0x09000000 turret fire 0x09400000 single laser 0x09001001 bomb flight 0x09000002 boost 0x09004002 boost variant used by boss titania 0x09000003 brake 0x09000004 sector X boss hitting slippy 0x0903F004 player death 0x0100F005 arwing planet engine noise 0x0100F006 landmaster engine noise 0x09000007 wings changing position 0x01008008 iniial bomb flight. only plays for 1 frame 0x0901A009 unused? bomb explosion 0x0903A00A bomb explosion 0x0901A00B unused? bomb explosion 0x0940A00B corneria start explosion and save delete 0x0940800C twin laser 0x0?????0D some sort of explosion 0x0903900E weak hit 0x0903A00F strong hit 0x0900C010 fatal hit 0x09007011 deflect laser 0x09000012 arwing barrel roll 0x09000013 wings stop moving 0x09002013 arwing launchers/boss sector y spawn stop moving 0x09000014 landmaster/on foot shot 0x09008015 landmaster falls on ground 0x01008016 landmaster hover 0x09000017 blue marine barrel roll 0x0?????18 footstep. comparisons are relative to this 0x0?????19 heavier footstep 0x0?????1A lighter footstep 0x0?????1B lightest footstep 0x0140001C running footsteps in title 0x0100001D something mechanical starting to move, used in title 0x0100001E engines powering up 0x0100001F Beam sounds from sound test 0x0100F020 arwing space engine noise 0x09400021 blue marine single laser 0x0100F022 blue marine engine noise 0x09008023 wings repaired 0x01004024 landmaster single jet 0x01000025 torpedo shot 0x01038026 blue marine launch 0x09400027 blue marine twin laser (and hyper?) 0x09404028 blue marine hit ground 0x09007029 charge shot fire 0x0900802A warp zone map path 0x0940802A warp zone enter 0x0940802B arwing hyper laser 0x0900A02C wing break 0x0900302D charge shot charge 0x0903502E charge shot explode 0x0900402F landmaster boost 0x09004030 blue marine boost 0x09004031 blue marine brake 0x09000032 normal map path 0x11000000 CO waterfall noise 0x19000001 whoosh 0x1?????02 clang sound, ligher than 3 0x19030003 various falling pillars hitting ground 0x19031003 various falling pillars hitting ground 0x19130003 various falling pillars hitting ground 0x19030004 corneria mech boss hitting ground 0x19122005 EVSFX_5. venom event actors. spawning pillars/fingers? 0x19020006 titania rocks 0x19030006 macbeth rocks 0x19400007 aquas rocks 0x19020008 titania hopping bombs 0x19033008 macbeth switches 0x1?????09 0x1100000A 0x1100000B 0x1100000C 0x1900000D 0x1903000D 0x1900000E 0x1903000E 0x1903400F 0x11030010 0x11000011 0x19003012 0x19004013 0x19000014 0x19500015 0x11030016 0x11404016 0x19800017 0x1?????18 0x19832019 0x1983201A 0x1900001B 0x1903901C 0x1903001D 0x1903001E 0x1903001F 0x19000020 0x19003021 0x11033022 0x11003023 0x19000024 0x11037025 0x19000026 0x11000027 0x11000028 0x19000029 0x1900602A 0x1900302B 0x1100802C 0x1900002D 0x1900002E 0x1902102F 0x19003030 0x19402031 0x19000032 0x19000033 0x11015034 0x19006035 0x19030036 0x19030037 0x19404038 0x19404139 0x1940423A 0x1940433B 0x1940443C 0x1940453D 0x1940463E 0x1903203F 0x19032040 0x19032041 0x19034041 0x19034042 0x11034043 0x19406044 0x1140B045 0x11038046 0x19408047 0x19401048 0x11032049 0x1913204A 0x1?????4B 0x1100004C 0x1100204C 0x1900404D 0x1?????4E 0x1900404F 0x11002050 0x19004051 0x11002052 0x19035053 0x19036053 0x19035054 0x19036054 0x11000055 0x19032056 0x19030057 0x19033058 0x19030059 0x1903005A 0x1903205B 0x1903205C 0x1940405D 0x1940205E 0x1903205F 0x19020060 0x19020061 0x19001062 0x11001063 0x19032064 0x19000065 0x19034066 0x19022067 0x19023068 0x19022069 0x1940306A 0x1940306B 0x1940306C 0x1940306D 0x1940306E 0x1940306F 0x19403070 0x11403071 0x19038072 0x11030073 0x11034074 0x11032075 0x11403076 0x19400077 0x19021078 0x11407079 