/*==================================================================== * ultraerror.h * * Copyright 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, * Inc.; the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third * parties, copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, * without the prior written permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. * * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: * Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to * restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights * in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS * 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or successor clauses in the FAR, * DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - rights reserved under the * Copyright Laws of the United States. *====================================================================*/ /************************************************************************** * * $Revision: 1.23 $ * $Date: 1997/02/11 08:38:08 $ * $Source: /disk6/Master/cvsmdev2/PR/include/ultraerror.h,v $ * **************************************************************************/ #ifndef __ULTRAERROR_H__ #define __ULTRAERROR_H__ #ifdef _LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS extern "C" { #endif #include <PR/ultratypes.h> #define OS_ERROR_FMT "/usr/sys_lib/PR/error.fmt" #define OS_ERROR_MAGIC 0x6b617479 /* OS error codes */ #define ERR_OSCREATETHREAD_SP 1 #define ERR_OSCREATETHREAD_PRI 2 #define ERR_OSSTARTTHREAD 3 #define ERR_OSSETTHREADPRI 4 #define ERR_OSCREATEMESGQUEUE 5 #define ERR_OSSENDMESG 6 #define ERR_OSJAMMESG 7 #define ERR_OSRECVMESG 8 #define ERR_OSSETEVENTMESG 9 #define ERR_OSMAPTLB_INDEX 10 #define ERR_OSMAPTLB_ASID 11 #define ERR_OSUNMAPTLB 12 #define ERR_OSSETTLBASID 13 #define ERR_OSAISETFREQUENCY 14 #define ERR_OSAISETNEXTBUFFER_ADDR 15 #define ERR_OSAISETNEXTBUFFER_SIZE 16 #define ERR_OSDPSETNEXTBUFFER_ADDR 17 #define ERR_OSDPSETNEXTBUFFER_SIZE 18 #define ERR_OSPIRAWREADIO 19 #define ERR_OSPIRAWWRITEIO 20 #define ERR_OSPIRAWSTARTDMA_DIR 21 #define ERR_OSPIRAWSTARTDMA_DEVADDR 22 #define ERR_OSPIRAWSTARTDMA_ADDR 23 #define ERR_OSPIRAWSTARTDMA_SIZE 24 #define ERR_OSPIRAWSTARTDMA_RANGE 25 #define ERR_OSPIREADIO 26 #define ERR_OSPIWRITEIO 27 #define ERR_OSPISTARTDMA_PIMGR 28 #define ERR_OSPISTARTDMA_PRI 29 #define ERR_OSPISTARTDMA_DIR 30 #define ERR_OSPISTARTDMA_DEVADDR 31 #define ERR_OSPISTARTDMA_ADDR 32 #define ERR_OSPISTARTDMA_SIZE 33 #define ERR_OSPISTARTDMA_RANGE 34 #define ERR_OSCREATEPIMANAGER 35 #define ERR_OSVIGETCURRENTMODE 36 #define ERR_OSVIGETCURRENTFRAMEBUFFER 37 #define ERR_OSVIGETNEXTFRAMEBUFFER 38 #define ERR_OSVISETXSCALE_VALUE 39 #define ERR_OSVISETXSCALE_VIMGR 40 #define ERR_OSVISETYSCALE_VALUE 41 #define ERR_OSVISETYSCALE_VIMGR 42 #define ERR_OSVISETSPECIAL_VALUE 43 #define ERR_OSVISETSPECIAL_VIMGR 44 #define ERR_OSVISETMODE 45 #define ERR_OSVISETEVENT 46 #define ERR_OSVISWAPBUFFER_ADDR 47 #define ERR_OSVISWAPBUFFER_VIMGR 48 #define ERR_OSCREATEVIMANAGER 49 #define ERR_OSCREATEREGION_ALIGN 50 #define ERR_OSCREATEREGION_SIZE 51 #define ERR_OSMALLOC 52 #define ERR_OSFREE_REGION 53 #define ERR_OSFREE_ADDR 54 #define ERR_OSGETREGIONBUFCOUNT 55 #define ERR_OSGETREGIONBUFSIZE 56 #define ERR_OSSPTASKLOAD_DRAM 57 #define ERR_OSSPTASKLOAD_OUT 58 #define ERR_OSSPTASKLOAD_OUTSIZE 59 #define ERR_OSSPTASKLOAD_YIELD 60 #define ERR_OSPROFILEINIT_STR 61 #define ERR_OSPROFILEINIT_CNT 62 #define ERR_OSPROFILEINIT_ALN 63 #define ERR_OSPROFILEINIT_ORD 64 #define ERR_OSPROFILEINIT_SIZ 65 #define ERR_OSPROFILESTART_TIME 66 #define ERR_OSPROFILESTART_FLAG 67 #define ERR_OSPROFILESTOP_FLAG 68 #define ERR_OSPROFILESTOP_TIMER 69 #define ERR_OSREADHOST_ADDR 70 #define ERR_OSREADHOST_SIZE 71 #define ERR_OSWRITEHOST_ADDR 72 #define ERR_OSWRITEHOST_SIZE 73 #define ERR_OSGETTIME 74 #define ERR_OSSETTIME 75 #define ERR_OSSETTIMER 76 #define ERR_OSSTOPTIMER 77 #define ERR_ALSEQP_NO_SOUND 100 #define ERR_ALSEQP_NO_VOICE 101 #define ERR_ALSEQP_MAP_VOICE 102 #define ERR_ALSEQP_OFF_VOICE 103 #define ERR_ALSEQP_POLY_VOICE 104 #define ERR_ALSNDP_NO_VOICE 105 #define ERR_ALSYN_NO_UPDATE 106 #define ERR_ALSNDPDEALLOCATE 107 #define ERR_ALSNDPDELETE 108 #define ERR_ALSNDPPLAY 109 #define ERR_ALSNDPSETSOUND 110 #define ERR_ALSNDPSETPRIORITY 111 #define ERR_ALSNDPSETPAR 112 #define ERR_ALBNKFNEW 113 #define ERR_ALSEQNOTMIDI 114 #define ERR_ALSEQNOTMIDI0 115 #define ERR_ALSEQNUMTRACKS 116 #define ERR_ALSEQTIME 117 #define ERR_ALSEQTRACKHDR 118 #define ERR_ALSEQSYSEX 119 #define ERR_ALSEQMETA 120 #define ERR_ALSEQPINVALIDPROG 121 #define ERR_ALSEQPUNKNOWNMIDI 122 #define ERR_ALSEQPUNMAP 123 #define ERR_ALEVENTNOFREE 124 #define ERR_ALHEAPNOFREE 125 #define ERR_ALHEAPCORRUPT 126 #define ERR_ALHEAPFIRSTBLOCK 127 #define ERR_ALCSEQZEROSTATUS 128 #define ERR_ALCSEQZEROVEL 129 #define ERR_ALCSPVNOTFREE 130 #define ERR_ALSEQOVERRUN 131 #define ERR_OSAISETNEXTBUFFER_ENDADDR 132 #define ERR_ALMODDELAYOVERFLOW 133 #if defined(_LANGUAGE_C) || defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS) typedef void (*OSErrorHandler)(s16, s16, ...); OSErrorHandler osSetErrorHandler(OSErrorHandler); #endif #ifdef _LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS } #endif #endif /* __ULTRAERROR_H__ */