## VC Client for Docker


## Build

In root folder of repos.

npm run build:docker:vcclient

## preparation

Store weights of external models in `docker_vcclient/weights`. Which weights should be in the folder depends on which kind of VC you use.

$ tree docker_vcclient/weights/
├── checkpoint_best_legacy_500.onnx
├── checkpoint_best_legacy_500.pt
├── hubert-soft-0d54a1f4.pt
├── hubert_base.pt
└── nsf_hifigan
    ├── NOTICE.txt
    ├── NOTICE.zh-CN.txt
    ├── config.json
    └── model

## Run

In root folder of repos.

bash start_docker.sh

Access with Browser (currently only chrome is supported), then you can see gui.

## RUN with options

Without GPU

USE_GPU=off bash start_docker.sh

Specify port num

EX_PORT=<port> bash start_docker.sh

Use Local Image

USE_LOCAL=on bash start_docker.sh

## Push to Repo (only for devs)

npm run push:docker:vcclient