WIP: alpha

This commit is contained in:
wataru 2023-01-08 17:58:27 +09:00
parent 7f5490e202
commit 8082783644
9 changed files with 141 additions and 173 deletions

View File

@ -53,22 +53,22 @@ export const useMicrophoneOptions = () => {
useEffect(() => {
if (!clientState.clientInitialized) return
}, [serverSetting.mmvcServerUrl])
}, [clientState.clientInitialized, serverSetting.mmvcServerUrl])
//// プロトコル変更
useEffect(() => {
if (!clientState.clientInitialized) return
}, [serverSetting.protocol])
}, [clientState.clientInitialized, serverSetting.protocol])
//// フレームワーク変更
useEffect(() => {
if (!clientState.clientInitialized) return
clientState.updateSettings(ServerSettingKey.framework, serverSetting.framework)
}, [serverSetting.framework])
}, [clientState.clientInitialized, serverSetting.framework])
//// OnnxExecutionProvider変更
useEffect(() => {
if (!clientState.clientInitialized) return
clientState.updateSettings(ServerSettingKey.onnxExecutionProvider, serverSetting.onnxExecutionProvider)
}, [serverSetting.onnxExecutionProvider])
}, [clientState.clientInitialized, serverSetting.onnxExecutionProvider])
// 102 DeviceSetting
//// 入力情報の設定
@ -82,58 +82,39 @@ export const useMicrophoneOptions = () => {
useEffect(() => {
if (!clientState.clientInitialized) return
clientState.updateSettings(ServerSettingKey.srcId, speakerSetting.srcId)
}, [speakerSetting.srcId])
}, [clientState.clientInitialized, speakerSetting.srcId])
useEffect(() => {
if (!clientState.clientInitialized) return
clientState.updateSettings(ServerSettingKey.dstId, speakerSetting.dstId)
}, [speakerSetting.dstId])
}, [clientState.clientInitialized, speakerSetting.dstId])
// 104 ConvertSetting
useEffect(() => {
if (!clientState.clientInitialized) return
}, [convertSetting.inputChunkNum])
}, [clientState.clientInitialized, convertSetting.inputChunkNum])
useEffect(() => {
if (!clientState.clientInitialized) return
clientState.updateSettings(ServerSettingKey.convertChunkNum, convertSetting.convertChunkNum)
}, [convertSetting.convertChunkNum])
}, [clientState.clientInitialized, convertSetting.convertChunkNum])
useEffect(() => {
if (!clientState.clientInitialized) return
clientState.updateSettings(ServerSettingKey.gpu, convertSetting.gpu)
}, [convertSetting.gpu])
}, [clientState.clientInitialized, convertSetting.gpu])
useEffect(() => {
if (!clientState.clientInitialized) return
clientState.updateSettings(ServerSettingKey.crossFadeOffsetRate, convertSetting.crossFadeOffsetRate)
}, [convertSetting.crossFadeOffsetRate])
}, [clientState.clientInitialized, convertSetting.crossFadeOffsetRate])
useEffect(() => {
if (!clientState.clientInitialized) return
clientState.updateSettings(ServerSettingKey.crossFadeEndRate, convertSetting.crossFadeEndRate)
}, [convertSetting.crossFadeEndRate])
}, [clientState.clientInitialized, convertSetting.crossFadeEndRate])
// 105 AdvancedSetting
useEffect(() => {
if (!clientState.clientInitialized) return
}, [advancedSetting.voiceChangerMode])
// // const [options, setOptions] = useState<MicrophoneOptionsState>(InitMicrophoneOptionsState)
// const [params, setParams] = useState<VoiceChangerRequestParamas>(DefaultVoiceChangerRequestParamas)
// const [options, setOptions] = useState<VoiceChangerOptions>(DefaultVoiceChangerOptions)
// const [isStarted, setIsStarted] = useState<boolean>(false)
// useEffect(() => {
// const storeOptions = async () => {
// // @ts-ignore
// await chrome.storage.local.set({ microphoneOptions: options })
// }
// }
// storeOptions()
// }, [options]) // loadより前に持ってくるとstorage内が初期化されるのでだめかも。要検証
}, [clientState.clientInitialized, advancedSetting.voiceChangerMode])
const voiceChangerSetting = useMemo(() => {

