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synced 2025-03-19 22:33:59 +03:00
108 lines
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108 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
__all__ = ['bilibili_download']
from ..common import *
from .sina import sina_download_by_id
from .tudou import tudou_download_by_id
from .youku import youku_download_by_id
import re
def get_srt_xml(id):
url = 'http://comment.bilibili.tv/%s.xml' % id
return get_html(url)
def parse_srt_p(p):
fields = p.split(',')
assert len(fields) == 8, fields
time, mode, font_size, font_color, pub_time, pool, user_id, history = fields
time = float(time)
mode = int(mode)
assert 1 <= mode <= 8
# mode 1~3: scrolling
# mode 4: bottom
# mode 5: top
# mode 6: reverse?
# mode 7: position
# mode 8: advanced
pool = int(pool)
assert 0 <= pool <= 2
# pool 0: normal
# pool 1: srt
# pool 2: special?
font_size = int(font_size)
font_color = '#%06x' % int(font_color)
return pool, mode, font_size, font_color
def parse_srt_xml(xml):
d = re.findall(r'<d p="([^"]+)">(.*)</d>', xml)
for x, y in d:
p = parse_srt_p(x)
raise NotImplementedError()
def parse_cid_playurl(xml):
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
doc = parseString(xml.encode('utf-8'))
urls = [durl.getElementsByTagName('url')[0].firstChild.nodeValue for durl in doc.getElementsByTagName('durl')]
return urls
def bilibili_download_by_cid(id, title, output_dir = '.', merge = True, info_only = False):
url = 'http://interface.bilibili.tv/playurl?cid=' + id
urls = parse_cid_playurl(get_html(url, 'utf-8'))
if re.search(r'\.(flv|hlv)\b', urls[0]):
type = 'flv'
elif re.search(r'/mp4/', urls[0]):
type = 'mp4'
raise NotImplementedError(urls[0])
size = 0
for url in urls:
_, _, temp = url_info(url)
size += temp
print_info(site_info, title, type, size)
if not info_only:
download_urls(urls, title, type, total_size = None, output_dir = output_dir, merge = merge)
def bilibili_download(url, output_dir = '.', merge = True, info_only = False):
assert re.match(r'http://(www.bilibili.tv|bilibili.kankanews.com|bilibili.smgbb.cn)/video/av(\d+)', url)
html = get_html(url)
title = r1(r'<h2>([^<>]+)</h2>', html)
title = unescape_html(title)
title = escape_file_path(title)
flashvars = r1_of([r'flashvars="([^"]+)"', r'"https://secure.bilibili.tv/secure,(cid=\d+)(?:&aid=\d+)?"'], html)
assert flashvars
t, id = flashvars.split('=', 1)
id = id.split('&')[0]
if t == 'cid':
bilibili_download_by_cid(id, title, output_dir = output_dir, merge = merge, info_only = info_only)
elif t == 'vid':
sina_download_by_id(id, title, output_dir = output_dir, merge = merge, info_only = info_only)
elif t == 'ykid':
youku_download_by_id(id, title, output_dir = output_dir, merge = merge, info_only = info_only)
elif t == 'uid':
tudou_download_by_id(id, title, output_dir = output_dir, merge = merge, info_only = info_only)
raise NotImplementedError(flashvars)
if not info_only:
print('Downloading %s ...' % (title + '.cmt.xml'))
xml = get_srt_xml(id)
with open(title + '.cmt.xml', 'w') as x:
site_info = "bilibili.tv"
download = bilibili_download
download_playlist = playlist_not_supported('bilibili')