#ifndef GFX_H #define GFX_H #include "libultra/ultra64.h" #include "sf64math.h" #define SCREEN_WIDTH 320 #define SCREEN_HEIGHT 240 #define FILL_COLOR(rgba) (((rgba) << 0x10) | (rgba)) #define RGBA16_RED(color16) (((color16) >> 0xB) & 0x1F) #define RGBA16_GRN(color16) (((color16) >> 6) & 0x1F) #define RGBA16_BLU(color16) (((color16) >> 1) & 0x1F) // used for convenience while decopming. You should find/replace them with the full macros before PRing #define GDL(dl) gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, dl) // 06000000 dl #define GPC(r, g, b, a) gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0x00, 0x00, r, g, b, a) // FA000000 RRGGBBAA #define GEC(r, g, b, a) gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, r, g, b, a) // FB000000 RRGGBBAA #define GSGM_BACK(mode) gSPSetGeometryMode(gMasterDisp++, G_CULL_BACK) // B7000000 00002000, most common geometry mode changed #define GCGM_BACK(mode) gSPClearGeometryMode(gMasterDisp++, G_CULL_BACK) // B6000000 00002000 #define gSPSetOtherModeHi(pkt, settings) gSPSetOtherMode(pkt, G_SETOTHERMODE_H, G_MDSFT_BLENDMASK, 24, settings) #define gsSPSetOtherModeHi(settings) gsSPSetOtherMode(G_SETOTHERMODE_H, G_MDSFT_BLENDMASK, 24, settings) #define VTX(x,y,z,s,t,crnx,cgny,cbnz,a) { { { x, y, z }, 0, { s, t }, { crnx, cgny, cbnz, a } } } #define VTX_T(x,y,z,s,t,cr,cg,cb,a) { { x, y, z }, 0, { s, t }, { cr, cg, cb, a } } typedef struct { u8 r, g, b; } Color_RGB8; // size = 0x3 typedef union { u16 data[SCREEN_HEIGHT * SCREEN_WIDTH]; u16 array[SCREEN_HEIGHT][SCREEN_WIDTH]; } FrameBuffer; // size = 0x25800 typedef s32 (*OverrideLimbDraw)(s32, Gfx**, Vec3f*, Vec3f*, void*); typedef void (*PostLimbDraw)(s32, Vec3f*, void*); typedef struct { /* 0x0 */ u16 xLen; /* 0x2 */ u16 x; /* 0x4 */ u16 yLen; /* 0x6 */ u16 y; /* 0x8 */ u16 zLen; /* 0xA */ u16 z; } JointKey; // size = 0xC typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 frameCount; /* 0x02 */ s16 limbCount; /* 0x04 */ u16* frameData; /* 0x08 */ JointKey* jointKey; } AnimationHeader; // size = 0xC typedef struct Limb { /* 0x000 */ Gfx* dList; /* 0x004 */ Vec3f trans; /* 0x010 */ Vec3s rot; /* 0x018 */ struct Limb* sibling; /* 0x01C */ struct Limb* child; } Limb; // size = 0x20 typedef Limb* SkelAnime; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ AnimationHeader* unk_0; /* 0x04 */ AnimationHeader* unk_4; /* 0x08 */ SkelAnime* skelanime; } Animation; // size = 0x0C void Lights_SetOneLight(Gfx** dList, s32 dirX, s32 dirY, s32 dirZ, s32 colR, s32 colG, s32 colB, s32 ambR, s32 ambG, s32 ambB); void Lights_SetTwoLights(Gfx** dList, s32 dir1x, s32 dir1y, s32 dir1z, s32 dir2x, s32 dir2y, s32 dir2z, s32 col1r, s32 col1g, s32 col1b, s32 col2r, s32 col2g, s32 col2b, s32 ambR, s32 ambG, s32 ambB); char* Graphics_ClearPrintBuffer(char *buf, s32 fill, s32 len); s32 Graphics_Printf(const char *fmt, ...); void Texture_Scroll(void *texture, s32 width, s32 height, u8 mode); void Texture_Mottle(void *dst, void *src, u8 mode); s32 Animation_GetLimbIndex(Limb* limb, Limb** skeleton); void Animation_DrawLimb(s32 mode, Limb * limb, Limb* *skeleton, Vec3f* jointTable, OverrideLimbDraw overrideLimbDraw, PostLimbDraw postLimbDraw, void* data); void Animation_DrawSkeleton(s32 mode, Limb** skeletonSegment, Vec3f* jointTable, OverrideLimbDraw overrideLimbDraw, PostLimbDraw postLimbDraw, void* data, Matrix* transform); s16 Animation_GetFrameData(AnimationHeader *animationSegmemt, s32 frame, Vec3f *frameTable); s16 Animation_GetFrameCount(AnimationHeader *animationSegment); void Animation_FindBoundingBox(Gfx* dList, s32 len, Vec3f *min, Vec3f *max, s32 *vtxFound, s32 *vtxCount, Vtx* *vtxList); void