petrie911 0205789a28
a bunch of graphics related functions and data importation (#31)
* graphics?

* more stuff

* missed one

* headers

* data import and such
2023-11-26 18:27:05 -03:00

247 lines
10 KiB

#ifndef GFX_H
#define GFX_H
#include "libultra/ultra64.h"
#include "sf64math.h"
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 320
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 240
#define RGBA16_RED(color16) (((color16) >> 0xB) & 0x1F)
#define RGBA16_GRN(color16) (((color16) >> 6) & 0x1F)
#define RGBA16_BLU(color16) (((color16) >> 1) & 0x1F)
// unclear what the right macro for this is
// #define RGBA16_PACK(r, g, b, a) (((u16) ((r) * 0x800) & 0xF800) | ((u16) ((g) * 0x40) & 0x7C0) | ((u16) ((b) * 2) & 0x3E) | ((a) & 1))
#define gSPSetOtherModeHi(pkt, settings) gSPSetOtherMode(pkt, G_SETOTHERMODE_H, G_MDSFT_BLENDMASK, 24, settings)
#define gsSPSetOtherModeHi(settings) gsSPSetOtherMode(G_SETOTHERMODE_H, G_MDSFT_BLENDMASK, 24, settings)
#define VTX(x,y,z,s,t,crnx,cgny,cbnz,a) { { { x, y, z }, 0, { s, t }, { crnx, cgny, cbnz, a } } }
#define VTX_T(x,y,z,s,t,cr,cg,cb,a) { { x, y, z }, 0, { s, t }, { cr, cg, cb, a } }
typedef enum SetupDL {
/* 0x00 */ SETUPDL_0,
/* 0x01 */ SETUPDL_1,
/* 0x02 */ SETUPDL_2,
/* 0x03 */ SETUPDL_3,
/* 0x04 */ SETUPDL_4,
/* 0x05 */ SETUPDL_5,
/* 0x06 */ SETUPDL_6,
/* 0x07 */ SETUPDL_7,
/* 0x08 */ SETUPDL_8,
/* 0x09 */ SETUPDL_9,
/* 0x0A */ SETUPDL_10,
/* 0x0B */ SETUPDL_11,
/* 0x0C */ SETUPDL_12,
/* 0x0D */ SETUPDL_13,
/* 0x0E */ SETUPDL_14,
/* 0x0F */ SETUPDL_15,
/* 0x10 */ SETUPDL_16,
/* 0x11 */ SETUPDL_17,
/* 0x12 */ SETUPDL_18,
/* 0x13 */ SETUPDL_19,
/* 0x14 */ SETUPDL_20,
/* 0x15 */ SETUPDL_21,
/* 0x16 */ SETUPDL_22,
/* 0x17 */ SETUPDL_23,
/* 0x18 */ SETUPDL_24,
/* 0x19 */ SETUPDL_25,
/* 0x1A */ SETUPDL_26,
/* 0x1B */ SETUPDL_27,
/* 0x1C */ SETUPDL_28,
/* 0x1D */ SETUPDL_29,
/* 0x1E */ SETUPDL_30,
/* 0x1F */ SETUPDL_31,
/* 0x20 */ SETUPDL_32,
/* 0x21 */ SETUPDL_33,
/* 0x22 */ SETUPDL_34,
/* 0x23 */ SETUPDL_35,
/* 0x24 */ SETUPDL_36,
/* 0x25 */ SETUPDL_37,
/* 0x26 */ SETUPDL_38,
/* 0x27 */ SETUPDL_39,
/* 0x28 */ SETUPDL_40,
/* 0x29 */ SETUPDL_41,
/* 0x2A */ SETUPDL_42,
/* 0x2B */ SETUPDL_43,
/* 0x2C */ SETUPDL_44,
/* 0x2D */ SETUPDL_45,
/* 0x2E */ SETUPDL_46,
/* 0x2F */ SETUPDL_47,
/* 0x30 */ SETUPDL_48,
/* 0x31 */ SETUPDL_49,
/* 0x32 */ SETUPDL_50,
/* 0x33 */ SETUPDL_51,
/* 0x34 */ SETUPDL_52,
/* 0x35 */ SETUPDL_53,
/* 0x36 */ SETUPDL_54,
/* 0x37 */ SETUPDL_55,
/* 0x38 */ SETUPDL_56,
/* 0x39 */ SETUPDL_57,
/* 0x3A */ SETUPDL_58,
/* 0x3B */ SETUPDL_59,
/* 0x3C */ SETUPDL_60,
/* 0x3D */ SETUPDL_61,
/* 0x3E */ SETUPDL_62,
/* 0x3F */ SETUPDL_63,
/* 0x40 */ SETUPDL_64,
/* 0x41 */ SETUPDL_65,
/* 0x42 */ SETUPDL_66,
/* 0x43 */ SETUPDL_67,
/* 0x44 */ SETUPDL_68,
/* 0x45 */ SETUPDL_69,
/* 0x46 */ SETUPDL_70,
/* 0x47 */ SETUPDL_71,
/* 0x48 */ SETUPDL_72,
/* 0x49 */ SETUPDL_73,
/* 0x4A */ SETUPDL_74,
/* 0x4B */ SETUPDL_75,
/* 0x4C */ SETUPDL_76,
/* 0x4D */ SETUPDL_77,
/* 0x4E */ SETUPDL_78,
/* 0x4F */ SETUPDL_79,
/* 0x50 */ SETUPDL_80,
/* 0x51 */ SETUPDL_81,
/* 0x52 */ SETUPDL_82,
/* 0x53 */ SETUPDL_83,
/* 0x54 */ SETUPDL_84,
/* 0x55 */ SETUPDL_85,
/* 0x56 */ SETUPDL_86,
/* 0x57 */ SETUPDL_87,
/* 0x58 */ SETUPDL_MAX
} SetupDL;
extern Gfx gSetupDLs[SETUPDL_MAX][9]; // 0x800D31B0
typedef s32 (*OverrideLimbDraw)(s32, Gfx**, Vec3f*, Vec3f*, void*);
typedef void (*PostLimbDraw)(s32, Vec3f*, void*);
