#!/usr/bin/env python import platform def legitimize(text, os=platform.system()): """Converts a string to a valid filename. """ # POSIX systems text = text.translate({ 0: None, ord('/'): '-', }) if os == 'Windows': # Windows (non-POSIX namespace) text = text.translate({ # Reserved in Windows VFAT and NTFS ord(':'): '-', ord('*'): '-', ord('?'): '-', ord('\\'): '-', ord('|'): '-', ord('\"'): '\'', # Reserved in Windows VFAT ord('+'): '-', ord('<'): '-', ord('>'): '-', ord('['): '(', ord(']'): ')', }) else: # *nix if os == 'Darwin': # Mac OS HFS+ text = text.translate({ ord(':'): '-', }) # Remove leading . if text.startswith("."): text = text[1:] text = text[:82] # Trim to 82 Unicode characters long return text