WIP: integrate vcs to new gui

This commit is contained in:
wataru 2023-06-19 11:40:16 +09:00
parent 3bed1af628
commit b453e5fd85
16 changed files with 2777 additions and 424 deletions

View File

@ -1 +1,10 @@
<!doctype html><html style="width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden"><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>Voice Changer Client Demo</title><script defer="defer" src="index.js"></script></head><body style="width:100%;height:100%;margin:0"><div id="app" style="width:100%;height:100%"></div></body></html> <!DOCTYPE html>
<html style="width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Voice Changer Client Demo</title>
<script defer src="index.js"></script></head>
<body style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0px">
<div id="app" style="width: 100%; height: 100%"></div>

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
/*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): https://github.com/facebook/regenerator/blob/main/LICENSE */
* @license React
* react-dom.production.min.js
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @license React
* react.production.min.js
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @license React
* scheduler.production.min.js
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
import React, { useMemo } from "react";
import { useGuiState } from "./001_GuiStateProvider";
import { useAppState } from "../../001_provider/001_AppStateProvider";
import { RVCModelSlot, fileSelector } from "@dannadori/voice-changer-client-js";
import { useMessageBuilder } from "../../hooks/useMessageBuilder";
import { ModelSlotManagerDialogScreen } from "./904_ModelSlotManagerDialog";
import { checkExtention, trimfileName } from "../../utils/utils";
export type MainScreenProps = {
screen: ModelSlotManagerDialogScreen
close: () => void
openSampleDownloader: (slotIndex: number) => void
openFileUploader: (slotIndex: number) => void
export const MainScreen = (props: MainScreenProps) => {
const { serverSetting } = useAppState()
const guiState = useGuiState()
const messageBuilderState = useMessageBuilder()
useMemo(() => {
messageBuilderState.setMessage(__filename, "change_icon", { "ja": "アイコン変更", "en": "chage icon" })
messageBuilderState.setMessage(__filename, "rename", { "ja": "リネーム", "en": "rename" })
messageBuilderState.setMessage(__filename, "download", { "ja": "ダウンロード", "en": "download" })
messageBuilderState.setMessage(__filename, "terms_of_use", { "ja": "利用規約", "en": "terms of use" })
}, [])
const screen = useMemo(() => {
if (props.screen != "Main") {
return <></>
if (!serverSetting.serverSetting.modelSlots) {
return <></>
const iconAction = async (index: number) => {
if (!serverSetting.serverSetting.modelSlots[index].name || serverSetting.serverSetting.modelSlots[index].name.length == 0) {
const file = await fileSelector("")
if (checkExtention(file.name, ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif"]) == false) {
alert(`サムネイルの拡張子は".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif"である必要があります。`)
await serverSetting.uploadAssets(index, "iconFile", file)
const nameValueAction = async (index: number) => {
if (!serverSetting.serverSetting.modelSlots[index].name || serverSetting.serverSetting.modelSlots[index].name.length == 0) {
// Open Text Input Dialog
const p = new Promise<string>((resolve) => {
guiState.setTextInputResolve({ resolve: resolve })
const text = await p;
// Send to Server
if (text.length > 0) {
console.log("input text:", text)
await serverSetting.updateModelInfo(index, "name", text)
const fileValueAction = (url: string) => {
if (url.length == 0) {
const link = document.createElement("a")
link.href = "./" + url
link.download = url.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '')
const closeButtonRow = (
<div className="body-row split-3-4-3 left-padding-1">
<div className="body-item-text">
<div className="body-button-container body-button-container-space-around">
<div className="body-button" onClick={() => { props.close() }} >close</div>
<div className="body-item-text"></div>
const slotRow = serverSetting.serverSetting.modelSlots.map((x, index) => {
// モデルのアイコン
const generateIconArea = (slotIndex: number, iconUrl: string, tooltip: boolean) => {
const realIconUrl = iconUrl.length > 0 ? iconUrl : "/assets/icons/noimage.png"
const iconDivClass = tooltip ? "tooltip" : ""
const iconClass = tooltip ? "model-slot-icon-pointable" : "model-slot-icon"
return (
<div className={iconDivClass}>
<img src={realIconUrl} className={iconClass} onClick={() => { iconAction(slotIndex) }} />
<div className="tooltip-text tooltip-text-thin tooltip-text-lower">
{messageBuilderState.getMessage(__filename, "change_icon")}
// モデルの名前
const generateNameRow = (slotIndex: number, name: string, termsOfUseUrl: string) => {
const nameValueClass = name.length > 0 ? "model-slot-detail-row-value-pointable tooltip" : "model-slot-detail-row-value"
const displayName = name.length > 0 ? name : "blank"
const termOfUseUrlLink = termsOfUseUrl.length > 0 ? <a href={termsOfUseUrl} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" className="body-item-text-small">[{messageBuilderState.getMessage(__filename, "terms_of_use")}]</a> : <></>
return (
<div className="model-slot-detail-row">
<div className="model-slot-detail-row-label">[{slotIndex}]</div>
<div className={nameValueClass} onClick={() => { nameValueAction(slotIndex) }}>
<div className="tooltip-text tooltip-text-thin">
{messageBuilderState.getMessage(__filename, "rename")}
<div className="">{termOfUseUrlLink}</div>
// モデルを構成するファイル
const generateFileRow = (title: string, filePath: string) => {
const fileValueClass = filePath.length > 0 ? "model-slot-detail-row-value-download tooltip" : "model-slot-detail-row-value"
return (
<div key={`${title}`} className="model-slot-detail-row">
<div className="model-slot-detail-row-label">{title}:</div>
<div className={fileValueClass} onClick={() => { fileValueAction(filePath) }}>
{trimfileName(filePath, 20)}
<div className="tooltip-text tooltip-text-thin">
{messageBuilderState.getMessage(__filename, "download")}
// その他情報欄
const generateInfoRow = (info: string) => {
return (
<div className="model-slot-detail-row">
<div className="model-slot-detail-row-label">info: </div>
<div className="model-slot-detail-row-value">{info}</div>
<div className=""></div>
let iconArea = <></>
let nameRow = <></>
const fileRows = []
let infoRow = <></>
if (x.voiceChangerType == "RVC") {
const slotInfo = x as RVCModelSlot
iconArea = generateIconArea(index, slotInfo.iconFile, true)
nameRow = generateNameRow(index, slotInfo.name, slotInfo.termsOfUseUrl)
fileRows.push(generateFileRow("model", slotInfo.modelFile))
fileRows.push(generateFileRow("index", slotInfo.indexFile))
infoRow = generateInfoRow(`${slotInfo.f0 ? "f0" : "nof0"}, ${slotInfo.samplingRate}, ${slotInfo.embChannels}, ${slotInfo.modelType}, ${slotInfo.defaultTune}, ${slotInfo.defaultIndexRatio}, ${slotInfo.defaultProtect}`)
} else {
iconArea = generateIconArea(index, "/assets/icons/blank.png", false)
nameRow = generateNameRow(index, "", "")
return (
<div key={index} className="model-slot">
<div className="model-slot-detail">
<div className="model-slot-buttons">
<div className="model-slot-button" onClick={() => { props.openFileUploader(index) }} >upload</div>
<div className="model-slot-button" onClick={() => { props.openSampleDownloader(index) }} >DL sample</div>
</div >
return (
<div className="dialog-frame">
<div className="dialog-title">Model Slot Configuration</div>
<div className="dialog-fixed-size-content">
<div className="model-slot-container">
}, [props.screen, serverSetting.serverSetting])
return screen

