#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os from subprocess import run import struct import argparse def int32(x): return x & 0xFFFFFFFF def rol(i, b): return int32((i << b) | (i >> (32 - b))) def calculate_crcs(buffer: bytearray, seed=0xF8CA4DDC, start=0x1000, end=0x101000): t1 = t2 = t3 = t4 = t5 = t6 = seed for d, in struct.iter_unpack(">I", buffer[start:end]): r = rol(d, d & 0x1F) if int32(t6 + d) < t6: t4 = int32(t4 + 1) t3 ^= d t6 = int32(t6 + d) t2 ^= r if (t2 > d) else t6 ^ d t5 = int32(t5 + r) t1 = int32(t1 + (t5 ^ d)) return (t6 ^ t4 ^ t3, t5 ^ t2 ^ t1) def mio0_comp_bytes(decomp_bytes, mio0): #possibly replace with a python implementation later decomp_path = os.path.dirname(mio0) + 'TempComp.bin.mio0' comp_path = os.path.dirname(mio0) + 'TempComp.bin' with open(decomp_path, 'wb') as decomp_file: decomp_file.write(decomp_bytes) run([mio0, '-c', decomp_path, comp_path]) with open(comp_path, 'rb') as comp_file: comp_bytes = comp_file.read() run(['rm', decomp_path, comp_path]) return comp_bytes def mio0_dec_bytes(comp_bytes, mio0): #possibly replace with a python implementation later decomp_path = os.path.dirname(mio0) + 'TempComp.bin.mio0' comp_path = os.path.dirname(mio0) + 'TempComp.bin' with open(comp_path, 'wb') as comp_file: comp_file.write(comp_bytes) run([mio0, '-d', comp_path, decomp_path]) with open(decomp_path, 'rb') as decomp_file: decomp_bytes = decomp_file.read() run(['rm', decomp_path, comp_path]) return decomp_bytes def compress(baserom, comprom, mio0, extract_dest=None): decomp_inds = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 48] # comp_const = 0xFFFEFFFFFE1E7FC0 with open(comprom, 'w+b') as compfile, open(baserom, 'rb') as basefile: file_count = 0 p_file_begin = 0 while True: file_entry = 0xDE480 + 0x10 * file_count basefile.seek(file_entry + 4) v_file_begin = int.from_bytes(basefile.read(4),'big') v_file_end = int.from_bytes(basefile.read(4),'big') v_file_size = v_file_end - v_file_begin if(v_file_begin == 0 and v_file_end == 0): break basefile.seek(v_file_begin) compfile.truncate(p_file_begin) file_bytes = basefile.read(v_file_size) if (file_count in decomp_inds) or (file_count <= 5): # if (1 << file_count) & comp_flags: p_file_size = v_file_size dec_msg = 'uncompressed' comp_flag = 0 else: file_bytes = mio0_comp_bytes(file_bytes, mio0) dec_msg = 'compressed' extra_bytes = len(file_bytes) % 0x10 if extra_bytes != 0: file_bytes += bytes(0x10 - extra_bytes) p_file_size = len(file_bytes) comp_flag = 1 compfile.seek(0, 2) # print("File " + str(file_count) + ": Writing " + format(p_file_size, 'X') + " bytes at " + format(compfile.tell(),'X')) compfile.write(file_bytes) p_file_end = p_file_begin + p_file_size compfile.seek(file_entry + 4) compfile.write(p_file_begin.to_bytes(4,'big')) compfile.write(p_file_end.to_bytes(4,'big')) compfile.write(int.to_bytes(comp_flag, 4, 'big')) p_file_begin = p_file_end file_count += 1 compfile.seek(0, 2) extra_space = 0xC00000 - compfile.tell() if extra_space > 0: compfile.write(b'\xFF' * extra_space) compfile.seek(0) crc1, crc2 = calculate_crcs(compfile.read()) compfile.seek(0x10) compfile.write(crc1.to_bytes( 4, 'big')) compfile.write(crc2.to_bytes( 4, 'big')) return def decompress(baserom, decomprom, mio0, extract_dest=None): with open(decomprom, 'w+b') as decompfile, open(baserom, 'rb') as baserom: file_count = 0 while True: file_entry = 0xDE480 + 0x10 * file_count baserom.seek(file_entry) v_file_begin = int.from_bytes(baserom.read(4),'big') p_file_begin = int.from_bytes(baserom.read(4),'big') p_file_end = int.from_bytes(baserom.read(4),'big') comp_flag = int.from_bytes(baserom.read(4),'big') p_file_size = p_file_end - p_file_begin #print(v_file_begin, p_file_begin, p_file_end, comp_flag) if(v_file_begin == 0 and p_file_end == 0): break decompfile.truncate(v_file_begin) baserom.seek(p_file_begin) file_bytes = baserom.read(p_file_size) if comp_flag == 0: v_file_size = p_file_size dec_msg = 'uncompressed' elif comp_flag == 1: file_bytes = mio0_dec_bytes(file_bytes, mio0) dec_msg = 'compressed' v_file_size = len(file_bytes) else: print('You dun goofed') exit decompfile.seek(0, 2) decompfile.write(file_bytes) v_file_end = v_file_begin + v_file_size if extract_dest is not None: if not os.path.exists(extract_dest): os.mkdir(extract_dest) file_name = format(v_file_begin, 'X') + '.bin' with open(extract_dest + os.sep + file_name, 'wb') as extract_file: extract_file.write(file_bytes) decompfile.seek(file_entry + 4) decompfile.write(v_file_begin.to_bytes(4,'big')) decompfile.write(v_file_end.to_bytes(4,'big')) decompfile.write(bytes(4)) file_count += 1 decompfile.seek(0) crc1, crc2 = calculate_crcs(decompfile.read()) decompfile.seek(0x10) decompfile.write(crc1.to_bytes(4, 'big')) decompfile.write(crc2.to_bytes(4, 'big')) return parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Compress or decompress a Star Fox 64 ROM') parser.add_argument('inROM', help="ROM file to compress or decompress") parser.add_argument('outROM', help="output file for processed ROM.") parser.add_argument('-e', metavar='extract',dest='extract',help='directory for extracted decompressed files. Use with -d') parser.add_argument('-c', action='store_true',help='compress provided ROM') parser.add_argument('-d', action='store_true',help='decompress provided ROM') parser.add_argument('-m', metavar='mio0',dest='mio0',help='Path to mio0 tool if not in same directory') # parser.add_argument('-v', action='store_true',help='show what changes are made') if __name__ == '__main__': args = parser.parse_args() if not args.mio0: mio0 = os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep + 'mio0' else: mio0 = args.mio0 if args.c: compress(args.inROM, args.outROM, mio0) elif args.d or args.extract: decompress(args.inROM, args.outROM, mio0, args.extract) else: print("Something went wrong.")