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# You-Get
[You-Get](https://github.com/soimort/you-get) is a video downloader runs on Python 3. It aims at easing the download of videos on [YouTube](http://www.youtube.com), [Youku](http://www.youku.com)/[Tudou](http://www.tudou.com) (biggest online video providers in China), [ Niconico](http://www.nicovideo.jp), etc., in one script.
See the project homepage <http://www.soimort.org/you-get> for further documentation.
Fork me on GitHub: <https://github.com/soimort/you-get>
## Features
### Supported Sites (As of Now)
* YouTube <http://www.youtube.com>
* Vimeo <http://vimeo.com>
* Coursera <https://www.coursera.org>
* Blip <http://blip.tv>
* Dailymotion <http://dailymotion.com>
* Facebook <http://facebook.com>
* Google+ <http://plus.google.com>
* Google Drive <http://docs.google.com>
* Tumblr <http://www.tumblr.com>
* Vine <http://vine.co>
* Instagram <http://instagram.com>
* SoundCloud <http://soundcloud.com>
* Mixcloud <http://www.mixcloud.com>
* Freesound <http://www.freesound.org>
* VID48 <http://vid48.com>
* Niconico (ニコニコ動画) <http://www.nicovideo.jp>
* Youku (优酷) <http://www.youku.com>
* Tudou (土豆) <http://www.tudou.com>
* YinYueTai (音悦台) <http://www.yinyuetai.com>
* AcFun <http://www.acfun.tv>
* bilibili <http://www.bilibili.tv>
* CNTV (中国网络电视台) <http://www.cntv.cn>
* Douban (豆瓣) <http://douban.com>
* ifeng (凤凰视频) <http://v.ifeng.com>
* iQIYI (爱奇艺) <http://www.iqiyi.com>
* Joy.cn (激动网) <http://www.joy.cn>
* Ku6 (酷6网) <http://www.ku6.com>
* MioMio <http://www.miomio.tv>
* NetEase (网易视频) <http://v.163.com>
* PPTV <http://www.pptv.com>
* QQ (腾讯视频) <http://v.qq.com>
* Sina (新浪视频) <http://video.sina.com.cn>
* Sohu (搜狐视频) <http://tv.sohu.com>
* 56 (56网) <http://www.56.com>
* Xiami (虾米) <http://www.xiami.com>
* Baidu Music (百度音乐) <http://music.baidu.com>
* Baidu Wangpan (百度网盘) <http://pan.baidu.com>
* SongTaste <http://www.songtaste.com>
* Alive.in.th <http://alive.in.th>
## Dependencies
* [Python 3](http://www.python.org/download/releases/)
* __(Optional)__ [FFmpeg](http://ffmpeg.org)
* Used for converting and joining video files.
## Installation
### 1. Install via [Pip](http://www.pip-installer.org/):
$ pip install you-get
Check if the installation was successful:
$ you-get -V
### 2. Install via [EasyInstall](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools):
$ easy_install you-get
Check if the installation was successful:
$ you-get -V
### 3. Install from Git:
$ git clone git://github.com/soimort/you-get.git
Use the raw script without installation:
$ cd you-get/
$ ./you-get -V
To install the package into the system path, execute:
$ make install
Check if the installation was successful:
$ you-get -V
### 4. Direct download (from <https://github.com/soimort/you-get/zipball/master>):
$ wget -O you-get.zip https://github.com/soimort/you-get/zipball/master
$ unzip you-get.zip
Use the raw script without installation:
$ cd soimort-you-get-*/
$ ./you-get -V
To install the package into the system path, execute:
$ make install
Check if the installation was successful:
$ you-get -V
### 5. Install from [AUR (Arch User Repository)](http://aur.archlinux.org/):
Click [here](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php\?ID=62576).
### Upgrading:
Using Pip:
$ pip install --upgrade you-get
### FAQ (For Windows Users):
* Q: I don't know how to install it on Windows.
* A: Then don't do it. Just put your `you-get` folder into system `%PATH%`.
* Q: I got something like `UnicodeDecodeError: 'gbk' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 1012: illegal multibyte sequence`.
* A: Run `set PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8`.
## Examples (For End-Users)
Display the information of the video without downloading:
$ you-get -i http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGwy8DsUJ4M
Download the video:
$ you-get http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGwy8DsUJ4M
Download multiple videos:
$ you-get http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGwy8DsUJ4M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bQlxQJEzLk
By default, program will skip any video that already exists in the local directory when downloading. If a temporary file (ends with a ".download" filename extension) is found, program will resume the download from last session.
To enforce re-downloading of videos, use '-f' option (this will overwrite any existing video or temporary file, rather than skipping or resuming them):
$ you-get -f http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGwy8DsUJ4M
Set the output directory for downloaded files:
$ you-get -o ~/Downloads http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGwy8DsUJ4M
Use a specific HTTP proxy for downloading:
$ you-get -x http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGwy8DsUJ4M
By default, Python will apply the system proxy settings (i.e. environment variable $http_proxy). To cancel the use of proxy, use '--no-proxy' option:
$ you-get --no-proxy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGwy8DsUJ4M
## Command-Line Options
For a complete list of all available options, see:
$ you-get --help
## Examples (For Developers)
In Python 3 (interactive):
>>> from you_get.downloader import *
>>> youtube.download("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bQlxQJEzLk", info_only = True)
Video Site: YouTube.com
Title: If you're good at something, never do it for free!
