add format selection for AcFun

This commit is contained in:
johnsmith2077 2020-10-04 05:12:56 +08:00
parent 00e2ce3f48
commit 5c9ec6c4f3

View File

@ -1,168 +1,213 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
__all__ = ['acfun_download']
from ..common import * from ..common import *
from ..extractor import VideoExtractor
from .le import letvcloud_download_by_vu class AcFun(VideoExtractor):
from .qq import qq_download_by_vid name = "AcFun"
from .sina import sina_download_by_vid
from .tudou import tudou_download_by_iid
from .youku import youku_download_by_vid
import json stream_types = [
import re {'id': '2160P', 'qualityType': '2160p'},
import base64 {'id': '1080P60', 'qualityType': '1080p60'},
import time {'id': '720P60', 'qualityType': '720p60'},
{'id': '1080P+', 'qualityType': '1080p+'},
{'id': '1080P', 'qualityType': '1080p'},
{'id': '720P', 'qualityType': '720p'},
{'id': '540P', 'qualityType': '540p'},
{'id': '360P', 'qualityType': '360p'}
def get_srt_json(id): def prepare(self, **kwargs):
url = '' % id assert re.match(r'https?://[^\.]*\.*acfun\.[^\.]+/(\D|bangumi)/\D\D(\d+)', self.url)
return get_content(url)
def youku_acfun_proxy(vid, sign, ref): if re.match(r'https?://[^\.]*\.*acfun\.[^\.]+/\D/\D\D(\d+)', self.url):
endpoint = '{}&ct=85&ev=3&sign={}&time={}' html = get_content(self.url, headers=fake_headers)
url = endpoint.format(vid, sign, str(int(time.time() * 1000))) json_text = match1(html, r"(?s)videoInfo\s*=\s*(\{.*?\});")
json_data = json.loads(get_content(url, headers=dict(referer=ref)))['data'] json_data = json.loads(json_text)
enc_text = base64.b64decode(json_data) vid = json_data.get('currentVideoInfo').get('id')
dec_text = rc4(b'8bdc7e1a', enc_text).decode('utf8') up = json_data.get('user').get('name')
youku_json = json.loads(dec_text) self.title = json_data.get('title')
video_list = json_data.get('videoList')
if len(video_list) > 1:
self.title += " - " + [p.get('title') for p in video_list if p.get('id') == vid][0]
currentVideoInfo = json_data.get('currentVideoInfo')
elif re.match("https?://[^\.]*\.*acfun\.[^\.]+/bangumi/aa(\d+)", self.url):
html = get_content(self.url, headers=fake_headers)
tag_script = match1(html, r'<script>\s*window\.pageInfo([^<]+)</script>')
json_text = tag_script[tag_script.find('{') : tag_script.find('};') + 1]
json_data = json.loads(json_text)
self.title = json_data['bangumiTitle'] + " " + json_data['episodeName'] + " " + json_data['title']
vid = str(json_data['videoId'])
up = "acfun"
currentVideoInfo = json_data.get('currentVideoInfo')
yk_streams = {}
for stream in youku_json['stream']:
tp = stream['stream_type']
yk_streams[tp] = [], stream['total_size']
if stream.get('segs'):
for seg in stream['segs']:
else: else:
yk_streams[tp] = stream['m3u8'], stream['total_size'] raise NotImplemented
return yk_streams if 'ksPlayJson' in currentVideoInfo:
durationMillis = currentVideoInfo['durationMillis']
def acfun_download_by_vid(vid, title, output_dir='.', merge=True, info_only=False, **kwargs): ksPlayJson = ksPlayJson = json.loads( currentVideoInfo['ksPlayJson'] )
"""str, str, str, bool, bool ->None
Download Acfun video by vid.
Call Acfun API, decide which site to use, and pass the job to its
#first call the main parasing API
info = json.loads(get_content('' + vid, headers=fake_headers))
sourceType = info['sourceType']
#decide sourceId to know which extractor to use
if 'sourceId' in info: sourceId = info['sourceId']
# danmakuId = info['danmakuId']
#call extractor decided by sourceId
if sourceType == 'sina':
sina_download_by_vid(sourceId, title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only)
elif sourceType == 'youku':
youku_download_by_vid(sourceId, title=title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only, **kwargs)
elif sourceType == 'tudou':
tudou_download_by_iid(sourceId, title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only)
elif sourceType == 'qq':
qq_download_by_vid(sourceId, title, True, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only)
elif sourceType == 'letv':
letvcloud_download_by_vu(sourceId, '2d8c027396', title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only)
elif sourceType == 'zhuzhan':
#As in Jul.28.2016, Acfun is using embsig to anti hotlink so we need to pass this
#In Mar. 2017 there is a dedicated ``acfun_proxy'' in youku cloud player
#old code removed
url = '' + vid
yk_streams = youku_acfun_proxy(info['sourceId'], info['encode'], url)
seq = ['mp4hd3', 'mp4hd2', 'mp4hd', 'flvhd']
for t in seq:
if yk_streams.get(t):
preferred = yk_streams[t]
#total_size in the json could be incorrect(F.I. 0)
size = 0
for url in preferred[0]:
_, _, seg_size = url_info(url)
size += seg_size
#fallback to flvhd is not quite possible
if'fid=[0-9A-Z\-]*.flv', preferred[0][0]):
ext = 'flv'
ext = 'mp4'
print_info(site_info, title, ext, size)
if not info_only:
download_urls(preferred[0], title, ext, size, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge)
raise NotImplementedError(sourceType)
if not info_only and not dry_run:
if not kwargs['caption']:
print('Skipping danmaku.')
