#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse from collections import Counter, OrderedDict from datetime import datetime from Levenshtein import ratio import os import re import sys script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) root_dir = script_dir + "/../" asm_dir = root_dir + "asm/us/nonmatchings/" build_dir = root_dir + "build/" def read_rom(): with open(root_dir + "baserom.us.z64", "rb") as f: return f.read() def find_dir(query): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(asm_dir): for d in dirs: if d == query: return os.path.join(root, d) return None def get_all_s_files(): ret = set() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(asm_dir): for f in files: if f.endswith(".s"): ret.add(f[:-2]) return ret def get_symbol_length(sym_name): if "end" in map_offsets[sym_name] and "start" in map_offsets[sym_name]: return map_offsets[sym_name]["end"] - map_offsets[sym_name]["start"] return 0 def get_symbol_bytes(offsets, func): if func not in offsets or "start" not in offsets[func] or "end" not in offsets[func]: return None start = offsets[func]["start"] end = offsets[func]["end"] bs = list(rom_bytes[start:end]) while len(bs) > 0 and bs[-1] == 0: bs.pop() insns = bs[0::4] ret = [] for ins in insns: ret.append(ins >> 2) return bytes(ret).decode("utf-8"), bs def parse_map(fname): ram_offset = None cur_file = "<no file>" syms = {} prev_sym = None prev_line = "" with open(fname) as f: for line in f: if "load address" in line: if "noload" in line or "noload" in prev_line: ram_offset = None continue ram = int(line[16 : 16 + 18], 0) rom = int(line[59 : 59 + 18], 0) ram_offset = ram - rom continue prev_line = line if ram_offset is None or "=" in line or "*fill*" in line or " 0x" not in line: continue ram = int(line[16 : 16 + 18], 0) rom = ram - ram_offset fn = line.split()[-1] if "0x" in fn: ram_offset = None elif "/" in fn: cur_file = fn else: syms[fn] = (rom, cur_file, prev_sym, ram) prev_sym = fn return syms def get_map_offsets(syms): offsets = {} for sym in syms: prev_sym = syms[sym][2] if sym not in offsets: offsets[sym] = {} if prev_sym not in offsets: offsets[prev_sym] = {} offsets[sym]["start"] = syms[sym][0] offsets[prev_sym]["end"] = syms[sym][0] return offsets def is_zeros(vals): for val in vals: if val != 0: return False return True def diff_syms(qb, tb): if len(tb[1]) < 8: return 0 # The minimum edit distance for two strings of different lengths is `abs(l1 - l2)` # Quickly check if it's impossible to beat the threshold. If it is, then return 0 l1, l2 = len(qb[0]), len(tb[0]) if abs(l1 - l2) / (l1 + l2) > 1.0 - args.threshold: return 0 r = ratio(qb[0], tb[0]) if r == 1.0 and qb[1] != tb[1]: r = 0.99 return r def get_pair_score(query_bytes, b): b_bytes = get_symbol_bytes(map_offsets, b) if query_bytes and b_bytes: return diff_syms(query_bytes, b_bytes) return 0 def get_matches(query): query_bytes = get_symbol_bytes(map_offsets, query) if query_bytes is None: sys.exit("Symbol '" + query + "' not found") ret = {} for symbol in map_offsets: if symbol is not None and query != symbol: score = get_pair_score(query_bytes, symbol) if score >= args.threshold: ret[symbol] = score return OrderedDict(sorted(ret.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True)) def do_query(query): matches = get_matches(query) num_matches = len(matches) if num_matches == 0: print(query + " - found no matches") return i = 0 more_str = ":" if args.num_out < num_matches: more_str = " (showing only " + str(args.num_out) + "):" print(query + " - found " + str(num_matches) + " matches total" + more_str) for match in matches: if i == args.num_out: break match_str = "{:.3f} - {}".format(matches[match], match) if match not in s_files: match_str += " (decompiled)" print(match_str) i += 1 print() def all_matches(all_funcs_flag): match_dict = dict() to_match_files = list(s_files.copy()) # assumption that after half the functions have been matched, nothing of significance is left # since duplicates that already have been discovered are removed from tp_match_files if all_funcs_flag: iter_limit = 0 else: iter_limit = len(s_files) / 2 num_decomped_dupes = 0 num_undecomped_dupes = 0 num_perfect_dupes = 0 i = 0 while len(to_match_files) > iter_limit: file = to_match_files[0] i += 1 print( "File matching progress: {:%}".format(i / (len(s_files) - iter_limit)), end="\r", ) if get_symbol_length(file) < 16: to_match_files.remove(file) continue matches = get_matches(file) num_matches = len(matches) if num_matches == 0: to_match_files.remove(file) continue num_undecomped_dupes += 1 match_list = [] for match in matches: if match in to_match_files: i += 1 to_match_files.remove(match) match_str = "{:.2f} - {}".format(matches[match], match) if matches[match] >= 0.995: num_perfect_dupes += 1 if match not in s_files: num_decomped_dupes += 1 match_str += " (decompiled)" else: num_undecomped_dupes += 1 match_list.append(match_str) match_dict.update({file: (num_matches, match_list)}) to_match_files.remove(file) output_match_dict(match_dict, num_decomped_dupes, num_undecomped_dupes, num_perfect_dupes, i) def output_match_dict( match_dict, num_decomped_dupes, num_undecomped_dupes, num_perfect_dupes, num_checked_files, ): out_file = open(datetime.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") + "_all_matches.txt", "w+") out_file.write( "Number of s-files: " + str(len(s_files)) + "\n" "Number of checked s-files: " + str(round(num_checked_files)) + "\n" "Number of decompiled duplicates found: " + str(num_decomped_dupes) + "\n" "Number of undecompiled duplicates found: " + str(num_undecomped_dupes) + "\n" "Number of overall exact duplicates found: " + str(num_perfect_dupes) + "\n\n" ) sorted_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(match_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1][0], reverse=True)) print("Creating output file: " + out_file.name, end="\n") for file_name, matches in sorted_dict.items(): out_file.write(file_name + " - found " + str(matches[0]) + " matches total:\n") for match in matches[1]: out_file.write(match + "\n") out_file.write("\n") out_file.close() def is_decompiled(sym): return sym not in s_files def do_cross_query(): ccount = Counter() clusters = [] sym_bytes = {} for sym_name in map_syms: if ( not sym_name.startswith("D_") and not sym_name.startswith("_binary") and not sym_name.startswith("jtbl_") and not re.match(r"L[0-9A-F]{8}_[0-9A-F]{5,6}", sym_name) ): if get_symbol_length(sym_name) > 16: sym_bytes[sym_name] = get_symbol_bytes(map_offsets, sym_name) for sym_name, query_bytes in sym_bytes.items(): cluster_match = False for cluster in clusters: cluster_first = cluster[0] cluster_score = diff_syms(query_bytes, sym_bytes[cluster_first]) if cluster_score >= args.threshold: cluster_match = True if is_decompiled(sym_name) and not is_decompiled(cluster_first): ccount[sym_name] = ccount[cluster_first] del ccount[cluster_first] cluster_first = sym_name cluster.insert(0, cluster_first) else: cluster.append(sym_name) if not is_decompiled(cluster_first): ccount[cluster_first] += len(sym_bytes[cluster_first][0]) if len(cluster) % 10 == 0 and len(cluster) >= 10: print(f"Cluster {cluster_first} grew to size {len(cluster)} - {sym_name}: {str(cluster_score)}") break if not cluster_match: clusters.append([sym_name]) print(ccount.most_common(100)) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Tool to find duplicates for a specific function or to find all duplicates across the codebase." ) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument( "-a", "--all", help="find ALL duplicates and output them into a file", action="store_true", required=False, ) group.add_argument( "-c", "--cross", help="do a cross query over the codebase", action="store_true", required=False, ) group.add_argument( "-s", "--short", help="find MOST duplicates besides some very small duplicates. Cuts the runtime in half with minimal loss", action="store_true", required=False, ) parser.add_argument("query", help="function or file", nargs="?", default=None) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--threshold", help="score threshold between 0 and 1 (higher is more restrictive)", type=float, default=0.9, required=False, ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--num-out", help="number of functions to display", type=int, default=100, required=False, ) args = parser.parse_args() if __name__ == "__main__": rom_bytes = read_rom() map_syms = parse_map(os.path.join(root_dir, "build", "starfox64.us.map")) map_offsets = get_map_offsets(map_syms) s_files = get_all_s_files() query_dir = find_dir(args.query) if query_dir is not None: files = os.listdir(query_dir) for f_name in files: do_query(f_name[:-2]) else: if args.cross: args.threshold = 0.985 do_cross_query() elif args.all: args.threshold = 0.985 all_matches(True) elif args.short: args.threshold = 0.985 all_matches(False) else: if args.query is None: parser.print_help() else: do_query(args.query)