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
import React, { useMemo, useState } from "react";
import { useAppState } from "../../001_provider/001_AppStateProvider";
import { InitialFileUploadSetting } from "@dannadori/voice-changer-client-js";
import { useMessageBuilder } from "../../hooks/useMessageBuilder";
import { ModelSlotManagerDialogScreen } from "./904_ModelSlotManagerDialog";
export type SampleDownloaderScreenProps = {
screen: ModelSlotManagerDialogScreen
targetIndex: number
close: () => void
backToSlotManager: () => void
export const SampleDownloaderScreen = (props: SampleDownloaderScreenProps) => {
const { serverSetting } = useAppState()
const [lang, setLang] = useState<string>("All")
const messageBuilderState = useMessageBuilder()
useMemo(() => {
messageBuilderState.setMessage(__filename, "terms_of_use", { "ja": "利用規約", "en": "terms of use" })
}, [])
// Sample Downloader
const screen = useMemo(() => {
if (props.screen != "SampleDownloader") {
return <></>
if (!serverSetting.serverSetting.modelSlots) {
return <></>
const langs = serverSetting.serverSetting.sampleModels.reduce((prev, cur) => {
if (prev.includes(cur.lang) == false) {
return prev
}, ["All"] as string[])
const langOptions = (
langs.map(x => {
return <option key={x} value={x}>{x}</option>
const onDownloadSampleClicked = async (id: string) => {
serverSetting.fileUploadSettings[props.targetIndex] = {
rvcModel: null,
rvcIndex: null,
sampleId: id,
isSampleMode: true
try {
await serverSetting.loadModel(props.targetIndex)
} catch (e) {
// setMode("localFile")
const options = (
serverSetting.serverSetting.sampleModels.filter(x => { return lang == "All" ? true : x.lang == lang }).map((x, index) => {
const termOfUseUrlLink = x.termsOfUseUrl && x.termsOfUseUrl.length > 0 ? <a href={x.termsOfUseUrl} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" className="body-item-text-small">[{messageBuilderState.getMessage(__filename, "terms_of_use")}]</a> : <></>
return (
<div key={index} className="model-slot">
<img src={x.icon} className="model-slot-icon"></img>
<div className="model-slot-detail">
<div className="model-slot-detail-row">
<div className="model-slot-detail-row-label">name:</div>
<div className="model-slot-detail-row-value">{x.name}</div>
<div className="">{termOfUseUrlLink}</div>
<div className="model-slot-detail-row">
<div className="model-slot-detail-row-label">info: </div>
<div className="model-slot-detail-row-value">{x.modelType},{x.f0 ? "f0" : "nof0"},{x.sampleRate}</div>
<div className=""></div>
<div className="model-slot-buttons">
<div className="model-slot-button" onClick={() => { onDownloadSampleClicked(x.id) }}>download</div>
return (
<div className="dialog-frame">
<div className="dialog-title">Sample Downloader</div>
<div className="dialog-fixed-size-content">
<div className="model-slot-header">Select Sample for Slot[{props.targetIndex}] <span onClick={() => {
}} className="model-slot-header-button">&lt;&lt;back</span></div>
<select value={lang} onChange={(e) => { setLang(e.target.value) }}>
<div className="model-slot-container">
}, [
return screen;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react";
import { useAppState } from "../../001_provider/001_AppStateProvider";
import { FileUploadSetting, InitialFileUploadSetting, ModelFileKind, ModelUploadSetting, VoiceChangerType, fileSelector } from "@dannadori/voice-changer-client-js";
import { useMessageBuilder } from "../../hooks/useMessageBuilder";
import { ModelSlotManagerDialogScreen } from "./904_ModelSlotManagerDialog";
import { checkExtention, trimfileName } from "../../utils/utils";
export type FileUploaderScreenProps = {
screen: ModelSlotManagerDialogScreen
targetIndex: number
close: () => void
backToSlotManager: () => void
export const FileUploaderScreen = (props: FileUploaderScreenProps) => {
const { serverSetting } = useAppState()
const [voiceChangerType, setVoiceChangerType] = useState<VoiceChangerType>("RVC")
const [uploadSetting, setUploadSetting] = useState<ModelUploadSetting>()
const messageBuilderState = useMessageBuilder()
useMemo(() => {
messageBuilderState.setMessage(__filename, "select", { "ja": "ファイル選択", "en": "select file" })
messageBuilderState.setMessage(__filename, "upload", { "ja": "アップロード", "en": "upload" })
messageBuilderState.setMessage(__filename, "alert-model-ext", {
"ja": "ファイルの拡張子は次のモノである必要があります。",
"en": "extension of file should be the following."
messageBuilderState.setMessage(__filename, "alert-model-file", {
"ja": "ファイルが選択されていません",
"en": "file is not selected."
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
voiceChangerType: voiceChangerType,
slot: props.targetIndex,
isSampleMode: false,
sampleId: null,
files: [],
}, [props.targetIndex, voiceChangerType])
const screen = useMemo(() => {
if (props.screen != "FileUploader") {
return <></>
const vcTypeOptions = (
Object.values(VoiceChangerType).map(x => {
return <option key={x} value={x}>{x}</option>
const checkModelSetting = (setting: ModelUploadSetting) => {
if (setting.voiceChangerType == "RVC") {
// const enough = !!setting.files.find(x => { return x.kind == "rvcModel" }) &&
// !!setting.files.find(x => { return x.kind == "rvcIndex" })
// return enough
const enough = !!setting.files.find(x => { return x.kind == "rvcModel" })
return enough
const generateFileRow = (setting: ModelUploadSetting, title: string, kind: ModelFileKind, ext: string[]) => {
const selectedFile = setting.files.find(x => { return x.kind == kind })
const selectedFilename = selectedFile?.file.name || ""
return (
<div key={`${title}`} className="file-uploader-file-select-row">
<div className="file-uploader-file-select-row-label">{title}:</div>
<div className="file-uploader-file-select-row-value" >
{trimfileName(selectedFilename, 30)}
<div className="file-uploader-file-select-row-button" onClick={async () => {
const file = await fileSelector("")
if (checkExtention(file.name, ext) == false) {
const alertMessage = `${messageBuilderState.getMessage(__filename, "alert-model-ext")} ${ext}`
if (selectedFile) {
selectedFile.file = file
} else {
setting.files.push({ kind: kind, file: file })
setUploadSetting({ ...setting })
{messageBuilderState.getMessage(__filename, "select")}
const generateFileRowsByVCType = (vcType: VoiceChangerType) => {
const rows: JSX.Element[] = []
if (vcType == "RVC") {
rows.push(generateFileRow(uploadSetting!, "Model", "rvcModel", ["pth", "onnx"]))
rows.push(generateFileRow(uploadSetting!, "Index", "rvcIndex", ["index", "bin"]))
return rows
const fileRows = generateFileRowsByVCType(voiceChangerType)
return (
<div className="dialog-frame">
<div className="dialog-title">File Uploader</div>
<div className="dialog-fixed-size-content">
<div className="file-uploader-header">Upload Files for Slot[{props.targetIndex}] <span onClick={() => {
}} className="file-uploader-header-button">&lt;&lt;back</span></div>
<div className="file-uploader-voice-changer-select" >VoiceChangerType:
<select value={voiceChangerType} onChange={(e) => {
setVoiceChangerType(e.target.value as VoiceChangerType)
<div className="file-uploader-file-select-container">
<div className="file-uploader-file-select-upload-button-container">
<div className="file-uploader-file-select-upload-button" onClick={() => {
if (!uploadSetting) {
if (checkModelSetting(uploadSetting)) {
} else {
const errorMessage = messageBuilderState.getMessage(__filename, "alert-model-file")
{messageBuilderState.getMessage(__filename, "upload")}
}, [
return screen;

