import { VoiceChangerWorkletProcessorRequest } from "./@types/voice-changer-worklet-processor"; import { DefaultWorkletNodeSetting, DownSamplingMode, VOICE_CHANGER_CLIENT_EXCEPTION, WorkletNodeSetting, WorkletSetting } from "./const"; import { io, Socket } from ""; import { DefaultEventsMap } from ""; export type VoiceChangerWorkletListener = { notifyVolume: (vol: number) => void notifySendBufferingTime: (time: number) => void notifyResponseTime: (time: number, perf?: number[]) => void notifyException: (code: VOICE_CHANGER_CLIENT_EXCEPTION, message: string) => void } export class VoiceChangerWorkletNode extends AudioWorkletNode { private listener: VoiceChangerWorkletListener private setting: WorkletNodeSetting = DefaultWorkletNodeSetting private requestChunks: ArrayBuffer[] = [] private socket: Socket | null = null // performance monitor private bufferStart = 0; private isOutputRecording = false; private recordingOutputChunk: Float32Array[] = [] private outputNode: VoiceChangerWorkletNode | null = null // Promises private startPromiseResolve: ((value: void | PromiseLike) => void) | null = null private stopPromiseResolve: ((value: void | PromiseLike) => void) | null = null constructor(context: AudioContext, listener: VoiceChangerWorkletListener) { super(context, "voice-changer-worklet-processor"); this.port.onmessage = this.handleMessage.bind(this); this.listener = listener this.createSocketIO() console.log(`[worklet_node][voice-changer-worklet-processor] created.`); } setOutputNode = (outputNode: VoiceChangerWorkletNode | null) => { this.outputNode = outputNode } // 設定 updateSetting = (setting: WorkletNodeSetting) => { console.log(`[WorkletNode] Updating WorkletNode Setting,`, this.setting, setting) let recreateSocketIoRequired = false if (this.setting.serverUrl != setting.serverUrl || this.setting.protocol != setting.protocol) { recreateSocketIoRequired = true } this.setting = setting if (recreateSocketIoRequired) { this.createSocketIO() } } getSettings = (): WorkletNodeSetting => { return this.setting } getSocketId = () => { return this.socket?.id } // 処理 private createSocketIO = () => { if (this.socket) { this.socket.close() } if (this.setting.protocol === "sio") { this.socket = io(this.setting.serverUrl + "/test"); this.socket.on('connect_error', (err) => { this.listener.notifyException(VOICE_CHANGER_CLIENT_EXCEPTION.ERR_SIO_CONNECT_FAILED, `[SIO] rconnection failed ${err}`) }) this.socket.on('connect', () => { console.log(`[SIO] sonnect to ${this.setting.serverUrl}`) console.log(`[SIO] ${this.socket?.id}`) }); this.socket.on('response', (response: any[]) => { // console.log("response:", response) const cur = const responseTime = cur - response[0] const result = response[1] as ArrayBuffer const perf = response[2] if (result.byteLength < 128 * 2) { this.listener.notifyException(VOICE_CHANGER_CLIENT_EXCEPTION.ERR_SIO_INVALID_RESPONSE, `[SIO] recevied data is too short ${result.byteLength}`) } else { if (this.outputNode != null) { this.outputNode.postReceivedVoice(response[1]) } else { this.postReceivedVoice(response[1]) } this.listener.notifyResponseTime(responseTime, perf) } }); } } postReceivedVoice = (data: ArrayBuffer) => { // Int16 to Float const i16Data = new Int16Array(data) const f32Data = new Float32Array(i16Data.length) // console.log(`[worklet] f32DataLength${f32Data.length} i16DataLength${i16Data.length}`) i16Data.forEach((x, i) => { const float = (x >= 0x8000) ? -(0x10000 - x) / 0x8000 : x / 0x7FFF; f32Data[i] = float }) // アップサンプリング let upSampledBuffer: Float32Array | null = null if (this.setting.sendingSampleRate == 48000) { upSampledBuffer = f32Data } else { upSampledBuffer = new Float32Array(f32Data.length * 2) for (let i = 0; i < f32Data.length; i++) { const currentFrame = f32Data[i] const nextFrame = i + 1 < f32Data.length ? f32Data[i + 1] : f32Data[i] upSampledBuffer[i * 2] = currentFrame upSampledBuffer[i * 2 + 1] = (currentFrame + nextFrame) / 2 } } const req: VoiceChangerWorkletProcessorRequest = { requestType: "voice", voice: upSampledBuffer, numTrancateTreshold: 0, volTrancateThreshold: 0, volTrancateLength: 0 } this.port.postMessage(req) if (this.isOutputRecording) { this.recordingOutputChunk.push(upSampledBuffer) } } private _averageDownsampleBuffer(buffer: Float32Array, originalSampleRate: number, destinationSamplerate: number) { if (originalSampleRate == destinationSamplerate) { return buffer; } if (destinationSamplerate > originalSampleRate) { throw "downsampling rate show be smaller than original sample rate"; } const sampleRateRatio = originalSampleRate / destinationSamplerate; const newLength = Math.round(buffer.length / sampleRateRatio); const result = new Float32Array(newLength); let offsetResult = 0; let offsetBuffer = 0; while (offsetResult < result.length) { var nextOffsetBuffer = Math.round((offsetResult + 1) * sampleRateRatio); // Use average value of skipped samples var accum = 0, count = 0; for (var i = offsetBuffer; i < nextOffsetBuffer && i < buffer.length; i++) { accum += buffer[i]; count++; } result[offsetResult] = accum / count; // Or you can simply get rid of the skipped samples: // result[offsetResult] = buffer[nextOffsetBuffer]; offsetResult++; offsetBuffer = nextOffsetBuffer; } return result; } handleMessage(event: any) { // console.log(`[Node:handleMessage_] `,; if ( === "start_ok") { if (this.startPromiseResolve) { this.startPromiseResolve() this.startPromiseResolve = null } } else if ( === "stop_ok") { if (this.stopPromiseResolve) { this.stopPromiseResolve() this.stopPromiseResolve = null } } else if ( === "volume") { this.listener.notifyVolume( as number) } else if ( === "inputData") { const inputData = as Float32Array // console.log("receive input data", inputData) // ダウンサンプリング let downsampledBuffer: Float32Array | null = null if (this.setting.sendingSampleRate == 48000) { downsampledBuffer = inputData } else if (this.setting.downSamplingMode == DownSamplingMode.decimate) { //////// (Kind 1) 間引き ////////// //// 48000Hz で入ってくるので間引いて24000Hzに変換する。 