import argparse char_code = [ "END","NWL","NP2","NP3","NP4","NP5","NP6","NP7","NP8","NP9","NPA","NPB","SPC","HSP","QSP","NPF", "CLF","CUP","CRT","CDN","AUP","ALF","ADN","ART","_A","_B","_C","_D","_E","_F","_G","_H","_I","_J", "_K","_L","_M","_N","_O","_P","_Q","_R","_S","_T","_U","_V","_W","_X","_Y","_Z","_a","_b","_c", "_d","_e","_f","_g","_h","_i","_j","_k","_l","_m","_n","_o","_p","_q","_r","_s","_t","_u","_v", "_w","_x","_y","_z","EXM","QST","DSH","CMA","PRD","_0","_1","_2","_3","_4","_5","_6","_7","_8", "_9","APS","LPR","RPR","CLN","PIP"] def convert_line(line): if 'x' in line or '{' in line or '}' in line: return None chars = line.split(',') if len(chars) <= 1: return None newchars = [char_code[int(x)] for x in chars[0:-1]] return ','.join(newchars) + ',\n' def convert_file(filepath): with open(filepath, 'r') as file: file_lines = file.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(file_lines): newchars = convert_line(line) if newchars: file_lines[i] = newchars with open(filepath, 'w') as file: file.writelines(file_lines) return def convert_names(filepath): with open(filepath, 'r') as file: file_text = startidx = file_text.find('gMsgLookup[780] = {\n') + len('gMsgLookup[780] = {\n') names = file_text[startidx:-3].split(',') names = [x.strip(' \n}{') for x in names] namepairs = zip(names[::2], names[1::2]) for pair in namepairs: tname = 'sMsg_ID_' + pair[0] file_text = file_text.replace(pair[1], tname) with open(filepath, 'w') as file: file.write(file_text) return code_to_text = { 'CLF':'(C<)', 'CUP':'(C^)', 'CRT':'(C>)', 'CDN':'(Cv)', 'AUP':'^', 'ALF':'<', 'ADN':'v', 'ART':'>','EXM':'!', 'QST':'?', 'DSH':'-', 'CMA':',', 'PRD':'.', 'APS':"'", 'LPR':'(', 'RPR':')', 'CLN':':', 'PIP':'|'} def parse_line(line): codes = [x.strip() for x in line.split(',')] text = '' for i, code in enumerate(codes): if code.startswith(('NP', 'PRI')) or code == '': continue elif 'SP' in code: if(text and text[-1] != ' '): text += ' ' elif 'NWL' in code: if text: text += '\n// ' elif code.startswith('_'): text += code.strip('_') else: text += code_to_text[code] return text def add_comments(filepath): with open(filepath, 'r') as file: file_lines = file.readlines() found_text = False start_line = 0 for i, line in enumerate(file_lines): if not found_text: found_text = line.startswith('u16 gMsg_ID_') out_text = '// ' start_line = i elif 'END' in line: if out_text.endswith('\n// '): out_text = out_text[:-4] file_lines[start_line] = out_text + '\n' + file_lines[start_line] print(file_lines[start_line]) found_text = False else: out_text += parse_line(line) with open(filepath, 'w') as file: file.writelines(file_lines) return parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert StarFox 64 dialog characters') parser.add_argument('infile', help="SF64 text file to convert") if __name__ == '__main__': args = parser.parse_args() # convert_file(args.infile) # convert_names(args.infile) add_comments(args.infile)