mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 02:10:11 +03:00

* threads galore * something's up * try this * I don't even * who knows * I can't stop it * let's try data for fun * ok I think I've gone far enough * well maybe a little more * visual assets somewhat documented * just keeps going * forgot formatting * let 's try bss * too much? * one fix * even more things * one quick thing * oh come on * graph complete? * format and such * decomp and such * small cleanup * 6 and such * more overlay fixes * more of them * again * and done
176 lines
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176 lines
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bootproc = 0x80004DA8;
D_800C90F0 = 0x800C90F0;
__libm_qnan_f = 0x800C9570;
D_1 = 0x1; //ignore:true
Math_ModF = 0x80004E20;
Rand_Init = 0x80004E4C;
Rand_ZeroOne = 0x80004EB0;
Rand_SetSeed = 0x80004FC8;
Rand_ZeroOneSeeded = 0x80004FE8;
Math_Atan2F = 0x80005100;
Math_Atan2F_XY = 0x800051F8;
Math_Atan2F_XYAlt = 0x80005320;
Math_FactorialF = 0x800053C8;
Math_Factorial = 0x800054C8;
Math_PowF = 0x800055DC;
Math_MinMax = 0x80005604;
Matrix_Copy = 0x80005680;
Matrix_Push = 0x80005708;
Matrix_Pop = 0x80005740;
Matrix_Mult = 0x80005754;
Matrix_Translate = 0x80005B00;
Matrix_Scale = 0x80005C34;
Matrix_RotateX = 0x80005D44;
Matrix_RotateY = 0x80005E90;
Matrix_RotateZ = 0x80005FE0;
Matrix_RotateAxis = 0x8000612C;
Matrix_ToMtx = 0x80006500;
Matrix_FromMtx = 0x8000671C;
Matrix_MultVec3f = 0x80006970;
Matrix_MultVec3fNoTranslate = 0x80006A20;
Matrix_GetYRPAngles = 0x80006AB8;
Matrix_GetXYZAngles = 0x80006C7C;
Matrix_LookAt = 0x80006E3C;
Matrix_SetGfxMtx = 0x80006EB8;
D_800C45E0 = 0x800C45E0;
D_800C57EC = 0x800C57EC;
D_800C7380 = 0x800C7380;
D_800C5FF4 = 0x800C5FF4; //type:u16 size:5000
D_80163FE0 = 0x80163FE0; //size:0xB130
gDmaTable = 0x80178A70;
D_800D3180 = 0x800D3180; // size:0x1E
gSetupDLs = 0x800D31B0; // size:0x18C0
D_800DD880 = 0x800DD880; // size:0x18
D_800DD898 = 0x800DD898; // size:0x18
D_800DD8B0 = 0x800DD8B0; // size:0x4
D_800DD8B4 = 0x800DD8B4; // size:0x4
D_800DD8B8 = 0x800DD8B8; // size:0x4
D_800DD8BC = 0x800DD8BC; // ignore:true
D_800DD8C0 = 0x800DD8C0; // size:0x18
D_800DD8D8 = 0x800DD8D8; // size:0x18
D_800DD8F0 = 0x800DD8F0; // size:0x10
D_800DD900 = 0x800DD900; // size:0x1A0
D_800CBDD4 = 0x800CBDD4; //size:0x98
D_80178870 = 0x80178870; //size:0x200
D_800E20F0 = 0x800E20F0;
gTaskMsgQueue = 0x800E21E0;
D_800E2238 = 0x800E2238;
D_800E2258 = 0x800E2258;
D_800E2278 = 0x800E2278;
D_800E22A0 = 0x800E22A0;
gSerialEventQueue = 0x800E2128;
gMainThreadMsgQueue = 0x800E2148;
gThread7msgQueue = 0x800E2338;
D_800E2390 = 0x800E2390;
gSerialThreadMsgQueue = 0x800E22C0;
D_800E22F8 = 0x800E22F8;
D_800E2318 = 0x800E2318;
Thread7_ThreadEntry = 0x800040D4;
SerialInterface_ThreadEntry = 0x80003FEC;
gIdentityMtx = 0x800C4620;
gIdentityMatrix = 0x800C4660;
sFaultCharPixelFlags = 0x800C4770;
sFaultCharIndex = 0x800C46F0;
Math_FAtanF = 0x8001FBE8;
