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synced 2025-02-04 09:13:57 +03:00
397 lines
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397 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ..common import *
from ..extractor import VideoExtractor
import base64
import ssl
import time
import traceback
class Youku(VideoExtractor):
name = "优酷 (Youku)"
# Last updated: 2015-11-24
stream_types = [
{'id': 'mp4hd3', 'alias-of' : 'hd3'},
{'id': 'hd3', 'container': 'flv', 'video_profile': '1080P'},
{'id': 'mp4hd2', 'alias-of' : 'hd2'},
{'id': 'hd2', 'container': 'flv', 'video_profile': '超清'},
{'id': 'mp4hd', 'alias-of' : 'mp4'},
{'id': 'mp4', 'container': 'mp4', 'video_profile': '高清'},
{'id': 'flvhd', 'container': 'flv', 'video_profile': '标清'},
{'id': 'flv', 'container': 'flv', 'video_profile': '标清'},
{'id': '3gphd', 'container': '3gp', 'video_profile': '标清(3GP)'},
f_code_1 = 'becaf9be'
f_code_2 = 'bf7e5f01'
ctype = 12 #differ from 86
def trans_e(a, c):
"""str, str->str
This is an RC4 encryption."""
f = h = 0
b = list(range(256))
result = ''
while h < 256:
f = (f + b[h] + ord(a[h % len(a)])) % 256
b[h], b[f] = b[f], b[h]
h += 1
q = f = h = 0
while q < len(c):
h = (h + 1) % 256
f = (f + b[h]) % 256
b[h], b[f] = b[f], b[h]
if isinstance(c[q], int):
result += chr(c[q] ^ b[(b[h] + b[f]) % 256])
result += chr(ord(c[q]) ^ b[(b[h] + b[f]) % 256])
q += 1
return result
def generate_ep(self, no, streamfileids, sid, token):
number = hex(int(str(no), 10))[2:].upper()
if len(number) == 1:
number = '0' + number
fileid = streamfileids[0:8] + number + streamfileids[10:]
ep = parse.quote(base64.b64encode(
self.f_code_2, #use the 86 fcode if using 86
sid + '_' + fileid + '_' + token)).encode('latin1')),
return fileid, ep
# Obsolete -- used to parse m3u8 on pl.youku.com
def parse_m3u8(m3u8):
return re.findall(r'(http://[^?]+)\?ts_start=0', m3u8)
def oset(xs):
"""Turns a list into an ordered set. (removes duplicates)"""
mem = set()
for x in xs:
if x not in mem:
return mem
def get_vid_from_url(url):
"""Extracts video ID from URL.
return match1(url, r'youku\.com/v_show/id_([a-zA-Z0-9=]+)') or \
match1(url, r'player\.youku\.com/player\.php/sid/([a-zA-Z0-9=]+)/v\.swf') or \
match1(url, r'loader\.swf\?VideoIDS=([a-zA-Z0-9=]+)') or \
match1(url, r'player\.youku\.com/embed/([a-zA-Z0-9=]+)')
def get_playlist_id_from_url(url):
"""Extracts playlist ID from URL.
return match1(url, r'youku\.com/albumlist/show\?id=([a-zA-Z0-9=]+)')
def download_playlist_by_url(self, url, **kwargs):
self.url = url
playlist_id = self.__class__.get_playlist_id_from_url(self.url)
assert playlist_id
video_page = get_content('http://list.youku.com/albumlist/show?id=%s' % playlist_id)
videos = Youku.oset(re.findall(r'href="(http://v\.youku\.com/[^?"]+)', video_page))
# Parse multi-page playlists
last_page_url = re.findall(r'href="(/albumlist/show\?id=%s[^"]+)" title="末页"' % playlist_id, video_page)[0]
num_pages = int(re.findall(r'page=([0-9]+)\.htm', last_page_url)[0])
if (num_pages > 0):
# download one by one
for pn in range(2, num_pages + 1):
extra_page_url = re.sub(r'page=([0-9]+)\.htm', r'page=%s.htm' % pn, last_page_url)
extra_page = get_content('http://list.youku.com' + extra_page_url)
videos |= Youku.oset(re.findall(r'href="(http://v\.youku\.com/[^?"]+)', extra_page))
# Show full list of episodes
if match1(url, r'youku\.com/show_page/id_([a-zA-Z0-9=]+)'):
ep_id = match1(url, r'youku\.com/show_page/id_([a-zA-Z0-9=]+)')
url = 'http://www.youku.com/show_episode/id_%s' % ep_id
video_page = get_content(url)
videos = Youku.oset(re.findall(r'href="(http://v\.youku\.com/[^?"]+)', video_page))
self.title = r1(r'<meta name="title" content="([^"]+)"', video_page) or \
r1(r'<title>([^<]+)', video_page)
for video in videos:
index = parse_query_param(video, 'f')
self.__class__().download_by_url(video, index=index, **kwargs)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
