2023-04-06 02:31:10 +09:00
import sys
import os
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict
2023-05-04 23:50:52 +09:00
from typing import cast
import numpy as np
import torch
2023-05-28 13:54:57 +09:00
import torchaudio
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
from data.ModelSlot import loadSlotInfo
from voice_changer.RVC.RVCSlotInfo import RVCSlotInfo
2023-05-02 22:29:28 +09:00
2023-05-02 20:57:12 +09:00
# avoiding parse arg error in RVC
sys.argv = ["MMVCServerSIO.py"]
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
baseDir = [x for x in sys.path if x.endswith("Contents/MacOS")]
if len(baseDir) != 1:
print("baseDir should be only one ", baseDir)
modulePath = os.path.join(baseDir[0], "RVC")
2023-05-04 23:50:52 +09:00
2023-05-04 13:09:13 +09:00
from voice_changer.RVC.modelMerger.MergeModel import merge_model
from voice_changer.RVC.modelMerger.MergeModelRequest import MergeModelRequest
2023-05-31 02:26:16 +09:00
from voice_changer.RVC.ModelSlotGenerator import (
2023-04-28 07:36:08 +09:00
from voice_changer.RVC.RVCSettings import RVCSettings
2023-05-02 12:11:00 +09:00
from voice_changer.RVC.embedder.EmbedderManager import EmbedderManager
2023-04-28 08:01:15 +09:00
from voice_changer.utils.VoiceChangerModel import AudioInOut
2023-04-27 23:38:25 +09:00
from voice_changer.utils.VoiceChangerParams import VoiceChangerParams
2023-05-04 15:20:36 +09:00
from voice_changer.RVC.onnxExporter.export2onnx import export2onnx
2023-05-04 23:50:52 +09:00
from voice_changer.RVC.pitchExtractor.PitchExtractorManager import PitchExtractorManager
from voice_changer.RVC.pipeline.PipelineGenerator import createPipeline
from voice_changer.RVC.deviceManager.DeviceManager import DeviceManager
from voice_changer.RVC.pipeline.Pipeline import Pipeline
2023-04-13 08:00:28 +09:00
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
from Exceptions import DeviceCannotSupportHalfPrecisionException
2023-06-05 05:00:57 +09:00
from const import (
2023-05-15 04:24:58 +09:00
import shutil
import json
2023-04-06 02:31:10 +09:00
class RVC:
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
# initialLoad: bool = True
# currentSlot: int = 0
# needSwitch: bool = False
def __init__(self, slotIndex: int, params: VoiceChangerParams):
self.params: VoiceChangerParams = params
self.settings: RVCSettings = RVCSettings()
self.deviceManager = DeviceManager.get_instance()
2023-05-04 22:46:42 +09:00
2023-04-06 02:31:10 +09:00
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
self.pipeline: Pipeline | None = None
self.pitchExtractor = PitchExtractorManager.getPitchExtractor(self.settings.f0Detector)
2023-05-16 10:38:23 +09:00
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
self.audio_buffer: AudioInOut | None = None
2023-05-31 02:26:16 +09:00
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
print("[Voice Changer] RVC Slot initialization. global params:", params)
2023-05-31 02:26:16 +09:00
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
self.slotIndex = slotIndex
self.slotInfo: RVCSlotInfo = loadSlotInfo(params.model_dir, self.slotIndex)
self.prevVol = 0.0
print("[Voice Changer] RVC Slot initialization. slot info:", self.slotInfo)
# def loadModel(self, props: LoadModelParams):
# target_slot_idx = props.slot
# params = props.params
# slotInfo: ModelSlot = ModelSlot()
# print("loadModel", params)
# # サンプルが指定されたときはダウンロードしてメタデータをでっちあげる
# if len(params["sampleId"]) > 0:
# sampleId = params["sampleId"]
# sampleInfo = self.getSampleInfo(sampleId)
# useIndex = params["rvcIndexDownload"]
# if sampleInfo is None:
# print("[Voice Changer] sampleInfo is None")
# return
# modelPath, indexPath, iconPath = downloadModelFiles(sampleInfo, useIndex)
# slotInfo.modelFile = modelPath
# if indexPath is not None:
# slotInfo.indexFile = indexPath
# if iconPath