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
import React, { useMemo, useState } from "react"; import React, { useMemo, useState } from "react";
import { useGuiState } from "./001_GuiStateProvider"; import { useGuiState } from "./001_GuiStateProvider";
import { useAppState } from "../../001_provider/001_AppStateProvider"; import { MainScreen } from "./904-1_MainScreen";
import { InitialFileUploadSetting, fileSelector } from "@dannadori/voice-changer-client-js"; import { SampleDownloaderScreen } from "./904-2_SampleDownloader";
import { useMessageBuilder } from "../../hooks/useMessageBuilder"; import { FileUploaderScreen } from "./904-3_FileUploader";
export type uploadData = { export type uploadData = {
slot: number slot: number
@ -11,365 +10,60 @@ export type uploadData = {
index: File | null index: File | null
} }
const Mode = { export const ModelSlotSettingMode = {
"localFile": "localFile", "localFile": "localFile",
"fromNet": "fromNet" "fromNet": "fromNet"
} as const } as const
type Mode = typeof Mode[keyof typeof Mode] export type ModelSlotSettingMode = typeof ModelSlotSettingMode[keyof typeof ModelSlotSettingMode]
export const ModelSlotManagerDialogScreen = {
"Main": "Main",
"SampleDownloader": "SampleDownloader",
"FileUploader": "FileUploader"
} as const
export type ModelSlotManagerDialogScreen = typeof ModelSlotManagerDialogScreen[keyof typeof ModelSlotManagerDialogScreen]
export const ModelSlotManagerDialog = () => { export const ModelSlotManagerDialog = () => {
const guiState = useGuiState() const guiState = useGuiState()
const { serverSetting } = useAppState() const [screen, setScreen] = useState<ModelSlotManagerDialogScreen>("Main")
const [uploadData, setUploadData] = useState<uploadData | null>(null) const [targetIndex, setTargetIndex] = useState<number>(0)
const [mode, setMode] = useState<Mode>("localFile")
const [fromNetTargetIndex, setFromNetTargetIndex] = useState<number>(0)
const [lang, setLang] = useState<string>("All")
const messageBuilderState = useMessageBuilder()
useMemo(() => {
messageBuilderState.setMessage(__filename, "change_icon", { "ja": "アイコン変更", "en": "chage icon" })
messageBuilderState.setMessage(__filename, "rename", { "ja": "リネーム", "en": "rename" })
messageBuilderState.setMessage(__filename, "download", { "ja": "ダウンロード", "en": "download" })
messageBuilderState.setMessage(__filename, "terms_of_use", { "ja": "利用規約", "en": "terms of use" })
}, [])
// Slot Manager
const localFileContent = useMemo(() => {
if (mode != "localFile") {
return <></>
if (!serverSetting.serverSetting.modelSlots) {
return <></>
const checkExtention = (filename: string, acceptExtentions: string[]) => {
const ext = filename.split('.').pop();
if (!ext) {
return false
return acceptExtentions.includes(ext)
const onRVCModelLoadClicked = async (slot: number) => {
const file = await fileSelector("")
if (checkExtention(file.name, ["pth", "onnx"]) == false) {
alert(`モデルファイルの拡張子は".pth", ".onnx"である必要があります。`)
if (uploadData?.slot == slot) {
setUploadData({ ...uploadData, model: file })
} else {
const newUploadData = {
slot: slot,
model: file,
index: null
const onRVCIndexLoadClicked = async (slot: number) => {
const file = await fileSelector("")
if (checkExtention(file.name, ["index", "bin"]) == false) {
if (uploadData?.slot == slot) {
setUploadData({ ...uploadData, index: file })
} else {
const newUploadData = {
slot: slot,
model: null,
index: file
const onUploadClicked = async () => {
if (!uploadData) {
if (!uploadData.model) {
serverSetting.fileUploadSettings[uploadData.slot] = {
rvcModel: { file: uploadData.model },
rvcIndex: uploadData.index ? { file: uploadData.index } : null,
sampleId: null,
isSampleMode: false
serverSetting.setFileUploadSetting(uploadData.slot, {
await serverSetting.loadModel(uploadData.slot)
const onClearClicked = () => {
const onOpenSampleDownloadDialog = (index: number) => {
const slots = serverSetting.serverSetting.modelSlots.map((x, index) => {
let modelFileName = ""
if (uploadData?.slot == index) {
modelFileName = (uploadData.model?.name || "").replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '')
} else if (x.modelFile && x.modelFile.length > 0) {
modelFileName = x.modelFile.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '')
if (modelFileName.length > 20) {
modelFileName = modelFileName.substring(0, 20) + "..."
let indexFileName = ""
if (uploadData?.slot == index) {
indexFileName = (uploadData.index?.name || "").replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '')
} else if (x.indexFile && x.indexFile.length > 0) {
