#include "global.h" #include "assets/ast_landmaster.h" #include "assets/ast_aquas.h" #include "assets/ast_great_fox.h" #include "assets/ast_versus.h" static Vec3f D_beam_8015F950; void func_beam_80035D30(Effect* effect, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 zPos) { Effect_Initialize(effect); effect->obj.status = OBJ_INIT; effect->obj.id = OBJ_EFFECT_351; effect->obj.pos.x = xPos; effect->obj.pos.y = yPos; effect->obj.pos.z = zPos; effect->vel.z = 0.0f; effect->scale2 = 0.3f; effect->unk_4A = 100; effect->unk_48 = 3; if (Rand_ZeroOne() < 0.5f) { effect->unk_48 = -effect->unk_48; } Object_SetInfo(&effect->info, effect->obj.id); } void func_beam_80035DEC(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 zPos) { s32 i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gEffects); i++) { if (gEffects[i].obj.status == OBJ_FREE) { func_beam_80035D30(&gEffects[i], xPos, yPos, zPos); break; } } } void PlayerShot_Initialize(PlayerShot* shot) { s32 i; u8* ptr = (u8*) shot; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(PlayerShot); i++, ptr++) { *ptr = 0; } } void func_beam_80035E78(PlayerShot* shot) { f32 var_fs0; f32 var_fv0; f32 var_fv1; s32 var_v0; if (shot->unk_5C == 0) { shot->vel.x = shot->vel.y = shot->vel.z = shot->obj.rot.x = shot->obj.rot.y = shot->obj.rot.z = 0.0f; shot->unk_44 = 1.0f; shot->unk_5C = 1; shot->unk_64 = 30; shot->unk_58 = 150; Audio_PlayBombExplodeSfx(shot->playerNum, shot->sfxSource); gScreenFlashTimer = 4; if (shot->obj.pos.y < (gGroundHeight + 450.0f)) { gCameraShake = 15; if (gGroundSurface == SURFACE_WATER) { func_effect_8007D9DC(shot->obj.pos.x, gGroundHeight + 2.0f, shot->obj.pos.z, shot->unk_48 * 0.1f, shot->unk_48 * 3.0f, 0); func_effect_8007D9DC(shot->obj.pos.x, gGroundHeight + 2.0f, shot->obj.pos.z, shot->unk_48 * 0.1f, shot->unk_48 * 3.0f, 5); func_effect_8007D9DC(shot->obj.pos.x, gGroundHeight + 2.0f, shot->obj.pos.z, shot->unk_48 * 0.1f, shot->unk_48 * 3.0f, 10); func_effect_8007ADF4(shot->obj.pos.x, gGroundHeight, shot->obj.pos.z, shot->unk_48 * 0.05f, shot->unk_48 * 0.5f); func_effect_8007A6F0(&shot->obj.pos, 0x19000014); } else { func_enmy_80062B60(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.z, 0, shot->unk_48 * 3.0f); } } if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_BOLSE) { var_fv0 = 180.0f - (shot->obj.pos.y / 20.0f); if (var_fv0 < 50.0f) { var_fv0 = 50.0f; } var_fv1 = shot->obj.pos.y / 1000.0f; if (var_fv1 > 2.0f) { var_fv1 = 2.0f; } func_effect_8007B550(shot->obj.pos.x, gGroundHeight + 6.0f, shot->obj.pos.z, shot->unk_48 * (1.5f + var_fv1), var_fv0); } if (gVersusMode) { var_v0 = shot->playerNum + 10; } else { var_v0 = 0; } func_effect_8007B344(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, shot->unk_48 * 1.5f, var_v0); if (D_ctx_80178294 != 0) { var_fs0 = 5.0f; if (shot->obj.pos.y > 300.0f) { var_fs0 = 1.0f; } else if (shot->obj.pos.y > 200.0f) { var_fs0 = 2.0f; } else if (shot->obj.pos.y > 100.0f) { var_fs0 = 3.0f; } else if (shot->obj.pos.y > 0.0f) { var_fs0 = 4.0f; } var_fs0 *= 2.0f; func_effect_8007AFD0(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.z, 50.0f, 0.0f, var_fs0); func_effect_8007AFD0(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.z, 46.0f, 19.0f, var_fs0); func_effect_8007AFD0(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.z, 35.0f, 35.0f, var_fs0); func_effect_8007AFD0(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.z, 19.0f, 46.0f, var_fs0); func_effect_8007AFD0(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.z, 0.0f, 50.0f, var_fs0); func_effect_8007AFD0(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.z, -50.0f, 0.0f, var_fs0); func_effect_8007AFD0(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.z, -46.0f, 19.0f, var_fs0); func_effect_8007AFD0(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.z, -35.0f, 35.0f, var_fs0); func_effect_8007AFD0(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.z, -19.0f, 46.0f, var_fs0); } } } void func_beam_80036318(PlayerShot* shot) { s32 var_v0_2; s32 i; if (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_4) { Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); return; } shot->obj.pos.z = D_ctx_80178498; // strange order on the globals shot->obj.pos.y = D_ctx_801784A0; shot->obj.pos.x = D_ctx_8017849C; if ((shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_BOMB) || ((gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_AQUAS) && (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_8) && (shot->unk_5C != 0))) { if (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_8) { shot->obj.id = PLAYERSHOT_BOMB; shot->unk_5C = 0; } func_beam_80035E78(shot); } else if (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_8) { shot->unk_44 = 7.5f; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gActors); i++) { gActors[i].lockOnTimers[shot->playerNum] = 0; } shot->vel.x = shot->vel.y = shot->vel.z = 0.0f; if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AQUAS) { gLight3R = gLight3G = gLight3B = 0; func_effect_8007B344(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 10.0f, 4); func_effect_8007C120(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f, 30); } else { if (gVersusMode) { var_v0_2 = shot->playerNum + 10; } else { var_v0_2 = 12; } func_effect_8007B344(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 10.0f, var_v0_2); func_effect_8007D2C8(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 4.0f); } } else { shot->obj.status = 2; shot->unk_60 = 0; } } void func_beam_80036528(Effect* effect, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 zPos, f32 yRot, f32 xRot, f32 scale, s32 unk44, s32 time) { Effect_Initialize(effect); effect->obj.status = OBJ_INIT; effect->obj.id = OBJ_EFFECT_344; effect->obj.pos.x = xPos; effect->obj.pos.y = yPos; effect->obj.pos.z = zPos; effect->obj.rot.y = yRot; effect->obj.rot.x = xRot; effect->scale2 = scale * 0.5f; effect->unk_44 = unk44; effect->unk_46 = 80; effect->timer_50 = time; Object_SetInfo(&effect->info, effect->obj.id); func_play_800A6070(effect->sfxSource, 0x29000000); } void func_beam_800365E4(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 zPos, f32 arg3, f32 arg4, f32 arg5, f32 yRot, f32 xRot, f32 scale, s32 unk44, s32 time) { s32 i; if ((gGroundType != 4) && (gLevelType == LEVELTYPE_PLANET) && (gGroundSurface != SURFACE_WATER) && (gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_SOLAR) && (gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_BOLSE) && (gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_TRAINING) && (gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_ZONESS)) { for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { if (gEffects[i].obj.status == OBJ_FREE) { func_beam_80036528(&gEffects[i], xPos, yPos, zPos, yRot, xRot, scale, unk44, time); break; } } } } void func_beam_800366CC(Effect* effect, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 zPos, f32 yRot, f32 scale) { Effect_Initialize(effect); effect->obj.status = OBJ_INIT; effect->obj.id = OBJ_EFFECT_345; effect->obj.pos.x = xPos; effect->obj.pos.y = yPos; effect->obj.pos.z = zPos; effect->obj.rot.y = yRot; effect->scale2 = scale * 0.5f; effect->timer_50 = 80; Object_SetInfo(&effect->info, effect->obj.id); func_play_800A6070(effect->sfxSource, 0x29000000); } void func_beam_80036770(f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 zPos, f32 yRot, f32 scale) { s32 i; if ((gGroundType != 4) && (gLevelType == LEVELTYPE_PLANET) && (gGroundSurface <= SURFACE_GRASS) && (gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_TRAINING) && (gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_SOLAR) && (gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_ZONESS)) { for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { if (gEffects[i].obj.status == OBJ_FREE) { func_beam_800366CC(&gEffects[i], xPos, yPos, zPos, yRot, scale); func_effect_8007D10C(xPos, yPos, zPos, 2.0f); break; } } } if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_BOLSE) { func_effect_8007D10C(xPos, yPos, zPos, 2.0f); } } s32 func_beam_80036874(PlayerShot* shot, f32* hitboxData, Object* obj) { s32 count; f32 shotPx; f32 shotPy; f32 shotPz; f32 xySizeMod; f32 boxRotX; f32 boxRotY; f32 boxRotZ; f32 rotateBox; f32 checkDist; Vec3f spAC; Vec3f spA0; s32 i; Hitbox* hitbox; checkDist = 2000.0f; if ((gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_KATINA) || (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_SECTOR_Y)) { checkDist = 5000.0f; } else if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_ZONESS) { checkDist = 3500.0f; } if ((fabsf(shot->obj.pos.z - obj->pos.z) < checkDist) && (fabsf(shot->obj.pos.x - obj->pos.x) < checkDist) && (fabsf(shot->obj.pos.y - obj->pos.y) < checkDist)) { count = *hitboxData; if (count != 0) { xySizeMod = 10.0f; if ((shot->playerNum < 4) && ((gLaserStrength[shot->playerNum] != LASERS_SINGLE) || (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_8))) { xySizeMod += 30.0f; } hitboxData++; for (i = 0; i < count; i++, hitboxData += 6) { rotateBox = 0.0f; boxRotZ = 0.0f; boxRotY = 0.0f; boxRotX = 0.0f; if (hitboxData[0] >= HITBOX_SHADOW) { return 0; } if (hitboxData[0] == HITBOX_ROTATED) { rotateBox = 1.0f; boxRotX = hitboxData[1]; boxRotY = hitboxData[2]; boxRotZ = hitboxData[3]; hitboxData += 4; } if ((obj->rot.y == 0.0f) && (obj->rot.z == 0.0f) && (obj->rot.x == 0.0f) && (rotateBox == 0.0f)) { shotPx = shot->obj.pos.x; shotPy = shot->obj.pos.y; shotPz = shot->obj.pos.z; } else { Matrix_RotateZ(gCalcMatrix, -boxRotZ * M_DTOR, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, -boxRotX * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, -boxRotY * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(gCalcMatrix, -obj->rot.z * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, -obj->rot.x * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, -obj->rot.y * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); spAC.x = shot->obj.pos.x - obj->pos.x; spAC.y = shot->obj.pos.y - obj->pos.y; spAC.z = shot->obj.pos.z - obj->pos.z; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &spAC, &spA0); shotPx = obj->pos.x + spA0.x; shotPy = obj->pos.y + spA0.y; shotPz = obj->pos.z + spA0.z; } hitbox = (Hitbox*) hitboxData; if ((fabsf(hitbox->z.offset + obj->pos.z - shotPz) < (hitbox->z.size + 50.0f)) && (fabsf(hitbox->x.offset + obj->pos.x - shotPx) < (hitbox->x.size + xySizeMod)) && (fabsf(hitbox->y.offset + obj->pos.y - shotPy) < (hitbox->y.size + xySizeMod))) { if (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_4) { Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); return 0; } if ((obj->id <= OBJ_SPRITE_GFOX_TARGET) || (obj->id >= OBJ_BOSS_292)) { func_beam_80036318(shot); } if ((obj->id == OBJ_SCENERY_15) || ((obj->id == OBJ_SCENERY_22) && (i == 0)) || ((obj->id == OBJ_SCENERY_10) && (i == 0)) || ((obj->id == OBJ_SCENERY_13) && (i == 0)) || ((obj->id == OBJ_SCENERY_12) && (i < 3)) || (obj->id == OBJ_SCENERY_16) || (obj->id == OBJ_SCENERY_14)) { if (shot->obj.pos.x - (obj->pos.x + hitbox->x.offset) < -hitbox->x.size) { if (hitbox->z.size + (obj->pos.z + hitbox->z.offset) < shot->obj.pos.z) { shot->obj.pos.z = hitbox->z.size + (obj->pos.z + hitbox->z.offset) - 5.0f; } func_beam_800365E4((hitbox->x.offset + obj->pos.x) - (hitbox->x.size + 2.0f), shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, obj->pos.x, obj->pos.z, obj->rot.y, obj->rot.y + 90.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f, 1, 20); return i + 1; } if (hitbox->x.size < shot->obj.pos.x - (obj->pos.x + hitbox->x.offset)) { if ((hitbox->z.size + (obj->pos.z + hitbox->z.offset)) < shot->obj.pos.z) { shot->obj.pos.z = hitbox->z.size + (obj->pos.z + hitbox->z.offset) - 5.0f; } func_beam_800365E4(hitbox->x.size + (hitbox->x.offset + obj->pos.x) + 2.0f, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, obj->pos.x, obj->pos.z, obj->rot.y, obj->rot.y + 90.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f, 1, 20); return i + 1; } if (((hitbox->y.size + (obj->pos.y + hitbox->y.offset)) - 10.0f) <= shot->obj.pos.y) { shot->obj.pos.y = ((hitbox->y.size + (obj->pos.y + hitbox->y.offset)) - 10.0f); } func_beam_800365E4(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, hitbox->z.size + (obj->pos.z + hitbox->z.offset) + 20.0f, obj->pos.x, obj->pos.z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f, 1, 20); return i + 1; } if (obj->id <= OBJ_SCENERY_160) { func_effect_8007A6F0(&shot->obj.pos, 0x29121007); } return i + 1; } } } } return 0; } s32 func_beam_80036F88(PlayerShot* shot, Actor* actor) { s32 i; f32* hitboxData; f32 shotPx; f32 shotPy; f32 shotPz; f32 xySizeMod; Vec3f sp7C; Vec3f sp70; Hitbox* hitbox; s32 count; if ((fabsf(shot->obj.pos.z - actor->obj.pos.z) < 2000.0f) && (fabsf(shot->obj.pos.y - actor->obj.pos.y) < 2000.0f) && (fabsf(shot->obj.pos.x - actor->obj.pos.x) < 2000.0f)) { hitboxData = actor->info.hitbox; count = *hitboxData++; if (count != 0) { xySizeMod = 0.0f; if (actor->info.unk_16 == 1) { xySizeMod = fabsf((actor->obj.pos.z + D_ctx_80177D20) / 50.0f) + 10.0f; if ((shot->playerNum < 4) && ((gLaserStrength[shot->playerNum] != LASERS_SINGLE) || (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_8))) { xySizeMod += 30.0f; } } for (i = 0; i < count; i++, hitboxData += 6) { if (actor->info.unk_16 == 1) { shotPx = shot->obj.pos.x; shotPy = shot->obj.pos.y; shotPz = shot->obj.pos.z; } else { if (hitboxData[0] == HITBOX_ROTATED) { Matrix_RotateZ(gCalcMatrix, -hitboxData[3] * M_DTOR, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, -hitboxData[1] * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, -hitboxData[2] * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(gCalcMatrix, -actor->obj.rot.z * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, -actor->obj.rot.x * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, -actor->obj.rot.y * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); hitboxData += 4; } else { Matrix_RotateZ(gCalcMatrix, -actor->obj.rot.z * M_DTOR, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, -actor->obj.rot.x * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, -actor->obj.rot.y * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); } if (((actor->vwork[29].z != 0.0f) || (actor->vwork[29].x != 0.0f) || (actor->unk_0F4.z != 0.0f) || (actor->vwork[29].y != 0.0f)) && (actor->unk_0B4 != EINFO_31)) { Matrix_RotateZ(gCalcMatrix, -(actor->vwork[29].z + actor->unk_0F4.z) * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, -actor->vwork[29].x * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, -actor->vwork[29].y * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); } sp7C.x = shot->obj.pos.x - actor->obj.pos.x; sp7C.y = shot->obj.pos.y - actor->obj.pos.y; sp7C.z = shot->obj.pos.z - actor->obj.pos.z; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &sp7C, &sp70); shotPx = actor->obj.pos.x + sp70.x; shotPy = actor->obj.pos.y + sp70.y; shotPz = actor->obj.pos.z + sp70.z; } hitbox = (Hitbox*) hitboxData; if ((fabsf(hitbox->z.offset + actor->obj.pos.z - shotPz) < (hitbox->z.size + 50.0f)) && (fabsf(hitbox->x.offset + actor->obj.pos.x - shotPx) < (hitbox->x.size + xySizeMod)) && (fabsf(hitbox->y.offset + actor->obj.pos.y - shotPy) < (hitbox->y.size + xySizeMod))) { return i + 1; } } } } return 0; } bool func_beam_80037438(PlayerShot* shot, Actor* actor) { Object* shotx = &shot->obj; f32 temp_fv1 = actor->obj.pos.x - shotx->pos.x; f32 temp_fa0 = actor->obj.pos.z - shotx->pos.z; f32 var_fa1; f32* hitboxData = actor->info.hitbox; if (((s32) hitboxData[0] != 0) && (sqrtf(SQ(temp_fv1) + SQ(temp_fa0)) <= 500.0f)) { if (shot->playerNum < 4) { temp_fv1 = actor->obj.pos.x - gPlayer[0].cam.eye.x; temp_fa0 = actor->obj.pos.z + D_ctx_80177D20 - gPlayer[0].cam.eye.z; var_fa1 = (sqrtf(SQ(temp_fv1) + SQ(temp_fa0)) / 50.0f) + 20.0f + 10.0f; if (var_fa1 > 200.0f) { var_fa1 = 200.0f; } if (shotx->id == PLAYERSHOT_8) { var_fa1 = 30.0f; } else if (gLaserStrength[shot->playerNum] != LASERS_SINGLE) { var_fa1 += 30.0f; } if (fabsf(hitboxData[1] + actor->obj.pos.z - shotx->pos.z) < (hitboxData[2] + var_fa1)) { if (fabsf(hitboxData[3] + actor->obj.pos.y - shotx->pos.y) < (hitboxData[4] + var_fa1)) { if (fabsf(hitboxData[5] + actor->obj.pos.x - shotx->pos.x) < (hitboxData[6] + var_fa1)) { return true; } } } } else { if (fabsf(hitboxData[1] + actor->obj.pos.z - shotx->pos.z) < hitboxData[2]) { if (fabsf(hitboxData[3] + actor->obj.pos.y - shotx->pos.y) < hitboxData[4]) { if (fabsf(hitboxData[5] + actor->obj.pos.x - shotx->pos.x) < hitboxData[6]) { return true; } } } } } return false; } bool func_beam_80037698(PlayerShot* shot, Sprite* sprite) { f32* temp_v0 = sprite->info.hitbox; if (((s32) temp_v0[0] != 0) && (fabsf(temp_v0[1] + sprite->obj.pos.z - shot->obj.pos.z) < temp_v0[2]) && (fabsf(temp_v0[3] + sprite->obj.pos.y - shot->obj.pos.y) < temp_v0[4]) && (fabsf(temp_v0[5] + sprite->obj.pos.x - shot->obj.pos.x) < temp_v0[6])) { return true; } return false; } bool func_beam_8003774C(PlayerShot* shot, ObjectId objId, Object* obj) { Vec3f sp7C; Vec3f sp70; Vec3f sp64; Vec3f sp58; Vec3f sp4C; f32 sp44[2]; Vec3f sp38; bool useCol2; s32 pad1; sp7C.x = obj->pos.x - shot->obj.pos.x; sp7C.z = obj->pos.z - shot->obj.pos.z; // undefined behavior: if this check fails, the function returns no value if (((fabsf(sp7C.x) < 1100.0f) && (fabsf(sp7C.z) < 1100.0f) && (shot->obj.pos.y < 900.0f)) || (objId == OBJ_BOSS_313) || (objId == ACTOR_EVENT_ID) || (objId == OBJ_SCENERY_39)) { Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, -obj->rot.y * M_DTOR, MTXF_NEW); sp7C.x = shot->obj.pos.x - obj->pos.x; sp7C.y = shot->obj.pos.y - obj->pos.y; sp7C.z = shot->obj.pos.z - obj->pos.z; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &sp7C, &sp70); sp7C.x = shot->vel.x; sp7C.y = shot->vel.y; sp7C.z = shot->vel.z; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &sp7C, &sp38); sp64.x = obj->pos.x + sp70.x; sp64.y = obj->pos.y + sp70.y; sp64.z = obj->pos.z + sp70.z; sp58.x = obj->pos.x; sp58.y = obj->pos.y; sp58.z = obj->pos.z; useCol2 = false; switch (objId) { case OBJ_ACTOR_180: objId = COL1_0; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_4: case OBJ_SCENERY_5: objId = COL2_1; useCol2 = true; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_149: objId = COL1_5; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_150: objId = COL1_6; break; case OBJ_BOSS_308: objId = COL1_4; break; case OBJ_BOSS_312: objId = COL1_9; break; case OBJ_BOSS_309: objId = COL1_7; break; case ACTOR_EVENT_ID: objId = COL1_3; break; case OBJ_BOSS_313: objId = COL1_8; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_39: objId = COL1_1; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_120: objId = COL2_18; useCol2 = true; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_143: objId = COL2_17; useCol2 = true; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_124: objId = COL2_15; useCol2 = true; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_126: objId = COL2_16; useCol2 = true; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_47: objId = COL2_7; useCol2 = true; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_2: objId = COL2_2; useCol2 = true; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_3: case OBJ_SCENERY_69: objId = COL2_3; useCol2 = true; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_140: objId = COL2_4; useCol2 = true; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_141: objId = COL2_6; useCol2 = true; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_117: objId = COL2_14; useCol2 = true; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_70: objId = COL2_8; useCol2 = true; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_72: objId = COL2_9; useCol2 = true; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_71: objId = COL2_10; useCol2 = true; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_73: objId = COL2_11; useCol2 = true; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_67: objId = COL2_12; useCol2 = true; break; case OBJ_SCENERY_74: objId = COL2_13; useCol2 = true; break; default: objId = COL2_0; useCol2 = true; break; } if (!useCol2) { if (func_col1_800998FC(&sp64, &sp58, &sp38, objId, &sp4C, sp44) > 0) { if (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_4) { Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); return false; } func_beam_80036318(shot); func_effect_8007A6F0(&shot->obj.pos, 0x29121007); if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_METEO) { Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, obj->rot.y * M_DTOR, MTXF_NEW); sp7C.x = sp4C.x - obj->pos.x; sp7C.y = sp4C.y - obj->pos.y; sp7C.z = sp4C.z - obj->pos.z; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &sp7C, &sp70); shot->obj.pos.x = obj->pos.x + sp70.x; shot->obj.pos.y = obj->pos.y + sp70.y; shot->obj.pos.z = obj->pos.z + sp70.z; } if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_FORTUNA) { func_effect_8007BC7C(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 3.0f); func_effect_8007BC7C(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 3.0f); } return true; } } else if (func_col2_800A3690(&sp64, &sp58, objId, &sp4C)) { if (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_4) { Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); return false; } func_beam_80036318(shot); func_effect_8007A6F0(&shot->obj.pos, 0x29121007); if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_FORTUNA) { func_effect_8007BC7C(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 3.0f); func_effect_8007BC7C(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 3.0f); } return true; } return false; } // return false; } void func_beam_80037CF4(PlayerShot* shot, Actor* actor, s32 hitIndex) { Vec3f sp44 = { 0.0f, 0.0f, -100.0f }; Vec3f sp38; actor->unk_0D0 = 1; actor->unk_0D2 = hitIndex - 1; actor->timer_0C2 = 2; actor->damage = 10; if ((shot->playerNum < 4) && (gPlayer[shot->playerNum].form != FORM_LANDMASTER)) { switch (gLaserStrength[shot->playerNum]) { case LASERS_TWIN: actor->damage = 12; break; case LASERS_HYPER: actor->damage = 15; break; } } else if ((shot->playerNum >= 100) && (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_SECTOR_X)) { if ((gActors[shot->playerNum - 100].obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_EVENT) && (gActors[shot->playerNum - 100].iwork[12] == TEAM_ID_BILL)) { actor->damage = 30; } } if (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_9) { actor->damage = 100; } else if (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_8) { if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AQUAS) { actor->damage = 31; } else { actor->unk_0D0 = 2; actor->damage = 30; actor->lockOnTimers[shot->playerNum] = 0; } } actor->unk_0D4 = shot->playerNum + 1; actor->hitPos.x = shot->obj.pos.x; actor->hitPos.y = shot->obj.pos.y; actor->hitPos.z = shot->obj.pos.z; if (((actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_EVENT) && (actor->unk_0D2 == 0) && ((actor->unk_0B4 == EINFO_48) || (actor->unk_0B4 == EINFO_49) || (actor->unk_0B4 == EINFO_50))) || ((actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_ALLRANGE) && (actor->fwork[23] > 1.0f)) || ((actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_EVENT) && (actor->unk_0D2 == 0) && (actor->unk_0B4 == EINFO_67)) || ((actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_261) && (shot->obj.id != PLAYERSHOT_8) && ((actor->state < 3) || (actor->state >= 5))) || ((actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_260) && (shot->obj.id != PLAYERSHOT_8) && (actor->timer_0BC != 0))) { if ((actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_261) && (actor->state < 2)) { actor->state = 2; } if ((shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_8) || (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_BOMB)) { func_beam_80036318(shot); } else { shot->unk_64 = 25; shot->obj.rot.y += 90.0f; shot->obj.rot.x = RAND_FLOAT(360.0f); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, shot->obj.rot.y * M_DTOR, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, shot->obj.rot.x * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &sp44, &sp38); shot->vel.x = sp38.x; shot->vel.y = sp38.y; shot->vel.z = sp38.z; shot->obj.pos.x += shot->vel.x * 5.0f; shot->obj.pos.y += shot->vel.y * 5.0f; shot->obj.pos.z += shot->vel.z * 5.0f; actor->timer_0C2 = 3; func_effect_80078E50(actor->obj.pos.x, actor->obj.pos.y, actor->obj.pos.z, 8.0f); AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(0x29121007, actor->sfxSource, 4); func_play_800A668C(D_ctx_8017849C, D_ctx_801784A0, D_ctx_80178498); } } else { func_beam_80036318(shot); } } void func_beam_80038140(PlayerShot* shot) { s32 i; s32 temp_v0; s32 spA4; Vec3f test; f32 sp94; Vec3f sp88; Vec3f sp7C; Actor* actor; Boss* boss; Scenery360* scenery360; Sprite* sprite; Scenery* scenery; Effect* effect; bool sp60; Player* player; sp60 = true; if (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_4) { sp60 = false; } if (sp60) { for (i = 0, effect = gEffects; i < 100; i++, effect++) { if ((effect->obj.status >= OBJ_ACTIVE) && (effect->info.unk_19 != 0) && (fabsf(shot->obj.pos.z - effect->obj.pos.z) < 200.0f) && (fabsf(shot->obj.pos.x - effect->obj.pos.x) < 100.0f) && (fabsf(shot->obj.pos.y - effect->obj.pos.y) < 100.0f)) { if (effect->info.unk_19 == 2) { effect->unk_44 = 1; } else { Object_Kill(&effect->obj, effect->sfxSource); } } } for (i = 0, actor = gActors; i < 60; i++, actor++) { if ((actor->obj.status >= OBJ_ACTIVE) && (actor->timer_0C2 == 0)) { switch (actor->obj.id) { case OBJ_ACTOR_180: if (func_beam_8003774C(shot, actor->obj.id, &actor->obj)) { actor->unk_0D0 = 1; actor->unk_0D2 = shot->playerNum; return; } break; case OBJ_ACTOR_EVENT: if (actor->unk_0B4 == EINFO_42) { if (func_beam_8003774C(shot, ACTOR_EVENT_ID, &actor->obj)) { actor->unk_0D0 = 1; actor->unk_0D2 = shot->playerNum; return; } } else if (actor->unk_0B4 == EINFO_63) { test.x = fabsf(actor->obj.pos.x - shot->obj.pos.x); test.y = fabsf(actor->obj.pos.y - shot->obj.pos.y); test.z = fabsf(actor->obj.pos.z - shot->obj.pos.z); if (VEC3F_MAG(&test) < 1000.0f) { func_beam_80037CF4(shot, actor, 0); } } else { temp_v0 = func_beam_80036F88(shot, actor); if (temp_v0 != 0) { func_beam_80037CF4(shot, actor, temp_v0); return; } } break; default: if (actor->info.unk_16 != 0) { if (actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_ALLRANGE) { if ((actor->aiType >= AI360_WOLF) && (actor->aiType < AI360_10) && (((gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_VENOM_2) && (shot->playerNum < 104)) || ((gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_VENOM_2) && (shot->playerNum == 0))) && (shot->obj.id != PLAYERSHOT_8) && (fabsf(actor->obj.pos.x - shot->obj.pos.x) < 500.0f) && (fabsf(actor->obj.pos.y - shot->obj.pos.y) < 300.0f) && (fabsf(actor->obj.pos.z - shot->obj.pos.z) < 500.0f)) { if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_VENOM_2) { actor->iwork[17] = 1; } else if (Rand_ZeroOne() < 0.1f) { actor->iwork[17] = 1; } } } temp_v0 = func_beam_80037438(shot, actor); if (temp_v0 != 0) { func_beam_80037CF4(shot, actor, temp_v0); return; } } else { temp_v0 = func_beam_80036874(shot, actor->info.hitbox, &actor->obj); if (temp_v0 != 0) { func_beam_80037CF4(shot, actor, temp_v0); return; } } break; } } } if (gLevelMode == LEVELMODE_ALL_RANGE) { for (i = 0, player = gPlayer; i < gCamCount; i++, player++) { test.x = 50.0f; if (gVersusMode && (shot->playerNum < 4) && !((gLaserStrength[shot->playerNum] == LASERS_SINGLE) && (shot->obj.id != PLAYERSHOT_8))) { test.x = 100.0f; } if (player->unk_280 >= 100) { test.x = 150.0f; } if (player->form == FORM_LANDMASTER) { test.x *= 2.0f; test.y = test.x + 50.0f; } else if (player->form == FORM_ON_FOOT) { test.y = test.x + 50.0f; } else { test.y = test.x; } test.z = test.x; if ((i != shot->playerNum) && ((player->state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_ACTIVE) || (player->state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_DOWN)) && (fabsf(player->unk_138 - shot->obj.pos.z) < test.z) && (fabsf(player->pos.x - shot->obj.pos.x) < test.x) && (fabsf(player->pos.y - shot->obj.pos.y) < test.y)) { if (player->unk_280 >= 100) { shot->obj.rot.y = player->unk_0E8 + player->unk_114 + 180.0f + 90.0f; shot->obj.rot.x = RAND_FLOAT(360.0f); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, shot->obj.rot.y * M_DTOR, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, shot->obj.rot.x * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); sp88.x = sp88.y = 0.0f; sp88.z = -133.33333f; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &sp88, &sp7C); shot->vel.x = sp7C.x; shot->vel.y = sp7C.y; shot->vel.z = sp7C.z; shot->obj.pos.x += 2.0f * shot->vel.x; shot->obj.pos.y += 2.0f * shot->vel.y; shot->obj.pos.z += 2.0f * shot->vel.z; shot->unk_64 = 5; AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(0x09007011, player->sfxSource, 0); func_effect_80078E50(player->pos.x, player->pos.y, player->unk_138, 8.0f); } else { func_beam_80036318(shot); if (player->unk_1F4 == 0) { if (gPlayer[0].form == 3) { Player_ApplyDamage(player, 0, 60); } else { Player_ApplyDamage(player, 0, 20); } player->unk_284 = 1; if (gCamCount != 1) { player->unk_288 = shot->playerNum + 1; } player->unk_0D8.x = shot->vel.x * 0.1f; player->unk_0D8.y = shot->vel.y * 0.1f; player->unk_0D8.z = shot->vel.z * 0.1f; if (player->form != FORM_ON_FOOT) { func_effect_8007D1E0(player->pos.x, player->pos.y, player->unk_138, 2.0f); } } } } } } } if ((gGroundType == 4) && Ground_801B6AEC(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z + D_ctx_80177D20)) { func_beam_80036318(shot); if (shot->obj.id != PLAYERSHOT_4) { func_effect_8007A900(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 2.0f, 255, 15, 0); } } if ((D_ctx_80178294 != 0) && func_play_800A73E4(&sp94, &spA4, shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z)) { func_beam_80036318(shot); if (shot->obj.id != PLAYERSHOT_4) { func_effect_8007B228(shot->obj.pos.x, sp94, shot->obj.pos.z, 1.0f); } } if ((gLevelMode == LEVELMODE_ALL_RANGE) && (shot->playerNum < 110)) { for (i = 0, scenery360 = gScenery360; i < 200; i++, scenery360++) { if (scenery360->obj.status == OBJ_ACTIVE) { if ((scenery360->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_117) || (scenery360->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_141) || (scenery360->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_149) || (scenery360->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_150) || (scenery360->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_148) || (scenery360->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_143) || (scenery360->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_160) || (scenery360->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_1) || (scenery360->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_3) || (scenery360->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_140)) { func_beam_8003774C(shot, scenery360->obj.id, &scenery360->obj); } else { func_beam_80036874(shot, scenery360->info.hitbox, &scenery360->obj); } } } } else { for (i = 0, scenery = gScenery; i < 50; i++, scenery++) { if (scenery->obj.status == OBJ_ACTIVE) { if ((scenery->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_1) || (scenery->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_39) || (scenery->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_4) || (scenery->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_5) || (scenery->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_120) || (scenery->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_124) || (scenery->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_126) || (scenery->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_47) || (scenery->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_2) || (scenery->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_3) || (scenery->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_67) || (scenery->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_74) || (scenery->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_3)) { func_beam_8003774C(shot, scenery->obj.id, &scenery->obj); } else { temp_v0 = func_beam_80036874(shot, scenery->info.hitbox, &scenery->obj); if (temp_v0 != 0) { scenery->dmgType = 1; scenery->dmgPart = temp_v0 - 1; } } } } } if (sp60) { for (i = 0, sprite = gSprites; i < 40; i++, sprite++) { if (sprite->obj.status == OBJ_ACTIVE) { if (sprite->obj.id != OBJ_SPRITE_TI_CACTUS) { if (func_beam_80037698(shot, sprite)) { sprite->unk_46 = 1; } } else { if (func_beam_80036874(shot, sprite->info.hitbox, &sprite->obj) != 0) { sprite->unk_46 = 1; } } } } } for (i = 0, boss = gBosses; i < 4; i++, boss++) { if ((boss->obj.status == OBJ_ACTIVE) && (boss->timer_05A == 0)) { if ((boss->obj.id == OBJ_BOSS_308) || (boss->obj.id == OBJ_BOSS_312) || (boss->obj.id == OBJ_BOSS_309) || (boss->obj.id == OBJ_BOSS_313)) { func_beam_8003774C(shot, boss->obj.id, &boss->obj); } else if (boss->obj.id == OBJ_BOSS_310) { test.x = fabsf(boss->obj.pos.x - shot->obj.pos.x) * .8333333f; test.y = fabsf(boss->obj.pos.y - shot->obj.pos.y) * 2; test.z = fabsf(boss->obj.pos.z - shot->obj.pos.z) * 0.8333333f; if (VEC3F_MAG(&test) < 1500.0f) { if (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_4) { Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); } else { boss->dmgType = DMG_BEAM; func_beam_80036318(shot); AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(0x29001062, shot->sfxSource, 4); } } } else { if (boss->obj.id == OBJ_BOSS_316) { test.x = fabsf(boss->obj.pos.x - shot->obj.pos.x); test.y = fabsf(boss->obj.pos.y - 300.0f - shot->obj.pos.y) * 7.42f; test.z = fabsf(boss->obj.pos.z - shot->obj.pos.z); if (VEC3F_MAG(&test) < 2700.0f) { if (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_4) { Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); } else { boss->dmgType = DMG_BEAM; boss->dmgPart = 100; AUDIO_PLAY_SFX(0x29121007, shot->sfxSource, 4); func_beam_80036318(shot); } } } temp_v0 = func_beam_80036874(shot, boss->info.hitbox, &boss->obj); if (temp_v0 != 0) { if (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_4) { Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); } else { if ((boss->obj.id == OBJ_BOSS_316) && (shot->playerNum != 0)) { break; } boss->dmgType = DMG_BEAM; if (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_BOMB) { boss->dmgType = DMG_BOMB; boss->damage = 20; } else if (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_8) { if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AQUAS) { boss->damage = 31; } else { boss->damage = 30; } } else { boss->damage = 10; if (shot->playerNum < 4) { switch (gLaserStrength[shot->playerNum]) { case LASERS_SINGLE: case LASERS_TWIN: break; case LASERS_HYPER: boss->damage = 15; break; } } } if (boss->obj.id == OBJ_BOSS_314) { boss->swork[19] = shot->playerNum; } boss->dmgPart = temp_v0 - 1; if (boss->obj.id == OBJ_BOSS_301) { boss->swork[5] = shot->obj.id; } else if (boss->obj.id == OBJ_BOSS_319) { boss->fwork[47] = shot->obj.pos.x; boss->fwork[48] = shot->obj.pos.y; boss->fwork[49] = shot->obj.pos.z; } } } } } } } void func_beam_80038F34(PlayerShot* shot) { Vec3f sp4C = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; s32 sp48 = 0; Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z + D_ctx_80177D20, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_MultVec3f(gGfxMatrix, &sp4C, &D_beam_8015F950); if ((D_beam_8015F950.z < 0.0f) && (D_beam_8015F950.z > -10000.0f)) { if (fabsf(D_beam_8015F950.x) < (fabsf(D_beam_8015F950.z * 0.5f) + 500.0f)) { if (fabsf(D_beam_8015F950.y) < (fabsf(D_beam_8015F950.z * 0.5f) + 500.0f)) { sp48 = 1; } } } if (!sp48) { if (!gVersusMode) { Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); return; } } else { shot->obj.rot.y = -gPlayer[gPlayerNum].camYaw; Matrix_RotateY(gGfxMatrix, shot->obj.rot.y, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, MTXF_APPLY); if (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_7) { Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, MTXF_APPLY); } Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); RCP_SetupDL_40(); switch (shot->unk_60) { case 0: gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_1026090); break; case 1: gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_1025800); break; case 2: Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 1.5f, 0.7f, 1.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_1025800); break; } } } void func_beam_80039210(PlayerShot* shot) { f32 var_fv0; f32 var_fv1; u8 var_a1; f32 sp70; Gfx* sp6C; sp6C = D_101AED0; if (gCamCount < 4) { RCP_SetupDL_21(); sp70 = 9.0f; if ((shot->unk_58 == 0) || ((gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_METEO) && (gPlayer[0].state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_LEVEL_INTRO))) { var_fv0 = 4.0f; var_fv1 = 20.0f; } else { var_fv0 = 2.0f; var_fv1 = 10.0f; } if ((gLaserStrength[0] > LASERS_SINGLE) && (shot->unk_58 == 0)) { switch (gLaserStrength[0]) { case LASERS_TWIN: break; case LASERS_HYPER: sp6C = D_101AD20; break; } if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AQUAS) { sp70 = 4.0f; } Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, var_fv0, var_fv0, var_fv1, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gGfxMatrix, M_PI, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, sp70, 0.f, 0.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, sp6C); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, -(2.0f * sp70), 0.0f, 0.f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, sp6C); } else { var_a1 = 0; if ((gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_KATINA) && (shot->playerNum >= 104) && (shot->playerNum != 108)) { if (gActors[shot->playerNum - 100].obj.id != OBJ_ACTOR_EVENT) { var_a1 = 1; } else if (gActors[shot->playerNum - 100].iwork[12] == TEAM_ID_BILL) { var_a1 = 2; } } else if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_KATINA) { if (gPlayer[0].state_1C8 != PLAYERSTATE_1C8_LEVEL_INTRO) { if (shot->playerNum >= 104) { if (gActors[shot->playerNum - 100].unk_0B6 == 0) { var_a1 = 1; } if (gActors[shot->playerNum - 100].unk_0B6 == 2) { var_a1 = 2; } } } else if (gActors[shot->playerNum - 100].unk_0B6 == 34) { var_a1 = 1; } } switch (var_a1) { case 0: Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, var_fv0, var_fv0, var_fv1, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gGfxMatrix, M_PI, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_101AED0); break; case 1: Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, 0.0f, 0.f, 150.