is not None:
# slotInfo.iconFile = iconPath
# slotInfo.sampleId = sampleInfo.id
# slotInfo.credit = sampleInfo.credit
# slotInfo.description = sampleInfo.description
# slotInfo.name = sampleInfo.name
# slotInfo.termsOfUseUrl = sampleInfo.termsOfUseUrl
# # slotInfo.samplingRate = sampleInfo.sampleRate
# # slotInfo.modelType = sampleInfo.modelType
# # slotInfo.f0 = sampleInfo.f0
# else:
# slotInfo.modelFile = params["files"]["rvcModel"]
# slotInfo.indexFile = params["files"]["rvcIndex"] if "rvcIndex" in params["files"] else None
# slotInfo.defaultTune = params["defaultTune"]
# slotInfo.defaultIndexRatio = params["defaultIndexRatio"]
# slotInfo.defaultProtect = params["defaultProtect"]
# slotInfo.isONNX = slotInfo.modelFile.endswith(".onnx")
# if slotInfo.isONNX:
# _setInfoByONNX(slotInfo)
# else:
# _setInfoByPytorch(slotInfo)
# # メタデータを見て、永続化モデルフォルダに移動させる
# # その際に、メタデータのファイル格納場所も書き換える
# slotDir = os.path.join(self.params.model_dir, RVC_MODEL_DIRNAME, str(target_slot_idx))
# os.makedirs(slotDir, exist_ok=True)
# slotInfo.modelFile = self.moveToModelDir(slotInfo.modelFile, slotDir)
# if slotInfo.indexFile is not None and len(slotInfo.indexFile) > 0:
# slotInfo.indexFile = self.moveToModelDir(slotInfo.indexFile, slotDir)
# if slotInfo.iconFile is not None and len(slotInfo.iconFile) > 0:
# slotInfo.iconFile = self.moveToModelDir(slotInfo.iconFile, slotDir)
# json.dump(asdict(slotInfo), open(os.path.join(slotDir, "params.json"), "w"))
# self.loadSlots()
# # 初回のみロード(起動時にスロットにモデルがあった場合はinitialLoadはFalseになっている)
# if self.initialLoad:
# self.prepareModel(target_slot_idx)
# self.settings.modelSlotIndex = target_slot_idx
# self.switchModel(self.settings.modelSlotIndex)
# self.initialLoad = False
# elif target_slot_idx == self.currentSlot:
# self.prepareModel(target_slot_idx)
# return self.get_info()
2023-04-06 02:31:10 +09:00
2023-05-15 04:24:58 +09:00
def loadSlots(self):
dirname = os.path.join(self.params.model_dir, RVC_MODEL_DIRNAME)
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
2023-05-31 02:26:16 +09:00
modelSlots: list[ModelSlot] = []
for slot_idx in range(len(self.settings.modelSlots)):
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
slotDir = os.path.join(self.params.model_dir, RVC_MODEL_DIRNAME, str(slot_idx))
2023-05-31 02:26:16 +09:00
jsonDict = os.path.join(slotDir, "params.json")
if os.path.exists(jsonDict):
jsonDict = json.load(open(os.path.join(slotDir, "params.json")))
slotInfo = ModelSlot(**jsonDict)
slotInfo = ModelSlot()
self.settings.modelSlots = modelSlots
2023-05-15 04:24:58 +09:00
2023-04-28 08:01:15 +09:00
def update_settings(self, key: str, val: int | float | str):
2023-05-02 20:57:12 +09:00
if key in self.settings.intData:
2023-05-03 13:14:00 +09:00
# 設定前処理
2023-04-28 08:01:15 +09:00
val = cast(int, val)
2023-05-03 13:14:00 +09:00
# 設定
setattr(self.settings, key, val)
2023-05-04 17:15:53 +09:00
if key == "gpu":
2023-06-03 15:29:35 +09:00
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
2023-05-29 17:34:35 +09:00
2023-04-06 02:31:10 +09:00
elif key in self.settings.floatData:
setattr(self.settings, key, float(val))
elif key in self.settings.strData:
setattr(self.settings, key, str(val))
2023-05-04 17:15:53 +09:00
if key == "f0Detector" and self.pipeline is not None:
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
pitchExtractor = PitchExtractorManager.getPitchExtractor(self.settings.f0Detector)
2023-05-04 17:15:53 +09:00
2023-04-06 02:31:10 +09:00
return False
return True
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
def prepareModel(self):
print("[Voice Changer] Prepare Model of slot:", self.slotIndex)
2023-05-04 23:50:52 +09:00
# pipelineの生成
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
self.pipeline = createPipeline(self.slotInfo, self.settings.gpu, self.settings.f0Detector)
