mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 20:04:01 +03:00

* stuff * too much * Torch commit * torch again * names and such * names * even more stuff * format * enums * whoops on the gbi
125 lines
2.7 KiB
125 lines
2.7 KiB
// sys_joybus
Controller_AddDeadZone = 0x80002840;
Controller_Init = 0x8000291C;
Controller_UpdateInput = 0x800029A8;
Controller_ReadData = 0x80002AF4;
Save_ReadData = 0x80002BE8;
Save_WriteData = 0x80002C50;
Controller_Rumble = 0x80002CB8;
// sys_lib
Lib_vsPrintf = 0x80002E80;
Lib_vTable = 0x80002EA0;
Lib_SwapBuffers = 0x80002EE4;
Lib_QuickSort = 0x80002F88;
Lib_InitPerspective = 0x8000316C;
Lib_InitOrtho = 0x800032B4;
Lib_DmaRead = 0x800033E0;
Lib_FillScreen = 0x800034E8;
// sys_lights
Lights_AddLight = 0x800035D0;
Lights_SetOneLight = 0x8000372C;
Lights_SetTwoLights = 0x800038AC;
// main
Main_Initialize = 0x80003A50;
Audio_ThreadEntry = 0x80003B48;
Graphics_SetTask = 0x80003C50;
Graphics_InitializeTask = 0x80003DC0;
Main_SetVIMode = 0x80003EE0;
SerialInterface_ThreadEntry = 0x80003FEC;
Timer_ThreadEntry = 0x800040D4;
Graphics_ThreadEntry = 0x80004144;
Main_HandleRDP = 0x80004714;
Main_StartNextTask = 0x800049D4;
Main_ThreadEntry = 0x80004ABC;
Idle_ThreadEntry = 0x80004D00;
bootproc = 0x80004DA8;
// math
Math_ModF = 0x80004E20;
Rand_Init = 0x80004E4C;
Rand_ZeroOne = 0x80004EB0;
Rand_SetSeed = 0x80004FC8;
Rand_ZeroOneSeeded = 0x80004FE8;
Math_Atan2F = 0x80005100;
Math_Atan2F_XY = 0x800051F8;
Math_Atan2F_XYAlt = 0x80005320;
Math_FactorialF = 0x800053C8;
Math_Factorial = 0x800054C8;
Math_PowF = 0x800055DC;
Math_MinMax = 0x80005604;
// matrix
Matrix_Copy = 0x80005680;
Matrix_Push = 0x80005708;
Matrix_Pop = 0x80005740;
Matrix_Mult = 0x80005754;
Matrix_Translate = 0x80005B00;
Matrix_Scale = 0x80005C34;
Matrix_RotateX = 0x80005D44;
Matrix_RotateY = 0x80005E90;
Matrix_RotateZ = 0x80005FE0;
Matrix_RotateAxis = 0x8000612C;
Matrix_ToMtx = 0x80006500;
Matrix_FromMtx = 0x8000671C;
Matrix_MultVec3f = 0x80006970;
Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate = 0x80006A20;
Matrix_GetYRPAngles = 0x80006AB8;
Matrix_GetXYZAngles = 0x80006C7C;
Matrix_LookAt = 0x80006E3C;
Matrix_SetGfxMtx = 0x80006EB8;
// memory
Memory_FreeAll = 0x80006F20;
Memory_Allocate = 0x80006F38;
// thread 7
Timer_AllocateTask = 0x80006F60;
Timer_Increment = 0x80007068;
Timer_SetValue = 0x8000707C;
Timer_CompleteTask = 0x80007088;
Timer_Wait = 0x800070C8;
// save
Save_ReadBlock = 0x80007130;
Save_WriteBlock = 0x8000716C;
Save_WriteEeprom = 0x800071FC;
Save_ReadEeprom = 0x800072E0;
// fault
func_800073C0 = 0x800073C0;
func_800074AC = 0x800074AC;
func_80007604 = 0x80007604;
func_8000762C = 0x8000762C;
func_8000770C = 0x8000770C;
func_800077F8 = 0x800077F8;
func_80007880 = 0x80007880;
func_80007910 = 0x80007910;
func_80007CEC = 0x80007CEC;
func_80007FE4 = 0x80007FE4;
Fault_Init = 0x80008018;
// audio
// hasm
Mio0_Decompress = 0x8001EE70;
RdRam_CheckIPL3 = 0x8001EF10;
// math64
Math_FAtanF = 0x8001FBE8;
Math_FAtan2F = 0x8001FD0C;
Math_FAsinF = 0x8001FE00;
Math_FAcosF = 0x8001FE30;