indexFileName = x.indexFile.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '')
if (indexFileName.length > 20) {
indexFileName = indexFileName.substring(0, 20) + "..."
const isRegisterd = modelFileName.length > 0 ? true : false
const name = x.name && x.name.length > 0 ? x.name : isRegisterd ? modelFileName : "blank"
const termOfUseUrlLink = x.termsOfUseUrl && x.termsOfUseUrl.length > 0 ? <a href={x.termsOfUseUrl} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" className="body-item-text-small">[{messageBuilderState.getMessage(__filename, "terms_of_use")}]</a> : <></>
const nameValueClass = isRegisterd ? "model-slot-detail-row-value-pointable" : "model-slot-detail-row-value"
const nameValueAction = isRegisterd ? async (index: number) => {
const p = new Promise<string>((resolve) => {
guiState.setTextInputResolve({ resolve: resolve })
const text = await p;
if (text.length > 0) {
console.log("input text:", text)
await serverSetting.updateModelInfo(index, "name", text)
} : async (_index: number) => { }
const iconClass = isRegisterd ? "model-slot-icon-pointable" : "model-slot-icon"
const iconAction = isRegisterd ? async (index: number) => {
const file = await fileSelector("")
if (checkExtention(file.name, ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif"]) == false) {
alert(`モデルファイルの拡張子は".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif"である必要があります。`)
await serverSetting.uploadAssets(index, "iconFile", file)
} : async (_index: number) => { }
const fileValueClass = (uploadData?.slot == index) ? "model-slot-detail-row-value-edit" : isRegisterd ? "model-slot-detail-row-value-download" : "model-slot-detail-row-value"
const fileValueAction = (uploadData?.slot == index) ? (_url: string) => {
} : isRegisterd ? (url: string) => {
console.log("Download url:::", url)
const link = document.createElement("a")
link.href = "/" + url
link.download = url.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '')
} : (_url: string) => { }
const iconUrl = x.modelFile && x.modelFile.length > 0 ? (x.iconFile && x.iconFile.length > 0 ? x.iconFile : "/assets/icons/noimage.png") : "/assets/icons/blank.png"
return (
<div key={index} className="model-slot">
<div className="tooltip">
<img src={iconUrl} className={iconClass} onClick={() => { iconAction(index) }} />
<div className="tooltip-text tooltip-text-thin tooltip-text-lower">
{messageBuilderState.getMessage(__filename, "change_icon")}
<div className="model-slot-detail">
<div className="model-slot-detail-row">
<div className="model-slot-detail-row-label">[{index}]</div>
<div className={nameValueClass + " tooltip"} onClick={() => { nameValueAction(index) }}>
<div className="tooltip-text tooltip-text-thin">
{messageBuilderState.getMessage(__filename, "rename")}
<div className="">{termOfUseUrlLink}</div>
<div className="model-slot-detail-row">
<div className="model-slot-detail-row-label">model:</div>
<div className={fileValueClass + " tooltip"} onClick={() => { fileValueAction(x.modelFile) }}>
<div className="tooltip-text tooltip-text-thin">
{messageBuilderState.getMessage(__filename, "download")}
<div className="model-slot-button model-slot-detail-row-button" onClick={() => { onRVCModelLoadClicked(index) }}>select</div>
<div className="model-slot-detail-row">
<div className="model-slot-detail-row-label">index:</div>
<div className={fileValueClass + " tooltip"} onClick={() => { fileValueAction(x.indexFile) }}>
<div className="tooltip-text tooltip-text-thin">
{messageBuilderState.getMessage(__filename, "download")}
<div className="model-slot-button model-slot-detail-row-button" onClick={() => { onRVCIndexLoadClicked(index) }}>select</div>
<div className="model-slot-detail-row">
<div className="model-slot-detail-row-label">info: </div>
<div className="model-slot-detail-row-value">{x.f0 ? "f0" : "nof0"}, {x.samplingRate}, {x.embChannels}, {x.modelType}, {x.defaultTune}, {x.defaultIndexRatio}, {x.defaultProtect}</div>
<div className=""></div>
<div className="model-slot-buttons">
{(uploadData?.slot == index) && (uploadData.model != null) ?
<div></div> :
<div className="model-slot-button" onClick={() => { onOpenSampleDownloadDialog(index) }}>DL sample&gt;&gt; </div>
{(uploadData?.slot == index) && (uploadData.model != null) ?
<div className="model-slot-button" onClick={onUploadClicked}>upload</div> : <div></div>
{(uploadData?.slot == index) && (uploadData.model != null || uploadData.index != null) ?
<div className="model-slot-button" onClick={onClearClicked}>clear</div> : <div></div>
{(uploadData?.slot == index) && (uploadData.model != null) ?
<div>{serverSetting.uploadProgress.toFixed(1)}%</div> : <div></div>
