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import traceback
from typing import Any, cast
from scipy import signal
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict, field
import resampy
from data.ModelSlot import LLVCModelSlot
from mods.log_control import VoiceChangaerLogger
import numpy as np
from voice_changer.LLVC.LLVCInferencer import LLVCInferencer
from voice_changer.ModelSlotManager import ModelSlotManager
from voice_changer.VoiceChangerParamsManager import VoiceChangerParamsManager
from voice_changer.utils.Timer import Timer2
from voice_changer.utils.VoiceChangerModel import AudioInOut, AudioInOutFloat, VoiceChangerModel
from voice_changer.utils.VoiceChangerParams import VoiceChangerParams
import math
import torchaudio
import torch
logger = VoiceChangaerLogger.get_instance().getLogger()
class LLVCSetting:
# Crossfade(CF), Resample(RE) 組み合わせ
# CF:True, RE:True -> ブラウザで使える
# CF:True, RE:False -> N/A, 必要のない設定。Resampleしないと音はぶつぶつしない。)
# CF:False, RE:True -> N/A, 音にぷつぷつが乗るのでNGclient, server両モードでNGだった
# CF:False, RE:False -> 再生側が16Kに対応していればよい。
crossfade: bool = True
resample: bool = True
# 変更可能な変数だけ列挙
intData: list[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
floatData: list[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
strData: list[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
class LLVC(VoiceChangerModel):
def __init__(self, params: VoiceChangerParams, slotInfo: LLVCModelSlot):
logger.info("[Voice Changer] [LLVC] Creating instance ")
self.voiceChangerType = "LLVC"
self.settings = LLVCSetting()
self.processingSampleRate = 16000
bh, ah = signal.butter(N=5, Wn=48, btype="high", fs=self.processingSampleRate)
self.bh = bh
self.ah = ah
self.params = params
self.slotInfo = slotInfo
self.modelSlotManager = ModelSlotManager.get_instance(self.params.model_dir)
# # クロスフェード・リサンプリング設定
# ## 16Kで出力するモード
# self.settings.crossfade = False
# self.settings.resample = False
## 48Kで出力するモード
self.settings.crossfade = True
self.settings.resample = True
def initialize(self):
print("[Voice Changer] [LLVC] Initializing... ")
vcparams = VoiceChangerParamsManager.get_instance().params
configPath = os.path.join(vcparams.model_dir, str(self.slotInfo.slotIndex), self.slotInfo.configFile)
modelPath = os.path.join(vcparams.model_dir, str(self.slotInfo.slotIndex), self.slotInfo.modelFile)
self.inputSampleRate = 48000
self.outputSampleRate = 48000
self.downsampler = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(self.inputSampleRate, self.processingSampleRate)
self.upsampler = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(self.processingSampleRate, self.outputSampleRate)
self.inferencer = LLVCInferencer().loadModel(modelPath, configPath)
self.prev_audio1 = None
self.result_buff = None
def updateSetting(self, key: str, val: Any):
if key in self.settings.intData:
setattr(self.settings, key, int(val))
ret = True
elif key in self.settings.floatData:
setattr(self.settings, key, float(val))
ret = True
elif key in self.settings.strData:
setattr(self.settings, key, str(val))
ret = True
ret = False
return ret
def setSamplingRate(self, inputSampleRate, outputSampleRate):
self.inputSampleRate = inputSampleRate
self.outputSampleRate = outputSampleRate
self.downsampler = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(self.inputSampleRate, self.processingSampleRate)
self.upsampler = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(self.processingSampleRate, self.outputSampleRate)
def _preprocess(self, waveform: AudioInOutFloat, srcSampleRate: int) -> AudioInOutFloat:
"""データ前処理(torch independent)
・リサンプリング( 入力sr -> 16K)
waveform: AudioInOutFloat: 入力音声
srcSampleRate: int: 入力音声のサンプルレート
waveform: AudioInOutFloat: 前処理後の音声(1ch, 16K, np.ndarray)
OSError: ファイル指定が失敗している場合
if waveform.ndim == 2: # double channels
waveform = waveform.mean(axis=-1)
waveform16K = resampy.resample(waveform, srcSampleRate, self.processingSampleRate)
# waveform16K = self.downsampler(torch.from_numpy(waveform)).numpy()
waveform16K = signal.filtfilt(self.bh, self.ah, waveform16K)
return waveform16K.copy()
def inference(self, receivedData: AudioInOut, crossfade_frame: int, sola_search_frame: int):
# print("CROSSFADE", crossfade_frame, sola_search_frame)
crossfade_frame16k = math.ceil((crossfade_frame / self.outputSampleRate) * self.processingSampleRate)
sola_search_frame16k = math.ceil((sola_search_frame / self.outputSampleRate) * self.processingSampleRate)
with Timer2("mainPorcess timer", False) as t:
# 起動パラメータ
# vcParams = VoiceChangerParamsManager.get_instance().params
# リサンプリングとバターフィルタ (torch independent)
receivedData = receivedData.astype(np.float32) / 32768.0
waveformFloat = self._preprocess(receivedData, self.inputSampleRate)
# print(f"input audio shape 48k:{receivedData.shape} -> 16K:{waveformFloat.shape}")
# 推論
audio1 = self.inferencer.infer(waveformFloat)
audio1 = audio1.detach().cpu().numpy()
# print(f"infered shape: in:{waveformFloat.shape} -> out:{ audio1.shape}")
# クロスフェード洋データ追加とリサンプリング
if self.settings.crossfade is False and self.settings.resample is False:
# 変換後そのまま返却(クロスフェードしない)
new_audio = audio1
new_audio = (new_audio * 32767.5).astype(np.int16)
return new_audio
# (1) クロスフェード部分の追加
crossfade_audio_length = audio1.shape[0] + crossfade_frame16k + sola_search_frame16k
if self.prev_audio1 is not None:
new_audio = np.concatenate([self.prev_audio1, audio1])
new_audio = audio1
self.prev_audio1 = new_audio[-crossfade_audio_length:] # 次回のクロスフェード用に保存
# (2) リサンプル
if self.outputSampleRate != self.processingSampleRate:
new_audio = resampy.resample(new_audio, self.processingSampleRate, self.outputSampleRate)
# new_audio = self.upsampler(torch.from_numpy(new_audio)).numpy()
# new_audio = np.repeat(new_audio, 3)
# バッファリング。⇒ 最上位(crossfade完了後)で行う必要があるのでとりあえずペンディング
# if self.result_buff is None:
# self.result_buff = new_audio
# else:
# self.result_buff = np.concatenate([self.result_buff, new_audio])
# if self.result_buff.shape[0] > receivedData.shape[0]:
# new_audio = self.result_buff[: receivedData.shape[0]]
# self.result_buff = self.result_buff[receivedData.shape[0] :]
# else:
# new_audio = np.zeros(receivedData.shape[0])
new_audio = cast(AudioInOutFloat, new_audio)
new_audio = (new_audio * 32767.5).astype(np.int16)
return new_audio
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(e)
def getPipelineInfo(self):
return {"TODO": "LLVC get info"}
def get_info(self):
data = asdict(self.settings)
return data
def get_processing_sampling_rate(self):
return self.processingSampleRate
def get_model_current(self):
return []