#!/usr/bin/env bash # Colors for output GREEN='\033[0;32m' RED='\033[0;31m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' GRAY='\033[0;90m' BLUE='\033[0;34m' BOLD='\033[1m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color # Get current timestamp for the report filename TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") REPORT_FILE="vps-audit-report-${TIMESTAMP}.txt" print_header() { local header="$1" echo -e "\n${BLUE}${BOLD}$header${NC}" echo -e "\n$header" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo "================================" >> "$REPORT_FILE" } print_info() { local label="$1" local value="$2" echo -e "${BOLD}$label:${NC} $value" echo "$label: $value" >> "$REPORT_FILE" } # Start the audit echo -e "${BLUE}${BOLD}VPS Security Audit Tool${NC}" echo -e "${GRAY}https://github.com/vernu/vps-audit${NC}" echo -e "${GRAY}Starting audit at $(date)${NC}\n" echo "VPS Security Audit Tool" > "$REPORT_FILE" echo "https://github.com/vernu/vps-audit" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo "Starting audit at $(date)" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo "================================" >> "$REPORT_FILE" # System Information Section print_header "System Information" # Get system information OS_INFO=$(grep PRETTY_NAME /etc/os-release | cut -d'"' -f2) KERNEL_VERSION=$(uname -r) HOSTNAME=$HOSTNAME UPTIME=$(uptime -p) UPTIME_SINCE=$(uptime -s) CPU_INFO=$(lscpu | grep "Model name" | cut -d':' -f2 | xargs) CPU_CORES=$(nproc) TOTAL_MEM=$(free -h | awk '/^Mem:/ {print $2}') TOTAL_DISK=$(df -h / | awk 'NR==2 {print $2}') PUBLIC_IP=$(curl -s https://api.ipify.org) LOAD_AVERAGE=$(uptime | awk -F'load average:' '{print $2}' | xargs) # Print system information print_info "Hostname" "$HOSTNAME" print_info "Operating System" "$OS_INFO" print_info "Kernel Version" "$KERNEL_VERSION" print_info "Uptime" "$UPTIME (since $UPTIME_SINCE)" print_info "CPU Model" "$CPU_INFO" print_info "CPU Cores" "$CPU_CORES" print_info "Total Memory" "$TOTAL_MEM" print_info "Total Disk Space" "$TOTAL_DISK" print_info "Public IP" "$PUBLIC_IP" print_info "Load Average" "$LOAD_AVERAGE" echo "" >> "$REPORT_FILE" # Security Audit Section print_header "Security Audit Results" # Function to check and report with three states check_security() { local test_name="$1" local status="$2" local message="$3" case $status in "PASS") echo -e "${GREEN}[PASS]${NC} $test_name ${GRAY}- $message${NC}" echo "[PASS] $test_name - $message" >> "$REPORT_FILE" ;; "WARN") echo -e "${YELLOW}[WARN]${NC} $test_name ${GRAY}- $message${NC}" echo "[WARN] $test_name - $message" >> "$REPORT_FILE" ;; "FAIL") echo -e "${RED}[FAIL]${NC} $test_name ${GRAY}- $message${NC}" echo "[FAIL] $test_name - $message" >> "$REPORT_FILE" ;; esac echo "" >> "$REPORT_FILE" } # Check system uptime UPTIME=$(uptime -p) UPTIME_SINCE=$(uptime -s) echo -e "\nSystem Uptime Information:" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo "Current uptime: $UPTIME" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo "System up since: $UPTIME_SINCE" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo "" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo -e "System Uptime: $UPTIME (since $UPTIME_SINCE)" # Check if system requires restart if [ -f /var/run/reboot-required ]; then check_security "System Restart" "WARN" "System requires a restart to apply updates" else check_security "System Restart" "PASS" "No restart