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synced 2025-01-23 05:25:02 +03:00
update README.md (http:// -> https://)
This commit is contained in:
@ -268,25 +268,20 @@ Type: JPEG Image (image/jpeg)
Size: 0.06 MiB (66482 Bytes)
Downloading rms.jpg ...
100.0% ( 0.1/0.1 MB) ├████████████████████████████████████████┤[1/1] 127 kB/s
100% ( 0.1/ 0.1MB) ├████████████████████████████████████████┤[1/1] 127 kB/s
Otherwise, `you-get` will scrape the web page and try to figure out if there's anything interesting to you:
$ you-get http://kopasas.tumblr.com/post/69361932517
$ you-get https://kopasas.tumblr.com/post/69361932517
Site: Tumblr.com
Title: kopasas
Type: Unknown type (None)
Size: 0.51 MiB (536583 Bytes)
Site: Tumblr.com
Title: tumblr_mxhg13jx4n1sftq6do1_1280
Title: [tumblr] tumblr_mxhg13jx4n1sftq6do1_640
Type: Portable Network Graphics (image/png)
Size: 0.51 MiB (536583 Bytes)
Size: 0.11 MiB (118484 Bytes)
Downloading tumblr_mxhg13jx4n1sftq6do1_1280.png ...
100.0% ( 0.5/0.5 MB) ├████████████████████████████████████████┤[1/1] 22 MB/s
Downloading [tumblr] tumblr_mxhg13jx4n1sftq6do1_640.png ...
100% ( 0.1/ 0.1MB) ├████████████████████████████████████████┤[1/1] 22 MB/s
@ -377,81 +372,81 @@ Use `--url`/`-u` to get a list of downloadable resource URLs extracted from the
| :--: | :-- | :-----: | :-----: | :-----: |
| **YouTube** | <https://www.youtube.com/> |✓| | |
| **X (Twitter)** | <https://x.com/> |✓|✓| |
| VK | <http://vk.com/> |✓|✓| |
| VK | <https://vk.com/> |✓|✓| |
| Vine | <https://vine.co/> |✓| | |
| Vimeo | <https://vimeo.com/> |✓| | |
| Veoh | <http://www.veoh.com/> |✓| | |
| Veoh | <https://www.veoh.com/> |✓| | |
| **Tumblr** | <https://www.tumblr.com/> |✓|✓|✓|
| TED | <http://www.ted.com/> |✓| | |
| TED | <https://www.ted.com/> |✓| | |
| SoundCloud | <https://soundcloud.com/> | | |✓|
| SHOWROOM | <https://www.showroom-live.com/> |✓| | |
| Pinterest | <https://www.pinterest.com/> | |✓| |
| MTV81 | <http://www.mtv81.com/> |✓| | |
| MTV81 | <https://www.mtv81.com/> |✓| | |
| Mixcloud | <https://www.mixcloud.com/> | | |✓|
| Metacafe | <http://www.metacafe.com/> |✓| | |
| Magisto | <http://www.magisto.com/> |✓| | |
| Metacafe | <https://www.metacafe.com/> |✓| | |
| Magisto | <https://www.magisto.com/> |✓| | |
| Khan Academy | <https://www.khanacademy.org/> |✓| | |
| Internet Archive | <https://archive.org/> |✓| | |
| **Instagram** | <https://instagram.com/> |✓|✓| |
| InfoQ | <http://www.infoq.com/presentations/> |✓| | |
| Imgur | <http://imgur.com/> | |✓| |
| Heavy Music Archive | <http://www.heavy-music.ru/> | | |✓|
| Freesound | <http://www.freesound.org/> | | |✓|
| InfoQ | <https://www.infoq.com/presentations/> |✓| | |
| Imgur | <https://imgur.com/> | |✓| |
| Heavy Music Archive | <https://www.heavy-music.ru/> | | |✓|
| Freesound | <https://www.freesound.org/> | | |✓|
| Flickr | <https://www.flickr.com/> |✓|✓| |