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.5f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gGfxMatrix, M_PI, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_101ABD0); break; case 2: Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, var_fv0, var_fv0, var_fv1, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gGfxMatrix, M_PI, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, 25.0f, 0.0f, 0.f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_101AED0); sp6C = D_101AED0; Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, -50.0f, 0.0f, 0.f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, sp6C); break; case 3: Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, 50.0f, 0.0f, 150.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.5f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gGfxMatrix, M_PI, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_101ABD0); Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, -50.0f, 0.0f, 150.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.5f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gGfxMatrix, M_PI, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_101ABD0); break; } } } else { RCP_SetupDL_64(); switch (shot->playerNum) { case 0: gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0x00, 0x00, 255, 255, 32, 255); break; case 1: gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0x00, 0x00, 255, 100, 200, 255); break; case 2: gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0x00, 0x00, 32, 255, 32, 255); break; case 3: gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0x00, 0x00, 32, 32, 255, 255); break; } Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 6.0f, 4.0f, 10.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gGfxMatrix, M_PI, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); if (gLaserStrength[shot->playerNum] != LASERS_SINGLE) { Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, 6.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_versus_302D120); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, -12.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_versus_302D120); } else { gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_versus_302D120); } } } static f32 D_800C9BD8[10] = { 100.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f, 40.0f, 30.0f, 100.0f }; static u8 D_800C9C00[4] = { 255, 255, 32, 32 }; static u8 D_800C9C04[4] = { 255, 32, 255, 32 }; static u8 D_800C9C08[4] = { 32, 32, 32, 255 }; void func_beam_80039A50(PlayerShot* shot) { Vec3f sp11C = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; s32 pad[4]; f32 var_fv1; s32 sp104 = 0; Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z + D_ctx_80177D20, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_MultVec3f(gGfxMatrix, &sp11C, &D_beam_8015F950); if ((D_beam_8015F950.z < 0.0f) && (D_beam_8015F950.z > -10000.0f)) { var_fv1 = fabsf(D_beam_8015F950.x); // probably fake. The use of temps was likely different if (var_fv1 < (fabsf(D_beam_8015F950.z * 0.5f) + 500.0f)) { if (fabsf(D_beam_8015F950.y) < (fabsf(D_beam_8015F950.z * 0.5f) + 500.0f)) { sp104 = 1; } } } if (!sp104) { if ((shot->obj.id != PLAYERSHOT_BOMB) && (shot->unk_64 < 10) && !gVersusMode) { Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); } } else { if ((shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_5) || (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_6) || (shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_7)) { shot->obj.rot.y = RAD_TO_DEG(-gPlayer[gPlayerNum].camYaw); shot->obj.rot.x = RAD_TO_DEG(gPlayer[gPlayerNum].camPitch); } if (shot->obj.id != PLAYERSHOT_2) { Matrix_RotateY(gGfxMatrix, shot->obj.rot.y * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateX(gGfxMatrix, shot->obj.rot.x * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, shot->obj.rot.z * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); if ((shot->obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_BOMB) && (shot->unk_5C == 0)) { Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, shot->unk_34 * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gGfxMatrix, shot->unk_30 * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateX(gGfxMatrix, shot->unk_2C * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); } } Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, 0.f, 0.f, D_800C9BD8[shot->obj.id], MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); switch (shot->obj.id) { case PLAYERSHOT_0: case PLAYERSHOT_1: func_beam_80039210(shot); break; case PLAYERSHOT_BOMB: if (shot->unk_5C == 0) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, 0x1D); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_10231A0); Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z + D_ctx_80177D20, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gGfxMatrix, -gPlayer[gPlayerNum].camYaw, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateX(gGfxMatrix, gPlayer[gPlayerNum].camPitch, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, gGameFrameCount * 40.0f * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); if (((gGameFrameCount % 2) == 0)) { Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 1.7f, 1.7f, 1.7f, MTXF_APPLY); } else { Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 1.2f, 1.2f, 1.2f, MTXF_APPLY); } RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, 0x31); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0x00, 0x00, 255, 255, 255, 255); if (gVersusMode) { switch (shot->playerNum) { case 0: gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 255, 255, 32, 128); break; case 1: gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 255, 32, 32, 128); break; case 2: gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 32, 255, 32, 128); break; case 3: gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 32, 32, 255, 128); break; } } else { gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 128, 255, 255); } Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_1024AC0); } else { Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, shot->unk_44, shot->unk_44, shot->unk_44, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); if (gVersusMode) { RCP_SetupDL_49(); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0x00, 0x00, 255, 255, 255, shot->unk_58); switch (shot->playerNum) { case 0: gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 255, 255, 32, shot->unk_58); break; case 1: gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 255, 32, 32, shot->unk_58); break; case 2: gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 32, 255, 32, shot->unk_58); break; case 3: gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 32, 32, 255, shot->unk_58); break; } } else { RCP_SetupDL_64_2(); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0x00, 0x00, 255, 255, 255, shot->unk_58); } gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_1031EC0); } break; case PLAYERSHOT_5: gSPClearGeometryMode(gMasterDisp++, G_CULL_BACK); RCP_SetupDL_40(); if (gVersusMode) { gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0x00, 0x00, 255, 255, 255, 255); gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, D_800C9C00[shot->playerNum], D_800C9C04[shot->playerNum], D_800C9C08[shot->playerNum], 255); RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, 0x31); if (gLaserStrength[shot->playerNum] != LASERS_SINGLE) { Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, gGameFrameCount * 48.0f * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, 0.f, 50.0f, 0.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, gGameFrameCount * 70.0f * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_versus_301AD60); Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, 0.0f, -50.0f, 0.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, gGameFrameCount * 70.0f * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_versus_301AD60); } else { if (((gGameFrameCount % 2) == 0)) { var_fv1 = M_PI; } else { var_fv1 = 0.0f; } Matrix_RotateY(gGfxMatrix, var_fv1, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, 30.0f * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_versus_301AD60); } } else { if (((gGameFrameCount % 2) == 0)) { var_fv1 = M_PI; } else { var_fv1 = 0.0f; } Matrix_RotateY(gGfxMatrix, var_fv1, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, 30.0f * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 1.0f, 0.65f, 1.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); RCP_SetupDL_68(); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0x00, 0x00, 255, 255, 255, 255); gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 255, 0, 0); gSPClearGeometryMode(gMasterDisp++, G_CULL_BACK); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_landmaster_3006940); } break; case PLAYERSHOT_6: case PLAYERSHOT_7: Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, shot->unk_44, shot->unk_44, shot->unk_44, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, 0x31); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0x00, 0x00, 255, 255, 255, 255); gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, D_800C9C00[shot->playerNum], D_800C9C04[shot->playerNum], D_800C9C08[shot->playerNum], 255); if (gLaserStrength[shot->playerNum] != LASERS_SINGLE) { Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, gGameFrameCount * 48.0f * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, 0.f, 40.0f, 0.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_versus_301AEF0); Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, 0.f, -40.0f, 0.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_versus_301AEF0); } else { gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_versus_301AEF0); } break; case PLAYERSHOT_8: Matrix_RotateY(gGfxMatrix, M_PI, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AQUAS) { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, 0x3C); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_AQ_600DB80); Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, shot->obj.pos.x, gGroundHeight, shot->obj.pos.z + D_ctx_80177D20, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, shot->unk_2C, shot->unk_30, shot->unk_34, MTXF_APPLY); RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, 0x31); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0x00, 0x00, 32, 32, 0, shot->unk_58); gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 32, 16, 16, shot->unk_58); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_1024AC0); } else if (shot->unk_5C == 0) { if (!