required" fi # Check SSH config overrides SSH_CONFIG_OVERRIDES=$(grep "^Include" /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $2}') # Check SSH root login (handle both main config and overrides if they exist) if [ -n "$SSH_CONFIG_OVERRIDES" ] && [ -d "$(dirname "$SSH_CONFIG_OVERRIDES")" ]; then SSH_ROOT=$(grep "^PermitRootLogin" $SSH_CONFIG_OVERRIDES /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | head -1 | awk '{print $2}') else SSH_ROOT=$(grep "^PermitRootLogin" /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | head -1 | awk '{print $2}') fi if [ -z "$SSH_ROOT" ]; then SSH_ROOT="prohibit-password" fi if [ "$SSH_ROOT" = "no" ]; then check_security "SSH Root Login" "PASS" "Root login is properly disabled in SSH configuration" else check_security "SSH Root Login" "FAIL" "Root login is currently allowed - this is a security risk. Disable it in /etc/ssh/sshd_config" fi # Check SSH password authentication (handle both main config and overrides if they exist) if [ -n "$SSH_CONFIG_OVERRIDES" ] && [ -d "$(dirname "$SSH_CONFIG_OVERRIDES")" ]; then SSH_PASSWORD=$(grep "^PasswordAuthentication" $SSH_CONFIG_OVERRIDES /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | head -1 | awk '{print $2}') else SSH_PASSWORD=$(grep "^PasswordAuthentication" /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | head -1 | awk '{print $2}') fi if [ -z "$SSH_PASSWORD" ]; then SSH_PASSWORD="yes" fi if [ "$SSH_PASSWORD" = "no" ]; then check_security "SSH Password Auth" "PASS" "Password authentication is disabled, key-based auth only" else check_security "SSH Password Auth" "FAIL" "Password authentication is enabled - consider using key-based authentication only" fi # Check for default/unsecure SSH ports UNPRIVILEGED_PORT_START=$(sysctl -n net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start) SSH_PORT="" if [ -n "$SSH_CONFIG_OVERRIDES" ] && [ -d "$(dirname "$SSH_CONFIG_OVERRIDES")" ]; then SSH_PORT=$(grep "^Port" $SSH_CONFIG_OVERRIDES /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | head -1 | awk '{print $2}') else SSH_PORT=$(grep "^Port" /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | head -1 | awk '{print $2}') fi if [ -z "$SSH_PORT" ]; then SSH_PORT="22" fi if [ "$SSH_PORT" = "22" ]; then check_security "SSH Port" "WARN" "Using default port 22 - consider changing to a non-standard port for security by obscurity" elif [ "$SSH_PORT" -ge "$UNPRIVILEGED_PORT_START" ]; then check_security "SSH Port" "FAIL" "Using unprivileged port $SSH_PORT - use a port below $UNPRIVILEGED_PORT_START for better security" else check_security "SSH Port" "PASS" "Using non-default port $SSH_PORT which helps prevent automated attacks" fi # Check Firewall Status check_firewall_status() { if command -v ufw >/dev/null 2>&1; then if ufw status | grep -qw "active"; then check_security "Firewall Status (UFW)" "PASS" "UFW firewall is active and protecting your system" else check_security "Firewall Status (UFW)" "FAIL" "UFW firewall is not active - your system is exposed to network attacks" fi elif command -v firewall-cmd >/dev/null 2>&1; then if firewall-cmd --state 2>/dev/null | grep -q "running"; then check_security "Firewall Status (firewalld)" "PASS" "Firewalld is active and protecting your system" else check_security "Firewall Status (firewalld)" "FAIL" "Firewalld is not active - your system is exposed to network attacks" fi elif command -v iptables >/dev/null 2>&1; then if iptables -L | grep -q "Chain INPUT"; then check_security "Firewall Status (iptables)" "PASS" "iptables rules are active and protecting your system" else check_security "Firewall Status (iptables)" "FAIL" "No active iptables rules found - your system may be exposed" fi elif command -v nft >/dev/null 2>&1; then if nft list ruleset | grep -q "table"; then check_security "Firewall Status (nftables)" "PASS" "nftables rules are active and protecting your system" else check_security "Firewall Status (nftables)" "FAIL" "No active nftables rules found - your system may be exposed" fi else check_security "Firewall Status" "FAIL" "No recognized firewall tool is installed on this system" fi } # Firewall check check_firewall_status # Check for unattended upgrades if dpkg -l | grep -q "unattended-upgrades"; then check_security "Unattended Upgrades" "PASS" "Automatic security updates are configured" else check_security "Unattended Upgrades" "FAIL" "Automatic security updates are not configured - system may miss critical updates" fi # Check Intrusion Prevention Systems (Fail2ban or CrowdSec) IPS_INSTALLED=0 IPS_ACTIVE=0 if dpkg -l | grep -q "fail2ban"; then IPS_INSTALLED=1 systemctl is-active fail2ban >/dev/null 2>&1 && IPS_ACTIVE=1 fi # Check docker container running fail2ban if docker ps -a | awk '{print $2}' | grep "fail2ban"; then IPS_INSTALLED=1 docker ps | grep -q "fail2ban" && IPS_ACTIVE=1 fi if dpkg -l | grep -q "crowdsec"; then IPS_INSTALLED=1 systemctl is-active crowdsec >/dev/null 2>&1 && IPS_ACTIVE=1 fi # Check docker container running crowdsec if docker ps -a | awk '{print $2}' | grep "crowdsec"; then IPS_INSTALLED=1 docker ps | grep -q "crowdsec" && IPS_ACTIVE=1 fi case "$IPS_INSTALLED$IPS_ACTIVE" in "11") check_security "Intrusion Prevention" "PASS" "Fail2ban or CrowdSec is installed and running" ;; "10") check_security "Intrusion Prevention" "WARN" "Fail2ban or CrowdSec is installed but not running" ;; *) check_security "Intrusion Prevention" "FAIL" "No intrusion prevention system (Fail2ban or CrowdSec) is installed" ;; esac # Check failed login attempts LOG_FILE="/var/log/auth.log" if [ -f "$LOG_FILE" ]; then FAILED_LOGINS=$(grep -c "Failed password" "$LOG_FILE" 2>/dev/null || echo 0) else FAILED_LOGINS=0 echo "Warning: Log file $LOG_FILE not found or unreadable. Assuming 0 failed login attempts." fi # Ensure FAILED_LOGINS is numeric and strip whitespace FAILED_LOGINS=$(echo "$FAILED_LOGINS" | tr -d '[:space:]') # Remove leading zeros (if any) FAILED_LOGINS=$((10#$FAILED_LOGINS)) # Use arithmetic evaluation to ensure it's numeric and format correctly. if [ "$FAILED_LOGINS" -lt 10 ]; then check_security "Failed Logins" "PASS" "Only $FAILED_LOGINS failed login attempts detected - this is within normal range" elif [ "$FAILED_LOGINS" -lt 50 ]; then check_security "Failed Logins" "WARN" "$FAILED_LOGINS failed login attempts detected - might indicate breach attempts" else check_security "Failed Logins" "FAIL" "$FAILED_LOGINS failed login attempts detected - possible brute force attack in progress" fi # Check system updates UPDATES=$(apt-get -s upgrade 2>/dev/null | grep -P '^\d+ upgraded' | cut -d" " -f1) if [ -z "$UPDATES" ]; then UPDATES=0 fi if [ "$UPDATES" -eq 0 ]; then check_security "System Updates" "PASS" "All system packages are up to date" else check_security "System Updates" "FAIL" "$UPDATES security updates available - system is vulnerable to known exploits" fi # Check running services