View File

@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ export const useSpeakerSetting = () => {
<div className="body-button" onClick={onSetSpeakerMappingClicked}>set</div>
}, [speakers, editSpeakerTargetId, editSpeakerTargetName])

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export const useServerControl = (props: UseServerControlProps) => {
}, [isStarted])
}, [isStarted, props.convertStart, props.convertStop])
const performanceRow = useMemo(() => {
return (

View File

@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ export const useClient = (props: UseClientProps): ClientState => {
}, [])
@ -105,7 +104,6 @@ export const useClient = (props: UseClientProps): ClientState => {
}, [])

View File

@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ export class VoiceChnagerClient {
private promiseForInitialize: Promise<void>
private _isVoiceChanging = false
private sslCertified: string[] = []
private callbacks: Callbacks = {
onVoiceReceived: (voiceChangerMode: VoiceChangerMode, data: ArrayBuffer): void => {
// console.log(voiceChangerMode, data)
@ -176,11 +178,12 @@ export class VoiceChnagerClient {
const pageUrl = `${location.protocol}//${location.host}`
console.log("SERVER CHECK", url, pageUrl)
if (url != pageUrl && location.protocol == "https:") {
if (url != pageUrl && location.protocol == "https:" && this.sslCertified.includes(url) == false) {
if (openTab) {
const value = window.confirm("MMVC Server is different from this page's origin. Open tab to open ssl connection. OK? (You can close the opened tab after ssl connection succeed.)");
if (value) {
window.open(url, '_blank')
} else {
alert("Your voice conversion may fail...")

View File

@ -1 +1,6 @@
frontend_path = "../client/demo/dist"