title = get_filename(title)
print('Downloading %s ...\n' % (title + '.cmt.json'))
cmt = get_srt_json(vid)
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, title + '.cmt.json'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as x:
def acfun_download(url, output_dir='.', merge=True, info_only=False, **kwargs):
assert re.match(r'https?://[^\.]*\.*acfun\.[^\.]+/(\D|bangumi)/\D\D(\d+)', url)
def getM3u8UrlFromCurrentVideoInfo(currentVideoInfo):
if 'playInfos' in currentVideoInfo:
return currentVideoInfo['playInfos'][0]['playUrls'][0]
elif 'ksPlayJson' in currentVideoInfo:
ksPlayJson = json.loads( currentVideoInfo['ksPlayJson'] )
representation = ksPlayJson.get('adaptationSet')[0].get('representation') representation = ksPlayJson.get('adaptationSet')[0].get('representation')
reps = [] stream_list = representation
for one in representation:
reps.append( (one['width']* one['height'], one['url'], one['backupUrl']) ) for stream in stream_list:
return max(reps)[1] m3u8_url = stream["url"]
size = durationMillis * stream["avgBitrate"] / 8
# size = float('inf')
container = 'mp4'
stream_id = stream["qualityLabel"]
quality = stream["qualityType"]
stream_data = dict(src=m3u8_url, size=size, container=container, quality=quality)
self.streams[stream_id] = stream_data
assert self.title and m3u8_url
self.title = unescape_html(self.title)
self.title = escape_file_path(self.title)
p_title = r1('active">([^<]+)', html)
self.title = '%s (%s)' % (self.title, up)
if p_title:
self.title = '%s - %s' % (self.title, p_title)
if re.match(r'https?://[^\.]*\.*acfun\.[^\.]+/\D/\D\D(\d+)', url): def download(self, **kwargs):
html = get_content(url, headers=fake_headers) if 'json_output' in kwargs and kwargs['json_output']:
json_text = match1(html, r"(?s)videoInfo\s*=\s*(\{.*?\});") json_output.output(self)
json_data = json.loads(json_text) elif 'info_only' in kwargs and kwargs['info_only']:
vid = json_data.get('currentVideoInfo').get('id') if 'stream_id' in kwargs and kwargs['stream_id']:
up = json_data.get('user').get('name') # Display the stream
title = json_data.get('title') stream_id = kwargs['stream_id']
video_list = json_data.get('videoList') if 'index' not in kwargs:
if len(video_list) > 1: self.p(stream_id)
title += " - " + [p.get('title') for p in video_list if p.get('id') == vid][0] else:
currentVideoInfo = json_data.get('currentVideoInfo') self.p_i(stream_id)
m3u8_url = getM3u8UrlFromCurrentVideoInfo(currentVideoInfo) else:
elif re.match("https?://[^\.]*\.*acfun\.[^\.]+/bangumi/aa(\d+)", url): # Display all available streams
html = get_content(url, headers=fake_headers) if 'index' not in kwargs:
tag_script = match1(html, r'<script>\s*window\.pageInfo([^<]+)</script>') self.p([])
json_text = tag_script[tag_script.find('{') : tag_script.find('};') + 1] else:
json_data = json.loads(json_text) stream_id = self.streams_sorted[0]['id'] if 'id' in self.streams_sorted[0] else self.streams_sorted[0]['itag']
title = json_data['bangumiTitle'] + " " + json_data['episodeName'] + " " + json_data['title'] self.p_i(stream_id)
vid = str(json_data['videoId'])
up = "acfun"
currentVideoInfo = json_data.get('currentVideoInfo') else:
m3u8_url = getM3u8UrlFromCurrentVideoInfo(currentVideoInfo) if 'stream_id' in kwargs and kwargs['stream_id']:
# Download the stream
stream_id = kwargs['stream_id']
stream_id = self.streams_sorted[0]['id'] if 'id' in self.streams_sorted[0] else self.streams_sorted[0]['itag']
else: if 'index' not in kwargs:
raise NotImplemented self.p(stream_id)
assert title and m3u8_url self.p_i(stream_id)
title = unescape_html(title) if stream_id in self.streams:
title = escape_file_path(title) url = self.streams[stream_id]['src']
p_title = r1('active">([^<]+)', html) ext = self.streams[stream_id]['container']
title = '%s (%s)' % (title, up) total_size = self.streams[stream_id]['size']
if p_title:
title = '%s - %s' % (title, p_title)
print_info(site_info, title, 'm3u8', float('inf'))
if not info_only:
download_url_ffmpeg(m3u8_url, title, 'mp4', output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge)
if ext == 'm3u8' or ext == 'm4a':
ext = 'mp4'
if not url:'[Failed] Cannot extract video source.')
