
76 lines
3.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-10-30 00:58:21 +09:00
import torch
from scipy.io.wavfile import write, read
import numpy as np
import struct, traceback
import utils
import commons
from models import SynthesizerTrn
from text.symbols import symbols
from data_utils import TextAudioSpeakerLoader, TextAudioSpeakerCollate
from mel_processing import spectrogram_torch
from text import text_to_sequence, cleaned_text_to_sequence
class VoiceChanger():
def __init__(self, config, model):
self.hps = utils.get_hparams_from_file(config)
self.net_g = SynthesizerTrn(
self.hps.data.filter_length // 2 + 1,
self.hps.train.segment_size // self.hps.data.hop_length,
self.gpu_num = torch.cuda.device_count()
utils.load_checkpoint( model, self.net_g, None)
print(f"VoiceChanger Initialized (GPU_NUM:{self.gpu_num})")
def destroy(self):
del self.net_g
def on_request(self, gpu, srcId, dstId, timestamp, wav):
# if wav==0:
# samplerate, data=read("dummy.wav")
# unpackedData = data
# else:
# unpackedData = np.array(struct.unpack('<%sh'%(len(wav) // struct.calcsize('<h') ), wav))
# write("logs/received_data.wav", 24000, unpackedData.astype(np.int16))
unpackedData = wav
text_norm = text_to_sequence("a", self.hps.data.text_cleaners)
text_norm = commons.intersperse(text_norm, 0)
text_norm = torch.LongTensor(text_norm)
audio = torch.FloatTensor(unpackedData.astype(np.float32))
audio_norm = audio /self.hps.data.max_wav_value
audio_norm = audio_norm.unsqueeze(0)
spec = spectrogram_torch(audio_norm, self.hps.data.filter_length,
self.hps.data.sampling_rate, self.hps.data.hop_length, self.hps.data.win_length,
spec = torch.squeeze(spec, 0)
sid = torch.LongTensor([int(srcId)])
data = (text_norm, spec, audio_norm, sid)
data = TextAudioSpeakerCollate()([data])
if gpu<0 or self.gpu_num==0 :
with torch.no_grad():
x, x_lengths, spec, spec_lengths, y, y_lengths, sid_src = [x.cpu() for x in data]
sid_tgt1 = torch.LongTensor([dstId]).cpu()
audio1 = (self.net_g.cpu().voice_conversion(spec, spec_lengths, sid_src=sid_src, sid_tgt=sid_tgt1)[0][0,0].data * self.hps.data.max_wav_value).cpu().float().numpy()
with torch.no_grad():
x, x_lengths, spec, spec_lengths, y, y_lengths, sid_src = [x.cuda(gpu) for x in data]
sid_tgt1 = torch.LongTensor([dstId]).cuda(gpu)
audio1 = (self.net_g.cuda(gpu).voice_conversion(spec, spec_lengths, sid_src=sid_src, sid_tgt=sid_tgt1)[0][0,0].data * self.hps.data.max_wav_value).cpu().float().numpy()
except Exception as e:
print("VC PROCESSING!!!! EXCEPTION!!!", e)
audio1 = audio1.astype(np.int16)
return audio1