typedef struct {
/* 0x0 */ u16 xLen;
/* 0x2 */ u16 x;
/* 0x4 */ u16 yLen;
/* 0x6 */ u16 y;
/* 0x8 */ u16 zLen;
/* 0xA */ u16 z;
} JointKey; // size = 0xC
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ s16 frameCount;
/* 0x02 */ s16 limbCount;
/* 0x04 */ u16* frameData;
/* 0x08 */ JointKey* jointKey;
} AnimationHeader; // size = 0xC
typedef struct Limb {
/* 0x000 */ Gfx* dList;
/* 0x004 */ Vec3f trans;
/* 0x010 */ Vec3s rot;
/* 0x018 */ struct Limb* sibling;
/* 0x01C */ struct Limb* child;
} Limb; // size = 0x20
char* func_80099980(char *buf, s32 fill, s32 len);
s32 func_800999D8(const char *fmt, ...);
void func_80099A2C(void *texture, s32 width, s32 height, u8 mode);
void func_80099E28(void *dst, void *src, u8 mode);
s32 func_8009A400(Limb* limb, Limb** skeleton);
void func_8009A440(s32 mode, Limb * limb, Limb* *skeleton, Vec3f* jointTable, OverrideLimbDraw overrideLimbDraw, PostLimbDraw postLimbDraw, void* data);
void func_8009A72C(s32 mode, Limb** skeletonSegment, Vec3f* jointTable, OverrideLimbDraw overrideLimbDraw, PostLimbDraw postLimbDraw, void* data, Matrix* transform);
s16 func_8009AA20(AnimationHeader *animationSegmemt, s32 frame, Vec3f *frameTable);
s16 func_8009ACDC(AnimationHeader *animationSegment);
void func_8009AD18(Gfx* dList, s32 len, Vec3f *min, Vec3f *max, s32 *vtxFound, s32 *vtxCount, Vtx* *vtxList);
void func_8009B74C(Gfx *dList, s32 len, Vec3f *min, Vec3f *max);
void func_8009B784(Limb **skeletonSegment, AnimationHeader *animationSegment, s32 frame, Vec3f *min, Vec3f* max);
f32 func_8009BC2C(f32 *value, f32 target, f32 scale, f32 maxStep, f32 minStep);
f32 func_8009BD38(f32 *angle, f32 target, f32 scale, f32 maxStep, f32 minStep);
void func_8009BEEC(Vec3f *src, Vec3f *dst, s32 mode, s32 count, f32 scale, f32 maxStep, f32 minStep);
s32 func_8009C124(Vec3f *pos, Vec3f *target, Vec3f *rot, f32 stepSize, f32 scaleTurn, f32 maxTurn, f32 dist);
void func_8009C320(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, void* palette, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale);
void func_8009C674(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, void* palette, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale);
void func_8009C9C8(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, void* palette, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale);
void func_8009CD3C(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, void* palette, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale);
void func_8009D0BC(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, void* palette, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale);
void func_8009D418(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale);
void func_8009D6CC(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale);
void func_8009D994(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale);
void func_8009DC4C(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale);
void func_8009DF14(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale);
void func_8009E1E8(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale);
void func_8009E4B0(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale);
void func_8009E784(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale);
void func_8009EA38(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale);
void func_8009ED04(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale);