View File

@ -20,24 +20,14 @@ class MMVC_Namespace(socketio.AsyncNamespace):
async def on_request_message(self, sid, msg):
# print("on_request_message", torch.cuda.memory_allocated())
gpu = int(msg[0])
srcId = int(msg[1])
dstId = int(msg[2])
timestamp = int(msg[3])
convertChunkNum = int(msg[4])
crossFadeLowerValue = float(msg[5])
crossFadeOffsetRate = float(msg[6])
crossFadeEndRate = float(msg[7])
data = msg[8]
timestamp = int(msg[0])
data = msg[1]
unpackedData = np.array(struct.unpack('<%sh' % (len(data) // struct.calcsize('<h')), data))
audio1 = self.voiceChangerManager.changeVoice(
gpu, srcId, dstId, timestamp, convertChunkNum, crossFadeLowerValue, crossFadeOffsetRate, crossFadeEndRate, unpackedData)
audio1 = self.voiceChangerManager.changeVoice(unpackedData)
# print("sio result:", len(audio1), audio1.shape)
# bin = struct.pack('<%sh' % len(audio1), *audio1)
# await self.emit('response', [timestamp, bin])
bin = struct.pack('<%sh' % len(audio1), *audio1)
await self.emit('response', [timestamp, bin])
def on_disconnect(self, sid):
# print('[{}] disconnect'.format(datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from const import ERROR_NO_ONNX_SESSION
import torch
import math, os, traceback
from scipy.io.wavfile import write, read
@ -24,13 +25,13 @@ class VocieChangerSettings():
crossFadeOffsetRate:float = 0.1
crossFadeEndRate:float = 0.9
convertChunkNum:int = 32
framework:str = "PyTorch"
framework:str = "PyTorch" # PyTorch or ONNX
pyTorch_model_file:str = ""
onnx_model_file:str = ""
config_file:str = ""
# ↓mutableな物だけ列挙
intData = ["srcId", "dstId", "convertChunkNum"]
floatData = ["gpu", "crossFadeOffsetRate", "crossFadeEndRate",]
intData = ["gpu","srcId", "dstId", "convertChunkNum"]
floatData = [ "crossFadeOffsetRate", "crossFadeEndRate",]
strData = ["framework"]
class VoiceChanger():
@ -98,10 +99,20 @@ class VoiceChanger():
def update_setteings(self, key:str, val:any):
if key == "onnxExecutionProvider":
if val == "CUDAExecutionProvider":
provider_options=[{'device_id': self.settings.gpu}]
self.onnx_session.set_providers(providers=[val], provider_options=provider_options)
return self.get_info()
elif key in self.settings.intData:
setattr(self.settings, key, int(val))
if key == "gpu" and val >= 0 and val < self.gpu_num and hasattr(self, "onnx_session"):
providers = self.onnx_session.get_providers()
print("Providers::::", providers)
if "CUDAExecutionProvider" in providers:
provider_options=[{'device_id': self.settings.gpu}]
self.onnx_session.set_providers(providers=["CUDAExecutionProvider"], provider_options=provider_options)
return self.get_info()
elif key in self.settings.floatData:
setattr(self.settings, key, float(val))
@ -114,21 +125,6 @@ class VoiceChanger():
return self.get_info()
# def set_gpu(self, gpu:int):
# self.settings.gpu = gpu
# return {"gpu":self.settings.gpu}
# def set_crossfade_setting(self, crossFadeOffsetRate:float, crossFadeEndRate:float):
# self.settings.crossFadeOffsetRate = crossFadeOffsetRate
# self.settings.crossFadeEndRate = crossFadeEndRate
# self.unpackedData_length = 0 # 次のVC時にStrengthを再計算させるため。
# def set_conversion_setting(self, srcId:int, dstId:int):
# self.settings.srcId = srcId
# self.settings.dstId = dstId
# def set_convert_chunk_num(self, convertChunkNum):
# self.settings.convertChunkNum = convertChunkNum
def _generate_strength(self, unpackedData):
@ -179,6 +175,91 @@ class VoiceChanger():
return data
def _onnx_inference(self, data, inputSize):
if hasattr(self, 'onnx_session'):
x, x_lengths, spec, spec_lengths, y, y_lengths, sid_src = [x for x in data]
sid_tgt1 = torch.LongTensor([self.settings.dstId])
# if spec.size()[2] >= 8:
audio1 = self.onnx_session.run(
"specs": spec.numpy(),
"lengths": spec_lengths.numpy(),
"sid_src": sid_src.numpy(),
"sid_tgt": sid_tgt1.numpy()
})[0][0,0] * self.hps.data.max_wav_value
if hasattr(self, 'np_prev_audio1') == True:
prev = self.np_prev_audio1[-1*inputSize:]
cur = audio1[-2*inputSize:-1*inputSize]
# print(prev.shape, self.np_prev_strength.shape, cur.shape, self.np_cur_strength.shape)
powered_prev = prev * self.np_prev_strength
