In case of any encountered problem, always check your network status first. That is, please ensure the video you want to download can be streamed properly in your web browser. * Keep in mind that some videos on some hosting sites may have a region restriction, e.g., Youku is blocking access to some videos from IP addresses outside mainland China, and YouTube is also blocking some videos in Germany. Please include: * Your exact command line, like `you-get -i ""`. A common mistake is not to escape the `&`. Putting URLs in quotes should solve this problem. * Your full console output. * If you executed the command and got no response, please re-run the command with `--debug`, kill the process with keyboard shortcut `Ctrl-C` and include the full console output. * The output of `you-get --version`, or `git rev-parse HEAD` -- if you are using a Git version (but always remember to keep up-to-date!) * The output of `python --version`. * If possible, you may include your IP address and proxy setting information as well.