# original from: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yxlllc/DDSP-SVC/master/gui_diff.py import torch from ddsp.vocoder import load_model, F0_Extractor, Volume_Extractor, Units_Encoder # type: ignore from ddsp.core import upsample # type: ignore from enhancer import Enhancer # type: ignore from voice_changer.utils.VoiceChangerParams import VoiceChangerParams import numpy as np class SvcDDSP: def __init__(self) -> None: self.model = None self.units_encoder = None self.encoder_type = None self.encoder_ckpt = None self.enhancer = None self.enhancer_type = None self.enhancer_ckpt = None def setVCParams(self, params: VoiceChangerParams): self.params = params def update_model(self, model_path: str, device: torch.device): self.device = device # load ddsp model if self.model is None or self.model_path != model_path: self.model, self.args = load_model(model_path, device=self.device) self.model_path = model_path print("ARGS:", self.args) # load units encoder if ( self.units_encoder is None or self.args.data.encoder != self.encoder_type or self.args.data.encoder_ckpt != self.encoder_ckpt ): if self.args.data.encoder == "cnhubertsoftfish": cnhubertsoft_gate = self.args.data.cnhubertsoft_gate else: cnhubertsoft_gate = 10 if self.args.data.encoder == "hubertsoft": encoderPath = self.params.hubert_soft elif self.args.data.encoder == "hubertbase": encoderPath = self.params.hubert_base elif self.args.data.encoder == "hubertbase768": encoderPath = self.params.hubert_base elif self.args.data.encoder == "hubertbase768l12": encoderPath = self.params.hubert_base elif self.args.data.encoder == "hubertlarge1024l24": encoderPath = self.params.hubert_base elif self.args.data.encoder == "contentvec": encoderPath = self.params.hubert_base elif self.args.data.encoder == "contentvec768": encoderPath = self.params.hubert_base elif self.args.data.encoder == "contentvec768l12": encoderPath = self.params.hubert_base self.units_encoder = Units_Encoder( self.args.data.encoder, encoderPath, self.args.data.encoder_sample_rate, self.args.data.encoder_hop_size, cnhubertsoft_gate=cnhubertsoft_gate, device=self.device, ) self.encoder_type = self.args.data.encoder self.encoder_ckpt = encoderPath # load enhancer if ( self.enhancer is None or self.args.enhancer.type != self.enhancer_type or self.args.enhancer.ckpt != self.enhancer_ckpt ): enhancerPath = self.params.nsf_hifigan self.enhancer = Enhancer( self.args.enhancer.type, enhancerPath, device=self.device ) self.enhancer_type = self.args.enhancer.type self.enhancer_ckpt = enhancerPath def infer( self, audio, sample_rate, spk_id=1, threhold=-45, pitch_adjust=0, use_spk_mix=False, spk_mix_dict=None, use_enhancer=True, enhancer_adaptive_key="auto", pitch_extractor_type="crepe", f0_min=50, f0_max=1100, safe_prefix_pad_length=0, diff_model=None, diff_acc=None, diff_spk_id=None, diff_use=False, diff_use_dpm=False, k_step=None, diff_silence=False, audio_alignment=False, ): # print("Infering...") # print("audio", audio) # load input # audio, sample_rate = librosa.load(input_wav, sr=None, mono=True) hop_size = ( self.args.data.block_size * sample_rate / self.args.data.sampling_rate ) if audio_alignment: audio_length = len(audio) # safe front silence if safe_prefix_pad_length > 0.03: silence_front = safe_prefix_pad_length - 0.03 else: silence_front = 0 audio_t = torch.from_numpy(audio).float().unsqueeze(0).to(self.device) # extract f0 pitch_extractor = F0_Extractor( pitch_extractor_type, sample_rate, hop_size, float(f0_min), float(f0_max) ) f0 = pitch_extractor.extract( audio, uv_interp=True, device=self.device, silence_front=silence_front ) f0 = torch.from_numpy(f0).float().to(self.device).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(0) f0 = f0 * 2 ** (float(pitch_adjust) / 12) # extract volume volume_extractor = Volume_Extractor(hop_size) volume = volume_extractor.extract(audio) mask = (volume > 10 ** (float(threhold) / 20)).astype("float") mask = np.pad(mask, (4, 4), constant_values=(mask[0], mask[-1])) mask = np.array([np.max(mask[n : n + 9]) for n in range(len(mask) - 8)]) # type: ignore mask = torch.from_numpy(mask).float().to(self.device).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(0) mask = upsample(mask, self.args.data.block_size).squeeze(-1) volume = ( torch.from_numpy(volume).float().to(self.device).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(0) ) # extract units units = self.units_encoder.encode(audio_t, sample_rate, hop_size) # spk_id or spk_mix_dict spk_id = torch.LongTensor(np.array([[spk_id]])).to(self.device) diff_spk_id = torch.LongTensor(np.array([[diff_spk_id]])).to(self.device) dictionary = None if use_spk_mix: dictionary = spk_mix_dict # forward and return the output with torch.no_grad(): output, _, (s_h, s_n) = self.model( units, f0, volume, spk_id=spk_id, spk_mix_dict=dictionary ) if diff_use and diff_model is not None: output = diff_model.infer( output, f0, units, volume, acc=diff_acc, spk_id=diff_spk_id, k_step=k_step, use_dpm=diff_use_dpm, silence_front=silence_front, use_silence=diff_silence, spk_mix_dict=dictionary, ) output *= mask if use_enhancer and not diff_use: output, output_sample_rate = self.enhancer.enhance( output, self.args.data.sampling_rate, f0, self.args.data.block_size, adaptive_key=enhancer_adaptive_key, silence_front=silence_front, ) else: output_sample_rate = self.args.data.sampling_rate output = output.squeeze() if audio_alignment: output[:audio_length] return output, output_sample_rate