import sys, os, struct, argparse, logging, shutil, base64, traceback from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime from distutils.util import strtobool import numpy as np from import write, read sys.path.append("/MMVC_Trainer") sys.path.append("/MMVC_Trainer/text") from fastapi.routing import APIRoute from fastapi import HTTPException, Request, Response, FastAPI, UploadFile, File, Form from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware import uvicorn import socketio from pydantic import BaseModel from typing import Callable from mods.Trainer_Speakers import mod_get_speakers from mods.Trainer_Training import mod_post_pre_training, mod_post_start_training, mod_post_stop_training, mod_get_related_files, mod_get_tail_training_log from mods.Trainer_Model import mod_get_model, mod_delete_model from mods.Trainer_Models import mod_get_models from mods.Trainer_MultiSpeakerSetting import mod_get_multi_speaker_setting, mod_post_multi_speaker_setting from mods.Trainer_Speaker_Voice import mod_get_speaker_voice from mods.Trainer_Speaker_Voices import mod_get_speaker_voices from mods.Trainer_Speaker import mod_delete_speaker from mods.FileUploader import upload_file, concat_file_chunks from mods.VoiceChanger import VoiceChanger from mods.ssl import create_self_signed_cert # File Uploader # Trainer Rest Internal class UvicornSuppressFilter(logging.Filter): def filter(self, record): return False logger = logging.getLogger("uvicorn.error") logger.addFilter(UvicornSuppressFilter()) # logger.propagate = False logger = logging.getLogger("multipart.multipart") logger.propagate = False @dataclass class ExApplicationInfo(): external_tensorboard_port: int exApplitionInfo = ExApplicationInfo(external_tensorboard_port=0) class VoiceModel(BaseModel): gpu: int srcId: int dstId: int timestamp: int prefixChunkSize: int buffer: str class MyCustomNamespace(socketio.AsyncNamespace): def __init__(self, namespace): super().__init__(namespace) def loadModel(self, config, model): if hasattr(self, 'voiceChanger') == True: self.voiceChanger.destroy() self.voiceChanger = VoiceChanger(config, model) # def loadWhisperModel(self, model): # self.whisper = Whisper() # self.whisper.loadModel("tiny") # print("load") def changeVoice(self, gpu, srcId, dstId, timestamp, prefixChunkSize, unpackedData): # if hasattr(self, 'whisper') == True: # self.whisper.addData(unpackedData) if hasattr(self, 'voiceChanger') == True: return self.voiceChanger.on_request(gpu, srcId, dstId, timestamp, prefixChunkSize, unpackedData) else: print("Voice Change is not loaded. Did you load a correct model?") return np.zeros(1).astype(np.int16) # def transcribe(self): # if hasattr(self, 'whisper') == True: # self.whisper.transcribe(0) # else: # print("whisper not found") def on_connect(self, sid, environ): # print('[{}] connet sid : {}'.format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') , sid)) pass async def on_request_message(self, sid, msg): # print("on_request_message", torch.cuda.memory_allocated()) gpu = int(msg[0]) srcId = int(msg[1]) dstId = int(msg[2]) timestamp = int(msg[3]) prefixChunkSize = int(msg[4]) data = msg[5] # print(srcId, dstId, timestamp) unpackedData = np.array(struct.unpack( '<%sh' % (len(data) // struct.calcsize(' Callable: original_route_handler = super().get_route_handler() async def custom_route_handler(request: Request) -> Response: try: return await original_route_handler(request) except Exception as exc: print("Exception", request.url, str(exc)) body = await request.body() detail = {"errors": exc.errors(), "body": body.decode()} raise HTTPException(status_code=422, detail=detail) return custom_route_handler if __name__ == thisFilename or args.colab == True: printMessage(f"PHASE3:{__name__}", level=2) TYPE = args.t PORT = args.p CONFIG = args.c MODEL = args.m if os.getenv("EX_TB_PORT"): EX_TB_PORT = os.environ["EX_TB_PORT"] exApplitionInfo.external_tensorboard_port = int(EX_TB_PORT) app_fastapi = FastAPI() app_fastapi.router.route_class = ValidationErrorLoggingRoute app_fastapi.