</div >
return (
<div className="model-slot-container">
}, [
// Sample Downloader
const fromNetContent = useMemo(() => {
if (mode != "fromNet") {
return <></>
const langs = serverSetting.serverSetting.sampleModels.reduce((prev, cur) => {
if (prev.includes(cur.lang) == false) {
return prev
}, ["All"] as string[])
const langOptions = (
langs.map(x => {
return <option key={x} value={x}>{x}</option>
const onDownloadSampleClicked = async (id: string) => {
serverSetting.fileUploadSettings[fromNetTargetIndex] = {
rvcModel: null,
rvcIndex: null,
sampleId: id,
isSampleMode: true
try {
await serverSetting.loadModel(fromNetTargetIndex)
} catch (e) {
const options = (
serverSetting.serverSetting.sampleModels.filter(x => { return lang == "All" ? true : x.lang == lang }).map((x, index) => {
const termOfUseUrlLink = x.termsOfUseUrl && x.termsOfUseUrl.length > 0 ? <a href={x.termsOfUseUrl} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" className="body-item-text-small">[{messageBuilderState.getMessage(__filename, "terms_of_use")}]</a> : <></>
return (
<div key={index} className="model-slot">
<img src={x.icon} className="model-slot-icon"></img>
<div className="model-slot-detail">
<div className="model-slot-detail-row">
<div className="model-slot-detail-row-label">name:</div>
<div className="model-slot-detail-row-value">{x.name}</div>
<div className="">{termOfUseUrlLink}</div>
<div className="model-slot-detail-row">
<div className="model-slot-detail-row-label">info: </div>
<div className="model-slot-detail-row-value">{x.modelType},{x.f0 ? "f0" : "nof0"},{x.sampleRate}</div>
<div className=""></div>
<div className="model-slot-buttons">
<div className="model-slot-button" onClick={() => { onDownloadSampleClicked(x.id) }}>download</div>
return (
<div className="">
<div className="model-slot-header">Select Sample for Slot[{fromNetTargetIndex}] <span onClick={() => { setMode("localFile") }} className="model-slot-header-button">&lt;&lt;back</span></div>
<select value={lang} onChange={(e) => { setLang(e.target.value) }}>
<div className="model-slot-container">
}, [
const dialog = useMemo(() => { const dialog = useMemo(() => {
const closeButtonRow = ( const close = () => { guiState.stateControls.showModelSlotManagerCheckbox.updateState(false) }
<div className="body-row split-3-4-3 left-padding-1"> const openSampleDownloader = (index: number) => { setTargetIndex(index); setScreen("SampleDownloader") }
<div className="body-item-text"> const openFileUploader = (index: number) => { setTargetIndex(index); setScreen("FileUploader") }
</div> const backToSlotManager = () => { setScreen("Main") }
<div className="body-button-container body-button-container-space-around"> const mainScreen = (
<div className="body-button" onClick={() => { guiState.stateControls.showModelSlotManagerCheckbox.updateState(false) }} >close</div> <MainScreen
</div> screen={screen}
<div className="body-item-text"></div> close={close}
</div> openSampleDownloader={openSampleDownloader}
openFileUploader={openFileUploader} />
const sampleDownloaderScreen = (
backToSlotManager={backToSlotManager} />
const fileUploaderScreen = (
backToSlotManager={backToSlotManager} />
) )
return ( return (
<div className="dialog-frame"> <div className="dialog-frame">
<div className="dialog-title">{mode == "localFile" ? "Model Slot Configuration" : "Sample Downloader"}</div> {mainScreen}
<div className="dialog-fixed-size-content"> {sampleDownloaderScreen}
{localFileContent} {fileUploaderScreen}
</div> </div>
</div> )
); }, [screen, targetIndex])
}, [
return dialog; return dialog;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react"; import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react";
import { useGuiState } from "./001_GuiStateProvider"; import { useGuiState } from "./001_GuiStateProvider";
import { useAppState } from "../../001_provider/001_AppStateProvider"; import { useAppState } from "../../001_provider/001_AppStateProvider";
import { MergeElement, ModelType } from "@dannadori/voice-changer-client-js"; import { MergeElement, RVCModelType } from "@dannadori/voice-changer-client-js";
export const MergeLabDialog = () => { export const MergeLabDialog = () => {
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export const MergeLabDialog = () => {
prev[key] = val prev[key] = val
} }
return prev return prev
}, {} as { [key: string]: { type: ModelType, samplingRate: number, embChannels: number } }) }, {} as { [key: string]: { type: RVCModelType, samplingRate: number, embChannels: number } })
}, [newSlotChangeKey]) }, [newSlotChangeKey])