downsampledBuffer = new Float32Array(inputData.length / 2); for (let i = 0; i < inputData.length; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { downsampledBuffer[i / 2] = inputData[i] } } } else { //////// (Kind 2) 平均 ////////// // downsampledBuffer = this._averageDownsampleBuffer(buffer, 48000, 24000) downsampledBuffer = this._averageDownsampleBuffer(inputData, 48000, this.setting.sendingSampleRate) } // Float to Int16 const arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(downsampledBuffer.length * 2) const dataView = new DataView(arrayBuffer); for (let i = 0; i < downsampledBuffer.length; i++) { let s = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, downsampledBuffer[i])); s = s < 0 ? s * 0x8000 : s * 0x7FFF dataView.setInt16(i * 2, s, true); } // バッファリング this.requestChunks.push(arrayBuffer) //// リクエストバッファの中身が、リクエスト送信数と違う場合は処理終了。 if (this.requestChunks.length < this.setting.inputChunkNum) { return } // リクエスト用の入れ物を作成 const windowByteLength = this.requestChunks.reduce((prev, cur) => { return prev + cur.byteLength }, 0) const newBuffer = new Uint8Array(windowByteLength); // リクエストのデータをセット this.requestChunks.reduce((prev, cur) => { newBuffer.set(new Uint8Array(cur), prev) return prev + cur.byteLength }, 0) this.sendBuffer(newBuffer) this.requestChunks = [] this.listener.notifySendBufferingTime( - this.bufferStart) this.bufferStart = } else { console.warn(`[worklet_node][voice-changer-worklet-processor] unknown response ${}`, } } private sendBuffer = async (newBuffer: Uint8Array) => { const timestamp = if (this.setting.protocol === "sio") { if (!this.socket) { console.warn(`sio is not initialized`) return } // console.log("emit!") this.socket.emit('request_message', [ timestamp, newBuffer.buffer]); } else { const res = await postVoice( this.setting.serverUrl + "/test", timestamp, newBuffer.buffer) if (res.byteLength < 128 * 2) { this.listener.notifyException(VOICE_CHANGER_CLIENT_EXCEPTION.ERR_REST_INVALID_RESPONSE, `[REST] recevied data is too short ${res.byteLength}`) } else { if (this.outputNode != null) { this.outputNode.postReceivedVoice(res) } else { this.postReceivedVoice(res) } this.listener.notifyResponseTime( - timestamp) } } } configure = (setting: WorkletSetting) => { const req: VoiceChangerWorkletProcessorRequest = { requestType: "config", voice: new Float32Array(1), numTrancateTreshold: setting.numTrancateTreshold, volTrancateThreshold: setting.volTrancateThreshold, volTrancateLength: setting.volTrancateLength } this.port.postMessage(req) } start = async () => { const p = new Promise((resolve) => { this.startPromiseResolve = resolve }) const req: VoiceChangerWorkletProcessorRequest = { requestType: "start", voice: new Float32Array(1), numTrancateTreshold: 0, volTrancateThreshold: 0, volTrancateLength: 0 } this.port.postMessage(req) await p } stop = async () => { const p = new Promise((resolve) => { this.stopPromiseResolve = resolve }) const req: VoiceChangerWorkletProcessorRequest = { requestType: "stop", voice: new Float32Array(1), numTrancateTreshold: 0, volTrancateThreshold: 0, volTrancateLength: 0 } this.port.postMessage(req) await p } trancateBuffer = () => { const req: VoiceChangerWorkletProcessorRequest = { requestType: "trancateBuffer", voice: new Float32Array(1), numTrancateTreshold: 0, volTrancateThreshold: 0, volTrancateLength: 0 } this.port.postMessage(req) } startOutputRecording = () => { this.recordingOutputChunk = [] this.isOutputRecording = true } stopOutputRecording = () => { this.isOutputRecording = false const dataSize = this.recordingOutputChunk.reduce((prev, cur) => { return prev + cur.length }, 0) const samples = new Float32Array(dataSize); let sampleIndex = 0 for (let i = 0; i < this.recordingOutputChunk.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < this.recordingOutputChunk[i].length; j++) { samples[sampleIndex] = this.recordingOutputChunk[i][j]; sampleIndex++; } } return samples } } export const postVoice = async ( url: string, timestamp: number, buffer: ArrayBuffer) => { const obj = { timestamp, buffer: Buffer.from(buffer).toString('base64') }; const body = JSON.stringify(obj); const res = await fetch(`${url}`, { method: "POST", headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: body }) try { const receivedJson = await res.json() const changedVoiceBase64 = receivedJson["changedVoiceBase64"] const buf = Buffer.from(changedVoiceBase64, "base64") const ab = new ArrayBuffer(buf.length); const view = new Uint8Array(ab); for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { view[i] = buf[i]; } return ab } catch (e) { console.log("Exception:", e) return new ArrayBuffer(10); } }