void func_8009EFDC(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale);
void func_8009F2C0(Gfx **gfxPtr, void* texture, u32 width, u32 height, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale);
void func_8009F574(Gfx **gfxPtr, s32 ulx, s32 uly, s32 lrx, s32 lry, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, u8 a);
void func_8009F6CC(Vec3f *step, f32 xRot, f32 yRot, f32 stepsize);
f32 func_8009F768(f32 rAngle);
s32* func_8009F7B4(Gfx **gfxPtr, u8 width, u8 height);
void func_8009FC0C(s32 xPos, s32 yPos, s32 number);
void func_8009FEA0(s32 xPos, s32 yPos, s32 number);
void func_800A0094(s32 xPos, s32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale, char *text);
s32 func_800A06F8(char *text);
void func_800A100C(s32 xPos, s32 yPos, s32 number);
void func_800A1200(s32 xPos, s32 yPos, f32 xScale, f32 yScale, char *text);
s32 func_800A13EC(char *text);
void func_800A1540(s32 arg0, s32 arg1, s32 arg2, s32 arg3);
void func_800A1558(f32 weight, u16 size, void *src1, void *src2, void *dst);
void func_800B8DD0(Gfx** gfxP, s16 i);
void func_800B8E14(Gfx** gfxP, s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far);
void func_800B8F18(void);
void func_800B8F48(void);
void func_800B8F78(void);
void func_800B8FA8(void);
void func_800B8FD8(void);
void func_800B9008(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far);
void func_800B9120(void);
void func_800B9150(void);
void func_800B9180(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far);
void func_800B9298(void);
void func_800B92C8(void);
void func_800B92F8(void);
void func_800B9328(void);
void func_800B9358(void);
void func_800B9388(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far);
void func_800B94A0(void);
void func_800B94D0(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far);
void func_800B95E8(void);
void func_800B9618(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far);
void func_800B9730(void);
void func_800B9760(void);
void func_800B9790(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far);
void func_800B98A8(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far);
void func_800B99C0(void);
void func_800B99F0(void);
void func_800B9A20(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far);
void func_800B9B38(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far);
void func_800B9C50(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far);
void func_800B9D68(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far);
void func_800B9E80(void);
void func_800B9EB0(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far);
void func_800B9FC8(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far);
void func_800BA0E0(void);
void func_800BA110(void);
void func_800BA140(void);
void func_800BA170(void);
void func_800BA1A0(void);
void func_800BA1D0(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far);
void func_800BA2E8(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far);
void func_800BA400(void);
void func_800BA430(void);
void func_800BA460(void);
void func_800BA490(void);
void func_800BA4C0(void);
void func_800BA4F0(void);
void func_800BA520(void);
void func_800BA550(void);
void func_800BA580(void);
void func_800BA5B0(void);
void func_800BA5E0(void);
void func_800BA610(void);
void func_800BA640(s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a, s32 near, s32 far);