(shot->unk_44 > 1.5f)) { Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z + D_ctx_80177D20, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gGfxMatrix, -gPlayer[gPlayerNum].camYaw, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateX(gGfxMatrix, gPlayer[gPlayerNum].camPitch, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 20.0f, 20.0f, 20.0f, MTXF_APPLY); RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, 0x31); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0x00, 0x00, 255, 255, 255, 255); if (gVersusMode) { switch (shot->playerNum) { case 0: gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 255, 255, 32, 255); break; case 1: gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 255, 32, 32, 255); break; case 2: gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 32, 255, 32, 255); break; case 3: gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 32, 32, 255, 255); break; } } else { gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 0, 255, 0, 255); } Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, gGameFrameCount * 53.0f * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_101C2E0); Matrix_RotateZ(gGfxMatrix, gGameFrameCount * -53.0f * 2.0f * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_101C2E0); Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); if (((gGameFrameCount % 2) == 0)) { Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 1.7f, 1.7f, 1.7f, MTXF_APPLY); } else { Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 1.3f, 1.3f, 1.3f, MTXF_APPLY); } Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_1024AC0); } } else { RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, 0x1D); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_10231A0); Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); Matrix_Translate(gGfxMatrix, shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z + D_ctx_80177D20, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gGfxMatrix, -gPlayer[gPlayerNum].camYaw, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateX(gGfxMatrix, gPlayer[gPlayerNum].camPitch, MTXF_APPLY); if (((gGameFrameCount % 2) == 0)) { Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 1.2f, 1.2f, 1.2f, MTXF_APPLY); } else { Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f, MTXF_APPLY); } RCP_SetupDL(&gMasterDisp, 0x31); gDPSetPrimColor(gMasterDisp++, 0x00, 0x00, 255, 255, 0, 255); gDPSetEnvColor(gMasterDisp++, 255, 128, 128, 255); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_1024AC0); } break; case PLAYERSHOT_9: Matrix_RotateY(gGfxMatrix, M_PI, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Scale(gGfxMatrix, 3.0f, 3.0f, 20.0f, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_SetGfxMtx(&gMasterDisp); RCP_SetupDL_40(); gSPDisplayList(gMasterDisp++, D_GREAT_FOX_E00DFB0); break; } } } void func_beam_8003AF88(PlayerShot* shot) { switch (shot->obj.status) { case 1: func_beam_80039A50(shot); break; case 2: func_beam_80038F34(shot); break; } } void func_beam_8003AFD8(PlayerShot* shot) { shot->unk_60++; if (shot->unk_60 > 2) { Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); } } void func_beam_8003B00C(PlayerShot* shot, Player* player) { Vec3f sp5C; Vec3f sp50; Vec3f sp44; Vec3f sp38; switch (shot->unk_5C) { case 0: Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, (player->unk_114 + player->unk_0E8 + 180.0f) * M_DTOR, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, -(player->unk_0E4 * M_DTOR), MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(gCalcMatrix, -((player->unk_0F8 + player->unk_0F0) * M_DTOR), MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_Translate(gCalcMatrix, player->unk_084, player->unk_080, 0.0f, MTXF_APPLY); sp5C.x = 0.0f; sp5C.y = 0.0f; sp5C.z = player->baseSpeed + 200.0f; Matrix_MultVec3f(gCalcMatrix, &sp5C, &sp50); shot->vel.x = sp50.x; shot->vel.y = sp50.y; shot->vel.z = sp50.z - player->boostSpeed; sp5C.x = shot->unk_54; sp5C.y = -15.0f; sp5C.z = 0.0f; Matrix_MultVec3f(gCalcMatrix, &sp5C, &sp44); shot->unk_48 = player->pos.x + sp44.x; shot->unk_4C = player->pos.y + sp44.y; shot->unk_50 = player->unk_138 + sp44.z; shot->unk_44 += 200.0f; if (shot->unk_44 > 5000.0f) { shot->unk_44 = 5000.0f; } for (sp5C.z = 0.0f; sp5C.z <= shot->unk_44; sp5C.z += 200.0f) { Matrix_MultVec3f(gCalcMatrix, &sp5C, &sp38); D_ctx_80178498 = shot->obj.pos.z; D_ctx_801784A0 = shot->obj.pos.y; D_ctx_8017849C = shot->obj.pos.x; shot->obj.pos.x = player->pos.x + sp38.x; shot->obj.pos.y = player->pos.y + sp38.y; shot->obj.pos.z = player->unk_138 + sp38.z; Matrix_Push(&gCalcMatrix); func_beam_80038140(shot); Matrix_Pop(&gCalcMatrix); if (shot->obj.pos.y < gGroundHeight) { shot->unk_5C = 0; func_beam_80036770(shot->obj.pos.x, gGroundHeight + 2.0f, shot->obj.pos.z, shot->obj.rot.y, 2.0f); break; } else if (shot->unk_5C == 2) { shot->unk_5C = 0; break; } } shot->unk_64 = 30; shot->obj.rot.y = player->unk_0E8 + player->unk_114; if (!(gControllerHold->button & U_CBUTTONS) && !(gControllerHold->button & A_BUTTON)) { shot->unk_5C = 1; } break; case 1: shot->unk_48 += shot->vel.x; shot->unk_4C += shot->vel.y; shot->unk_50 += shot->vel.z; break; case 2: shot->obj.pos.x -= shot->vel.x; shot->obj.pos.y -= shot->vel.y; shot->obj.pos.z -= shot->vel.z; shot->unk_48 += shot->vel.x; shot->unk_4C += shot->vel.y; shot->unk_50 += shot->vel.z; if (((gGameFrameCount % 4) == 0)) { func_play_800A668C(D_ctx_8017849C, D_ctx_801784A0, D_ctx_80178498); } if ((fabsf(shot->obj.pos.x - shot->unk_48) < 200.0f) && (fabsf(shot->obj.pos.y - shot->unk_4C) < 200.0f) && (fabsf(shot->obj.pos.z - shot->unk_50) < 200.0f)) { Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); return; } break; } if (shot->unk_64 == 0) { Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); } if (shot->unk_5C == 1) { if (shot->obj.pos.y < gGroundHeight) { func_beam_80036318(shot); func_beam_80036770(shot->obj.pos.x, gGroundHeight + 2.0f, shot->obj.pos.z, shot->obj.rot.y, 2.0f); if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_FORTUNA) { func_effect_8007BC7C(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 3.0f); func_effect_8007BC7C(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 3.0f); func_effect_8007BC7C(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 3.0f); } } func_beam_80038140(shot); } } void func_beam_8003B55C(PlayerShot* shot, s32 index) { Vec3f sp44; Vec3f sp38; if ((gGroundSurface == SURFACE_WATER) && (shot->obj.pos.y < (gGroundHeight + 50.0f)) && (index == 0)) { func_effect_8007ACE0(shot->obj.pos.x, gGroundHeight, shot->obj.pos.z, 0.1f, 1.5f, shot->obj.rot.y + 20.0f); func_effect_8007ACE0(shot->obj.pos.x, gGroundHeight, shot->obj.pos.z, 0.1f, 1.5f, shot->obj.rot.y - 20.0f); } if ((shot->obj.pos.y < gGroundHeight) && (gGroundType != 4)) { func_beam_80036318(shot); shot->obj.pos.y = gGroundHeight + 2; if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_BOLSE) { func_effect_8007A6F0(&shot->obj.pos, 0x29121007); } if ((gCamCount != 4) && (gCurrentLevel != LEVEL_AQUAS)) { if ((shot->playerNum == 0) && (gLaserStrength[0] != LASERS_SINGLE) && (gPlayer[0].form != FORM_LANDMASTER)) { Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, shot->obj.rot.y * M_DTOR, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, shot->obj.rot.x * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(gCalcMatrix, shot->obj.rot.z * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); sp44.y = sp44.z = 0.0f; sp44.x = 40.0f; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &sp44, &sp38); func_beam_80036770(shot->obj.pos.x + sp38.x, gGroundHeight + 2.0f, shot->obj.pos.z + sp38.z, shot->obj.rot.y, 2.0f); sp44.x = -40.0f; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &sp44, &sp38); func_beam_80036770(shot->obj.pos.x + sp38.x, gGroundHeight + 2.0f, shot->obj.pos.z + sp38.z, shot->obj.rot.y, 2.0f); } else { func_beam_80036770(shot->obj.pos.x, gGroundHeight + 2.0f, shot->obj.pos.z, shot->obj.rot.y, 2.0f); } } if (gGroundSurface == SURFACE_WATER) { Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); return; } if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_FORTUNA) { func_effect_8007BC7C(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 3.0f); func_effect_8007BC7C(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 3.0f); func_effect_8007BC7C(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 3.0f); } if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AQUAS) { func_effect_8007B8F8(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 3.0f); func_effect_8007B8F8(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 3.0f); func_effect_8007B8F8(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 3.0f); Aquas_801AC8A8(RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(10.0f) + shot->obj.pos.x, RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(10.0f) + shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 0.8f, 0); Aquas_801AC8A8(RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(10.0f) + shot->obj.pos.x, RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(10.0f) + shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 0.8f, 0); Aquas_801AC8A8(RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(10.0f) + shot->obj.pos.x, RAND_FLOAT_CENTERED(10.0f) + shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, 