Animation_GetDListBoundingBox(Gfx *dList, s32 len, Vec3f *min, Vec3f *max); void Animation_GetSkeletonBoundingBox(Limb **skeletonSegment, AnimationHeader *animationSegment, s32 frame, Vec3f *min, Vec3f* max); void TextureRect_4bCI(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, void* palette, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale); void TextureRect_4bCI_Flip(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, void* palette, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale); void TextureRect_4bCI_MirX(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, void* palette, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale); void TextureRect_4bCI_MirY(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, void* palette, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale); void TextureRect_8bCI(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, void* palette, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale); void TextureRect_16bRGBA(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale); void TextureRect_16bRGBA_MirX(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale); void TextureRect_8bIA(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale); void TextureRect_8bIA_FilpMirX(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale); void TextureRect_8bIA_FilpMirY(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale); void TextureRect_8bIA_MirX(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale); void TextureRect_8bIA_MirY(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale); void TextureRect_16bIA(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale); void TextureRect_16bIA_MirX(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale); void TextureRect_16bIA_MirY(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale); void TextureRect_16bIA_MirXY(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale); void TextureRect_32bRGBA(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale); void Graphics_FillRectangle(Gfx **gfxPtr, s32 ulx, s32 uly, s32 lrx, s32 lry, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, u8 a); u16* Graphics_SetupTextureRender(Gfx **gfxPtr, u8 width, u8 height); void Graphics_DisplayHUDNumber(s32 xPos, s32 yPos, s32 number); void Graphics_DisplaySmallNumber(s32 xPos, s32 yPos, s32 number); void Graphics_DisplayLargeText(s32 xPos, s32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale, char *text); s32 Graphics_GetLargeTextWidth(char *text); void Graphics_DisplayLargeNumber(s32 xPos, s32 yPos, s32 number); void Graphics_DisplaySmallText(s32 xPos, s32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale, char *text); s32 Graphics_GetSmallTextWidth(char *text); void func_800A1540(s32 arg0, s32 arg1, s32 arg2, s32 arg3); void Texture_BlendRGBA16(f32 weight, u16 size, u16 *src1, u16 *src2, u16 *dst); void RCP_SetupDL(Gfx** gfxP, s16 i); void RCP_SetFog(Gfx** gfxP, s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far); void RCP_SetupDL_0(void); void RCP_SetupDL_1(void); void RCP_SetupDL_11(void); void RCP_SetupDL_12(void); void RCP_SetupDL_2(void); void RCP_SetupDL_3(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far); void RCP_SetupDL_4(void); void RCP_SetupDL_7(void); void RCP_SetupDL_9(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far); void RCP_SetupDL_8(void); void RCP_SetupDL_13(void); void RCP_SetupDL_14(void); void RCP_SetupDL_17(void); void RCP_SetupDL_36(void); void RCP_SetupDL_52(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far); void RCP_SetupDL_62(void); void RCP_SetupDL_37(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far); void RCP_SetupDL_18(void); void