| FC2 Video | <http://video.fc2.com/> |✓| | |
| FC2 Video | <https://video.fc2.com/> |✓| | |
| Facebook | <https://www.facebook.com/> |✓| | |
| eHow | <http://www.ehow.com/> |✓| | |
| Dailymotion | <http://www.dailymotion.com/> |✓| | |
| Coub | <http://coub.com/> |✓| | |
| CBS | <http://www.cbs.com/> |✓| | |
| Bandcamp | <http://bandcamp.com/> | | |✓|
| AliveThai | <http://alive.in.th/> |✓| | |
| interest.me | <http://ch.interest.me/tvn> |✓| | |
| **755<br/>ナナゴーゴー** | <http://7gogo.jp/> |✓|✓| |
| **niconico<br/>ニコニコ動画** | <http://www.nicovideo.jp/> |✓| | |
| **163<br/>网易视频<br/>网易云音乐** | <http://v.163.com/><br/><http://music.163.com/> |✓| |✓|
| 56网 | <http://www.56.com/> |✓| | |
| **AcFun** | <http://www.acfun.cn/> |✓| | |
| **Baidu<br/>百度贴吧** | <http://tieba.baidu.com/> |✓|✓| |
| 爆米花网 | <http://www.baomihua.com/> |✓| | |
| **bilibili<br/>哔哩哔哩** | <http://www.bilibili.com/> |✓|✓|✓|
| 豆瓣 | <http://www.douban.com/> |✓| |✓|
| 斗鱼 | <http://www.douyutv.com/> |✓| | |
| 凤凰视频 | <http://v.ifeng.com/> |✓| | |
| 风行网 | <http://www.fun.tv/> |✓| | |
| iQIYI<br/>爱奇艺 | <http://www.iqiyi.com/> |✓| | |
| 激动网 | <http://www.joy.cn/> |✓| | |
| 酷6网 | <http://www.ku6.com/> |✓| | |
| 酷狗音乐 | <http://www.kugou.com/> | | |✓|
| 酷我音乐 | <http://www.kuwo.cn/> | | |✓|
| 乐视网 | <http://www.le.com/> |✓| | |
| 荔枝FM | <http://www.lizhi.fm/> | | |✓|
| 懒人听书 | <http://www.lrts.me/> | | |✓|
| 秒拍 | <http://www.miaopai.com/> |✓| | |
| MioMio弹幕网 | <http://www.miomio.tv/> |✓| | |
| MissEvan<br/>猫耳FM | <http://www.missevan.com/> | | |✓|
| eHow | <https://www.ehow.com/> |✓| | |
| Dailymotion | <https://www.dailymotion.com/> |✓| | |
| Coub | <https://coub.com/> |✓| | |
| CBS | <https://www.cbs.com/> |✓| | |
| Bandcamp | <https://bandcamp.com/> | | |✓|
| AliveThai | <https://alive.in.th/> |✓| | |
| interest.me | <https://ch.interest.me/tvn> |✓| | |
| **755<br/>ナナゴーゴー** | <https://7gogo.jp/> |✓|✓| |
| **niconico<br/>ニコニコ動画** | <https://www.nicovideo.jp/> |✓| | |
| **163<br/>网易视频<br/>网易云音乐** | <https://v.163.com/><br/><https://music.163.com/> |✓| |✓|
| 56网 | <https://www.56.com/> |✓| | |
| **AcFun** | <https://www.acfun.cn/> |✓| | |
| **Baidu<br/>百度贴吧** | <https://tieba.baidu.com/> |✓|✓| |
| 爆米花网 | <https://www.baomihua.com/> |✓| | |
| **bilibili<br/>哔哩哔哩** | <https://www.bilibili.com/> |✓|✓|✓|
| 豆瓣 | <https://www.douban.com/> |✓| |✓|
| 斗鱼 | <https://www.douyutv.com/> |✓| | |
| 凤凰视频 | <https://v.ifeng.com/> |✓| | |
| 风行网 | <https://www.fun.tv/> |✓| | |
| iQIYI<br/>爱奇艺 | <https://www.iqiyi.com/> |✓| | |
| 激动网 | <https://www.joy.cn/> |✓| | |
| 酷6网 | <https://www.ku6.com/> |✓| | |
| 酷狗音乐 | <https://www.kugou.com/> | | |✓|
| 酷我音乐 | <https://www.kuwo.cn/> | | |✓|
| 乐视网 | <https://www.le.com/> |✓| | |
| 荔枝FM | <https://www.lizhi.fm/> | | |✓|
| 懒人听书 | <https://www.lrts.me/> | | |✓|
| 秒拍 | <https://www.miaopai.com/> |✓| | |
| MioMio弹幕网 | <https://www.miomio.tv/> |✓| | |