0x1950107A 0x1940807B 0x1940307C 0x1903407D 0x1903807E 0x1903807F 0x19038080 0x11032081 0x19031082 0x19031083 0x11020084 0x29000000 0x5?????01 0x29002002 0x29024003 0x29034003 0x5?????04 0x31004005 0x31004006 0x29121007 0x2903A008 0x2903B009 0x2940C00A 0x2903700B 0x3100000C 0x2900000D 0x2903300E 0x2900300F 0x2943500F 0x5?????10 0x31000011 0x31000012 0x31000013 0x31000014 0x31000015 0x31000016 0x31000017 0x31038018 0x29022019 0x2940201A 0x2903101B 0x2903201B 0x2902401C 0x2903401C 0x2900201D 0x3100001E 0x2902201F 0x29023020 0x29034021 0x2903A021 0x29433022 0x29400023 0x29034024 0x29402024 0x31000025 0x31034025 0x2902F026 0x2940F026 0x2940C027 0x29000028 0x29406029 0x2900502A 0x2940702B 0x2940802C 0x2940902D 0x3140402E 0x3143402E 0x3143102F 0x39435830 0x29003031 0x29403031 0x29503032 0x29038033 0x5?????34 0x5?????35 0x29018036 0x29033037 0x5?????38 0x31012039 0x3100203A 0x2903203B 0x2940983C 0x2900403D 0x3100503E 0x2900803F 0x31000040 0x29034041 0x5?????42 0x31030043 0x5?????44 0x29034045 0x2902A046 0x31000047 0x29022048 0x29018049 0x5?????4A 0x2903404B 0x2903604C 0x2940604C 0x3140904D 0x2940804E 0x2940A04F 0x29036050 0x29409051 0x29400052 0x5?????53 0x29408054 0x29408055 0x31016056 0x31037057 0x29038058 0x31024059 0x3102505A 0x3103605B 0x3102705C 0x3102405D 0x2902405E 0x2903305F 0x2903A060 0x31032061 0x3103A061 0x29001062 0x31009063 0x29033064 0x31034064 0x29034065 0x31404066 0x31404067 0x39404068 0x31008069 0x2900306A 0x2900306B 0x2902306C 0x2902306D 0x2901306E 0x2903A06F 0x5?????70 0x29000071 0x29000072 0x29432073 0x29433074 0x29434075 0x39439076 0x29432077 0x31033078 0x39033079 0x5?????7A 0x5?????7B 0x5?????7C 0x2902107D 0x3140807E 0x5?????7F 0x29032080 0x29033081 0x29034082 0x31030083 0x29405084 0x31078085 0x29022086 0x31022087 0x29022088 0x29022089 0x3140208A 0x3103108B 0x2900308C 0x2900208D 0x3100208E 0x2903408F 0x29038090 0x39408091 0x39408092 0x39033093 0x31405094 0x31408095 0x2940B096 0x31408097 0x29030098 0x29036099 0x2940D09A 0x3103109B 0x4900F000 pause menu 0x4?????01 identical to above? 0x49000002 change menu selection 0x49000003 select menu item 0x49002004 collect lasers 0x49002005 collect bomb 0x49002006 collect bomb. identical to above, played at same time 0x49004007 scroll number 0x49000008 vs countodwn 0x49000009 vs go 0x4900100A bad selection 0x4?????0B warning sound? 0x4900000C item appears 0x4900200D big heal 0x4900200E small heal 0x4900400F collect checkpoint 0x49008010 low health hit alarm 0x49008011 critical health hit alarm 0x41007012 teammate health increase 0x49003013 collect gold ring 0x49000014 great fox warning siren 0x49008015 health bar increase 0x49002016 good luck 0x49000017 trainer text display 0x49002018 call alert 0x49000019 map pause menu up, also crosshairs on 0x4900101A map pause menu down, also crosshairs off 0x4900001B torpedo lock on 0x4900001C missile great fox proximity alert 0x4900101D exit menu 0x4100001E briefing sounds 0x4900001F world map appears ? 0x49000020 main menu select 0x49000021 main menu back 0x49000022 main menu change selection 0x4100C023 solar heat alarm 0x4900C024 1UP 0x49008025 ring passed 0x49001026 low health nag 0x49008027 charge lock on 0x4900C028 boss health appears 0x4?????29 sound like an item collect jingle 0x4900C02A timer countdown alert 0x4?????2B some sort of option change? 0x4900002C cockpit view on 0x4900002D cockpit view off 0x4900402E EVSFX_16, missed zoness searchlight 0x4900402F ring failed 0x49008030 medal award 0x49008031 mission accomplished text 0x49000032 one steep bill 0x49000033 whaaat 0x49008034 mission complete text 0x4?????35 quiet noise, hard to place 0x4900D036 vs mode time up. doesn't play?