View File

@ -732,9 +732,11 @@ body {
.dialog-fixed-size-content { .dialog-fixed-size-content {
width: 90%; width: 90%;
max-height: 70vh; max-height: 70vh;
.model-slot-header { .model-slot-header,
.file-uploader-header {
font-weight: 700; font-weight: 700;
.model-slot-header-button { .model-slot-header-button,
.file-uploader-header-button {
font-weight: 400; font-weight: 400;
font-size: 0.8rem; font-size: 0.8rem;
user-select: none; user-select: none;
@ -849,6 +851,59 @@ body {
} }
} }
} }
.file-uploader-voice-changer-select {
font-size: 1rem;
padding-left: 0.5rem;
.file-uploader-file-select-container {
font-size: 0.9rem;
padding-left: 1rem;
.file-uploader-file-select-row {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
margin: 0.2rem;
.file-uploader-file-select-row-label {
width: 5rem;
.file-uploader-file-select-row-value {
width: 20rem;
color: #f00;
white-space: nowrap;
.file-uploader-file-select-row-button {
user-select: none;
border: solid 1px #999;
border-radius: 2px;
cursor: pointer;
vertical-align: middle;
text-align: center;
padding: 1px;
&:hover {
border: solid 1px #000;
.file-uploader-file-select-upload-button-container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
margin-top: 1rem;
justify-content: center;
.file-uploader-file-select-upload-button {
width: 8rem;
user-select: none;
border: solid 1px #999;
border-radius: 2px;
cursor: pointer;
vertical-align: middle;
text-align: center;
padding: 1px;
&:hover {
border: solid 1px #000;
} }
} }
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
export const trimfileName = (name: string, length: number) => {
const trimmedName = name.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '')
if (trimmedName.length > length) {
return trimmedName.substring(0, length) + "..."
} else {
return trimmedName
export const checkExtention = (filename: string, acceptExtentions: string[]) => {
const ext = filename.split('.').pop();
if (!ext) {
return false
return acceptExtentions.includes(ext)

View File

@ -16,6 +16,19 @@ export const ClientType = {
} as const } as const
export type ClientType = typeof ClientType[keyof typeof ClientType] export type ClientType = typeof ClientType[keyof typeof ClientType]
export const VoiceChangerType = {
"MMVCv15": "MMVCv15",
"MMVCv13": "MMVCv13",
"so-vits-svc-40": "so-vits-svc-40",
"so-vits-svc-40_c": "so-vits-svc-40_c",
"so-vits-svc-40v2": "so-vits-svc-40v2",
"RVC": "RVC"
} as const
export type VoiceChangerType = typeof VoiceChangerType[keyof typeof VoiceChangerType]
/////////////////////// ///////////////////////
// サーバセッティング // サーバセッティング
/////////////////////// ///////////////////////
@ -70,7 +83,7 @@ export const DiffMethod = {
} as const } as const
export type DiffMethod = typeof DiffMethod[keyof typeof DiffMethod] export type DiffMethod = typeof DiffMethod[keyof typeof DiffMethod]
export const ModelType = { export const RVCModelType = {
"pyTorchRVC": "pyTorchRVC", "pyTorchRVC": "pyTorchRVC",
"pyTorchRVCNono": "pyTorchRVCNono", "pyTorchRVCNono": "pyTorchRVCNono",
"pyTorchRVCv2": "pyTorchRVCv2", "pyTorchRVCv2": "pyTorchRVCv2",
@ -80,7 +93,7 @@ export const ModelType = {
"onnxRVC": "onnxRVC", "onnxRVC": "onnxRVC",
"onnxRVCNono": "onnxRVCNono", "onnxRVCNono": "onnxRVCNono",
} as const } as const
export type ModelType = typeof ModelType[keyof typeof ModelType] export type RVCModelType = typeof RVCModelType[keyof typeof RVCModelType]
export const ServerSettingKey = { export const ServerSettingKey = {
"srcId": "srcId", "srcId": "srcId",
@ -198,21 +211,7 @@ export type VoiceChangerServerSetting = {
} }
type ModelSlot = { type ModelSlot = {
modelFile: string voiceChangerType: VoiceChangerType
featureFile: string,
indexFile: string,
defaultTune: number,
defaultIndexRatio: number,
defaultProtect: number,
modelType: ModelType,
embChannels: number,
f0: boolean,
samplingRate: number
deprecated: boolean
name: string, name: string,
description: string, description: string,
credit: string, credit: string,
@ -220,6 +219,22 @@ type ModelSlot = {
iconFile: string iconFile: string
} }
export type RVCModelSlot = ModelSlot & {
modelFile: string
indexFile: string,
defaultIndexRatio: number,
defaultProtect: number,
defaultTune: number,
modelType: RVCModelType,
embChannels: number,
f0: boolean,
samplingRate: number
deprecated: boolean
export type ModelSlotUnion = RVCModelSlot
type ServerAudioDevice = { type ServerAudioDevice = {
kind: "audioinput" | "audiooutput", kind: "audioinput" | "audiooutput",
index: number, index: number,
@ -233,7 +248,7 @@ export type ServerInfo = VoiceChangerServerSetting & {
pyTorchModelFile: string, pyTorchModelFile: string,
onnxModelFile: string, onnxModelFile: string,
onnxExecutionProviders: OnnxExecutionProvider[] onnxExecutionProviders: OnnxExecutionProvider[]
modelSlots: ModelSlot[] modelSlots: ModelSlotUnion[]
serverAudioInputDevices: ServerAudioDevice[] serverAudioInputDevices: ServerAudioDevice[]
serverAudioOutputDevices: ServerAudioDevice[] serverAudioOutputDevices: ServerAudioDevice[]
sampleModels: RVCSampleModel[] sampleModels: RVCSampleModel[]