SERVICES=$(systemctl list-units --type=service --state=running | grep -c "loaded active running") if [ "$SERVICES" -lt 20 ]; then check_security "Running Services" "PASS" "Running minimal services ($SERVICES) - good for security" elif [ "$SERVICES" -lt 40 ]; then check_security "Running Services" "WARN" "$SERVICES services running - consider reducing attack surface" else check_security "Running Services" "FAIL" "Too many services running ($SERVICES) - increases attack surface" fi # Check ports using netstat or ss if command -v netstat >/dev/null 2>&1; then LISTENING_PORTS=$(netstat -tuln | grep LISTEN | awk '{print $4}') elif command -v ss >/dev/null 2>&1; then LISTENING_PORTS=$(ss -tuln | grep LISTEN | awk '{print $5}') else check_security "Port Scanning" "FAIL" "Neither 'netstat' nor 'ss' is available on this system." LISTENING_PORTS="" fi # Process LISTENING_PORTS to extract unique public ports if [ -n "$LISTENING_PORTS" ]; then PUBLIC_PORTS=$(echo "$LISTENING_PORTS" | awk -F':' '{print $NF}' | sort -n | uniq | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//') PORT_COUNT=$(echo "$PUBLIC_PORTS" | tr ',' '\n' | wc -w) INTERNET_PORTS=$(echo "$PUBLIC_PORTS" | tr ',' '\n' | wc -w) if [ "$PORT_COUNT" -lt 10 ] && [ "$INTERNET_PORTS" -lt 3 ]; then check_security "Port Security" "PASS" "Good configuration (Total: $PORT_COUNT, Public: $INTERNET_PORTS accessible ports): $PUBLIC_PORTS" elif [ "$PORT_COUNT" -lt 20 ] && [ "$INTERNET_PORTS" -lt 5 ]; then check_security "Port Security" "WARN" "Review recommended (Total: $PORT_COUNT, Public: $INTERNET_PORTS accessible ports): $PUBLIC_PORTS" else check_security "Port Security" "FAIL" "High exposure (Total: $PORT_COUNT, Public: $INTERNET_PORTS accessible ports): $PUBLIC_PORTS" fi else check_security "Port Scanning" "WARN" "Port scanning failed due to missing tools. Ensure 'ss' or 'netstat' is installed." fi # Function to format the message with proper indentation for the report file format_for_report() { local message="$1" echo "$message" >> "$REPORT_FILE" } # Check disk space usage DISK_TOTAL=$(df -h / | awk 'NR==2 {print $2}') DISK_USED=$(df -h / | awk 'NR==2 {print $3}') DISK_AVAIL=$(df -h / | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}') DISK_USAGE=$(df -h / | awk 'NR==2 {print int($5)}') if [ "$DISK_USAGE" -lt 50 ]; then check_security "Disk Usage" "PASS" "Healthy disk space available (${DISK_USAGE}% used - Used: ${DISK_USED} of ${DISK_TOTAL}, Available: ${DISK_AVAIL})" elif [ "$DISK_USAGE" -lt 80 ]; then check_security "Disk Usage" "WARN" "Disk space usage is moderate (${DISK_USAGE}% used - Used: ${DISK_USED} of ${DISK_TOTAL}, Available: ${DISK_AVAIL})" else check_security "Disk Usage" "FAIL" "Critical disk space usage (${DISK_USAGE}% used - Used: ${DISK_USED} of ${DISK_TOTAL}, Available: ${DISK_AVAIL})" fi # Check memory usage MEM_TOTAL=$(free -h | awk '/^Mem:/ {print $2}') MEM_USED=$(free -h | awk '/^Mem:/ {print $3}') MEM_AVAIL=$(free -h | awk '/^Mem:/ {print $7}') MEM_USAGE=$(free | awk '/^Mem:/ {printf "%.0f", $3/$2 * 100}') if [ "$MEM_USAGE" -lt 50 ]; then check_security "Memory Usage" "PASS" "Healthy memory usage (${MEM_USAGE}% used - Used: ${MEM_USED} of ${MEM_TOTAL}, Available: ${MEM_AVAIL})" elif [ "$MEM_USAGE" -lt 80 ]; then check_security "Memory Usage" "WARN" "Moderate memory usage (${MEM_USAGE}% used - Used: ${MEM_USED} of ${MEM_TOTAL}, Available: ${MEM_AVAIL})" else check_security "Memory Usage" "FAIL" "Critical