# For legacy main()
headers = {}
if is not None:
headers['User-Agent'] =
if self.referer is not None:
headers['Referer'] = self.referer
download_url_ffmpeg(url, self.title, ext, output_dir=kwargs['output_dir'], merge=kwargs['merge'])
if 'caption' not in kwargs or not kwargs['caption']:
print('Skipping captions or danmaku.')
for lang in self.caption_tracks:
filename = '' % (get_filename(self.title), lang)
print('Saving %s ... ' % filename, end="", flush=True)
srt = self.caption_tracks[lang]
with open(os.path.join(kwargs['output_dir'], filename),
'w', encoding='utf-8') as x:
if self.danmaku is not None and not dry_run:
filename = '{}.cmt.xml'.format(get_filename(self.title))
print('Downloading {} ...\n'.format(filename))
with open(os.path.join(kwargs['output_dir'], filename), 'w', encoding='utf8') as fp:
if self.lyrics is not None and not dry_run:
filename = '{}.lrc'.format(get_filename(self.title))
print('Downloading {} ...\n'.format(filename))
with open(os.path.join(kwargs['output_dir'], filename), 'w', encoding='utf8') as fp:
# For main_dev()
#download_urls(urls, self.title, self.streams[stream_id]['container'], self.streams[stream_id]['size'])
keep_obj = kwargs.get('keep_obj', False)
if not keep_obj:
def acfun_download(self, url, output_dir='.', merge=True, info_only=False, **kwargs):
assert re.match(r'https?://[^\.]*\.*acfun\.[^\.]+/(\D|bangumi)/\D\D(\d+)', url)
def getM3u8UrlFromCurrentVideoInfo(currentVideoInfo):
if 'playInfos' in currentVideoInfo:
return currentVideoInfo['playInfos'][0]['playUrls'][0]
elif 'ksPlayJson' in currentVideoInfo:
ksPlayJson = json.loads( currentVideoInfo['ksPlayJson'] )
representation = ksPlayJson.get('adaptationSet')[0].get('representation')
reps = []
for one in representation:
reps.append( (one['width']* one['height'], one['url'], one['backupUrl']) )
return max(reps)[1]
if re.match(r'https?://[^\.]*\.*acfun\.[^\.]+/\D/\D\D(\d+)', url):
html = get_content(url, headers=fake_headers)
json_text = match1(html, r"(?s)videoInfo\s*=\s*(\{.*?\});")
json_data = json.loads(json_text)
vid = json_data.get('currentVideoInfo').get('id')
up = json_data.get('user').get('name')
title = json_data.get('title')
video_list = json_data.get('videoList')
if len(video_list) > 1:
title += " - " + [p.get('title') for p in video_list if p.get('id') == vid][0]
currentVideoInfo = json_data.get('currentVideoInfo')
m3u8_url = getM3u8UrlFromCurrentVideoInfo(currentVideoInfo)
elif re.match("https?://[^\.]*\.*acfun\.[^\.]+/bangumi/aa(\d+)", url):
html = get_content(url, headers=fake_headers)
tag_script = match1(html, r'<script>\s*window\.pageInfo([^<]+)</script>')
json_text = tag_script[tag_script.find('{') : tag_script.find('};') + 1]
json_data = json.loads(json_text)
title = json_data['bangumiTitle'] + " " + json_data['episodeName'] + " " + json_data['title']
vid = str(json_data['videoId'])
up = "acfun"
currentVideoInfo = json_data.get('currentVideoInfo')
m3u8_url = getM3u8UrlFromCurrentVideoInfo(currentVideoInfo)
raise NotImplemented
assert title and m3u8_url
title = unescape_html(title)
title = escape_file_path(title)
p_title = r1('active">([^<]+)', html)
title = '%s (%s)' % (title, up)
if p_title:
title = '%s - %s' % (title, p_title)
print_info(site_info, title, 'm3u8', float('inf'))
if not info_only:
download_url_ffmpeg(m3u8_url, title, 'mp4', output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge)
site = AcFun()
site_info = "" site_info = ""
download = acfun_download download = site.download_by_url
download_playlist = playlist_not_supported('acfun') download_playlist = playlist_not_supported('acfun')