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=["*"], allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], ) app_fastapi.mount( "/front", StaticFiles(directory="../frontend/dist", html=True), name="static") app_fastapi.mount( "/trainer", StaticFiles(directory="../frontend/dist", html=True), name="static") app_fastapi.mount( "/recorder", StaticFiles(directory="../frontend/dist", html=True), name="static") sio = socketio.AsyncServer( async_mode='asgi', cors_allowed_origins='*' ) namespace = MyCustomNamespace('/test') sio.register_namespace(namespace) if CONFIG and MODEL: namespace.loadModel(CONFIG, MODEL) # namespace.loadWhisperModel("base") app_socketio = socketio.ASGIApp( sio, other_asgi_app=app_fastapi, static_files={ '/assets/icons/github.svg': { 'filename': '../frontend/dist/assets/icons/github.svg', 'content_type': 'image/svg+xml' }, '': '../frontend/dist', '/': '../frontend/dist/index.html', } ) @app_fastapi.get("/api/hello") async def index(): return {"result": "Index"} ############ # File Uploder # ########## UPLOAD_DIR = "upload_dir" os.makedirs(UPLOAD_DIR, exist_ok=True) MODEL_DIR = "/MMVC_Trainer/logs" os.makedirs(MODEL_DIR, exist_ok=True)"/upload_file") async def post_upload_file( file: UploadFile = File(...), filename: str = Form(...) ): return upload_file(UPLOAD_DIR, file, filename)"/load_model") async def post_load_model( modelFilename: str = Form(...), modelFilenameChunkNum: int = Form(...), configFilename: str = Form(...) ): modelFilePath = concat_file_chunks( UPLOAD_DIR, modelFilename, modelFilenameChunkNum, UPLOAD_DIR) print(f'File saved to: {modelFilePath}') configFilePath = os.path.join(UPLOAD_DIR, configFilename) namespace.loadModel(configFilePath, modelFilePath) return {"load": f"{modelFilePath}, {configFilePath}"}"/load_model_for_train") async def post_load_model_for_train( modelGFilename: str = Form(...), modelGFilenameChunkNum: int = Form(...), modelDFilename: str = Form(...), modelDFilenameChunkNum: int = Form(...), ): modelGFilePath = concat_file_chunks( UPLOAD_DIR, modelGFilename, modelGFilenameChunkNum, MODEL_DIR) modelDFilePath = concat_file_chunks( UPLOAD_DIR, modelDFilename, modelDFilenameChunkNum, MODEL_DIR) return {"File saved": f"{modelGFilePath}, {modelDFilePath}"}"/extract_voices") async def post_load_model( zipFilename: str = Form(...), zipFileChunkNum: int = Form(...), ): zipFilePath = concat_file_chunks( UPLOAD_DIR, zipFilename, zipFileChunkNum, UPLOAD_DIR) shutil.unpack_archive(zipFilePath, "/MMVC_Trainer/dataset/textful/") return {"Zip file unpacked": f"{zipFilePath}"} ############ # Voice Changer # ##########"/test") async def post_test(voice: VoiceModel): try: # print("POST REQUEST PROCESSING....") gpu = voice.gpu srcId = voice.srcId dstId = voice.dstId timestamp = voice.timestamp prefixChunkSize = voice.prefixChunkSize buffer = voice.buffer wav = base64.b64decode(buffer) if wav == 0: samplerate, data = read("dummy.wav") unpackedData = data else: unpackedData = np.array(struct.unpack( '<%sh' % (len(wav) // struct.calcsize(':/ with your browser.", level=0) else: printMessage( f"open http://:/ with your browser.", level=0) if TYPE == "MMVC": path = "" else: path = "trainer" if EX_PORT and EX_IP and args.https == 1: printMessage(f"In many cases it is one of the following", level=1) printMessage(f"https://localhost:{EX_PORT}/{path}", level=1) for ip in EX_IP.strip().split(" "): printMessage(f"https://{ip}:{EX_PORT}/{path}", level=1) elif EX_PORT and EX_IP and args.https == 0: printMessage(f"In many cases it is one of the following", level=1) printMessage(f"http://localhost:{EX_PORT}/{path}", level=1) # サーバ起動 if args.https: # HTTPS サーバ起動 f"{os.path.basename(__file__)[:-3]}:app_socketio", host="", port=int(PORT), reload=True, ssl_keyfile=key_path, ssl_certfile=cert_path, log_level="critical" ) else: # HTTP サーバ起動 if args.colab == True: f"{os.path.basename(__file__)[:-3]}:app_fastapi", host="", port=int(PORT), log_level="critical" ) else: f"{os.path.basename(__file__)[:-3]}:app_socketio", host="", port=int(PORT), reload=True, log_level="critical" )