RCP_SetupDL_20(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far); void RCP_SetupDL_19(void); void RCP_SetupDL_21(void); void RCP_SetupDL_33(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far); void RCP_SetupDL_34(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far); void RCP_SetupDL_40(void); void RCP_SetupDL_42(void); void RCP_SetupDL_43(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far); void RCP_SetupDL_60(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far); void RCP_SetupDL_47(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far); void RCP_SetupDL_66(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far); void RCP_SetupDL_55(void); void RCP_SetupDL_57(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far); void RCP_SetupDL_45(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far); void RCP_SetupDL_46(void); void RCP_SetupDL_41(void); void RCP_SetupDL_64(void); void RCP_SetupDL_64_2(void); void RCP_SetupDL_23(void); void RCP_SetupDL_29(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far); void RCP_SetupDL_30(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far); void RCP_SetupDL_27(void); void RCP_SetupDL_32(void); void RCP_SetupDL_73(void); void RCP_SetupDL_76(void); void RCP_SetupDL_74(void); void RCP_SetupDL_78(void); void RCP_SetupDL_81(void); void RCP_SetupDL_48(void); void RCP_SetupDL_68(void); void RCP_SetupDL_49(void); void RCP_SetupDL_44(void); void RCP_SetupDL_50(void); void RCP_SetupDL_61(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far); typedef enum SetupDL { /* 0x00 */ SETUPDL_0, /* 0x01 */ SETUPDL_1, /* 0x02 */ SETUPDL_2, /* 0x03 */ SETUPDL_3, /* 0x04 */ SETUPDL_4, /* 0x05 */ SETUPDL_5, /* 0x06 */ SETUPDL_6, /* 0x07 */ SETUPDL_7, /* 0x08 */ SETUPDL_8, /* 0x09 */ SETUPDL_9, /* 0x0A */ SETUPDL_10, /* 0x0B */ SETUPDL_11, /* 0x0C */ SETUPDL_12, /* 0x0D */ SETUPDL_13, /* 0x0E */ SETUPDL_14, /* 0x0F */ SETUPDL_15, /* 0x10 */ SETUPDL_16, /* 0x11 */ SETUPDL_17, /* 0x12 */ SETUPDL_18, /* 0x13 */ SETUPDL_19, /* 0x14 */ SETUPDL_20, /* 0x15 */ SETUPDL_21, /* 0x16 */ SETUPDL_22, /* 0x17 */ SETUPDL_23, /* 0x18 */ SETUPDL_24, /* 0x19 */ SETUPDL_25, /* 0x1A */ SETUPDL_26, /* 0x1B */ SETUPDL_27, /* 0x1C */ SETUPDL_28, /* 0x1D */ SETUPDL_29, /* 0x1E */ SETUPDL_30, /* 0x1F */ SETUPDL_31, /* 0x20 */ SETUPDL_32, /* 0x21 */ SETUPDL_33, /* 0x22 */ SETUPDL_34, /* 0x23 */ SETUPDL_35, /* 0x24 */ SETUPDL_36, /* 0x25 */ SETUPDL_37, /* 0x26 */ SETUPDL_38, /* 0x27 */ SETUPDL_39, /* 0x28 */ SETUPDL_40, /* 0x29 */ SETUPDL_41, /* 0x2A */ SETUPDL_42, /* 0x2B */ SETUPDL_43, /* 0x2C */ SETUPDL_44, /* 0x2D */ SETUPDL_45, /* 0x2E */ SETUPDL_46, /* 0x2F */ SETUPDL_47, /* 0x30 */ SETUPDL_48, /* 0x31 */ SETUPDL_49, /* 0x32 */ SETUPDL_50, /* 0x33 */ SETUPDL_51, /* 0x34 */ SETUPDL_52, /* 0x35 */ SETUPDL_53, /* 0x36 */ SETUPDL_54, /* 0x37 */ SETUPDL_55, /* 0x38 */ SETUPDL_56, /* 0x39 */ SETUPDL_57, /* 0x3A */ SETUPDL_58, /* 0x3B */ SETUPDL_59, /* 0x3C */ SETUPDL_60, /* 0x3D */ SETUPDL_61, /* 0x3E */ SETUPDL_62, /* 0x3F */ SETUPDL_63, /* 0x40 */ SETUPDL_64, /* 0x41 */ SETUPDL_65, /* 0x42 */ SETUPDL_66, /* 0x43 */ SETUPDL_67, /* 0x44 */ SETUPDL_68, /* 0x45 */ SETUPDL_69, /* 0x46 */ SETUPDL_70, /* 0x47 */ SETUPDL_71, /* 0x48 */ SETUPDL_72, /* 0x49 */ SETUPDL_73, /* 0x4A */ SETUPDL_74, /* 0x4B */ SETUPDL_75, /* 0x4C */ SETUPDL_76, /* 0x4D */ SETUPDL_77, /* 0x4E */ SETUPDL_78, /* 0x4F */ SETUPDL_79, /* 0x50 */ SETUPDL_80, /* 0x51 */ SETUPDL_81, /* 0x52 */ SETUPDL_82, /* 0x53 */ SETUPDL_83, /* 0x54 */ SETUPDL_84, /* 0x55 */ SETUPDL_85, /* 0x56 */ SETUPDL_86, /* 0x57 */ SETUPDL_87, /* 0x58 */ SETUPDL_MAX } SetupDL; extern Gfx gSetupDLs[SETUPDL_MAX][9]; // 0x800D31B0 #endif