# # その他の設定
# self.next_trans = modelSlot.defaultTune
# self.next_index_ratio = modelSlot.defaultIndexRatio
# self.next_protect = modelSlot.defaultProtect
# self.next_samplingRate = modelSlot.samplingRate
# self.next_framework = "ONNX" if modelSlot.isONNX else "PyTorch"
# # self.needSwitch = True
# print("[Voice Changer] Prepare done.")
# self.switchModel(slot)
2023-05-04 23:50:52 +09:00
return self.get_info()
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
# def switchModel(self, slot: int):
# print("[Voice Changer] Switching model..")
# self.pipeline = self.next_pipeline
# self.settings.tran = self.next_trans
# self.settings.indexRatio = self.next_index_ratio
# self.settings.protect = self.next_protect
# self.settings.modelSamplingRate = self.next_samplingRate
# self.settings.framework = self.next_framework
# # self.currentSlot = self.settings.modelSlotIndex # prepareModelから呼ばれるということはupdate_settingsの中で呼ばれるということなので、まだmodelSlotIndexは更新されていない
# self.currentSlot = slot
# print(
# "[Voice Changer] Switching model..done",
# )
2023-05-04 23:50:52 +09:00
2023-04-06 02:31:10 +09:00
def get_info(self):
data = asdict(self.settings)
2023-05-31 14:30:35 +09:00
if self.pipeline is not None:
pipelineInfo = self.pipeline.getPipelineInfo()
data["pipelineInfo"] = pipelineInfo
2023-04-06 02:31:10 +09:00
return data
def get_processing_sampling_rate(self):
2023-04-08 04:56:32 +09:00
return self.settings.modelSamplingRate
2023-04-06 02:31:10 +09:00
2023-04-27 23:38:25 +09:00
def generate_input(
2023-04-28 08:01:15 +09:00
newData: AudioInOut,
inputSize: int,
crossfadeSize: int,
solaSearchFrame: int = 0,
2023-04-27 23:38:25 +09:00
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
newData = newData.astype(np.float32) / 32768.0 # RVCのモデルのサンプリングレートで入ってきている。(extraDataLength, Crossfade等も同じSRで処理)(★1)
2023-04-14 09:18:34 +09:00
2023-04-28 08:01:15 +09:00
if self.audio_buffer is not None:
# 過去のデータに連結
self.audio_buffer = np.concatenate([self.audio_buffer, newData], 0)
2023-04-14 09:18:34 +09:00
self.audio_buffer = newData
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
convertSize = inputSize + crossfadeSize + solaSearchFrame + self.settings.extraConvertSize
2023-04-14 09:18:34 +09:00
if convertSize % 128 != 0: # モデルの出力のホップサイズで切り捨てが発生するので補う。
convertSize = convertSize + (128 - (convertSize % 128))
2023-06-02 23:48:36 +09:00
# バッファがたまっていない場合はzeroで補う
if self.audio_buffer.shape[0] < convertSize:
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
self.audio_buffer = np.concatenate([np.zeros([convertSize]), self.audio_buffer])
2023-04-14 09:18:34 +09:00
2023-04-28 08:01:15 +09:00
convertOffset = -1 * convertSize
self.audio_buffer = self.audio_buffer[convertOffset:] # 変換対象の部分だけ抽出
2023-05-31 02:26:16 +09:00
if self.pipeline is not None:
device = self.pipeline.device
device = torch.device("cpu")
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
audio_buffer = torch.from_numpy(self.audio_buffer).to(device=device, dtype=torch.float32)
2023-04-14 09:18:34 +09:00
2023-04-28 08:01:15 +09:00
# 出力部分だけ切り出して音量を確認。(TODO:段階的消音にする)
cropOffset = -1 * (inputSize + crossfadeSize)
cropEnd = -1 * (crossfadeSize)
2023-05-28 13:54:57 +09:00
crop = audio_buffer[cropOffset:cropEnd]
2023-05-31 02:26:16 +09:00
vol = torch.sqrt(torch.square(crop).mean()).detach().cpu().numpy()