0.8f, 0); } } if (shot->unk_64 == 0) { Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); return; } else if ((shot->playerNum < 110) || ((shot->unk_64 % 2) != 0)) { func_beam_80038140(shot); } } void func_beam_8003BA80(PlayerShot* shot) { func_beam_8003B55C(shot, 0); } void func_beam_8003BAA0(PlayerShot* shot) { func_beam_8003B55C(shot, 0); shot->unk_58 = 0; } void func_beam_8003BACC(PlayerShot* shot) { Vec3f sp3C; Vec3f sp30; Vec3f sp24; func_beam_8003B55C(shot, 0); sp3C.x = shot->obj.pos.x; sp3C.y = shot->obj.pos.y; sp3C.z = shot->obj.pos.z; sp30.x = 0.0f; sp30.y = 0.0f; sp30.z = 0.0f; if (!func_col2_800A3690(&sp3C, &sp30, COL2_5, &sp24)) { func_beam_80036318(shot); } shot->unk_58 = 0; } bool func_beam_8003BB4C(PlayerShot* shot) { s32 i; s32 j; f32 var_fa0; Actor* actor; Player* player; if (gLevelMode == LEVELMODE_ON_RAILS) { var_fa0 = 300.0f; } else { var_fa0 = 200.0f; } for (i = 0, actor = gActors; i < 60; i++, actor++) { if ((actor->obj.status == OBJ_ACTIVE) && (actor->info.unk_1C != 0.0f) && ((actor->lockOnTimers[shot->playerNum] == 0) && (fabsf(shot->obj.pos.x - actor->obj.pos.x) <= var_fa0) && (fabsf(shot->obj.pos.y - (actor->obj.pos.y + actor->info.unk_1C)) <= var_fa0) && (fabsf(shot->obj.pos.z - actor->obj.pos.z) <= var_fa0))) { actor->lockOnTimers[shot->playerNum] = 20; func_enmy_80060F30(gPlayer[shot->playerNum].sfxSource, 0x49008027, shot->playerNum); for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_COUNT(gPlayerShots); j++) { if (gPlayerShots[j].obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_4) { Object_Kill(&gPlayerShots[j].obj, gPlayerShots[j].sfxSource); } } D_display_801615B8[shot->playerNum] = 3.0f; D_display_801615A8[shot->playerNum] = 300.0f; return true; } } if (gVersusMode) { for (i = 0, player = gPlayer; i < gCamCount; i++, player++) { if ((player->state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_ACTIVE) && !player->somersault && (player->form != FORM_ON_FOOT) && (i != shot->playerNum) && (gVsLockOnTimers[i][shot->playerNum] == 0) && (fabsf(shot->obj.pos.x - player->pos.x) <= var_fa0) && (fabsf(shot->obj.pos.y - player->pos.y) <= var_fa0) && (fabsf(shot->obj.pos.z - player->unk_138) <= var_fa0)) { gVsLockOnTimers[0][shot->playerNum] = gVsLockOnTimers[1][shot->playerNum] = gVsLockOnTimers[2][shot->playerNum] = gVsLockOnTimers[3][shot->playerNum] = 0; gVsLockOnTimers[i][shot->playerNum] = 20; func_enmy_80060F30(gPlayer[shot->playerNum].sfxSource, 0x49008027, shot->playerNum); for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_COUNT(gPlayerShots); j++) { if (gPlayerShots[j].obj.id == PLAYERSHOT_4) { Object_Kill(&gPlayerShots[j].obj, gPlayerShots[j].sfxSource); } } D_display_801615B8[shot->playerNum] = 3.0f; D_display_801615A8[shot->playerNum] = 300.0f; return true; } } } return false; } void func_beam_8003BEF4(PlayerShot* shot) { if (gVersusMode) { if ((shot->obj.pos.y < gGroundHeight) || func_beam_8003BB4C(shot) || !(gControllerHold[shot->playerNum].button & A_BUTTON) || (shot->unk_64 == 0)) { Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); } } else { if ((shot->obj.pos.y < gGroundHeight) || func_beam_8003BB4C(shot) || !(gControllerHold[gMainController].button & A_BUTTON) || (shot->unk_64 == 0)) { Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); } } func_beam_80038140(shot); } void func_beam_8003C008(PlayerShot* shot) { s32 i; s32 j; f32* hitboxData; Boss* boss; Vec3f test; f32 var_fs2; Vec3f sp8C; Vec3f sp80; s32 var_s6; s32 count; boss = gBosses; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gBosses); i++, boss++) { if ((boss->obj.status == OBJ_ACTIVE) && (boss->timer_05A == 0)) { if (boss->obj.id == OBJ_BOSS_316) { var_s6 = gGameFrameCount % 8U; var_fs2 = shot->unk_44 * 40.0f; } else { var_s6 = gGameFrameCount % 16U; var_fs2 = shot->unk_44 * 30.0f; } hitboxData = boss->info.hitbox; count = *hitboxData++; if (count != 0) { for (j = 0; j < count; j++, hitboxData += 6) { if (hitboxData[0] == HITBOX_ROTATED) { Matrix_RotateZ(gCalcMatrix, -hitboxData[3] * M_DTOR, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, -hitboxData[1] * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, -hitboxData[2] * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateZ(gCalcMatrix, -boss->obj.rot.z * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, -boss->obj.rot.x * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, -boss->obj.rot.y * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); hitboxData += 4; } else { Matrix_RotateZ(gCalcMatrix, -boss->obj.rot.z * M_DTOR, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, -boss->obj.rot.x * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, -boss->obj.rot.y * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); } if ((j == var_s6) && (hitboxData[1] > -100.0f) && (hitboxData[3] > -100.0f)) { sp8C.x = shot->obj.pos.x - boss->obj.pos.x; sp8C.y = shot->obj.pos.y - boss->obj.pos.y; sp8C.z = shot->obj.pos.z - boss->obj.pos.z; Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(gCalcMatrix, &sp8C, &sp80); test.x = (hitboxData[4] + boss->obj.pos.x) - (boss->obj.pos.x + sp80.x); test.y = (hitboxData[2] + boss->obj.pos.y) - (boss->obj.pos.y + sp80.y); test.z = (hitboxData[0] + boss->obj.pos.z) - (boss->obj.pos.z + sp80.z); if ((gLevelMode == LEVELMODE_ON_RAILS) && (test.z < 0.0f)) { test.z *= 0.6f; } if (VEC3F_MAG(&test) < var_fs2) { boss->dmgPart = j; boss->dmgType = DMG_BOMB; boss->damage = 20; } } } } } } } void func_beam_8003C3D8(PlayerShot* shot) { static u8 D_800C9C18[4] = { 255, 255, 32, 32 }; static u8 D_800C9C1C[4] = { 255, 32, 255, 32 }; static u8 D_800C9C20[4] = { 32, 32, 32, 255 }; f32 var_fv0; gLight3x = shot->obj.pos.x; gLight3y = shot->obj.pos.y; gLight3z = shot->obj.pos.z; if (gVersusMode) { gLight3R = D_800C9C18[shot->playerNum]; gLight3G = D_800C9C1C[shot->playerNum]; gLight3B = D_800C9C20[shot->playerNum]; } else { gLight3R = 90; gLight3G = 90; gLight3B = 255; } var_fv0 = 0.7f; if (shot->unk_5C != 0) { var_fv0 = 1.0f; } Math_SmoothStepToF(&gLight3Brightness, var_fv0, 1.0f, 0.08f, 0.001f); } void func_beam_8003C4D0(PlayerShot* shot, s32 damage) { s32 i; f32 sp68; f32 sp64; f32 sp60; s32 pad[2]; Actor* actor; Sprite* sprite; Scenery* scenery; Effect* effect; Player* player; f32 temp_fs2 = shot->unk_44 * 60.0f; for (i = 0, scenery = gScenery; i < 50; i++, scenery++) { if ((scenery->obj.status == OBJ_ACTIVE) && (scenery->obj.id == OBJ_SCENERY_56)) { sp68 = scenery->obj.pos.x - shot->obj.pos.x; sp64 = scenery->obj.pos.y - shot->obj.pos.y; sp60 = scenery->obj.pos.z - shot->obj.pos.z; if (sqrtf(SQ(sp68) + SQ(sp64) + SQ(sp60)) < temp_fs2) { scenery->dmgType = 2; } scenery->dmgPart = 0; } } for (i = 0, sprite = gSprites; i < 40; i++, sprite++) { if ((sprite->obj.status == OBJ_ACTIVE) && ((sprite->obj.id == OBJ_SPRITE_FO_POLE) || (sprite->obj.id == OBJ_SPRITE_TI_CACTUS) || (sprite->obj.id == OBJ_SPRITE_CO_POLE) || (sprite->obj.id == OBJ_SPRITE_CO_TREE))) { sp68 = sprite->obj.pos.x - shot->obj.pos.x; sp64 = sprite->obj.pos.y - shot->obj.pos.y; sp60 = sprite->obj.pos.z - shot->obj.pos.z; if (sqrtf(SQ(sp68) + SQ(sp64) + SQ(sp60)) < temp_fs2) { sprite->unk_46 = 1; } } } actor = gActors; for (i = 0; i < 60; i++, actor++) { if ((actor->obj.status == OBJ_ACTIVE) && (actor->timer_0C2 == 0) && !((gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_MACBETH) && (OBJ_ACTOR_205 <= actor->obj.id) && (actor->obj.id < OBJ_ACTOR_214)) && !((actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_EVENT) && (actor->iwork[12] != 0)) && ((actor->scale >= 0.0f) || (actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_271))) { sp68 = actor->obj.pos.x - shot->obj.pos.x; sp64 = actor->obj.pos.y - shot->obj.pos.y; sp60 = actor->obj.pos.z - shot->obj.pos.z; if ((gLevelMode == 0) && (sp60 < 0.0f)) { sp60 *= 0.6f; } actor->hitPos.x = shot->obj.pos.x; actor->hitPos.y = shot->obj.pos.y; actor->hitPos.z = shot->obj.pos.z; if (sqrtf(SQ(sp68) + SQ(sp64) + SQ(sp60)) < temp_fs2) { if ((actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_193) || (actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_186) || (actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_190) || (actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_202) || (actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_201) || (actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_187) || ((actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_EVENT) && (actor->unk_0B4 == EINFO_78)) || ((actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_EVENT) && (actor->unk_0B4 == EINFO_38)) || (actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_196)) { actor->unk_0D0 = 2; actor->unk_0D2 = 0; actor->unk_0D4 = shot->playerNum + 1; actor->damage = damage; if (actor->info.bonus != 0) { shot->bonus++; } } else if ((actor->obj.id == OBJ_ACTOR_EVENT) && (actor->scale >= 0.5f) && (damage > 30)) { actor->unk_0D4 = shot->playerNum + 1; actor->vel.x = sp68 * 0.03f; actor->vel.y = sp64 * 0.03f; actor->vel.z = sp60 * 0.03f; actor->obj.status = OBJ_DYING; actor->timer_0BC = RAND_INT(15.0f) + 10; actor->timer_0BE = 0; actor->timer_04C = 4; actor->obj.rot.x = Math_ModF(actor->obj.rot.x, 360.0f); if (actor->info.bonus != 0) { shot->bonus++; } } else { actor->unk_0D0 = 2; actor->unk_0D2 = 0; actor->unk_0D4 = shot->playerNum + 1; actor->damage = damage; if (actor->info.bonus != 0) { shot->bonus++; } } } } } if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_MACBETH) { Macbeth_801AD144(shot); } else if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_VENOM_1) { Venom1_8019864C(shot); } else { func_beam_8003C008(shot); } effect = gEffects; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++, effect++) { if (effect->obj.status == OBJ_ACTIVE) { sp68 = effect->obj.pos.x - shot->obj.pos.x; sp64 = effect->obj.pos.y - shot->obj.pos.y; sp60 = effect->obj.pos.z - shot->obj.pos.z; if (sqrtf(SQ(sp68) + SQ(sp64) + SQ(sp60)) < temp_fs2) { if (effect->info.unk_16 == 0) { Object_Kill(&effect->obj, effect->sfxSource); } if (effect->info.unk_16 == 2) { effect->obj.pos.x += sp68 * 0.03f; if (!