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synced 2025-02-04 01:03:54 +03:00
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92 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
__all__ = ['tudou_download', 'tudou_download_playlist', 'tudou_download_by_id', 'tudou_download_by_iid']
from ..common import *
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
def tudou_download_by_iid(iid, title, output_dir = '.', merge = True, info_only = False):
data = json.loads(get_decoded_html('http://www.tudou.com/outplay/goto/getItemSegs.action?iid=%s' % iid))
temp = max([data[i] for i in data if 'size' in data[i][0]], key=lambda x:sum([part['size'] for part in x]))
vids, size = [t["k"] for t in temp], sum([t["size"] for t in temp])
urls = [[n.firstChild.nodeValue.strip()
for n in
get_html('http://ct.v2.tudou.com/f?id=%s' % vid))
for vid in vids]
ext = r1(r'http://[\w.]*/(\w+)/[\w.]*', urls[0])
print_info(site_info, title, ext, size)
if not info_only:
download_urls(urls, title, ext, size, output_dir=output_dir, merge = merge)
def tudou_download_by_id(id, title, output_dir = '.', merge = True, info_only = False):
html = get_html('http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/%s/' % id)
iid = r1(r'iid\s*[:=]\s*(\S+)', html)
title = r1(r'kw\s*[:=]\s*[\'\"]([^\n]+?)\'\s*\n', html).replace("\\'", "\'")
tudou_download_by_iid(iid, title, output_dir = output_dir, merge = merge, info_only = info_only)
def tudou_download(url, output_dir = '.', merge = True, info_only = False, **kwargs):
# Embedded player
id = r1(r'http://www.tudou.com/v/([^/]+)/', url)
if id:
return tudou_download_by_id(id, title="", info_only=info_only)
html = get_decoded_html(url)
title = r1(r'kw\s*[:=]\s*[\'\"]([^\n]+?)\'\s*\n', html).replace("\\'", "\'")
assert title
title = unescape_html(title)
vcode = r1(r'vcode\s*[:=]\s*\'([^\']+)\'', html)
if vcode:
from .youku import youku_download_by_vid
if 'stream_id' in kwargs:
return youku_download_by_vid(vcode, title=title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only, stream_id=kwargs['stream_id'])
return youku_download_by_vid(vcode, title=title, output_dir=output_dir, merge=merge, info_only=info_only)
iid = r1(r'iid\s*[:=]\s*(\d+)', html)
if not iid:
return tudou_download_playlist(url, output_dir, merge, info_only)
tudou_download_by_iid(iid, title, output_dir = output_dir, merge = merge, info_only = info_only)
# obsolete?
def parse_playlist(url):
aid = r1('http://www.tudou.com/playlist/p/a(\d+)(?:i\d+)?\.html', url)
html = get_decoded_html(url)
if not aid:
aid = r1(r"aid\s*[:=]\s*'(\d+)'", html)
if re.match(r'http://www.tudou.com/albumcover/', url):
atitle = r1(r"title\s*:\s*'([^']+)'", html)
elif re.match(r'http://www.tudou.com/playlist/p/', url):
atitle = r1(r'atitle\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"', html)
raise NotImplementedError(url)
assert aid
assert atitle
import json
#url = 'http://www.tudou.com/playlist/service/getZyAlbumItems.html?aid='+aid
url = 'http://www.tudou.com/playlist/service/getAlbumItems.html?aid='+aid
return [(atitle + '-' + x['title'], str(x['itemId'])) for x in json.loads(get_html(url))['message']]
def parse_plist(url):
html = get_decoded_html(url)
lcode = r1(r"lcode:\s*'([^']+)'", html)
plist_info = json.loads(get_content('http://www.tudou.com/crp/plist.action?lcode=' + lcode))
return ([(item['kw'], item['iid']) for item in plist_info['items']])
def tudou_download_playlist(url, output_dir = '.', merge = True, info_only = False, **kwargs):
videos = parse_plist(url)
for i, (title, id) in enumerate(videos):
print('Processing %s of %s videos...' % (i + 1, len(videos)))
tudou_download_by_iid(id, title, output_dir = output_dir, merge = merge, info_only = info_only)
site_info = "Tudou.com"
download = tudou_download
download_playlist = tudou_download_playlist