powered_cur = cur * self.np_cur_strength
result = powered_prev + powered_cur
#result = prev * self.np_prev_strength + cur * self.np_cur_strength
cur = audio1[-2*inputSize:-1*inputSize]
result = cur
self.np_prev_audio1 = audio1
return result
raise ValueError(ERROR_NO_ONNX_SESSION, "No ONNX Session.")
def _pyTorch_inference(self, data, inputSize):
if self.settings.gpu < 0 or self.gpu_num == 0:
with torch.no_grad():
x, x_lengths, spec, spec_lengths, y, y_lengths, sid_src = [x.cpu() for x in data]
sid_tgt1 = torch.LongTensor([self.settings.dstId]).cpu()
audio1 = (self.net_g.cpu().voice_conversion(spec, spec_lengths, sid_src=sid_src, sid_tgt=sid_tgt1)[0][0, 0].data * self.hps.data.max_wav_value)
if self.prev_strength.device != torch.device('cpu'):
print(f"prev_strength move from {self.prev_strength.device} to cpu")
self.prev_strength = self.prev_strength.cpu()
if self.cur_strength.device != torch.device('cpu'):
print(f"cur_strength move from {self.cur_strength.device} to cpu")
self.cur_strength = self.cur_strength.cpu()
if hasattr(self, 'prev_audio1') == True and self.prev_audio1.device == torch.device('cpu'):
prev = self.prev_audio1[-1*inputSize:]
cur = audio1[-2*inputSize:-1*inputSize]
result = prev * self.prev_strength + cur * self.cur_strength
cur = audio1[-2*inputSize:-1*inputSize]
result = cur
self.prev_audio1 = audio1
result = result.cpu().float().numpy()
with torch.no_grad():
x, x_lengths, spec, spec_lengths, y, y_lengths, sid_src = [x.cuda(self.settings.gpu) for x in data]
sid_tgt1 = torch.LongTensor([self.settings.dstId]).cuda(self.settings.gpu)
audio1 = self.net_g.cuda(self.settings.gpu).voice_conversion(spec, spec_lengths, sid_src=sid_src, sid_tgt=sid_tgt1)[0][0, 0].data * self.hps.data.max_wav_value
if self.prev_strength.device != torch.device('cuda', self.settings.gpu):
print(f"prev_strength move from {self.prev_strength.device} to gpu{self.settings.gpu}")
self.prev_strength = self.prev_strength.cuda(self.settings.gpu)
if self.cur_strength.device != torch.device('cuda', self.settings.gpu):
print(f"cur_strength move from {self.cur_strength.device} to gpu{self.settings.gpu}")
self.cur_strength = self.cur_strength.cuda(self.settings.gpu)
if hasattr(self, 'prev_audio1') == True and self.prev_audio1.device == torch.device('cuda', self.settings.gpu):
prev = self.prev_audio1[-1*inputSize:]
cur = audio1[-2*inputSize:-1*inputSize]
result = prev * self.prev_strength + cur * self.cur_strength
# print("merging...", prev.shape, cur.shape)
cur = audio1[-2*inputSize:-1*inputSize]
result = cur
# print("no merging...", cur.shape)
self.prev_audio1 = audio1
result = result.cpu().float().numpy()
return result
def on_request(self, unpackedData:any):
convertSize = self.settings.convertChunkNum * 128 # 128sample/1chunk
if unpackedData.shape[0] * 2 > convertSize:
@ -189,96 +270,21 @@ class VoiceChanger():
data = self._generate_input(unpackedData, convertSize)
# try:
# # if gpu < 0 or (self.gpu_num == 0 and not self.mps_enabled):
# if self.gpu == -2 and hasattr(self, 'onnx_session') == True:
# x, x_lengths, spec, spec_lengths, y, y_lengths, sid_src = [x for x in data]
# sid_tgt1 = torch.LongTensor([self.dstId])
# # if spec.size()[2] >= 8:
# audio1 = self.onnx_session.run(
# ["audio"],
# {
# "specs": spec.numpy(),
# "lengths": spec_lengths.numpy(),
# "sid_src": sid_src.numpy(),
# "sid_tgt": sid_tgt1.numpy()
# })[0][0,0] * self.hps.data.max_wav_value
# if hasattr(self, 'np_prev_audio1') == True:
# prev = self.np_prev_audio1[-1*unpackedData.shape[0]:]
# cur = audio1[-2*unpackedData.shape[0]:-1*unpackedData.shape[0]]
# # print(prev.shape, self.np_prev_strength.shape, cur.shape, self.np_cur_strength.shape)
# powered_prev = prev * self.np_prev_strength
# powered_cur = cur * self.np_cur_strength
# result = powered_prev + powered_cur
# #result = prev * self.np_prev_strength + cur * self.np_cur_strength
# else:
# cur = audio1[-2*unpackedData.shape[0]:-1*unpackedData.shape[0]]
# result = cur
# self.np_prev_audio1 = audio1
# elif self.gpu < 0 or self.gpu_num == 0:
# with torch.no_grad():
# x, x_lengths, spec, spec_lengths, y, y_lengths, sid_src = [
# x.cpu() for x in data]
# sid_tgt1 = torch.LongTensor([self.dstId]).cpu()
# audio1 = (self.net_g.cpu().voice_conversion(spec, spec_lengths, sid_src=sid_src, sid_tgt=sid_tgt1)[0][0, 0].data * self.hps.data.max_wav_value)
# if self.prev_strength.device != torch.device('cpu'):
# print(f"prev_strength move from {self.prev_strength.device} to cpu")
# self.prev_strength = self.prev_strength.cpu()
# if self.cur_strength.device != torch.device('cpu'):
# print(f"cur_strength move from {self.cur_strength.device} to cpu")
# self.cur_strength = self.cur_strength.cpu()
# if hasattr(self, 'prev_audio1') == True and self.prev_audio1.device == torch.device('cpu'):
# prev = self.prev_audio1[-1*unpackedData.shape[0]:]
# cur = audio1[-2*unpackedData.shape[0]:-1*unpackedData.shape[0]]
# result = prev * self.prev_strength + cur * self.cur_strength
# else:
# cur = audio1[-2*unpackedData.shape[0]:-1*unpackedData.shape[0]]
# result = cur
# self.prev_audio1 = audio1
# result = result.cpu().float().numpy()
# else:
# with torch.no_grad():
# x, x_lengths, spec, spec_lengths, y, y_lengths, sid_src = [x.cuda(self.gpu) for x in data]
# sid_tgt1 = torch.LongTensor([self.dstId]).cuda(self.gpu)
# audio1 = self.net_g.cuda(self.gpu).voice_conversion(spec, spec_lengths, sid_src=sid_src, sid_tgt=sid_tgt1)[0][0, 0].data * self.hps.data.max_wav_value
# if self.prev_strength.device != torch.device('cuda', self.gpu):
# print(f"prev_strength move from {self.prev_strength.device} to gpu{self.gpu}")
# self.prev_strength = self.prev_strength.cuda(self.gpu)
# if self.cur_strength.device != torch.device('cuda', self.gpu):
# print(f"cur_strength move from {self.cur_strength.device} to gpu{self.gpu}")
# self.cur_strength = self.cur_strength.cuda(self.gpu)
if self.settings.framework == "ONNX":
result = self._onnx_inference(data, unpackedData.shape[0])
result = self._pyTorch_inference(data, unpackedData.shape[0])
except Exception as e:
print("VC PROCESSING!!!! EXCEPTION!!!", e)
del self.np_prev_audio1
del self.prev_audio1
# if hasattr(self, 'prev_audio1') == True and self.prev_audio1.device == torch.device('cuda', self.gpu):
# prev = self.prev_audio1[-1*unpackedData.shape[0]:]
# cur = audio1[-2*unpackedData.shape[0]:-1*unpackedData.shape[0]]
# result = prev * self.prev_strength + cur * self.cur_strength
# # print("merging...", prev.shape, cur.shape)
# else:
# cur = audio1[-2*unpackedData.shape[0]:-1*unpackedData.shape[0]]
# result = cur
# # print("no merging...", cur.shape)
# self.prev_audio1 = audio1
# #print(result)
# result = result.cpu().float().numpy()
# except Exception as e:
# print("VC PROCESSING!!!! EXCEPTION!!!", e)
# print(traceback.format_exc())
# del self.np_prev_audio1
# del self.prev_audio1
# result = result.astype(np.int16)
# # print("on_request result size:",result.shape)
# return result
result = result.astype(np.int16)
# print("on_request result size:",result.shape)
return result

View File

@ -27,23 +27,9 @@ class VoiceChangerManager():
return {"no info":"no info"}
# def set_onnx_provider(self, provider:str):
# if hasattr(self, 'voiceChanger'):
# return self.voiceChanger.set_onnx_provider(provider)
# else:
# return {"error":"no voice changer"}
def changeVoice(self, gpu:int, srcId:int, dstId:int, timestamp:int, convertChunkNum:int, crossFadeLowerValue:float, crossFadeOffsetRate:float, crossFadeEndRate:float, unpackedData:any):
def changeVoice(self, unpackedData:any):
if hasattr(self, 'voiceChanger') == True:
return self.voiceChanger.on_request(unpackedData)
print("Voice Change is not loaded. Did you load a correct model?")
return np.zeros(1).astype(np.int16)
def changeVoice_old(self, gpu, srcId, dstId, timestamp, prefixChunkSize, unpackedData):
if hasattr(self, 'voiceChanger') == True:
return self.voiceChanger.on_request(gpu, srcId, dstId, timestamp, prefixChunkSize, unpackedData)
print("Voice Change is not loaded. Did you load a correct model?")
return np.zeros(1).astype(np.int16)