:config: segments: - [0x06, 0xA4FBB0] header: code: - '#include "assets/ast_sector_z.h"' header: - '#include "gfx.h"' - '#include "sf64object.h"' - '#include "structs.h"' - '#include "sf64level.h"' # Sector Z: Combat Zone D_SZ_6000000: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 176, height: 12, offset: 0x6000000, symbol: D_SZ_6000000 } # One of the so called "Boss titles", unused in the game. A version of the same thing # seems to have been implemented in the 3DS version. # The text in japanese translates to: # Interspace anti-ship missile # Macbeth B D_SZ_6000840: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 104, height: 26, offset: 0x6000840, symbol: D_SZ_6000840 } # Great Fox icon showed in the Radar D_SZ_60012D0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: IA8, width: 16, height: 9, offset: 0x60012D0, symbol: D_SZ_60012D0 } D_SZ_6001360: { type: GFX, offset: 0x6001360, symbol: D_SZ_6001360 } D_SZ_6001A10: { type: GFX, offset: 0x6001A10, symbol: D_SZ_6001A10 } D_SZ_6001C80: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI8, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x06001C80, symbol: D_SZ_6001C80, tlut: 0x06001D80 } D_SZ_6001D80: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x06001D80, symbol: D_SZ_6001D80 } D_SZ_6001DA0: { type: GFX, offset: 0x6001DA0, symbol: D_SZ_6001DA0 } D_SZ_60025F0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI8, width: 32, height: 32, offset: 0x60025F0, symbol: D_SZ_60025F0, tlut: 0x060029F0 } D_SZ_60029F0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 240, offset: 0x060029F0, symbol: D_SZ_60029F0 } D_SZ_6002BD0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI8, width: 8, height: 8, offset: 0x06002BD0, symbol: D_SZ_6002BD0, tlut: 0x06002C10 } D_SZ_6002C10: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x06002C10, symbol: D_SZ_6002C10 } D_SZ_6002C30: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI8, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x06002C30, symbol: D_SZ_6002C30, tlut: 0x06002D30 } D_SZ_6002D30: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 88, offset: 0x06002D30, symbol: D_SZ_6002D30 } D_SZ_6002DE0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI8, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x06002DE0, symbol: D_SZ_6002DE0, tlut: 0x06002EE0 } D_SZ_6002EE0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 80, offset: 0x06002EE0, symbol: D_SZ_6002EE0 } D_SZ_6002F80: { type: GFX, offset: 0x6002F80, symbol: D_SZ_6002F80 } # Sector Z Background D_SZ_6003010: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: RGBA16, width: 64, height: 32, offset: 0x06003010, symbol: D_SZ_6003010 } D_SZ_6004010: { type: GFX, offset: 0x6004010, symbol: D_SZ_6004010 } D_SZ_60041F8: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI8, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x060041F8, symbol: D_SZ_60041F8, tlut: 0x060042F8 } D_SZ_60042F8: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 24, offset: 0x060042F8, symbol: D_SZ_60042F8 } D_SZ_6004330: { type: GFX, offset: 0x6004330, symbol: D_SZ_6004330 } D_SZ_6004458: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI8, width: 32, height: 8, offset: 0x06004458, symbol: D_SZ_6004458, tlut: 0x06004558 } D_SZ_6004558: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 8, offset: 0x06004558, symbol: D_SZ_6004558 } D_SZ_6004570: { type: GFX, offset: 0x6004570, symbol: D_SZ_6004570 } D_SZ_60045E0: { type: GFX, offset: 0x60045E0, symbol: D_SZ_60045E0 } D_SZ_60047E0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: RGBA16, width: 32, height: 32, offset: 0x60047E0, symbol: D_SZ_60047E0 } D_SZ_6004FE0: { type: GFX, offset: 0x6004FE0, symbol: D_SZ_6004FE0 } D_SZ_60054E0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI8, width: 32, height: 32, offset: 0x060054E0, symbol: D_SZ_60054E0, tlut: 0x060058E0 } D_SZ_60058E0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 240, offset: 0x060058E0, symbol: D_SZ_60058E0 } D_SZ_6005AC0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI8, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x06005AC0, symbol: D_SZ_6005AC0, tlut: 0x06005BC0 } D_SZ_6005BC0: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 24, offset: 0x06005BC0, symbol: D_SZ_6005BC0 } D_SZ_6005BF0: { type: GFX, offset: 0x6005BF0, symbol: D_SZ_6005BF0 } D_SZ_6006090: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI8, width: 32, height: 32, offset: 0x06006090, symbol: D_SZ_6006090, tlut: 0x06006490 } D_SZ_6006490: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 232, offset: 0x06006490, symbol: D_SZ_6006490 } D_SZ_6006660: { type: GFX, offset: 0x6006660, symbol: D_SZ_6006660 } D_SZ_6006780: { type: GFX, offset: 0x6006780, symbol: D_SZ_6006780 } D_SZ_6006A30: { type: GFX, offset: 0x6006A30, symbol: D_SZ_6006A30 } D_SZ_6006BD8: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u8, format: CI8, width: 16, height: 16, offset: 0x06006BD8, symbol: D_SZ_6006BD8, tlut: 0x06006CD8 } D_SZ_6006CD8: { type: TEXTURE, ctype: u16, format: TLUT, colors: 16, offset: 0x06006CD8, symbol: D_SZ_6006CD8 } D_SZ_6006D64: { type: SF64:ANIM, offset: 0x6006D64, symbol: D_SZ_6006D64 } D_SZ_6006E50: { type: SF64:SKELETON, offset: 0x6006E50, symbol: D_SZ_6006E50 } D_SZ_6006E70: { type: SF64:ENV_SETTINGS, offset: 0x6006E70, symbol: D_SZ_6006E70 } D_SZ_6006EB4: { type: SF64:OBJECT_INIT, offset: 0x6006EB4, symbol: D_SZ_6006EB4 } D_SZ_6007558: {type: SF64:COLPOLY, count: 316, offset: 0x6007558, symbol: D_SZ_6007558, mesh_symbol: D_SZ_6008E08 } D_SZ_6009230: { type: SF64:HITBOX, offset: 0x6009230, symbol: D_SZ_6009230 } D_SZ_600924C: { type: SF64:HITBOX, offset: 0x600924C, symbol: D_SZ_600924C } D_SZ_60092E8: { type: SF64:HITBOX, offset: 0x60092E8, symbol: D_SZ_60092E8 } D_SZ_6009388: { type: SF64:HITBOX, offset: 0x6009388, symbol: D_SZ_6009388 } # size = 0x93B0