| MissEvan<br/>猫耳FM | <https://www.missevan.com/> | | |✓|
| 痞客邦 | <https://www.pixnet.net/> |✓| | |
| PPTV聚力 | <http://www.pptv.com/> |✓| | |
| 齐鲁网 | <http://v.iqilu.com/> |✓| | |
| QQ<br/>腾讯视频 | <http://v.qq.com/> |✓| | |
| 企鹅直播 | <http://live.qq.com/> |✓| | |
| Sina<br/>新浪视频<br/>微博秒拍视频 | <http://video.sina.com.cn/><br/><http://video.weibo.com/> |✓| | |
| Sohu<br/>搜狐视频 | <http://tv.sohu.com/> |✓| | |
| **Tudou<br/>土豆** | <http://www.tudou.com/> |✓| | |
| 阳光卫视 | <http://www.isuntv.com/> |✓| | |
| **Youku<br/>优酷** | <http://www.youku.com/> |✓| | |
| 战旗TV | <http://www.zhanqi.tv/lives> |✓| | |
| 央视网 | <http://www.cntv.cn/> |✓| | |
| Naver<br/>네이버 | <http://tvcast.naver.com/> |✓| | |
| 芒果TV | <http://www.mgtv.com/> |✓| | |
| 火猫TV | <http://www.huomao.com/> |✓| | |
| 阳光宽频网 | <http://www.365yg.com/> |✓| | |
| PPTV聚力 | <https://www.pptv.com/> |✓| | |
| 齐鲁网 | <https://v.iqilu.com/> |✓| | |
| QQ<br/>腾讯视频 | <https://v.qq.com/> |✓| | |
| 企鹅直播 | <https://live.qq.com/> |✓| | |
| Sina<br/>新浪视频<br/>微博秒拍视频 | <https://video.sina.com.cn/><br/><https://video.weibo.com/> |✓| | |
| Sohu<br/>搜狐视频 | <https://tv.sohu.com/> |✓| | |
| **Tudou<br/>土豆** | <https://www.tudou.com/> |✓| | |
| 阳光卫视 | <https://www.isuntv.com/> |✓| | |
| **Youku<br/>优酷** | <https://www.youku.com/> |✓| | |
| 战旗TV | <https://www.zhanqi.tv/lives> |✓| | |
| 央视网 | <https://www.cntv.cn/> |✓| | |
| Naver<br/>네이버 | <https://tvcast.naver.com/> |✓| | |
| 芒果TV | <https://www.mgtv.com/> |✓| | |
| 火猫TV | <https://www.huomao.com/> |✓| | |
| 阳光宽频网 | <https://www.365yg.com/> |✓| | |
| 西瓜视频 | <https://www.ixigua.com/> |✓| | |
| 新片场 | <https://www.xinpianchang.com/> |✓| | |
| 快手 | <https://www.kuaishou.com/> |✓|✓| |
| 抖音 | <https://www.douyin.com/> |✓| | |
| TikTok | <https://www.tiktok.com/> |✓| | |
| 中国体育(TV) | <http://v.zhibo.tv/> </br><http://video.zhibo.tv/> |✓| | |
| 中国体育(TV) | <https://v.zhibo.tv/> </br><https://video.zhibo.tv/> |✓| | |
| 知乎 | <https://www.zhihu.com/> |✓| | |
For all other sites not on the list, the universal extractor will take care of finding and downloading interesting resources from the page.
@ -464,7 +459,7 @@ Check if it's already a known problem on <https://github.com/soimort/you-get/wik
## Getting Involved
You can reach us on the Gitter channel [#soimort/you-get](https://gitter.im/soimort/you-get) (here's how you [set up your IRC client](http://irc.gitter.im) for Gitter). If you have a quick question regarding `you-get`, ask it there.
You can reach us on the Gitter channel [#soimort/you-get](https://gitter.im/soimort/you-get) (here's how you [set up your IRC client](https://irc.gitter.im) for Gitter). If you have a quick question regarding `you-get`, ask it there.
If you are seeking to report an issue or contribute, please make sure to read [the guidelines](https://github.com/soimort/you-get/blob/develop/CONTRIBUTING.md) first.
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