2023-05-28 13:54:57 +09:00
vol = max(vol, self.prevVol * 0.0)
2023-04-14 09:18:34 +09:00
self.prevVol = vol
2023-05-28 13:54:57 +09:00
return (audio_buffer, convertSize, vol)
2023-04-06 02:31:10 +09:00
def inference(self, data):
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
# if self.settings.modelSlotIndex < 0:
2023-05-24 20:49:24 +09:00
# print(
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
# "[Voice Changer] wait for loading model...",
# self.settings.modelSlotIndex,
# self.currentSlot,
2023-05-24 20:49:24 +09:00
# )
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
# raise NoModeLoadedException("model_common")
2023-04-21 19:20:46 +09:00
2023-06-03 15:29:35 +09:00
half = self.pipeline.isHalf
2023-05-03 13:14:00 +09:00
2023-05-03 01:11:03 +09:00
audio = data[0]
convertSize = data[1]
vol = data[2]
if vol < self.settings.silentThreshold:
return np.zeros(convertSize).astype(np.int16)
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
audio = torchaudio.functional.resample(audio, self.settings.modelSamplingRate, 16000, rolloff=0.99)
2023-05-03 13:14:00 +09:00
repeat = 3 if half else 1
2023-05-03 01:11:03 +09:00
repeat *= self.settings.rvcQuality # 0 or 3
sid = 0
f0_up_key = self.settings.tran
index_rate = self.settings.indexRatio
2023-06-01 13:28:45 +09:00
protect = self.settings.protect
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
if_f0 = 1 if self.slotInfo.f0 else 0
embOutputLayer = self.slotInfo.embOutputLayer
useFinalProj = self.slotInfo.useFinalProj
2023-06-03 15:29:35 +09:00
audio_out = self.pipeline.exec(
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
self.settings.extraConvertSize / self.settings.modelSamplingRate, # extaraDataSizeの秒数。RVCのモデルのサンプリングレートで処理(★1)。
2023-06-03 15:29:35 +09:00
2023-06-03 18:05:10 +09:00
result = audio_out.detach().cpu().numpy() * np.sqrt(vol)
return result
except DeviceCannotSupportHalfPrecisionException as e:
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
print("[Device Manager] Device cannot support half precision. Fallback to float....")
2023-06-03 15:29:35 +09:00
2023-06-03 18:05:10 +09:00
raise e
2023-05-03 01:11:03 +09:00
2023-06-03 18:05:10 +09:00
2023-04-06 02:31:10 +09:00
2023-04-11 00:21:17 +09:00
def __del__(self):
2023-05-04 17:15:53 +09:00
del self.pipeline
2023-04-11 00:21:17 +09:00
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
print("---------- REMOVING ---------------")
2023-04-29 07:05:44 +09:00
2023-04-11 00:21:17 +09:00
remove_path = os.path.join("RVC")
2023-04-28 08:01:15 +09:00
sys.path = [x for x in sys.path if x.endswith(remove_path) is False]
2023-04-11 00:21:17 +09:00
for key in list(sys.modules):
val = sys.modules.get(key)
file_path = val.__file__
2023-04-11 07:37:39 +09:00
if file_path.find("RVC" + os.path.sep) >= 0:
2023-05-31 02:26:16 +09:00
# print("remove", key, file_path)
2023-04-11 00:21:17 +09:00
2023-04-29 07:05:44 +09:00
except Exception: # type:ignore
# print(e)
2023-04-11 00:21:17 +09:00
2023-04-13 08:00:28 +09:00
def export2onnx(self):
2023-05-03 17:12:40 +09:00
modelSlot = self.settings.modelSlots[self.settings.modelSlotIndex]
2023-04-22 15:12:10 +09:00
2023-05-09 01:01:20 +09:00
if modelSlot.isONNX:
2023-04-13 08:00:28 +09:00
print("[Voice Changer] export2onnx, No pyTorch filepath.")
