Lywx 902dc0b829
Match Libultra ()
* Matched perspective, contquery, contreaddata, recvmesg and sendmesg

* Fixed libultra compilation flags

* Matched viblack

* Matched virepeatline, visetmode, visetspecial and viswapbuf

* Matched cartrominit, dpsetstat, sptask, sptaskyield, visetevent, createthread, gettime, setthreadpri, settime, settimer and starthread

* Fixed bss bs

* Matched even more libultra stuff

* Matched even more

* __osRdbSend

* Decompiled most of the functions of libultra <3

* Matched last functions

* Added a separation to libultra macros

* Removed ARRLEN from controller.h

* Fix libultra warnings


Co-authored-by: Alejandro Javier Asenjo Nitti <>
2024-02-14 12:24:31 -03:00

222 lines
6.7 KiB

* os_pi.h
* Copyright 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Inc.; the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third
* parties, copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part,
* without the prior written permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to
* restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights
* in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS
* 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or successor clauses in the FAR,
* DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - rights reserved under the
* Copyright Laws of the United States.
Copyright (C) 1998 Nintendo. (Originated by SGI)
$RCSfile: os_pi.h,v $
$Revision: 1.1 $
$Date: 1998/10/09 08:01:16 $
#ifndef _OS_PI_H_
#define _OS_PI_H_
extern "C" {
#include "PR/ultratypes.h"
#include "PR/os_thread.h"
#include "PR/os_message.h"
#if defined(_LANGUAGE_C) || defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS)
* Type definitions
* Structure for Enhanced PI interface
* OSTranxInfo is set up for Leo Disk DMA. This info will be maintained
* by exception handler. This is how the PIMGR and the ISR communicate.
typedef struct {
u32 errStatus; /* error status */
void *dramAddr; /* RDRAM buffer address (DMA) */
void *C2Addr; /* C2 buffer address */
u32 sectorSize; /* size of transfering sector */
u32 C1ErrNum; /* total # of C1 errors */
u32 C1ErrSector[4]; /* error sectors */
} __OSBlockInfo;
typedef struct {
u32 cmdType; /* for disk only */
u16 transferMode; /* Block, Track, or sector? */
u16 blockNum; /* which block is transfering */
s32 sectorNum; /* which sector is transfering */
u32 devAddr; /* Device buffer address */
u32 bmCtlShadow; /* asic bm_ctl(510) register shadow ram */
u32 seqCtlShadow; /* asic seq_ctl(518) register shadow ram */
__OSBlockInfo block[2]; /* bolck transfer info */
} __OSTranxInfo;
typedef struct OSPiHandle_s {
struct OSPiHandle_s *next; /* point to next handle on the table */
u8 type; /* DEVICE_TYPE_BULK for disk */
u8 latency; /* domain latency */
u8 pageSize; /* domain page size */
u8 relDuration; /* domain release duration */
u8 pulse; /* domain pulse width */
u8 domain; /* which domain */
u32 baseAddress; /* Domain address */
u32 speed; /* for roms only */
/* The following are "private" elements" */
__OSTranxInfo transferInfo; /* for disk only */
} OSPiHandle;
typedef struct {
u8 type;
u32 address;
} OSPiInfo;
* Structure for I/O message block
typedef struct {
u16 type; /* Message type */
u8 pri; /* Message priority (High or Normal) */
u8 status; /* Return status */
OSMesgQueue *retQueue; /* Return message queue to notify I/O completion */
} OSIoMesgHdr;
typedef struct {
OSIoMesgHdr hdr; /* Message header */
void *dramAddr; /* RDRAM buffer address (DMA) */
u32 devAddr; /* Device buffer address (DMA) */
u32 size; /* DMA transfer size in bytes */
OSPiHandle *piHandle; /* PI device handle */
} OSIoMesg;
* Structure for device manager block
typedef struct {
s32 active; /* Status flag */
OSThread *thread; /* Calling thread */
OSMesgQueue *cmdQueue; /* Command queue */
OSMesgQueue *evtQueue; /* Event queue */
OSMesgQueue *acsQueue; /* Access queue */
/* Raw DMA routine */
s32 (*dma)(s32, u32, void *, u32);
s32 (*edma)(OSPiHandle *, s32, u32, void *, u32);
} OSDevMgr;
#endif /* defined(_LANGUAGE_C) || defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS) */
* Global definitions
/* Flags to indicate direction of data transfer */
#define OS_READ 0 /* device -> RDRAM */
#define OS_WRITE 1 /* device <- RDRAM */
#define OS_OTHERS 2 /* for Leo disk only */
* I/O message types
#define OS_MESG_TYPE_BASE (10)
* I/O message priority
#define OS_MESG_PRI_HIGH 1
#define PI_DOMAIN1 0
#define PI_DOMAIN2 1
#if defined(_LANGUAGE_C) || defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS)
* Macro definitions
* Extern variables
extern OSPiHandle *__osPiTable; /* The head of OSPiHandle link list */
* Function prototypes
extern u32 osPiGetStatus(void);
extern s32 osPiGetDeviceType(void);
extern s32 osPiWriteIo(u32, u32);
extern s32 osPiReadIo(u32, u32 *);
extern s32 osPiStartDma(OSIoMesg *, s32, s32, u32, void *, u32, OSMesgQueue *);
extern void osCreatePiManager(OSPri, OSMesgQueue *, OSMesg *, s32);
/* Enhanced PI interface */
extern OSPiHandle *osCartRomInit(void);
extern OSPiHandle *osLeoDiskInit(void);
extern OSPiHandle *osDriveRomInit(void);
extern s32 osEPiDeviceType(OSPiHandle *, OSPiInfo *);
extern s32 osEPiWriteIo(OSPiHandle *, u32 , u32 );
extern s32 osEPiReadIo(OSPiHandle *, u32 , u32 *);
extern s32 osEPiStartDma(OSPiHandle *, OSIoMesg *, s32);
extern s32 osEPiLinkHandle(OSPiHandle *);
#endif /* defined(_LANGUAGE_C) || defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS) */
#endif /* !_OS_PI_H_ */