Type: WebM video (video/webm)
Size: 0.13 MB (133176 Bytes)
>>> import you_get
>>> you_get.any_download("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGwy8DsUJ4M")
Video Site: YouTube.com
Title: Mort from Madagascar LIKES
Type: WebM video (video/webm)
Size: 1.78 MB (1867072 Bytes)
Downloading Mort from Madagascar LIKES.webm ...
100.0% ( 1.8/1.8 MB) [========================================] 1/1
## API Reference
See source code.
## License
You-Get is licensed under the [MIT license](https://raw.github.com/soimort/you-get/master/LICENSE.txt).
## Contributing
Please see [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/soimort/you-get/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
# You-Get - 中文说明
[You-Get](https://github.com/soimort/you-get)是一个基于Python 3的视频下载工具。之所以写它的主要原因是,我找不到一个现成的下载工具能够同时支持[YouTube](http://www.youtube.com/)和[优酷](http://www.youku.com/);而且,几乎所有以前的视频下载程序都是基于Python 2的。
## 特点
### 说明
You-Get基于优酷下载脚本[iambus/youku-lixian](https://github.com/iambus/youku-lixian)用Python 3改写而成,增加了以下功能:
* 支持YouTube、Vimeo等国外视频网站
* 支持断点续传
* 可设置HTTP代理
### 支持的站点(截至目前)
* YouTube <http://www.youtube.com>
* Vimeo <http://vimeo.com>
* Coursera <https://www.coursera.org>
* Blip <http://blip.tv>
* Dailymotion <http://dailymotion.com>
* Facebook <http://facebook.com>
* Google+ <http://plus.google.com>
* Google Drive <http://docs.google.com>
* Tumblr <http://www.tumblr.com>
* Vine <http://vine.co>
* Instagram <http://instagram.com>
* SoundCloud <http://soundcloud.com>
* Mixcloud <http://www.mixcloud.com>
* Freesound <http://www.freesound.org>
* VID48 <http://vid48.com>
* NICONICO动画 <http://www.nicovideo.jp>
* 优酷 <http://www.youku.com>
* 土豆 <http://www.tudou.com>
* 音悦台 <http://www.yinyuetai.com>
* AcFun <http://www.acfun.tv>
* bilibili <http://www.bilibili.tv>
* CNTV <http://www.cntv.cn>
* 豆瓣 <http://douban.com>
* 凤凰视频 <http://v.ifeng.com>
* 爱奇艺 <http://www.iqiyi.com>
* 激动网 <http://www.joy.cn>
* 酷6网 <http://www.ku6.com>
* MioMio <http://www.miomio.tv>
* 网易视频 <http://v.163.com>
* PPTV <http://www.pptv.com>
* 腾讯视频 <http://v.qq.com>
* 新浪视频 <http://video.sina.com.cn>
* 搜狐视频 <http://tv.sohu.com>
* 56网 <http://www.56.com>
* 虾米 <http://www.xiami.com>
* 百度音乐 <http://music.baidu.com>
* 百度网盘 <http://pan.baidu.com>
* SongTaste <http://www.songtaste.com>
* Alive.in.th <http://alive.in.th>
## 依赖
* [Python 3](http://www.python.org/download/releases/)
* __(可选)__ [FFmpeg](http://ffmpeg.org)
* 用于转换与合并视频文件。
## 安装说明
(以下命令格式均以Linux shell为例)
### 1. 通过[Pip](http://www.pip-installer.org/)安装:
$ pip install you-get
$ you-get -V
### 2. 通过[EasyInstall](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools)安装:
$ easy_install you-get
$ you-get -V
### 3. 从Git安装:
$ git clone git://github.com/soimort/you-get.git
$ cd you-get/
$ ./you-get -V
若要将Python package安装到系统默认路径,执行:
$ make install
$ you-get -V
### 4. 直接下载(从<https://github.com/soimort/you-get/zipball/master>):
$ wget -O you-get.zip https://github.com/soimort/you-get/zipball/master
$ unzip you-get.zip
$ cd soimort-you-get-*/
$ ./you-get -V
若要将Python package安装到系统默认路径,执行:
$ make install
$ you-get -V
### 5. 从[AUR (Arch User Repository)](http://aur.archlinux.org/)安装:
### 升级:
$ pip install --upgrade you-get
### FAQ(针对Windows用户):
* Q:我不知道该如何在Windows下安装。
* A:不需要安装。直接把`you-get`目录放到系统`%PATH%`中。
* Q:出现错误提示`UnicodeDecodeError: 'gbk' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 1012: illegal multibyte sequence`。
* A:执行`set PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8`。
## 使用方法示例
### 如何下载视频
$ you-get -i http://www.yinyuetai.com/video/463772
$ you-get http://www.yinyuetai.com/video/463772
$ you-get http://www.yinyuetai.com/video/463772 http://www.yinyuetai.com/video/471500
$ you-get -f http://www.yinyuetai.com/video/463772
$ you-get -l http://www.youku.com/playlist_show/id_5344313.html
$ you-get -o ~/Downloads http://www.yinyuetai.com/video/463772
$ you-get -h
### 如何设置代理
$ you-get -x http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbtO_Ayjw0M
$ you-get http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbtO_Ayjw0M
$ you-get --no-proxy http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjI0ODc1NTc2.html
### 断点续传
## 使用Python 2?
## 许可证
You-Get在[MIT License](https://raw.github.com/soimort/you-get/master/LICENSE.txt)下发布。
## 如何参与贡献 / 报告issue
请阅读 [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/soimort/you-get/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)。