2023-04-28 08:01:15 +09:00
return {"status": "ng", "path": ""}
2023-04-13 08:00:28 +09:00
2023-05-04 15:20:36 +09:00
output_file_simple = export2onnx(self.settings.gpu, modelSlot)
2023-04-27 23:38:25 +09:00
return {
"status": "ok",
"path": f"/tmp/{output_file_simple}",
"filename": output_file_simple,
2023-05-01 02:34:01 +09:00
def merge_models(self, request: str):
print("[Voice Changer] MergeRequest:", request)
req: MergeModelRequest = MergeModelRequest.from_json(request)
merged = merge_model(req)
targetSlot = 0
if req.slot < 0:
targetSlot = len(self.settings.modelSlots) - 1
targetSlot = req.slot
2023-05-17 13:09:35 +09:00
# いったんは、アップロードフォルダに格納する。(歴史的経緯)
# 後続のloadmodelを呼び出すことで永続化モデルフォルダに移動させられる。
2023-05-01 02:34:01 +09:00
storeDir = os.path.join(UPLOAD_DIR, f"{targetSlot}")
print("[Voice Changer] store merged model to:", storeDir)
os.makedirs(storeDir, exist_ok=True)
storeFile = os.path.join(storeDir, "merged.pth")
torch.save(merged, storeFile)
2023-05-17 13:09:35 +09:00
# loadmodelを呼び出して永続化モデルフォルダに移動させる。
2023-05-17 12:37:35 +09:00
params = {
"defaultTune": req.defaultTune,
"defaultIndexRatio": req.defaultIndexRatio,
2023-06-01 13:28:45 +09:00
"defaultProtect": req.defaultProtect,
2023-05-17 12:37:35 +09:00
"sampleId": "",
"files": {"rvcModel": storeFile},
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
props: LoadModelParams = LoadModelParams(slot=targetSlot, isHalf=True, params=params)
2023-05-01 02:34:01 +09:00
self.settings.modelSlotIndex = targetSlot
self.currentSlot = self.settings.modelSlotIndex
2023-05-21 04:21:54 +09:00
def update_model_default(self):
2023-05-24 15:09:25 +09:00
print("[Voice Changer] UPDATE MODEL DEFAULT!!")
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
slotDir = os.path.join(self.params.model_dir, RVC_MODEL_DIRNAME, str(self.currentSlot))
params = json.load(open(os.path.join(slotDir, "params.json"), "r", encoding="utf-8"))
2023-05-21 04:21:54 +09:00
params["defaultTune"] = self.settings.tran
params["defaultIndexRatio"] = self.settings.indexRatio
2023-06-01 13:28:45 +09:00
params["defaultProtect"] = self.settings.protect
2023-05-21 04:21:54 +09:00
json.dump(params, open(os.path.join(slotDir, "params.json"), "w"))
2023-06-08 03:08:59 +09:00
def update_model_info(self, newData: str):
print("[Voice Changer] UPDATE MODEL INFO", newData)
newDataDict = json.loads(newData)
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
slotDir = os.path.join(self.params.model_dir, RVC_MODEL_DIRNAME, str(newDataDict["slot"]))
2023-06-08 03:08:59 +09:00
except Exception as e:
print("Exception::::", e)
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
params = json.load(open(os.path.join(slotDir, "params.json"), "r", encoding="utf-8"))
2023-06-08 03:08:59 +09:00
params[newDataDict["key"]] = newDataDict["val"]
json.dump(params, open(os.path.join(slotDir, "params.json"), "w"))
def upload_model_assets(self, params: str):
print("[Voice Changer] UPLOAD ASSETS", params)
paramsDict = json.loads(params)
uploadPath = os.path.join(UPLOAD_DIR, paramsDict["file"])
2023-06-16 00:56:18 +09:00
storeDir = os.path.join(self.params.model_dir, RVC_MODEL_DIRNAME, str(paramsDict["slot"]))
2023-06-08 03:08:59 +09:00
storePath = os.path.join(
storeJson = os.path.join(
shutil.move(uploadPath, storePath)
params = json.load(open(storeJson, "r", encoding="utf-8"))
2023-06-09 19:57:08 +09:00
params[paramsDict["name"]] = storePath # type:ignore
2023-06-08 03:08:59 +09:00
json.dump(params, open(storeJson, "w"))
except Exception as e:
print("Exception::::", e)