def prepare(self, **kwargs):
# Hot-plug cookie handler
ssl_context = request.HTTPSHandler(
cookie_handler = request.HTTPCookieProcessor()
if 'extractor_proxy' in kwargs and kwargs['extractor_proxy']:
proxy = parse_host(kwargs['extractor_proxy'])
proxy_handler = request.ProxyHandler({
'http': '%s:%s' % proxy,
'https': '%s:%s' % proxy,
proxy_handler = request.ProxyHandler({})
for handler in (ssl_context, cookie_handler, proxy_handler):
request._opener.addheaders = [('Cookie','__ysuid={}'.format(time.time()))]
assert self.url or self.vid
if self.url and not self.vid:
self.vid = self.__class__.get_vid_from_url(self.url)
if self.vid is None:
self.download_playlist_by_url(self.url, **kwargs)
if 'api_url' in kwargs:
api_url = kwargs['api_url'] #85
api12_url = kwargs['api12_url'] #86
self.ctype = kwargs['ctype']
self.title = kwargs['title']
api_url = 'http://play.youku.com/play/get.json?vid=%s&ct=10' % self.vid
api12_url = 'http://play.youku.com/play/get.json?vid=%s&ct=12' % self.vid
meta = json.loads(get_content(
headers={'Referer': 'http://static.youku.com/'}
meta12 = json.loads(get_content(
headers={'Referer': 'http://static.youku.com/'}
data = meta['data']
data12 = meta12['data']
assert 'stream' in data
except AssertionError:
if 'error' in data:
if data['error']['code'] == -202:
# Password protected
self.password_protected = True
self.password = input(log.sprint('Password: ', log.YELLOW))
api_url += '&pwd={}'.format(self.password)
api12_url += '&pwd={}'.format(self.password)
meta = json.loads(get_content(
headers={'Referer': 'http://static.youku.com/'}
meta12 = json.loads(get_content(
headers={'Referer': 'http://static.youku.com/'}
data = meta['data']
data12 = meta12['data']
log.wtf('[Failed] ' + data['error']['note'])
log.wtf('[Failed] Video not found.')
if not self.title: #86
self.title = data['video']['title']
self.ep = data12['security']['encrypt_string']
self.ip = data12['security']['ip']
if 'stream' not in data and self.password_protected:
log.wtf('[Failed] Wrong password.')
stream_types = dict([(i['id'], i) for i in self.stream_types])
audio_lang = data['stream'][0]['audio_lang']
for stream in data['stream']:
stream_id = stream['stream_type']
if stream_id in stream_types and stream['audio_lang'] == audio_lang:
if 'alias-of' in stream_types[stream_id]:
stream_id = stream_types[stream_id]['alias-of']
if stream_id not in self.streams:
self.streams[stream_id] = {
'container': stream_types[stream_id]['container'],
'video_profile': stream_types[stream_id]['video_profile'],
'size': stream['size'],
'pieces': [{
'fileid': stream['stream_fileid'],
'segs': stream['segs']
self.streams[stream_id]['size'] += stream['size']
'fileid': stream['stream_fileid'],
'segs': stream['segs']
self.streams_fallback = {}
for stream in data12['stream']:
stream_id = stream['stream_type']
if stream_id in stream_types and stream['audio_lang'] == audio_lang:
if 'alias-of' in stream_types[stream_id]:
stream_id = stream_types[stream_id]['alias-of']
if stream_id not in self.streams_fallback:
self.streams_fallback[stream_id] = {
'container': stream_types[stream_id]['container'],
'video_profile': stream_types[stream_id]['video_profile'],
'size': stream['size'],
'pieces': [{
'fileid': stream['stream_fileid'],
'segs': stream['segs']
self.streams_fallback[stream_id]['size'] += stream['size']
'fileid': stream['stream_fileid'],
'segs': stream['segs']
# Audio languages
if 'dvd' in data and 'audiolang' in data['dvd']:
self.audiolang = data['dvd']['audiolang']
for i in self.audiolang:
i['url'] = 'http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_{}'.format(i['vid'])
def extract(self, **kwargs):
if 'stream_id' in kwargs and kwargs['stream_id']:
# Extract the stream
stream_id = kwargs['stream_id']
if stream_id not in self.streams:
log.e('[Error] Invalid video format.')
log.e('Run \'-i\' command with no specific video format to view all available formats.')
# Extract stream with the best quality
stream_id = self.streams_sorted[0]['id']
e_code = self.__class__.trans_e(
base64.b64decode(bytes(self.ep, 'ascii'))
sid, token = e_code.split('_')
while True:
ksegs = []
pieces = self.streams[stream_id]['pieces']
for piece in pieces:
segs = piece['segs']
streamfileid = piece['fileid']
for no in range(0, len(segs)):
k = segs[no]['key']
if k == -1: break # we hit the paywall; stop here
fileid, ep = self.__class__.generate_ep(self, no, streamfileid,
sid, token)
q = parse.urlencode(dict(
ctype = self.ctype,
ev = 1,
K = k,
ep = parse.unquote(ep),
oip = str(self.ip),
token = token,
yxon = 1
u = 'http://k.youku.com/player/getFlvPath/sid/{sid}_00' \
sid = sid,
container = self.streams[stream_id]['container'],
fileid = fileid,
q = q
ksegs += [i['server'] for i in json.loads(get_content(u))]
except error.HTTPError as e:
# Use fallback stream data in case of HTTP 404
log.e('[Error] ' + str(e))
self.streams = {}
self.streams = self.streams_fallback
except KeyError:
# Move on to next stream if best quality not available
del self.streams_sorted[0]
stream_id = self.streams_sorted[0]['id']
else: break
if not kwargs['info_only']:
self.streams[stream_id]['src'] = ksegs
def open_download_by_vid(self, client_id, vid, **kwargs):
"""self, str, str, **kwargs->None
client_id: An ID per client. For now we only know Acfun's
such ID.
vid: An video ID for each video, starts with "C".
kwargs['embsig']: Youku COOP's anti hotlinking.
For Acfun, an API call must be done to Acfun's
server, or the "playsign" of the content of sign_url
shall be empty.
Override the original one with VideoExtractor.
Most of the credit are to @ERioK, who gave his POC.
Jul.28.2016 Youku COOP now have anti hotlinking via embsig. """
self.f_code_1 = '10ehfkbv' #can be retrived by running r.translate with the keys and the list e
self.f_code_2 = 'msjv7h2b'
# as in VideoExtractor
self.url = None
self.vid = vid
self.name = "优酷开放平台 (Youku COOP)"
#A little bit of work before self.prepare
#Change as Jul.28.2016 Youku COOP updates its platform to add ant hotlinking
if kwargs['embsig']:
sign_url = "https://api.youku.com/players/custom.json?client_id={client_id}&video_id={video_id}&embsig={embsig}".format(client_id = client_id, video_id = vid, embsig = kwargs['embsig'])
sign_url = "https://api.youku.com/players/custom.json?client_id={client_id}&video_id={video_id}".format(client_id = client_id, video_id = vid)
playsign = json.loads(get_content(sign_url))['playsign']
#to be injected and replace ct10 and 12
api85_url = 'http://play.youku.com/partner/get.json?cid={client_id}&vid={vid}&ct=85&sign={playsign}'.format(client_id = client_id, vid = vid, playsign = playsign)
api86_url = 'http://play.youku.com/partner/get.json?cid={client_id}&vid={vid}&ct=86&sign={playsign}'.format(client_id = client_id, vid = vid, playsign = playsign)
self.prepare(api_url = api85_url, api12_url = api86_url, ctype = 86, **kwargs)
#exact copy from original VideoExtractor
if 'extractor_proxy' in kwargs and kwargs['extractor_proxy']:
self.streams_sorted = [dict([('id', stream_type['id'])] + list(self.streams[stream_type['id']].items())) for stream_type in self.__class__.stream_types if stream_type['id'] in self.streams]
self.streams_sorted = [dict([('itag', stream_type['itag'])] + list(self.streams[stream_type['itag']].items())) for stream_type in self.__class__.stream_types if stream_type['itag'] in self.streams]
site = Youku()
download = site.download_by_url
download_playlist = site.download_playlist_by_url
youku_download_by_vid = site.download_by_vid
youku_open_download_by_vid = site.open_download_by_vid
# Used by: acfun.py bilibili.py miomio.py tudou.py