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { useState, useMemo, useEffect } from "react" import { useState, useMemo, useEffect } from "react"
import { VoiceChangerServerSetting, ServerInfo, ServerSettingKey, INDEXEDDB_KEY_SERVER, INDEXEDDB_KEY_MODEL_DATA, ClientType, DefaultServerSetting_MMVCv13, DefaultServerSetting_MMVCv15, DefaultServerSetting_so_vits_svc_40v2, DefaultServerSetting_so_vits_svc_40, DefaultServerSetting_so_vits_svc_40_c, DefaultServerSetting_RVC, OnnxExporterInfo, DefaultServerSetting_DDSP_SVC, MAX_MODEL_SLOT_NUM, Framework, MergeModelRequest } from "../const" import { VoiceChangerServerSetting, ServerInfo, ServerSettingKey, INDEXEDDB_KEY_SERVER, INDEXEDDB_KEY_MODEL_DATA, ClientType, DefaultServerSetting_MMVCv13, DefaultServerSetting_MMVCv15, DefaultServerSetting_so_vits_svc_40v2, DefaultServerSetting_so_vits_svc_40, DefaultServerSetting_so_vits_svc_40_c, DefaultServerSetting_RVC, OnnxExporterInfo, DefaultServerSetting_DDSP_SVC, MAX_MODEL_SLOT_NUM, Framework, MergeModelRequest, VoiceChangerType } from "../const"
import { VoiceChangerClient } from "../VoiceChangerClient" import { VoiceChangerClient } from "../VoiceChangerClient"
import { useIndexedDB } from "./useIndexedDB" import { useIndexedDB } from "./useIndexedDB"
import { ModelLoadException } from "../exceptions" import { ModelLoadException } from "../exceptions"
@ -17,6 +17,48 @@ export const ModelAssetName = {
export type ModelAssetName = typeof ModelAssetName[keyof typeof ModelAssetName] export type ModelAssetName = typeof ModelAssetName[keyof typeof ModelAssetName]
export const ModelFileKind = {
"mmvcv13Config": "mmvcv13Config",
"mmvcv13Model": "mmvcv13Model",
"mmvcv15Config": "mmvcv15Config",
"mmvcv15Model": "mmvcv15Model",
"soVitsSvc40Config": "soVitsSvc40Config",
"soVitsSvc40Model": "soVitsSvc40Model",
"soVitsSvc40Cluster": "soVitsSvc40Cluster",
"rvcModel": "rvcModel",
"rvcIndex": "rvcIndex",
"ddspSvcModel": "ddspSvcModel",
"ddspSvcModelConfig": "ddspSvcModelConfig",
"ddspSvcDiffusion": "ddspSvcDiffusion",
"ddspSvcDiffusionConfig": "ddspSvcDiffusionConfig",
} as const
export type ModelFileKind = typeof ModelFileKind[keyof typeof ModelFileKind]
export type ModelFile = {
file: File,
kind: ModelFileKind
export type ModelUploadSetting = {
voiceChangerType: VoiceChangerType,
slot: number
isSampleMode: boolean
sampleId: string | null
files: ModelFile[]
export type ModelFileForServer = Omit<ModelFile, "file"> & {
name: string,
kind: ModelFileKind
export type ModelUploadSettingForServer = Omit<ModelUploadSetting, "files"> & {
files: ModelFileForServer[]
export type FileUploadSetting = { export type FileUploadSetting = {
isHalf: boolean isHalf: boolean
uploaded: boolean uploaded: boolean
@ -105,6 +147,7 @@ export type ServerSettingState = {
fileUploadSettings: FileUploadSetting[] fileUploadSettings: FileUploadSetting[]
setFileUploadSetting: (slot: number, val: FileUploadSetting) => void setFileUploadSetting: (slot: number, val: FileUploadSetting) => void
loadModel: (slot: number) => Promise<void> loadModel: (slot: number) => Promise<void>
uploadModel: (setting: ModelUploadSetting) => Promise<void>
uploadProgress: number uploadProgress: number
isUploading: boolean isUploading: boolean
@ -259,7 +302,46 @@ export const useServerSetting = (props: UseServerSettingProps): ServerSettingSta
} }
}, [props.voiceChangerClient]) }, [props.voiceChangerClient])
// 新しいアップローダ
const uploadModel = useMemo(() => {
return async (setting: ModelUploadSetting) => {
if (!props.voiceChangerClient) {
if (setting.isSampleMode == false) {
const progRate = 1 / setting.files.length
for (let i = 0; i < setting.files.length; i++) {
const progOffset = 100 * i * progRate
await _uploadFile2(setting.files[i].file, (progress: number, _end: boolean) => {
setUploadProgress(progress * progRate + progOffset)
const params: ModelUploadSettingForServer = {
...setting, files: setting.files.map((f) => { return { name: f.file.name, kind: f.kind } })
const loadPromise = props.voiceChangerClient.loadModel(
await loadPromise
}, [props.voiceChangerClient])
// 古いアップローダ新GUIへ以降まで、当分残しておく。
const loadModel = useMemo(() => { const loadModel = useMemo(() => {
return async (slot: number) => { return async (slot: number) => {
const fileUploadSetting = fileUploadSettings[slot] const fileUploadSetting = fileUploadSettings[slot]
@ -571,6 +653,7 @@ export const useServerSetting = (props: UseServerSettingProps): ServerSettingSta
fileUploadSettings, fileUploadSettings,
setFileUploadSetting, setFileUploadSetting,
loadModel, loadModel,
uploadProgress, uploadProgress,
isUploading, isUploading,
getOnnx, getOnnx,

View File

@ -88,7 +88,12 @@ class MMVC_Rest_Fileuploader:
try: try:
paramDict = json.loads(params) paramDict = json.loads(params)
print("paramDict", paramDict) print("paramDict", paramDict)
if paramDict["voiceChangerType"]:
# 新しいアップローダ用
props: LoadModelParams = LoadModelParams(slot=slot, isHalf=isHalf, params=paramDict)
# 古いアップローダ用
# Change Filepath # Change Filepath
newFilesDict = {} newFilesDict = {}
for key, val in paramDict["files"].items(): for key, val in paramDict["files"].items():
@ -100,8 +105,7 @@ class MMVC_Rest_Fileuploader:
shutil.move(uploadPath, storePath) shutil.move(uploadPath, storePath)
newFilesDict[key] = storePath newFilesDict[key] = storePath
paramDict["files"] = newFilesDict paramDict["files"] = newFilesDict
props = LoadModelParams(slot=slot, isHalf=isHalf, params=paramDict)
props: LoadModelParams = LoadModelParams(slot=slot, isHalf=isHalf, params=paramDict)
info = self.voiceChangerManager.loadModel(props) info = self.voiceChangerManager.loadModel(props)
json_compatible_item_data = jsonable_encoder(info) json_compatible_item_data = jsonable_encoder(info)