Math_FAtan2F = 0x8001FD0C;
Math_FAsinF = 0x8001FE00;
Math_FAcosF = 0x8001FE30;
Fault_Init = 0x80008018;
func_80003C50 = 0x80003C50;
Idle_ThreadEntry = 0x80004D00;
Main_ThreadEntry = 0x80004ABC;
Audio_ThreadEntry = 0x80003B48;
Graphics_ThreadEntry = 0x80004144;
__rspboot_start = 0x80000450;
__rspboot_end = 0x80000520;
__f3dex_start = 0x80001410;
gF3dexData = 0x800C3DD0;
gAudioThreadStack = 0x800DDAA0;
gGraphicsThread = 0x800DEAA0;
gGraphicsThreadStack = 0x800DEC50;
gUnkThread3 = 0x800DFC50;
gUnkThread3Stack = 0x800DFE00;
gSerialThread = 0x800E0E00;
gSerialThreadStack = 0x800E0FB0;
gCurrentTask = 0x800E1FB0;
D_800E1FB4 = 0x800E1FB4;
D_800E1FB8 = 0x800E1FB8;
D_800E1FC0 = 0x800E1FC0;
D_800E1FC8 = 0x800E1FC8;
D_800CBD3C = 0x800CBD3C;
gPiMgrCmdQueue = 0x800E2010;
sPiMgrCmdBuff = 0x800E2028;
sIdleThread = 0x80138E90;
sIdleThreadStack = 0x80139040;
gMainThread = 0x8013A040;
sMainThreadStack = 0x8013A1F0;
gAudioThread = 0x8013B1F0;
gSegments = 0x800E1FD0;
gGfxPools = 0x800E23B0; // size:0x55AA0
gGfxPool = 0x80137E50;
gGfxTask = 0x80137E54;
gViewport = 0x80137E58;
gGfxMtx = 0x80137E5C;
gUnkDisp1 = 0x80137E60;
gMasterDisp = 0x80137E64;
gUnkDisp2 = 0x80137E68;
gLight = 0x80137E6C;
gFrameBuffer = 0x80137E70;
D_80137E74 = 0x80137E74;
gFrameBuffers = 0x8038F800;
D_8013C3D0 = 0x8013C3D0; // size:0x8800
gFaultMgr = 0x80145360; // size:0x9D8
D_80177E88 = 0x80177E88; // size:0xC
Mio0_Decompress = 0x8001EE70;
RdRam_CheckIPL3 = 0x8001EF10;
D_800D934C = 0x800D934C; // force_migration:True
D_800D503C = 0x800D503C; // force_migration:True
D_800D5248 = 0x800D5248; // force_migration:True
D_800D525C = 0x800D525C; // force_migration:True
D_800D8560 = 0x800D8560; // force_migration:True
D_800D55E4_fake = 0x800D55E4; // force_migration:True
D_800D8570 = 0x800D8570; // force_migration:True
D_800D8594 = 0x800D8594; // force_migration:True
D_800C93EC = 0x800C93EC; // force_migration:True
D_DF4260_8019B1EC = 0x8019B1EC; // force_migration:True segment:ovl_DF4260
D_E16C50_801C171C = 0x801C171C; // force_migration:True segment:ovl_E16C50
D_E16C50_801C1728 = 0x801C1728; // force_migration:True segment:ovl_E16C50
D_E16C50_801C1730 = 0x801C1730; // force_migration:True segment:ovl_E16C50
D_E16C50_801C1758 = 0x801C1758; // force_migration:True segment:ovl_E16C50
D_E6A810_801BB83C = 0x801BB83C; // force_migration:True segment:ovl_E6A810
D_E6A810_801BB808 = 0x801BB808; // force_migration:True segment:ovl_E6A810
D_E6A810_801BBAD0 = 0x801BBAD0; // force_migration:True segment:ovl_E6A810
D_E6A810_801BBAE4 = 0x801BBAE4; // force_migration:True segment:ovl_E6A810
D_EF0260_80196BF4 = 0x80196BF4; // force_migration:True segment:ovl_EF0260
D_E51970_8019FE74 = 0x8019FE74; // force_migration:True segment:ovl_E51970
D_E51970_8019FEFC = 0x8019FEFC; // force_migration:True segment:ovl_E51970
D_E9F1D0_801A7560 = 0x801A7560; // force_migration:True segment:ovl_E9F1D0
D_E9F1D0_801A792C = 0x801A792C; // force_migration:True segment:ovl_E9F1D0