudioFrameDmaQueue; extern OSMesg gCurAudioFrameDmaMsg[64]; extern OSIoMesg gCurAudioFrameDmaIoMsgBuf[64]; extern OSMesgQueue gSyncDmaQueue; extern OSMesg gSyncDmaMsg[1]; // 0x4 extern OSIoMesg gSyncDmaIoMsg; extern SampleDma gSampleDmas[0x100]; extern u32 gSampleDmaCount; extern u32 gSampleDmaListSize1; extern s32 D_80155A50; // 0x4 extern u8 gSampleDmaReuseQueue1[0x100]; extern u8 gSampleDmaReuseQueue2[0x100]; extern u8 gSampleDmaReuseQueue1RdPos; extern u8 gSampleDmaReuseQueue2RdPos; extern u8 gSampleDmaReuseQueue1WrPos; extern u8 gSampleDmaReuseQueue2WrPos; extern AudioTable* gSequenceTable; extern AudioTable* gSoundFontTable; extern AudioTable* gSampleBankTable; extern u8* gSeqFontTable; extern s16 gNumSequences; extern SoundFont* gSoundFontList; // 0x4 extern AudioBufferParameters gAudioBufferParams; extern s32 gSampleDmaBuffSize; extern s32 gMaxAudioCmds; extern s32 gNumNotes; extern s16 gMaxTempo; extern s8 gAudioSoundMode; extern volatile s32 gAudioTaskCountQ; extern s32 gCurAudioFrameDmaCount; extern s32 gAudioTaskIndexQ; extern s32 gCurAiBuffIndex; extern Acmd* gAbiCmdBuffs[2]; extern Acmd* gCurAbiCmdBuffer; extern SPTask* gAudioCurTask; extern SPTask gAudioRspTasks[2]; extern f32 gMaxTempoTvTypeFactors; extern s32 gRefreshRate; extern s16* gAiBuffers[3]; extern s16 gAiBuffLengths[3]; extern u32 gAudioRandom; extern u32 D_80155D88; extern volatile u32 gAudioResetTimer; extern u64 gAudioContextEnd[]; // wave_samples extern s16* gWaveSamples[]; // note_data extern f32 gBendPitchOneOctaveFrequencies[]; extern f32 gBendPitchTwoSemitonesFrequencies[]; extern f32 gPitchFrequencies[]; extern u8 gDefaultShortNoteVelocityTable[]; extern u8 gDefaultShortNoteGateTimeTable[]; extern u16 gHaasEffectDelaySizes[64]; extern EnvelopePoint gDefaultEnvelope[]; extern NoteSubEu gZeroNoteSub; extern NoteSubEu gDefaultNoteSub; extern s16 gD_800DD200[]; extern f32 gHeadsetPanVolume[128]; extern f32 gStereoPanVolume[128]; extern f32 gDefaultPanVolume[128]; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif