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synced 2025-02-03 16:53:56 +03:00
Fix ffmpeg wrong folder format and douyu discard output folder
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57 lines
2.0 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
__all__ = ['douyutv_download']
from ..common import *
import json
import hashlib
import time
import uuid
import urllib.parse, urllib.request
def douyutv_download(url, output_dir = '.', merge = True, info_only = False, **kwargs):
html = get_content(url)
room_id_patt = r'"room_id"\s*:\s*(\d+),'
room_id = match1(html, room_id_patt)
if room_id == "0":
room_id = url[url.rfind('/')+1:]
json_request_url = "http://m.douyu.com/html5/live?roomId=%s" % room_id
content = get_content(json_request_url)
data = json.loads(content)['data']
server_status = data.get('error',0)
if server_status is not 0:
raise ValueError("Server returned error:%s" % server_status)
title = data.get('room_name')
show_status = data.get('show_status')
if show_status is not "1":
raise ValueError("The live stream is not online! (Errno:%s)" % server_status)
tt = int(time.time() / 60)
did = uuid.uuid4().hex.upper()
sign_content = '{room_id}{did}A12Svb&%1UUmf@hC{tt}'.format(room_id = room_id, did = did, tt = tt)
sign = hashlib.md5(sign_content.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
json_request_url = "http://www.douyu.com/lapi/live/getPlay/%s" % room_id
payload = {'cdn': 'ws', 'rate': '0', 'tt': tt, 'did': did, 'sign': sign}
postdata = urllib.parse.urlencode(payload)
req = urllib.request.Request(json_request_url, postdata.encode('utf-8'))
with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
content = response.read()
data = json.loads(content.decode('utf-8'))['data']
server_status = data.get('error',0)
if server_status is not 0:
raise ValueError("Server returned error:%s" % server_status)
real_url = data.get('rtmp_url')+'/'+data.get('rtmp_live')
print_info(site_info, title, 'flv', float('inf'))
if not info_only:
download_url_ffmpeg(real_url, title, 'flv', None, output_dir = output_dir, merge = merge)
site_info = "douyu.com"
download = douyutv_download
download_playlist = playlist_not_supported('douyu')