((gLevelType == LEVELTYPE_PLANET) && (effect->obj.pos.y < 100.0f))) { effect->obj.pos.y += sp64 * 0.03f; } effect->obj.pos.z += sp60 * 0.03f; if ((effect->obj.id == OBJ_EFFECT_392) && (effect->state == 0)) { effect->state = 1; effect->unk_44 = 176; effect->unk_4C = 0; effect->vel.x = effect->vel.y = effect->vel.z = 0.0f; effect->scale2 = 20.0f; } } } } } if (gVersusMode) { for (i = 0, player = gPlayer; i < gCamCount; i++, player++) { if ((i != shot->playerNum) && (player->state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_ACTIVE) && (player->unk_1F4 == 0)) { sp68 = player->pos.x - shot->obj.pos.x; sp64 = player->pos.y - shot->obj.pos.y; sp60 = player->unk_138 - shot->obj.pos.z; if (sqrtf(SQ(sp68) + SQ(sp64) + SQ(sp60)) < temp_fs2) { player->unk_288 = shot->playerNum + 1; switch (player->form) { case FORM_ARWING: Player_ApplyDamage(player, 0, 80); break; case FORM_LANDMASTER: Player_ApplyDamage(player, 0, 60); break; case FORM_ON_FOOT: Player_ApplyDamage(player, 0, 180); break; } } } } } } void func_beam_8003CC08(PlayerShot* shot) { Vec3f test; f32 var_ft5; switch (shot->unk_5C) { case 0: if (shot->unk_64 == 0) { func_beam_80035E78(shot); break; } if ((shot->obj.pos.y < gGroundHeight) && (gGroundType != 4)) { func_beam_80035E78(shot); break; } if ((gPlayer[shot->playerNum].form == FORM_LANDMASTER) || (gPlayer[shot->playerNum].form == FORM_ON_FOOT)) { shot->vel.y -= 1.0f; Math_SmoothStepToF(&shot->obj.rot.x, -90.0f, 0.05f, 1.0f, 0.0f); } if (shot->unk_64 < 25) { if (gVersusMode) { if (gControllerPress[shot->playerNum].button & gBombButton[shot->playerNum]) { func_beam_80035E78(shot); break; } } else { if (gControllerPress[gMainController].button & gBombButton[shot->playerNum]) { func_beam_80035E78(shot); break; } } } if (!((gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_VENOM_ANDROSS) && (gBosses[0].obj.status == OBJ_ACTIVE) && (gBosses[0].state == 17))) { func_beam_80038140(shot); } func_beam_8003C3D8(shot); break; case 1: D_ctx_8017812C = 2; shot->obj.rot.y += 1.0f; Math_SmoothStepToF(&shot->unk_44, shot->unk_48, 0.05f, 1.5f, 0.001f); if ((shot->unk_64 > 0) && (shot->unk_64 < 30)) { if (!gVersusMode && ((gPlayer[0].state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_ACTIVE) || (gPlayer[0].state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_U_TURN))) { test.x = gPlayer[0].pos.x - shot->obj.pos.x; test.y = gPlayer[0].pos.y - shot->obj.pos.y; test.z = gPlayer[0].unk_138 - shot->obj.pos.z; var_ft5 = VEC3F_MAG(&test) * 0.01f; if (var_ft5 > 60.0f) { var_ft5 = 60.0f; } var_ft5 = 60.0f - var_ft5; Math_SmoothStepToF(&D_ctx_801779A8[gMainController], var_ft5 + 5.0f, 1.0f, 3.0f, 0.0f); } func_beam_8003C3D8(shot); } if (shot->unk_64 == 0) { shot->unk_58 -= 8; if (shot->unk_58 < 0) { shot->unk_58 = 0; Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); D_ctx_8017812C = 0; } } func_beam_8003C4D0(shot, 50); break; } } static Vec3f D_800C9C24 = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; void func_beam_8003CF90(PlayerShot* shot) { s32 i; s32 var_a3; f32 sp6C; f32 sp68; f32 sp64; f32 sp60; f32 sp5C; f32 sp58; Actor* actor; Player* player; if ((shot->obj.pos.y < gGroundHeight) || (shot->unk_64 == 1)) { if ((gGroundSurface == SURFACE_WATER) && (shot->obj.pos.y < gGroundHeight)) { shot->unk_48 = 10.0f; func_effect_8007D9DC(shot->obj.pos.x, gGroundHeight + 2.0f, shot->obj.pos.z, shot->unk_48 * 0.1f, shot->unk_48 * 3.0f, 0); func_effect_8007D9DC(shot->obj.pos.x, gGroundHeight + 2.0f, shot->obj.pos.z, shot->unk_48 * 0.1f, shot->unk_48 * 3.0f, 5); func_effect_8007ADF4(shot->obj.pos.x, gGroundHeight, shot->obj.pos.z, shot->unk_48 * 0.05f, shot->unk_48 * 0.5f); func_effect_8007A6F0(&shot->obj.pos, 0x19000014); } func_beam_80036318(shot); } else { var_a3 = 0; if (shot->unk_60 == 0) { for (i = 0, actor = gActors; i < 60; i++, actor++) { if ((actor->obj.status == OBJ_ACTIVE) && (actor->info.unk_1C != 0.0f) && (actor->lockOnTimers[shot->playerNum] != 0)) { var_a3 = 1; actor->lockOnTimers[shot->playerNum] = 2; D_800C9C24 = actor->obj.pos; D_800C9C24.y += actor->info.unk_1C; } } for (i = 0, player = gPlayer; i < gCamCount; i++, player++) { if (((player->state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_ACTIVE) || (player->state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_U_TURN)) && (gVsLockOnTimers[i][shot->playerNum] != 0)) { var_a3 = 1; gVsLockOnTimers[i][shot->playerNum] = 2; D_800C9C24.x = player->pos.x; if (player->form == FORM_ARWING) { D_800C9C24.y = player->pos.y; } else { D_800C9C24.y = player->pos.y + 30.0f; } D_800C9C24.z = player->unk_138; } } if (var_a3 != 0) { sp6C = shot->obj.pos.x - D_800C9C24.x; sp68 = shot->obj.pos.y - D_800C9C24.y; sp64 = shot->obj.pos.z - D_800C9C24.z; sp58 = Math_RadToDeg(Math_Atan2F(sp6C, sp64)); sp5C = Math_RadToDeg(-Math_Atan2F(sp68, sqrtf(SQ(sp6C) + SQ(sp64)))); if (shot->unk_30 >= 360.0f) { shot->unk_30 -= 360.0f; } if (shot->unk_30 < 0.0f) { shot->unk_30 += 360.0f; } if (shot->unk_2C >= 360.0f) { shot->unk_2C -= 360.0f; } if (shot->unk_2C < 0.0f) { shot->unk_2C += 360.0f; } Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&shot->unk_30, sp58, 1.0f, shot->unk_50, 0.0f); Math_SmoothStepToAngle(&shot->unk_2C, sp5C, 1.0f, shot->unk_50, 0.0f); shot->unk_64 = 30; } else { shot->unk_60 = 1; } } Math_SmoothStepToF(&shot->unk_50, 360.0f, 1.0f, 3.0f, 0.f); if (shot->unk_60 != 0) { Math_SmoothStepToF(&shot->unk_54, 169.0f, 1.0f, 13.0f, 0.f); } else { Math_SmoothStepToF(&shot->unk_54, 91.0f, 1.0f, 7.7999997f, 0.f); } if (!((gPlayer[shot->playerNum].form == FORM_LANDMASTER) && (shot->unk_60 != 0))) { Vec3f sp44; Vec3f sp38; shot->obj.rot.y = shot->unk_30; shot->obj.rot.x = shot->unk_2C; Matrix_RotateY(gCalcMatrix, shot->obj.rot.y * M_DTOR, MTXF_NEW); Matrix_RotateX(gCalcMatrix, shot->obj.rot.x * M_DTOR, MTXF_APPLY); sp44.x = sp44.y = 0.0f; sp44.z = -(shot->unk_54 + 40.0f); Matrix_MultVec3f(gCalcMatrix, &sp44, &sp38); shot->vel.x = sp38.x; shot->vel.y = sp38.y; shot->vel.z = sp38.z; } func_beam_80038140(shot); gLight3x = shot->obj.pos.x; gLight3y = shot->obj.pos.y; gLight3z = shot->obj.pos.z; gLight3R = 90; gLight3G = 180; gLight3B = 90; Math_SmoothStepToF(&gLight3Brightness, 0.6f, 1.0f, 0.08f, 0.001f); } } void func_beam_8003D54C(PlayerShot* shot, s32 index) { s32 teamId; s32 bonus; shot->obj.pos.x += shot->vel.x; shot->obj.pos.y += shot->vel.y; shot->obj.pos.z += shot->vel.z; switch (shot->obj.id) { case PLAYERSHOT_0: func_beam_8003B55C(shot, index); break; case PLAYERSHOT_1: case PLAYERSHOT_9: func_beam_8003B55C(shot, index); break; case PLAYERSHOT_2: func_beam_8003B00C(shot, &gPlayer[shot->playerNum]); break; case PLAYERSHOT_BOMB: func_beam_8003CC08(shot); break; case PLAYERSHOT_4: func_beam_8003BEF4(shot); break; case PLAYERSHOT_5: func_beam_8003BA80(shot); break; case PLAYERSHOT_6: func_beam_8003BAA0(shot); break; case PLAYERSHOT_7: func_beam_8003BACC(shot); break; case PLAYERSHOT_8: if (shot->unk_44 > 1.5f) { func_beam_8003C4D0(shot, 30); if (shot->bonus != 0) { if (gVersusMode) { D_ctx_80177C30[shot->playerNum] += shot->bonus; } else { bonus = shot->bonus; if (shot->bonus > 10) { bonus = BONUS_TEXT_GREAT; } BonusText_Display(shot->obj.pos.x, shot->obj.pos.y, shot->obj.pos.z, bonus); gHitCount += shot->bonus; } if ((shot->bonus >= 7) && (gBossActive == 0) && (gLevelMode == LEVELMODE_ON_RAILS) && ((gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_FALCO] > 0) || (gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_SLIPPY] > 0) || (gTeamShields[TEAM_ID_PEPPY] > 0))) { do { teamId = RAND_INT(2.9f) + 1; } while (gTeamShields[teamId] <= 0); switch (teamId) { case TEAM_ID_FALCO: Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_7100, RCID_FALCO); break; case TEAM_ID_SLIPPY: Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_15252, RCID_SLIPPY); break; case TEAM_ID_PEPPY: Radio_PlayMessage(gMsg_ID_17160, RCID_PEPPY); break; } } } Object_Kill(&shot->obj, shot->sfxSource); func_effect_8007A6F0(&shot->obj.pos, 0x0903502E); } else if (gCurrentLevel == LEVEL_AQUAS) { Aquas_801ABA40(shot); } else { func_beam_8003CF90(shot); } break; } } void func_beam_8003D854(PlayerShot* shot) { s32 i; s32 var_s5; switch (shot->obj.status) { case 0: break; case 1: var_s5 = 1; switch (shot->obj.id) { case PLAYERSHOT_9: var_s5 = 4; break; case PLAYERSHOT_0: case PLAYERSHOT_1: if ((shot->unk_58 == 0) || (gPlayer[0].state_1C8 == PLAYERSTATE_1C8_LEVEL_INTRO)) { var_s5 = 4; } else { var_s5 = 3; } break; case PLAYERSHOT_5: var_s5 = 2; break; } for (i = 0; i < var_s5 && (shot->obj.status == 1); i++) { if (shot->unk_64 > 0) { shot->unk_64--; } D_ctx_80178498 = shot->obj.pos.z; D_ctx_801784A0 = shot->obj.pos.y; D_ctx_8017849C = shot->obj.pos.x; func_beam_8003D54C(shot, i); } break; case 2: func_beam_8003AFD8(shot); break; } } void PlayerShot_Update(void) { s32 i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gPlayerShots); i++) { gPlayerShots[i].index = i; func_beam_8003D854(&gPlayerShots[i]); } } void PlayerShot_Draw(void) { s32 i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gPlayerShots); i++) { gPlayerShots[i].index = i; if (gPlayerShots[i].obj.status != 0) { if (!((gReflectY < 0) && (gPlayerShots[i].obj.rot.x < -10.0f))) { Matrix_Push(&gGfxMatrix); func_beam_8003AF88(&gPlayerShots[i]); Matrix_Pop(&gGfxMatrix); } if (gReflectY > 0) { func_edisplay_8005F290(gPlayerShots[i].sfxSource, &D_beam_8015F950); } } } }