Add support of Funshion

Help needed to add full drama download support.
This commit is contained in:
cnbeining 2015-08-20 02:29:55 -04:00
parent 55ad530706
commit f6d8a7bb12

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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
__all__ = ['funshion_download']
from ..common import *
import urllib.error
import json
def funshion_download_by_drama_url(url):
url = ''
if re.match(r'\w+)', url):
match ='\d+)(.?)', url)
id =
video_list = funshion_drama_id_to_vid(id)
for video in video_list:
def funshion_drama_id_to_vid(id):
id: 95785
->[('626464', '1'), ('626466', '2'), ('626468', '3'),...
html = get_content('{episode_id}&cl=aphone&uc=5'.format(episode_id = episode_id))
c = json.loads(html)
#{'definition': [{'name': '流畅', 'code': 'tv'}, {'name': '标清', 'code': 'dvd'}, {'name': '高清', 'code': 'hd'}], 'retmsg': 'ok', 'total': '32', 'sort': '1', 'prevues': [], 'retcode': '200', 'cid': '2', 'template': 'grid', 'episodes': [{'num': '1', 'id': '624728', 'still': None, 'name': '第1集', 'duration': '45:55'}, ], 'name': '太行山上', 'share': '', 'media': '201554'}
return [(i['id'], i['num']) for i in c['episodes']]
def funshion_vid_to_urls(vid):
"""int->list of URL
Choose the best one.
code definition:
{'tv': 'liuchang',
'dvd': 'biaoqing',
'hd': 'gaoqing',
'sdvd': 'chaoqing'}
html = get_content('{vid}&cl=aphone&uc=5'.format(vid = vid))
c = json.loads(html)
#{'retmsg': 'ok', 'retcode': '200', 'selected': 'tv', 'mp4': [{'filename': '', 'http': '', 'filesize': '96748671', 'code': 'tv', 'name': '流畅', 'infohash': '7FCD71C58EBD4336DF99787A63045A8F3016EC51'}...], 'episode': '626464'}
video_dic = {}
url = ''
for i in c['mp4']:
video_dic[i['code']] = i['http']
if 'sdvd' in video_dic:
url = video_dic['hd']
elif 'hd' in video_dic:
url = video_dic['hd']
elif 'dvd' in video_dic:
url = video_dic['dvd']
elif 'sd' in video_dic:
url = video_dic['sd']
html = get_html(url)
c = json.loads(html)
return [i['urls'][0] for i in c['playlist']]
def funshion_get_title_by_vid(vid):
html = get_content('{vid}&cl=aphone&uc=5'.format(vid = vid))
c = json.loads(html)
return c['name']
def funshion_download_by_url(url, output_dir = '.', merge = False, info_only = False):
if re.match(r'\w+)', url):
match ='\d+)(.?)', url)
vid =
title = funshion_get_title_by_vid(vid)
url_list = funshion_vid_to_urls(vid)
for url in url_list:
type, ext, size = url_info(url)
print_info(site_info, title, type_, size)
if not info_only:
download_urls(url_list, title, type_, total_size=None, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge)
site_info = ""
download = funshion_download
download_playlist = playlist_not_supported('funshion')