#!/usr/bin/env python from ..common import * from ..common import print_more_compatible as print from ..extractor import VideoExtractor from ..util import log from .. import json_output from uuid import uuid4 from random import random,randint import json from math import floor from zlib import decompress import hashlib import time ''' Changelog: -> http://www.iqiyi.com/common/flashplayer/20150916/MainPlayer_5_2_28_c3_3_7_4.swf use @fffonion 's method in #617. Add trace AVM(asasm) code in Iqiyi's encode function where the salt is put into the encode array and reassemble by RABCDasm(or WinRABCDasm),then use Fiddler to response modified file to replace the src file with its AutoResponder function ,set browser Fiddler proxy and play with !debug version! Flash Player ,finially get result in flashlog.txt(its location can be easily found in search engine). Code Like (without letters after #comment:),it just do the job : trace("{IQIYI_SALT}:"+salt_array.join("")) ```(Position After getTimer) findpropstrict QName(PackageNamespace(""), "trace") pushstring "{IQIYI_SALT}:" #comment for you to locate the salt getscopeobject 1 getslot 17 #comment: 17 is the salt slots number defined in code pushstring "" callproperty QName(Namespace("http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin"), "join"), 1 add callpropvoid QName(PackageNamespace(""), "trace"), 1 ``` -> http://www.iqiyi.com/common/flashplayer/20150820/MainPlayer_5_2_27_2_c3_3_7_3.swf some small changes in Zombie.bite function ''' ''' com.qiyi.player.core.model.def.DefinitonEnum bid meaning for quality 0 none 1 standard 2 high 3 super 4 suprt-high 5 fullhd 10 4k 96 topspeed ''' ''' def mix(tvid): salt = '4a1caba4b4465345366f28da7c117d20' tm = str(randint(2000,4000)) sc = hashlib.new('md5', bytes(salt + tm + tvid, 'utf-8')).hexdigest() return tm, sc, 'eknas' def getVRSXORCode(arg1,arg2): loc3=arg2 %3 if loc3 == 1: return arg1^121 if loc3 == 2: return arg1^72 return arg1^103 def getVrsEncodeCode(vlink): loc6=0 loc2='' loc3=vlink.split("-") loc4=len(loc3) # loc5=loc4-1 for i in range(loc4-1,-1,-1): loc6=getVRSXORCode(int(loc3[loc4-i-1],16),i) loc2+=chr(loc6) return loc2[::-1] def getDispathKey(rid): tp=")(*&^flash@#$%a" #magic from swf time=json.loads(get_content("http://data.video.qiyi.com/t?tn="+str(random())))["t"] t=str(int(floor(int(time)/(10*60.0)))) return hashlib.new("md5",bytes(t+tp+rid,"utf-8")).hexdigest() ''' def getVMS(tvid, vid): t = int(time.time() * 1000) src = '76f90cbd92f94a2e925d83e8ccd22cb7' key = 'd5fb4bd9d50c4be6948c97edd7254b0e' sc = hashlib.new('md5', bytes(str(t) + key + vid, 'utf-8')).hexdigest() vmsreq= url = 'http://cache.m.iqiyi.com/tmts/{0}/{1}/?t={2}&sc={3}&src={4}'.format(tvid,vid,t,sc,src) return json.loads(get_content(vmsreq)) class Iqiyi(VideoExtractor): name = "爱奇艺 (Iqiyi)" stream_types = [ {'id': '4k', 'container': 'm3u8', 'video_profile': '4k'}, {'id': 'BD', 'container': 'm3u8', 'video_profile': '1080p'}, {'id': 'TD', 'container': 'm3u8', 'video_profile': '720p'}, {'id': 'TD_H265', 'container': 'm3u8', 'video_profile': '720p H265'}, {'id': 'HD', 'container': 'm3u8', 'video_profile': '540p'}, {'id': 'HD_H265', 'container': 'm3u8', 'video_profile': '540p H265'}, {'id': 'SD', 'container': 'm3u8', 'video_profile': '360p'}, {'id': 'LD', 'container': 'm3u8', 'video_profile': '210p'}, ] ''' supported_stream_types = [ 'high', 'standard'] stream_to_bid = { '4k': 10, 'fullhd' : 5, 'suprt-high' : 4, 'super' : 3, 'high' : 2, 'standard' :1, 'topspeed' :96} ''' ids = ['4k','BD', 'TD', 'HD', 'SD', 'LD'] vd_2_id = {10: '4k', 19: '4k', 5:'BD', 18: 'BD', 21: 'HD_H265', 2: 'HD', 4: 'TD', 17: 'TD_H265', 96: 'LD', 1: 'SD', 14: 'TD'} id_2_profile = {'4k':'4k', 'BD': '1080p','TD': '720p', 'HD': '540p', 'SD': '360p', 'LD': '210p', 'HD_H265': '540p H265', 'TD_H265': '720p H265'} def download_playlist_by_url(self, url, **kwargs): self.url = url video_page = get_content(url) videos = set(re.findall(r' np try: if info["data"]['vp']["tkl"]=='' : raise ValueError except: log.e("[Error] Do not support for iQIYI VIP video.") exit(-1) vs = info["data"]["vp"]["tkl"][0]["vs"] self.baseurl=info["data"]["vp"]["du"].split("/") for stream in self.stream_types: for i in vs: if self.stream_to_bid[stream['id']] == i['bid']: video_links=i["fs"] #now in i["flvs"] not in i["fs"] if not i["fs"][0]["l"].startswith("/"): tmp = getVrsEncodeCode(i["fs"][0]["l"]) if tmp.endswith('mp4'): video_links = i["flvs"] self.stream_urls[stream['id']] = video_links size = 0 for l in video_links: size += l['b'] self.streams[stream['id']] = {'container': stream['container'], 'video_profile': stream['video_profile'], 'size' : size} break def extract(self, **kwargs): if 'stream_id' in kwargs and kwargs['stream_id']: # Extract the stream stream_id = kwargs['stream_id'] if stream_id not in self.streams: log.e('[Error] Invalid video format.') log.e('Run \'-i\' command with no specific video format to view all available formats.') exit(2) else: # Extract stream with the best quality stream_id = self.streams_sorted[0]['id'] urls=[] for i in self.stream_urls[stream_id]: vlink=i["l"] if not vlink.startswith("/"): #vlink is encode vlink=getVrsEncodeCode(vlink) key=getDispathKey(vlink.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]) baseurl = [x for x in self.baseurl] baseurl.insert(-1,key) url="/".join(baseurl)+vlink+'?su='+self.gen_uid+'&qyid='+uuid4().hex+'&client=&z=&bt=&ct=&tn='+str(randint(10000,20000)) urls.append(json.loads(get_content(url))["l"]) #download should be complete in 10 minutes #because the url is generated before start downloading #and the key may be expired after 10 minutes self.streams[stream_id]['src'] = urls ''' site = Iqiyi() download = site.download_by_url iqiyi_download_by_vid = site.download_by_vid download_playlist = site.download_playlist_by_url