Ryan Myers 8e808803e2
fox_effects decompiled (#77)
* Match 5 funcs

* Match func_8007E93C

* Match func_8007EBB8

* Match func_8007ED54

* Match func_8007EE68

* 0.017453292f to M_DTOR

* format

* 3 more matches

* Match 2 more

* 2 more matches

* Match func_8007F958

* Match func_8007FBE0

* Match func_8007FD84

* Match func_8007FE88

* 5 new matches

* Match func_80080D04

* Match func_800815DC and func_8008165C

* Match func_80081BEC

* MAtch func_80081B24

* Match 2 more

* 3 more matches

* Small tweaks

* Give names to function params

* Match func_80080ACC

* MAtch func_80083D2C

* Match func_800837EC

* WIP func_80081C5C

* Add view of rodata that needs to be migrated somewhere

* Match func_80081C5C!

* Fix bss reordering, and formatting.

* Add a submodule of m2c, and a new script for generating the context for a file, and a m2c output to an ignored folder.

* Migrate rodata

* Start importing data for sf_77E40.c

* Successful data migration for sf_77E40.c

* make format

* Reorganzie data for sf_77E40.c

* Try stubbing a PRINTF, to help with RODATA strings.

* Rename sf_77E40 to fox_effect

* Rename Object_8C to Effect

* make format...

* Rename gObjects8C to gEffects
2024-01-13 10:43:04 -03:00

93 lines
2.7 KiB

#ifndef SF64_MATH_H
#define SF64_MATH_H
#include "PR/ultratypes.h"
typedef struct {
/* 0x0 */ f32 x;
/* 0x4 */ f32 y;
/* 0x8 */ f32 z;
} Vec3f; // size = 0xC
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ Vec3f pos;
/* 0x0C */ Vec3f rot;
} PosRot; // size = 0x18
typedef struct {
/* 0x0 */ s16 vtx[3];
} Triangle; // size = 0x6
typedef struct {
/* 0x0 */ Vec3f normal;
/* 0xC */ f32 dist;
} Plane; // size = 0x10
typedef struct {
/* 0x0 */ s16 x;
/* 0x2 */ s16 y;
/* 0x4 */ s16 z;
} Vec3s; // size = 0x6;
typedef union {
float m[4][4];
struct {
float xx, yx, zx, wx,
xy, yy, zy, wy,
xz, yz, zz, wz,
xw, yw, zw, ww;
// u64 force_struct_alignment;
} Matrix; // size = 0x40
f32 Math_ModF(f32 value, f32 mod);
void Rand_Init(void);
f32 Rand_ZeroOne(void);
void Rand_SetSeed(s32 seed1, s32 seed2, s32 seed3);
f32 Rand_ZeroOneSeeded(void);
f32 Math_Atan2F(f32 y, f32 x);
f32 Math_Atan2F_XY(f32 x, f32 y);
f32 Math_Atan2F_XYAlt(f32 x, f32 y);
f32 Math_PowF(f32 base, s32 exp);
void Math_MinMax(s32* min, s32* max, s32 val1, s32 val2, s32 val3);
f32 Math_SmoothStepToF(f32 *value, f32 target, f32 scale, f32 maxStep, f32 minStep);
f32 Math_SmoothStepToAngle(f32 *angle, f32 target, f32 scale, f32 maxStep, f32 minStep);
void Math_SmoothStepToVec3fArray(Vec3f *src, Vec3f *dst, s32 mode, s32 count, f32 scale, f32 maxStep, f32 minStep);
s32 Math_PursueVec3f(Vec3f *pos, Vec3f *target, Vec3f *rot, f32 stepSize, f32 scaleTurn, f32 maxTurn, f32 dist);
void Math_Vec3fFromAngles(Vec3f *step, f32 xRot, f32 yRot, f32 stepsize);
f32 Math_RadToDeg(f32 rAngle);
void Matrix_Copy(Matrix*, Matrix*);
void Matrix_Push(Matrix** mtxStack);
void Matrix_Pop(Matrix** mtxStack);
void Matrix_Mult(Matrix*, Matrix*, u8);
void Matrix_Translate(Matrix*, f32, f32, f32, u8);
void Matrix_Scale(Matrix* mtx, f32 xScale, f32 yScale, f32 zScale, u8 mode);
void Matrix_RotateX(Matrix*, f32, u8);
void Matrix_RotateY(Matrix*, f32, u8);
void Matrix_RotateZ(Matrix*, f32, u8);
void Matrix_RotateAxis(Matrix*, f32, f32, f32, f32, u8);
void Matrix_ToMtx(Mtx *dest);
void Matrix_FromMtx(Mtx *src, Matrix *dest);
void Matrix_MultVec3f(Matrix* mtx, Vec3f* src, Vec3f* dest);
void Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate(Matrix* mtx, Vec3f* src, Vec3f* dest);
void Matrix_GetYRPAngles(Matrix*, Vec3f*);
void Matrix_GetXYZAngles(Matrix*, Vec3f*);
void Matrix_LookAt(Matrix*, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, u8);
void Matrix_SetGfxMtx(Gfx**);
f32 Math_FAtanF(f32);
f32 Math_FAtan2F(f32, f32);
f32 Math_FAsinF(f32);
f32 Math_FAcosF(f32);
f32 __sinf(f32);
f32 __cosf(f32);
s64 __ull_div(s64, s64);
s64 __ll_mul(s64, s64);
s64 __ll_rshift(s64, s64);