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ from voice_changer.RVC.ModelSlotGenerator import (
) )
from voice_changer.RVC.RVCSettings import RVCSettings from voice_changer.RVC.RVCSettings import RVCSettings
from voice_changer.RVC.embedder.EmbedderManager import EmbedderManager from voice_changer.RVC.embedder.EmbedderManager import EmbedderManager
from voice_changer.utils.LoadModelParams import LoadModelParams from voice_changer.utils.LoadModelParams import LoadModelParams, LoadModelParams2
from voice_changer.utils.VoiceChangerModel import AudioInOut from voice_changer.utils.VoiceChangerModel import AudioInOut
from voice_changer.utils.VoiceChangerParams import VoiceChangerParams from voice_changer.utils.VoiceChangerParams import VoiceChangerParams
from voice_changer.RVC.onnxExporter.export2onnx import export2onnx from voice_changer.RVC.onnxExporter.export2onnx import export2onnx
@ -90,6 +90,27 @@ class RVC:
shutil.move(file, dst) shutil.move(file, dst)
return dst return dst
def loadModel2(cls, props: LoadModelParams2):
slotInfo: RVCModelSlot = RVCModelSlot()
for file in props.files:
if file.kind == "rvcModel":
slotInfo.modelFile = file.name
elif file.kind == "rvcIndex":
slotInfo.indexFile = file.name
slotInfo.defaultTune = 0
slotInfo.defaultIndexRatio = 0
slotInfo.defaultProtect = 0.5
slotInfo.isONNX = slotInfo.modelFile.endswith(".onnx")
slotInfo.name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(slotInfo.modelFile))[0]
# slotInfo.iconFile = "/assets/icons/noimage.png"
if slotInfo.isONNX:
return slotInfo
def loadModel(self, props: LoadModelParams): def loadModel(self, props: LoadModelParams):
target_slot_idx = props.slot target_slot_idx = props.slot
params = props.params params = props.params

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
import os
import shutil
import numpy as np import numpy as np
from downloader.SampleDownloader import downloadSample, getSampleInfos from downloader.SampleDownloader import downloadSample, getSampleInfos
from voice_changer.Local.ServerDevice import ServerDevice, ServerDeviceCallbacks from voice_changer.Local.ServerDevice import ServerDevice, ServerDeviceCallbacks
from voice_changer.ModelSlotManager import ModelSlotManager from voice_changer.ModelSlotManager import ModelSlotManager
from voice_changer.VoiceChanger import VoiceChanger from voice_changer.VoiceChanger import VoiceChanger
from const import ModelType from const import UPLOAD_DIR, ModelType
from voice_changer.utils.LoadModelParams import LoadModelParams from voice_changer.utils.LoadModelParams import LoadModelParamFile, LoadModelParams, LoadModelParams2
from voice_changer.utils.VoiceChangerModel import AudioInOut from voice_changer.utils.VoiceChangerModel import AudioInOut
from voice_changer.utils.VoiceChangerParams import VoiceChangerParams from voice_changer.utils.VoiceChangerParams import VoiceChangerParams
from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict
@ -82,12 +84,37 @@ class VoiceChangerManager(ServerDeviceCallbacks):
def loadModel(self, props: LoadModelParams): def loadModel(self, props: LoadModelParams):
paramDict = props.params paramDict = props.params
if "sampleId" in paramDict and len(paramDict["sampleId"]) > 0: if paramDict["sampleId"] is not None:
# サンプルダウンロード
downloadSample(self.params.sample_mode, paramDict["sampleId"], self.params.model_dir, props.slot, {"useIndex": paramDict["rvcIndexDownload"]}) downloadSample(self.params.sample_mode, paramDict["sampleId"], self.params.model_dir, props.slot, {"useIndex": paramDict["rvcIndexDownload"]})
self.modelSlotManager.getAllSlotInfo(reload=True) self.modelSlotManager.getAllSlotInfo(reload=True)
info = {"status": "OK"} info = {"status": "OK"}
return info return info
elif paramDict["voiceChangerType"]:
# 新しいアップローダ
# Dataを展開
params = LoadModelParams2(**paramDict)
params.files = [LoadModelParamFile(**x) for x in paramDict["files"]]
# ファイルをslotにコピー
for file in params.files:
print("FILE", file)
srcPath = os.path.join(UPLOAD_DIR, file.name)
dstDir = os.path.join(self.params.model_dir, str(params.slot))
dstPath = os.path.join(dstDir, file.name)
os.makedirs(dstDir, exist_ok=True)
print(f"move to {srcPath} -> {dstPath}")
shutil.move(srcPath, dstPath)
file.name = dstPath
# メタデータ作成(各VCで定義)
if params.voiceChangerType == "RVC":
from voice_changer.RVC.RVC import RVC # 起動時にインポートするとパラメータが取れない。
slotInfo = RVC.loadModel2(params)
self.modelSlotManager.save_model_slot(params.slot, slotInfo)
print("params", params)
else: else:
# 古いアップローダ
print("[Voice Canger]: upload models........") print("[Voice Canger]: upload models........")
info = self.voiceChanger.loadModel(props) info = self.voiceChanger.loadModel(props)
if hasattr(info, "status") and info["status"] == "NG": if hasattr(info, "status") and info["status"] == "NG":

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
from dataclasses import dataclass from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any from typing import Any
from const import VoiceChangerType
from typing import Literal, TypeAlias
@dataclass @dataclass
class FilePaths: class FilePaths:
@ -17,3 +20,35 @@ class LoadModelParams:
slot: int slot: int
isHalf: bool isHalf: bool
params: Any params: Any
LoadModelParamFileKind: TypeAlias = Literal[
class LoadModelParamFile:
name: str
kind: LoadModelParamFileKind
class LoadModelParams2:
voiceChangerType: VoiceChangerType
slot: int
isSampleMode: bool
sampleId: str
files: list[LoadModelParamFile]