memory usage (${MEM_USAGE}% used - Used: ${MEM_USED} of ${MEM_TOTAL}, Available: ${MEM_AVAIL})" fi # Check CPU usage CPU_CORES=$(nproc) CPU_USAGE=$(top -bn1 | grep "Cpu(s)" | awk '{print int($2)}') CPU_IDLE=$(top -bn1 | grep "Cpu(s)" | awk '{print int($8)}') CPU_LOAD=$(uptime | awk -F'load average:' '{ print $2 }' | awk -F',' '{ print $1 }' | tr -d ' ') if [ "$CPU_USAGE" -lt 50 ]; then check_security "CPU Usage" "PASS" "Healthy CPU usage (${CPU_USAGE}% used - Active: ${CPU_USAGE}%, Idle: ${CPU_IDLE}%, Load: ${CPU_LOAD}, Cores: ${CPU_CORES})" elif [ "$CPU_USAGE" -lt 80 ]; then check_security "CPU Usage" "WARN" "Moderate CPU usage (${CPU_USAGE}% used - Active: ${CPU_USAGE}%, Idle: ${CPU_IDLE}%, Load: ${CPU_LOAD}, Cores: ${CPU_CORES})" else check_security "CPU Usage" "FAIL" "Critical CPU usage (${CPU_USAGE}% used - Active: ${CPU_USAGE}%, Idle: ${CPU_IDLE}%, Load: ${CPU_LOAD}, Cores: ${CPU_CORES})" fi # Check sudo configuration if grep -q "^Defaults.*logfile" /etc/sudoers; then check_security "Sudo Logging" "PASS" "Sudo commands are being logged for audit purposes" else check_security "Sudo Logging" "FAIL" "Sudo commands are not being logged - reduces audit capability" fi # Check password policy if [ -f "/etc/security/pwquality.conf" ]; then if grep -q "minlen.*12" /etc/security/pwquality.conf; then check_security "Password Policy" "PASS" "Strong password policy is enforced" else check_security "Password Policy" "FAIL" "Weak password policy - passwords may be too simple" fi else check_security "Password Policy" "FAIL" "No password policy configured - system accepts weak passwords" fi # Check for suspicious SUID files COMMON_SUID_PATHS='^/usr/bin/|^/bin/|^/sbin/|^/usr/sbin/|^/usr/lib|^/usr/libexec' KNOWN_SUID_BINS='ping$|sudo$|mount$|umount$|su$|passwd$|chsh$|newgrp$|gpasswd$|chfn$' SUID_FILES=$(find / -type f -perm -4000 2>/dev/null | \ grep -v -E "$COMMON_SUID_PATHS" | \ grep -v -E "$KNOWN_SUID_BINS" | \ wc -l) if [ "$SUID_FILES" -eq 0 ]; then check_security "SUID Files" "PASS" "No suspicious SUID files found - good security practice" else check_security "SUID Files" "WARN" "Found $SUID_FILES SUID files outside standard locations - verify if legitimate" fi # Add system information summary to report echo "================================" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo "System Information Summary:" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo "Hostname: $(hostname)" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo "Kernel: $(uname -r)" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo "OS: $(grep PRETTY_NAME /etc/os-release | cut -d'"' -f2)" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo "CPU Cores: $(nproc)" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo "Total Memory: $(free -h | awk '/^Mem:/ {print $2}')" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo "Total Disk Space: $(df -h / | awk 'NR==2 {print $2}')" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo "================================" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo -e "\nVPS audit complete. Full report saved to $REPORT_FILE" echo -e "Review $REPORT_FILE for detailed recommendations." # Add summary to report echo "================================" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo "End of VPS Audit Report" >> "$REPORT_FILE" echo "Please review all failed checks and implement the recommended fixes." >> "$REPORT_FILE"